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Chuds and Sony:marseytrain2:s clash as Neil Cuckmann's latest game, spaceshit with bald black woman lead, is announced




3 main points of contention are:

  • Marvel/millennial writing

This trailer didn't win any favors because all I saw was "Marvel quirky writing in generic space setting".

I really didn't get that impression. "Marvel writing" is quickly becoming a meaningless term.

one liners, jokes, and sarcasm every other line of dialogue is what people mean by marvel writing

millennial writing, im good

  • Excessive amount of product placement, which kills the game for no fun chuds and makes it better and more immersive to soylennials. Also media literacy or something

Sony record player? Porsche spaceship? Addias shoes? Fricking DXRacer gaming cockpit chair? What was with all of the absurdly distracting product placement

Kids, they did that because the style is 80S RETRO FUTURISM.

this whole subreddit is wooshing so hard on the aesthetic of the game

That has literally nothing to do with the point he's making. They could use fake brands and achieve the same aesthetic.

No, you couldn't have. Because those of us who saw it immediately, saw it BECAUSE of the very visible brand placement. Some of you are just to young to have actually gotten it.

I hate the brands in real life just as much.

Wow, so edgy.

Sounds exhausting.

:marseysnappy: It's creating a more relatable alternate reality that captures a vibe that we can sort of intuitively know and feel based on our real experiences with known brands

:marseysuit: It kinda gives you the tone of the character imo. Like if Porsche is making space ships in this alternate timeline, it sort of informs us about the character a bit. It's not a junker rebel ship- it's badass, high-performance, and perhaps ostentatious and egotistical even.

Why were 3 massive brands planted so obviously in the trailer? Porsche, Adidas, Sony?

Obvious 90s inspired retro futurism aesthetic. How are people not seeing this??

G*mers have some of the worst media literacy of anyone on the internet, are you really surprised?

I can already see people freaking out about this online, when it's such an obvious artistic direction.

Sony has such a fricking hardon for themselves with the product placement in their movies, now games too?

I can't wait to play as a bald woman with my adidas shoes, my sony record player, my porsche spaceship. Wow! Thanks for the ultimate marketing game!

  • That last comment brings us to most discussed part of the trailer - is having a tattooed, bald Black woman protagonist (and a character with an eye patch) woke Sweet Baby globohomo propaganda or are they just strong, diverse and inclusive characters that enrich the players' experience?

Looks like a cool setting and concept. But why... why do I gotta play as a bald chick? I'll play the game if it's got a good story and gameplay but i wish it didn't have to be... that. Just let me create my own character

We wanted masculine character lead again. Naughty Dog gave us their best: A bald lesbian

I mean the main character looks expectedly like a Neil Druckmann design.

I remember when bald badass women were celebrated. I see people pooping on the character and I just don't get it. She's has an obvious feminine build she's just bald lol.

Female, Asian, black, bald! The perfect combination ❤️ (can't tell if this is a :chudsmug: or a :marseycoomer2: lmao)

I immediately said "Naughty Dog" once I saw the bald and tattooed female protagonist

Oh man it features a non-feminine looking, woman of colour protagonist, the people who still vomit hate about TLOU2 and Neil Druckmann to this day are going to absolutely lose their minds.

Also, a truke at the end

TLoU2 and TLoU gameplay loops are honestly really boring. The only reason I made it through TLoU was because of the story. The gameplay loop of move from cover to cover throwing rocks and assassinating people gets really boring really quickly.

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I think main characters in the video games I play should be attractive and not look like bald headed masculine women with bipolar disorder.


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I'm so tired of bald black women and fat afro black women.

Bring back skinny black women with straight hair and real white collar jobs as lawcels and shit.

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It's a start. :marseyshrug:

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Every black woman in media should look like Pam Grier tbh.

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I don't think they would have a problem with doing that

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Still :marseywould:

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every black woman in media should look like my mom tbh

dude bussy lmao

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You're black? :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp: :marseygasp:

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no my mom's white :marseyexcited:

dude bussy lmao

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I don't mind if they're ugly so long as they look cool and interesting. If it feels like they're just ugly as a frick you to society because the creators are envious of beauty, that's a pass.

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At least he toned down her biceps, that must have been really hard for him.

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I'm fine with the bipolar part as long as they hot and hypersexual as well

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>I really didn't get that impression. "Marvel writing" is quickly becoming a meaningless term.

Yet everyone knows exactly what it means.

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Just like 'woke'.

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>media literacy

They did the meme

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Can someone pls redpill me on "media literacy"? I thought it just meant critically analyzing what you see and read to consider its intent and accuracy.

Why do redditors and libs love it so much, and why do chuds hate it so much?

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It means you have to have a uniform left-lib interpretation of media, otherwise you're media 'illiterate'.

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Media literacy means you can't like Vegeta, prince of the Saiyans, because he's an evil chud.

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Libs throw the term out whenever anyone criticizes a piece of media they like.

"The new Soy Wars :marseyvader: movies don't suck, you just lack media literacy, chud."


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It's the two thousandth thought-terminating cliché shitlibs have shat out to rationalise their r-sluration.

Um actually, that thing that everyone likes? Yeah, it's progressive. Media literacy much?

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Apparently this is the actual official explanation for the r-slurred product placement

The new game, Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet, was announced on Thursday in a cryptic trailer at the Game Awards that showed a few seconds of gameplay in which the protagonist battles a hulking cyborg with swordlike weapons. The story is set in an alternative universe where space travel has significantly advanced by 1986.

It's an alternate universe where fricking space travel is commonplace, the "year" is 1986, and it includes not just similar aesthetics to products from our own 1986 but the exact company logos.

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didn't cuckman bully the woman who wrote the "good" Uncharted games out of the company?

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yep lol


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I don't follow ND at all but I've also read that, don't care if it's :marseymisinformation: I'm spreading :mariogoatse: it

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Why don't they ever make attractive black women? Like, even in an inoffensive cutesy way. It's always an orc with a rat's nest. Shirley black womxn don't want to feel ugly every time they are represented in a video game

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In Hollywood where everyone is gay, this is what they think an attractive black woman is:


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Making them attractive is forbidden, men might like it. See that black guy in games who complained that he tried to put in attractive black women like the ones he knows and sees, and they'd always get uglified at some point.

And then he officially stopped talking about it after some others in the industry had a 'quiet word' with him.

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Got any links?

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Black women have been getting uglified in mainstream media for decades now. Not just in games, but in movies and TV series it's a staple trope. The divide between what kind of black women are represented in mainstream (white) media vs black oriented media is insane. Ironically the black women who keep getting major roles in Hollywood are usually some kind of Tyler Perry character: fat, sassy, loud, and obnoxious.

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because the good artists are all white and drawing against their will.

Jewish lives matter too Aevann.

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>media literacy

What do think the next magical invisible force redditors will lord over others with?

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The next one will be called "oppressional drive." If you do too much, work hard, try to improve things, etc, it's because you want to marginalize PoC, women, and queerfolk.

It's not fair, as they can't do as much as you because of oppression.

(and emotional labour probably)

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emotional labour

That's been a big one for years, especially in gender studies.

What's interesting is that "emotional labor" was originally a field of organizational psychology. It describes the requirement to change one's personality to conform to customer and business expectations, and its effect on the person doing so.

Since then, it's been co-opted by foid activists to complain about the oppression and trauma of having to not be a huge fricking b-word to your husband.

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Yeah I meant they would use emotional labour as a reason for the "oppressional drive" thingie I made up.

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Interesting. I could see it. That's always been bubbling under the surface at a lot of workplaces as the useless take advantage of the useful without a backbone.

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useless take advantage of the useful without a backbone.

Wow ease up on the toxic motivation.

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The defence of the product placement is fricking bizarre.



So? What the frick has that got to do with brands? I would say its bots but i never attribute to bots that which can be explained by r-sluration.

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There are multiple people in those comments saying that if the game invented fake brands like Cyberpunk, they'd be less immerse than when they're being advertised to with real brands :mjlol:

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They point to Blade Runner using real brands as if Blade Runner had Harrison Ford using branded equipment. Blade Runner just whacked the Pan Am and Coca Cola logos alongside Japanese text on a cityscape in a few seconds of the film. It would only be comparable if Harrison Ford regularly showed the Smith and Wesson™ logo on his gun and the camera kept the Ford Motors™ logo in shot for the entirety of when he drove.

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Looking back, the Taco Bell (or Pizza Hut, for international markets) placement in Demolition Man is pretty egregious. But I'm willing to give it a pass because the story makes fun of Taco Bell more than promotes it.

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Sorry chud. It's literally impossible to tell that a sleek, well maintained, high-tech spaceship isn't a rustbucket without putting the Porsche logo on it.

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It's one of those surface-level associations for brainlets, kind of like neon lights and cyberpunk, or tattered clothes and post-apo.

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I can't for the life of me understand why people are so eager :marseyexcited: to defend massive product :marseyoctopus3: placement and advertising in products. I know Redditors :marseyhammersrdine: are mindless zombies, but the way the defend and support aggressive consumerism makes my head hurt. Redditors :marseysoypoint2: would :marseywood: have been thrown into a volcano if they weren't alive :marsey3d: in the current era - and they would :marseymight: have deserved :marseybattered: it.


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Gotta fill the religion hole with something.

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Im not religious and i fricking hate ads and corporations. Maybe i should worship an orange cat.

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Sad! Pray for the Redditors :marseyhammersrdine: for they know not how pitiful they truly are


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It's bots. The same reason every single post about Naughty Dog has the exactly same comments about how Cinematic and Immersive and Groundbreaking it is.

Like that one dude said yesterday, games j*urnalism is basically 40 dudes with the same opinions and the industry paying their way.

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I estimate close :marseynoyouzoom: to half of all accounts on Reddit :marseyupmarsey: are bots but maybe :marseymight: it's even more


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Some are NPCs. Human bots, most chilling.

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I remember when bald badass women were celebrated.

When was this?

All I can think of is rubber forehead aliens, but they usually have some sort of hair substitute

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Maybe that one chick Jack from Mass Effect? Although tbh I think the people that liked here were in the minority and everyone else was chasing alien gussy.

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I remember when bald badass women were celebrated

Lol when was that?

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Maybe that one chick Jack from Mass Effect. Although tbh I think the poeple that liked here were in the minority and everyone else was chasing alien gussy.

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Banging her was a real let down, she went from being a hard nosed bad butt to literally crying in the s*x scene.

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Retrofuturism became played out the exact moment that Kung Fury movie came out on YouTube. How are people still enamored with yet another take on that setting?

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the worst part is always that they just make the shinest corpo version of it which is gay

i stand by half life being the only one to do it right on account of it just being taping shit together with alien tech

dude bussy lmao

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The trouble is, it's always retrofuturism from the 80s. There are so many other eras to choose from. Like the 30s chic of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004).

I would love to see a modern adaptation of A Trip to the Moon (1902) that retained the turn-of-the-century European aesthetic.

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Frick it make it Flash Gordon but with BIPOC womxn

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That sounds like fun. That's not allowed.

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No way Concord 2

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Generic: The Game

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The title tells me everything I need to know about this game. I seriously couldn't think of something more generic and forgettable if I tried.

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These strags are really defending ads. Its not fricking art its product placement. It wasnt put there to invoke a feeling it was put there cause they want you to buy it. These r-slurs need to be sent to the gas chamber.

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God I hate kneel cuckman

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So much blatant product placement in an ad is pretty funny. I guess some exec realized how much fricking money they were burning and such a crappy CG and demanded they offset the cost somehow :marseycapitalistmanlet:

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>Also, a truke at the end

TLoU2 and TLoU gameplay loops are honestly really boring. The only reason I made it through TLoU was because of the story. The gameplay loop of move from cover to cover throwing rocks and assassinating people gets really boring really quickly.

As a scavengercel, I found both games pretty fun to play. At worst they get a bit more boring once you've saved up enough resources that you can't even collect anything anymore but that just means you can be completely unhinged during stealth sections. I also found that the gameplay loop lends itself incredibly well to being its own best frustration relief. If I'm getting pissy at a specific section I can just reload checkpoint go on a psycho killing spree to get it out of my system before doing another serious attempt.

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Dont you love it that these Chuds are the same morons that got pissed about a Black/Latinx Spiderman, a REEEEEMALE Thor, and that Superman helped out illegal mexicants that one time.

So they cried about making characters I like look different than pasty wypipo.

Now you have a new IP, with a new lead, who is modeled after the blaasian actress that plays her, and these dipshits still cry.

I'd have a lot more respect for them if they just said this:

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No one likes playing ugly foids. I think they're quite open about that.

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Or maybe you're just gay.

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yeah, it's a fresh IP, so a lot of the typical criticism doesn't apply. by now chuds are conditioned, the tiniest whiff of woke is gonna make them chud out.

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Isn't this just gaming's Rebel Moon?

I can already tell it's gonna end up being a fricked up mishmash of mad max/dune/40k/star wars and none of it is gonna make sense whatsoever.

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Remember zoomers used to love the last of us for being groundbreaking, but now hate neil cuckman for supporting israel's right to defend itself :marseyisraeliflag:

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Didn't he also have a consent accident recently?

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You guys like black women yet?

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I do, just not those created by Americans.

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Tlou had good gameplay.

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I'm tired of space slop :marseytears: :marseysulk:

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Retro futurism is an outdated style because in the 1980s that was simply the future and it turned out too be wrong.

Jewish lives matter

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This trailer didn't win any favors because all I saw was "Marvel quirky writing in generic space setting".:

I really didn't get that impression. "Marvel writing" is quickly becoming a meaningless term.:

one liners, jokes, and sarcasm every other line of dialogue is what people mean by marvel writing:

millennial writing, im good:

Sony record player? Porsche spaceship? Addias shoes? Fricking DXRacer gaming cockpit chair? What was with all of the absurdly distracting product placement:

Kids, they did that because the style is 80S RETRO FUTURISM.:

this whole subreddit is wooshing so hard on the aesthetic of the game:

That has literally nothing to do with the point he's making. They could use fake brands and achieve the same aesthetic.:

No, you couldn't have. Because those of us who saw it immediately, saw it BECAUSE of the very visible brand placement. Some of you are just to young to have actually gotten it.:

I hate the brands in real life just as much.:

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