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The Wii U and 3DS servers shut down and nobody gives a shit :marseysoyswitch: :!marseyjewoftheorient:

Genuinely how does Nintendo keep getting away with this? I know their fans are r-slurred consumers, but to this degree?

The 18 year old Xbox 360 is only now shutting its store down because Microsoft already ported over most of the games. The PS3 had a scare earlier but now seems to be staying up for the foreseeable future. Neither of their successors have shown any sign of going offline.

Meanwhile the Wii shut down in 2014, and closed the store 5 years later. But it least it had a fricking excuse, something about the servers being shit. The Wii U is little over a decade old and they've ported over barely anything. This is just pure jewtendo greed at work, and they just keep getting away with it. The switch sold 140 million for fricks sake, they can take the server costs. But no, ree need more monree from the gaijin scum. Ree krill the emrurators and srell grames at sevdry dorra! The frans buy and defrend us anyray! :!marseychingchongnotes:

May the Switch 2 bomb worse than the Wii U, Ninbendo(ver) and their fans deserve it.


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274905426203203.webp :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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The 18 year old Xbox 360

!oldstrags darn I'm one of you now

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That shit aint right. How does a console go from being next gen brand new to 18 goddarn years. :marseydepressed:

When I think 18 year old console i always picture atari era

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I want to be young again.

!zoomers lets frick so i can pretend I'm a hip and happening youth again. Moid, foid ur all so girly I don't even care

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Being around zoomers makes me feel even older than I already am. Im ready to lie on the couch and watch anime until I turn to dust, I have lived enough

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Moid, foid ur all so girly I don't even care

Sure! Bend over, my feminine peepee will be gentle.

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>thinking im not gonna top u

be nice and I'll use lube

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When I turned 18 and got a job, one of the first things I bought was an Xbox...the original Xbox...


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The og xbox was peak. I paid my sisters friend to hack mine and turned it into a set top box. I was the envy of all of 7th grade, I didn't have to change disks, I just ripped them all to my based 80gb hard drive.

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No joke that's the latest console I spent any appreciable amount of time playing. Fell out of gaming after that era

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we're 4 years past the pandemic brother, we'll probably get a ps5 pro this year.

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Yesterday I realised the ps3 is so old that you can now download roms of games and emulate them like a frickin super Nintendo

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Nintendolts will always put up with it. They'll buy the new console. They'll buy the new handheld. They'll pay seventy dollars a pop for new console ports of previous bing bing wahoo. They literally have to because they cannot live without playing Mario.

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Just put the shittiest zelda game you can on the Switch 2 and Nintensoys will proclaim it the best fricking console ever

!g*mers BotW sucked and you know it.

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Baby's first open world game - extremely shallow open world mechanics, like 3 real dungeons, like four music tracks, off the walls "plot" - if it wasn't for femboy Link, BotW would've flopped

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Not a Nintendog here, so what is your benchmark for a good open world game?

BOTW was hyped as frick as I remember and one German Vidya outlet got piled on heavily to declare it a good mediocrity.

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Hmm good question, I'd have to really think on it.

Elden Ring benefitted almost nothing by being open-world: there was frick-all to do in it and it fricked with the difficulty/level scaling too much.

GTA: San Andreas kinda sucked more than Vice City because it had too many things to do, but I'd argue it and all GTA games at least benefitted from being open-world.

Too many games especially today slap open-world on as a gimmick and aren't better off.

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It has never been easier to emulate Mario thoughever. This shit goes beyond simply liking the games.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274905426203203.webp :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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You seem to have a misunderstanding of the type of person that is a Nintendo customer

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the biggest Nintendo customer I know is a literal diagnosed :marseyautism: who would argue for hours about Nintendo minutia.

Bro has a long term sperg gf though so I think he got the last laugh.

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May the Almighty strike down all NintenDOGS :chudmuslim:

Even more delusional than the trans lives matter hons (:marseyvenn5:)

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Mario players should be gassed

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Anyone who hasnt modded their DS to have the entire library pirated is r-slurred

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Yeah the Wii U and 3DS are like dead simple to hack and side load games.

@doombro - if you want to play literally any game from the library you can do it for free in less than an hour:



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I don't care, because I only played singleplayer games on it :foreveralone:

Now I can finally convince myself to hack my 3DS, and rip all the games to my PC.

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To me the Wii U and 3Ds was peak nintendo fan time :marseyzoomer:. So many unique ideas by the end: star fox zero, mario maker, captain toad, Splatoon, and Nintendo saving Bayonetta. Since shit was struggling financially as a user it felt Nintendo pulled out the stops for you like Mario Maker 1 came with a cool amiboo and an art book, Yoshi Wolly world came with a yarn plush amiboo, and star fox zero just had a whole second game. :marseyfunko: Everything about the Wii u and 3ds from the shops to the UI to all the cool bonus features felt so SOULFUL compared to the switch even if its more popular and has more hit games.

I remember trolling on miiverse, spending a whole summer on splatoon 1 and watching the game go from content light to filling out with tons of new weapons and maps, making my first epic mario maker level which I spent a month on called Mario Gear Solid and then no played it (im totally not mad :marseyindignant:). The Wii U eshop had wii and DS games its how I was able to get Metroid prime tribology for only 20$ :marseysoypoint:.

Sadly due to all my miiverse trolling my childhood nintendo account go banned and I lost all digital games I bought on both so I just hacked them :marseyhacker:. I could still play multiplayer on 3DS so I put in a few rounds on Kid Icarus Uprising's Awesome MP mode before the game shutdown :marseyangel: :marseyangel3: :marseysaint:

Like holy frick the wii u and 3ds shops had multiple new music tracks made for it every few months :marseyvibing::

!zoomers Nintendo Fan nostalgia time

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Was more of a 3DS kid, never really touched the Wii U. Still, good memories.


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I remember my parents coming home from burgeristan in 2012ish, saying they will bring home one of those handheld consoles that everyone seems to have in the USA. I was so excited for a PSP Vita, but ended up getting a nintendshit 3DShit. I nearly cried all day afterwards.

Death to nintendo.

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I didn't really get into the 3ds until much later but I did experience most YouTube memes through the DSi flip note app. I absolutely loved that thing.

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I had the 3ds after the price drop so I never got the ambassador's gba game pack. As a kid I was so hype when Youtube app was added to 3ds because then I could watch yt somewhere else but my parents ipad or laptop. I was also hype when Miiverse was on 3ds because I had a 3ds long before my wii u I remeber explaining to my friends at lunch about miiverse being added to 3ds (this was my first social media site lol)

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I actually don't see how anyone cares about this have you not considered the ramifications of digital games for the last 10 years?

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They know you cute twinks can dump all their games :marseygamer: anyways so who cares. Plus 80% of the store is shovel slop

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The 18 year old Xbox 360 is only now shutting its store down because Microsoft already ported over most of the games.

Did they really? I remember when the 360 came out they were telling us that they would work on making it backwards compatible with a ton of Xbox games but that never happened. I guess it makes sense that they're focusing on this shit now that most games suck butt and there isn't that much worth playing these days.

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My original xbox still works and was like thirty bucks, backwards compatibility is a non-issue when you can just have the console

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Nintendo :marseyzeldalinktoonblue: wants you to somehow merge into adulthood.

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Nintendo could charge you $500 to get your face pissed on directly by Sakurai and their fans would be over the moon and writing bizarre religious screeds about how thankful they are

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Nintendo fans will buy anything. Thats why the last two meh pokemon generations still broke sales records

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I'm still sad they shut down flipnote hatena for the DSi back in 2013

that was my only window into late 2000s internet bc I was too stupy to use the real thing beyond pirating minecraft


it was my cvlture

and I never even got a 3ds

it just ended one day and by then the internet was a different place :reposthorse: :marseylightsparkle: :fluttershylick:

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I'm currently saving up for a Switch II thanks for reminding me!

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Nobody cares because that's nerd shit. I don't care about being able to play GrandShitter 2000 on a PC that can handle MWII at 120fps with realistic :marseyraytraced: graphics.

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does this mean i cant play wii u games or what

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Maybe they're not babies and don't care about kids games anymore.

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ree need more monree from the gaijin scum. Ree krill the emrurators and srell grames at sevdry dorra! The frans buy and defrend us anyray

This isnt how japs talk :marseydisagree:

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Asians are all the same :tayshrug:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274905426203203.webp :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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I just watched Shogun and Tokyo Vice. You are wrong.

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<not pirating

:marseyjewoftheorient: u got shiggied

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