Lara Croft is a "Truth Seeker" now :marseyboomergenocide: :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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in order to escape its colonial past.


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Lara Croft backed by Generic Diversity Team

Ngl it would be really funny to do a game where you break into museums to steal artifacts and then it becomes a typical tomb raider game, but you end up putting the thing back where it came from

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The secret ending is ISIS blowing up the temple you just restored

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Reverse Tomb Raider

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Laura Croft: Artifact Liberator

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In every single :marseykiwimom: modern :marseywarhol: tomb raider game you are SAVING artifacts from bad guys who are blasting holes in mountains and destroying entire villages to claim them for themselves

Nobody who's played any of these games :marseylegioncommander: would :marseymid: look at that and go "actually she shouldn't get herself involved :marseynorm: in this" that's just r-slurred :marseydisabled:

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What do you mean "modern"? The original 1996 game has you stopping a corporate executive from using an artifact to unleash an army of monsters on the world. Basically every other game from the Core Design era follows a similar plot where you stop some cult or corporation from using artifacts to destroy the planet.

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Yeah but now you get to hand the artifact to an abo who instantly uses his indegenous ways of knowing to trade it for gas to huff.

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He shall huff the finest gold paints of the land

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So the idiot brown third-worlders cannot solve their own problems, huh? This is white saviourism, Lara should do better and not meddle. :marseydisagreefast:

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I say modern :marseywarhol: because I'm talking about the current devs/owners who MADE those games :marseylegioncommander: and still made this decision

But yes they should :marseynorm: have also played the older ones

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Sweet baby strikes again.

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No email address required. :Deez muss B thousinds a years old : yea dey gotta be

jemarkavious dont think trans lives matter

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She can seek my truth y'know what I mean !coomers

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>wh*te w*man

Absolutely disgusting. Nice peepee at least.

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3rd looks like a cut off peepee. Porn artists are literally r-slurred :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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Id be fine with it if they'd just gave her giant tits back

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and a giant peepee :horny:

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If sweet baby has anything to say about it, thats already there

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>Truth Seeker

In the episode, Lara Croft will be doing internet research on vaccines and their link to 9/11

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>escape colonial past

>appropriates anime artstyle

white colonizers :smh:

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Osamu Tezuka pioneered the manga/anime artstyle by taking heavy influence from Carl Barks' Donald Duck comics.

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This will flop stupendously :marseyxd:

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goymers will lap up whatever shitslop is placed in their trough.

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this. there is no consumer demographic less savvy than g*mers. g*mers will make fun of women for buying pink toothbrushes for twice the price, then pay 10x the price for pre ordering the deluxe edition of a completely unplayable game called like "Frick you specifically, whites need to die, this game is about how the creators wish you the g*mer specifically would keep yourself safe"

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That game sounds great

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Its literally a tumblr poster.

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I don't see why they had to reinvent a character that was already loved and had big fan base. Why not just make a new character that meets all the required woke check marks?

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Wokes AKA the Qs of LGBTQ are far less concerned about creativity than they are subversion. They are the purest embodiment of ressentiment in the modern era.

Total Queer Death!

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Subversion, tearing down everything people love, using well-known properties to help bolster sale of otherwise unsellable product... many reasons, really.

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Because these people will get u fired if u dont

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Any confirmation if a certain consulting firm helped them with the game?

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It's a book

And no, Evil Hat Productions did it, who you may remember from this: :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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:marseyunamused: Lovecraft was an neurodivergent from the 1800's that was literally afraid to go outside. Yeah no shit he was racist. We all know. Neighbor's also been dead forever. Calling him out for it is the epitome of virtue signalling

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It's worse than that. The entire genre he spawned now centers around women and minorities to get past its racist roots.

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>middle school :marseyzoomer:

>go on this cool subreddit "r/nosleep" :marseyawesomeface:

>woah this is sooo spooky :marseyghost:

>woah theres a podcast too? :marseyjamming:

>stay up late with friends listening to internet ghost stories :marseywholesome:


>load up "r/nosleep" :marseylaptop:

>every story is an allegory for being a cute twink :marseyhomosupremacist:

>every story is about le religion bad? :marseysoypoint:

>read the Bible instead :marseyandjesus:


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Every possible good creepypasta has already been written.

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what was the peak?

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before I got into it :smoke:

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We all know.

False and this wasn't always common knowledge. Do not try to seriouspost again.

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:marseymarcus: :donkeykongn:

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this guy was racist and evil

we still want to profit off his work though please please please, being a good anti-racist made us incapable of creating anything of our own

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Lara Croft and the Deboonked Colonial Stereotype

Trump for Prison

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Kill game devs 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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Why is the "big latinx guy who's really a sweetheart" such a common trope nowadays

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Lara croft and the uninspired slop.

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lel at the fat BIPOC with prosthetic legs, diabeetus must've taken 'em. I'm thinking the one on the right with the knives is a :marseytrain2: as well.

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Truth Seeker is a great name for a game. If the game was about an inquisitor, mind you.

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How big is his peepee? Is it girthy? Cut or uncut? Big loads? Shooter or dribbler?


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