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  • marsey41 : Please stop associating making fun of wokeslop with being a cuckold porn enthusiast
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  • Sphereserf3232 : Is the main villain a mayoid?

NEW CONCORD JUST DROPPED, AGAIN:marseymanysuchcases:Unknown 9, AKA Indian Forspoken (Poospoken!:marseytunaktunakinvasion:), AKA AAA Westoid Tumblrslop from Hentai Namcoal, which for the past 4 years has released 2 novels, one comic book, and one audiobook to hype up the worldbuilding for a new multi-media franchise, and even gave out the game for free for the AMDcels who brought the new chipset, has released, and to the surprise of no one, it's total dogshit with a peak of 240 players:marseyxd:


This game is faithful to its title, it is so Unknown, to the extent that not even the most rent-free G*merGater chuds and KotakuinAutism spergs have cared about it until just a few days ago, it does not even has a fricking Wikipedia page, and as of 19 October 2024, the only 4chan /v/ thread making fun of it that I was able to find was quickly deleted by the Jannisaries for some reason! :marseywrongthonk:

@MARFAN_EATS_DOODOO on this very website summarized it as:

The website is just a bunch of random stills with vague lines about the story and universe and then a section about the actress, whose most notable appearance is from that Witcher TV series. And she visibly looks better irl than in game for some reason.

Edit: Holy shit it has an audiobook, a comic, and 2 novels out already, one of them came out 4 years ago:

And all of this was done as "worldbuilding" for this game. Which seems like it's going to flop hard without anybody knowing. :#marseydarkxd: :#marseysniff: :#marseytunaktunak: !antibharatiya !chuds !g*mers

KotakuinAutism chuds chudlebrate :chudsmug: :#chudjakdancing:

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This was comically overweight in the 90s :marseysoylentgrin:

forspoken was a comically bad game in 2023


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It is so weird that like 90% of the jokes about homer were of him being unbelievably cartoonishly fat. he's so fat you can shoot a cannon at him and he's fine! he's so fat he can be a boxer by people just punching his flab! his fatness is the first thing anyone notices about him

meanwhile he's 6 feet tall and 239lb, making him in the top half skinniest american men

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I still find it crazy how Square Enix gives Team Asano like 1/6 of the budget for their games (compared to Forspoken) and yet they still almost always make critically acclaimed modern jrpgs, yet they are still convinced that the genre need modernizing with a zoomer-tier dialogue spouting protagonist and gameplay with as much depth as the OG Dragon Warrior without the difficulty

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big budgets mean big executive meddling. concord got so much money because it was jim ryan's baby, and jim ryan proudly hadn't played a video game since the days of arcades when he was a child, and regularly would talk about how video games were a subpar medium compared to movies.

studios that get small budgets get ignored by execs and so can actually be video games

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Anyone who has worked for a time understands how disconnected executives can be. We live in a society :marseysociety2: where the actual people working are nowhere near the ones making decisions for stuff, it's instead the sale people and sweet-talkers that specialise in selling poo to people for the highest possible price. And these people are shallow and used to creating and making decisions based on pretty globo homo pictures, buzzwords and sales figures. :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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Austerity drives innovation / performance.

Basically no money means you have to actually be creative with your decisions to stretch the budget.

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Well yeah, but you think by now the higher ups would know that budget doesn't relate to how good a product will be/do, and won't be like

:chadsoyjak:"well we threw a few billions dollars at this game, so of course it will be good, no need to check on it or hire playtesters for opinions"

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They don't because the higher ups generally do not understand what videogames are or why people like them. Just that they have the potential to make money as the largest form of entertainment.

So they are dazzled by hacks (e.g. Druckmann) with corpo speak e.g. this first-person puzzle-platformer will be an innovative framework in which to explore diverse perspectives that will also create synergy with our multimedia franchise across different mediums delivering our core principles.

And the same investors are insulated by their indifference and disdain for videogames as toys. Legit if these old fricks just asked their zoomer grandkid whether the game they invested 100 million into 'seemed skibidi' or not, then they might have a clue on whether to get involved so the product isn't a complete pile of shit.

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if these old fricks just asked their zoomer grandkid

You mean their underage s*x slaves/adrenochrome reservoir?

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Watch out, the Year of the Slop could be followed by Sloppy Seconds

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God I hope. There's still plenty of old shit to play and AA has been pumping out more stuff. I could do this for another 4 years.

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Yeah, AAA slop has been shit anyway. Seeing them lose a ton of money is so enjoyable. I've been waiting for a moment like this for so long.

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L4D2 gets consistently decent numbers and sales for its age. Absolutely moggs these games. :marseyxd:

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jeet slop

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plz no :marseyscared:

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They made a game based around that foid that was too ugly to play Jennifer in the bad Witcher adaption?

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She was honestly so fricking jarring to me that I just sped-through her scenes.

Except those scenes where she was a disgusting hunchback. Mostly because I thought it was another actress.

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They made some intriguing choices when it comes to direction and editing in that first clip... probably hired some Bolywood director for that.


Lol. Was this made in Unity?

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@Sphereserf3232 the first clip in this post (the one at the top).

Unity has plenty of problems, but at the end of the day is a fine tool for making games. I was referencing the notorious tendency of amateur devs leaving mouse cursor visible in their games.

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Wtf are these AAAs doing


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It's literally capcom

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It's called AAA because within 10 minutes you start screaming WHY DID I BUY THIS BULLSHIT AAAAAAAAAA :#marseyaaa:

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The first time I heard about this game was BBC talking about how revolutionary it was to have an Indian in a video game. I figured it must have been the start of development, but nope, released a few days later

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>how revolutionary it was to have an Indian in a video game.

Because there has never been an attractive Indian video game character, right? :marseyclueless: !bharatiya !coomers

!antibharatiya !g*mers !chuds do any of you think that from now on as Jeets become omnipresent in outsourcing and the tech industry, the "first ever Indian video game character" will become the vidya industry equivalent of "first ever gay character on Disney"? :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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>is that the princess from prince of persia? don't think thats a jeet bruh

Yes she is, Farah is the daughter of the Maharajah of India, whose country the Persians are invading :!marseyshah: :vs: :marseytunaktunak:

The Princess of India, Farah is the daughter of the Maharajah and the younger sister of Kalim

You are probably confusing Farah with Kaileena, who is a different character and is a Persian Goddess, she is therefore built for BBC and not BWC like how the Poojeeta is:

Kaileena also canonically created Shahdee as her s*x slave, who also probably has the most famous butt in vidya history after Cammy from Street Fighter :marseycoomer2:


Also, I was reading up /v/ threads about old PoP games when I noticed an anon say this: :#marseymindblown: !g*mers

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>Kaileena was modeled after and voiced by Italian actress and model Monica Bellucci in Warrior Within.

Would you look at that, Italian stacies are confirmed to be the most beautiful race.

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Italians are a type of BIPOC, so yes.

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>most famous butt in gaming history behind Cammy and Solid Snake

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Don't forgot:

And she wasn't just shoehorned in either, her being Indian was integral to the plot in a way that made sense

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Here's a game where you r*pe a hot injun

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Literally all you need is to put a hot brown girl in a skimpy outfit and fricking everyone will want to buy it.

Case in point, Nessa:

Nintendo doesn't even market on s*x appeal and pokemon games suck, but fricking everyone wanted to bang her when her game first came out.

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They released her right before announcing that they were cutting half the dex and the game runs like shit, so they knew exactly what they were doing

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Don't forget the GOAT

Rip in peace, Apu, #neverforget what they took from us :marseycry: :marseycry: :marseycry:

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Prince of Persia sands of tome was kino.

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The entire trilogy was GOAT. Most of the plot went over my 15-year old head because frick time travel stories lmao but the gameplay was good.

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3rd part had stealth into QTE executions aka hitler aids of gaming. Sorry, not sorry.

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>3rd part had stealth into QTE executions aka hitler aids of gaming.

:#hesrightyouknow: !g*mers do any AAA games in the modern era use QTE like how it worked in mid-late 2000s action-adventure games like PoP, God of War, and Resident Evil 4-6?

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It was 2005, we didn't know any better.

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3rd part was definitely the weakest but if you measure them against most other games the trilogy is still pretty good

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i hate trailing behind npcs to press E nd hate everyone who enjoy it :marseytrollcrazy:

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Cutie @E?


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It's really fricking weird actually. India didn't have a gaming market until quite recently. :marseywtf2:

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I got Starwars Outlaws free cause I got an Intel chip thingie and I was like, oh cool, free game. Then I realized it hadn't even released yet.

Giving AAA titles away free that have not even been released is a sign from the studios that the game will be dog shit (and they know it) and they need to pump up numbers lmao

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What the frick is even happening in that first clip? :marseywut2:

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Moonwalking! :marseyexcited:

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This is why Persona is so great. No brown people, and hot chicks.

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>This is why Persona is so great. No brown people, and hot chicks.


!oldstrags !g*mers

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I'm sorry you long for ugly poo chicks in everything, bro.

India Superpower

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You on the left

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:marseybooba: wtf I love currycels now

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Holy frick :marseyslurpfast:

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Someone edit Marsey onto the mic plz :marseybegging:

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Bruh the Indian lady has broader shoulders than most men

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Not to mention the pointy elbows

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Persona has brown people you fricking secondary

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I havent really played one since 2017,lol

I just like the boobgirls

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It was good for the first 5 palaces, but shit the bed hard enough to make me quit all the way at Shido's Cruiser.

I'll never forgive Atlas!

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>hot chicks

You mean mostly teenagers people draw porn and drool over

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That's a really long way to write "hot chicks"

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Did the black Dr. Who fail? I remember some whining about it but I don't care enough about anything British to know if it deserves a spot near the Acolyte and Suicide Squad failures

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the female doctor who had the lowest ratings the show has ever had in the 60 years it was on air. the black doctor who that followed her gets less than half the ratings she got. it's an absolute disaster, but it doesn't really matter because the bbc gets their money by force and they don't care if no one watches it

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There was a black Dr. Who? I knew there was a foid Dr. and everyone hated it, they doubled down after that?

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Yep, and he was also gay and the reoccurring villain for the season was a drag Queen.

It's almost parody at this point.


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Theyre making more seasons of it but i think they make more seasons of doctor who regardless of how bad its doing. It hasnt done well ratings wise since 2013 for example

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I heard sweet baby inc ceo Kim belair herself was involved in the writing for this masterpiece

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Tell me more. :marseygossip:

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:tayaaa:what is this

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Unknown 9 is just a shit name thats the first problem

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Oh...they started developing this game when it wasn't completely obvious thay The Witcher was shit and run by women who actively hated the property and seethed when Cavill refused to get naked for them. Explains the Yennifer's inclusion as main character.

Should have just cancelled it for the tax write off tbh.

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i like the tunak tunak music video more

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Looks painfully generic.

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So they didn't hire any QA/QC?

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Execs are probably scratching their heads, wondering where all the players have gone

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The combat looks like shit.

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