As per wikipedia: Dead by Daylight is an online asymmetric multiplayer survival horror video game developed and published by Canadians It is a one-versus-four game in which one player takes on the role of a Killer and the other four play as Survivors.
Recently a new killer was added, as seen in the OP. Isn't he adorable?
Normally this would just a small "lol", but the VA apparently
was not informed the killer they would be voicing a horribly deformed monster
Apparently they see themselves in whatever this monster is.
Tag yourselves oomfies
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Masculine monster: transphobic
Ugly feminine monster: transphobic.
An actual blob would be transphobic too.
If you get a trans voice actor, you better make sure the character model is a smokin' hot babe. It's called being a good person.
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the only way to not be a bigot is to not hire trans voice actors, I don't make the rules sweaty.
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Feminism is 2016, trans rights have destroyed feeble third wave feminism. Women must now be femine or they're men.
Amabs rock
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Yeah but
s still resent hot women for being what they'll never be
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Wouldn't the LGBTQ+ community admitting this looks too close to a real trans woman tacitly admitting trans women are pretty hideous?
Which is to say they're wrong, transwomen are beautiful and I'm shocked someone could look at that monster and think it resembles a transwoman at all
We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!
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The woman in question is, in fact, very very ugly but not really because of anything trans-related. They wear party store wigs and have done literally nothing to transition other than put the trans flag on all of their socials.
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you talking about Zoe Alexandria, the voice actor that's sperging? Idk I think they pass pretty well for a train
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holy shit teen girl squad, that takes me back
also repost
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THIS is why you need to pay sweet baby inc. the big bucks.
Talk about a big heckin yikes!
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"Why are moids so fragile"
Meanwhile trains:
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Is this like the time when media literate folx indentified the bugs in Starship Troopers as an undeniable stand-in for brown people?
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Hey now, that's unfair. I saw one day that Heinlein obviously meant them to be Asians.
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Isn't the default look for the killer the first one, though? The skirt's just for a joke costume
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Transvestites can be serial killers too, chud
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Idk why but this game attracts lgbtroids like maggots to rotten meat. So they should be aware of the monsters in this game. You can't do a shockedpicachu face.
Glad a trans VA was correctly cast for their role tho
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my friend used to tunnel people with lgbt charms. sometimes they were streamers and we would watch the playback of them seething live
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This is why we need AI voice acting
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Licensing out your voice without having to take responsibility for its use would create a layer of protection for creatives from this nonsense. Can't come soon enough.
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I knew, I just fricking knew as soon as the Unknown DLC dropped there would somehow be
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The best bit is that even without that skin this character is based off of skinwalker lore lmao
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Skinwalkers are the funniest goddarn things when you realize the whole folklore behind them is that a group of wizards seethed so hard at whitey's antics that they just bash open skulls and eat cracker babies as some form of protest, and this devolved to actually hating any Navajo who didn't want to wear the skulls of their honky oppressors. Which then became being taboo for Navajo to say their name, because it might invoke Skinwalkers and their neurodivergent “the red man has fallen, the white rats lurk among us” antics that brand any Navajo who doesn't scalp a WASP a race traitor.
But, for some reason, this has looped around by the Yakubian scum progressives as being actually a touchstone of cultural sensitivity. Because instead of them being Navajo Wizard Chuds that are incidentally badass, they're representative of the Trail of Tears? Even though it's clear that it's just supposed to be a lesson that revenge has no place in politics or whatever.
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Who are you to say erdogan is a dictator erdogan won all the elections fair and square and who are you to be speak for all his people, bad dictator bad bad , the only reason people erdogan is called a dictator for the media is for not pleasing the liberals who control the media who hate Muslims and every thing they stand for they don't want Muslim to to be Muslim they want Muslim to be cucks for their ideologies and who says a democracy is good , I would rather have a dictator who cares for his country than a democracy that's their to serve western interest in the country . A great example of why a dictatorship is better than democracy is Libya under Gaddafis rule , Under Gaddafi's rule 5 years ago, just before the US-backed/French-led NATO intervention into Libyan civil war in early 2011,
Snapshots: (click to archive)
would be a horribly deformed monster: (click to archive)
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