
EFFORTPOST Let's Play Civ4: Dawn of Civilization Cute twinks Part 4: Barbarians :marseybarbarian: and Franks :marseydeux:

We're playing the turboneurodivergent Dawn of Civilization mod for Civilization IV that replicates world history. :marseyfluffy: !g*mers !historychads

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

336AD, the Roman Empire is #1 in the world by far but the Roman Golden Age has concluded. We've just conquered Nubia. The Western Roman Empire more or less officially ended in 476AD when Odoacer deposed Romulus Augustus so we're coming up on the timeframe we're supposed to be dead.

We successfully avoided the Western Roman Empire/Eastern Roman Empire split :marseyparty: but more civilizations are going to rise and attempt to fracture off of our existing territory. The Arabs are gonna spawn with a huge butt army ready to spread Islam (which we founded already in Egypt :troll:) and the European powers are going to start cropping up.

I'll need to prepare for this and be ready to retake this shit at a moment's notice from armies leveraged against me. :marsey300:

My goal is to vassalize the European powers so I can benefit from their global colonization.

We've had a small archer regiment providing us contact with India but only now I've gotten a scout east who can pass through the Bengal rainforest to meet China. :marseyliondance:



They inexplicably hate us for existing as with everyone else in the world, but they're willing to trade. They offer jade and venison for our wine and dyes with a lil gold to sweeten the deal.


They seem to be doing well but we're still #1 in the world by far. Persia is the only empire that comes close to matching us technologically - only they can research something we haven't researched yet.

Persia also has a lot of gold. :hmm: I might trade them some technology for cash at benefit to them. This will improve relations, and I have a strong espionage network going with them so if they research something I don't have I can just steal it. :marseyninja: Also, I predict the Arabs are going to BTFO them badly when they spawn.

With the money we gain from the tech trade, we can actually apply more espionage power to steal what they research. DEVIOUS! :pepedevil:



With continued espionage harassment we get our first Great Spy, Locusta*. If a civilization were far ahead of us we could send her to infiltrate for a huge boost, but as we're top dog I'll settle her in Roma for a permanent +12 espionage and small science boost that will continue throughout history. +12 is quite significant early on, so this is pretty advantageous. :ninja:

*This is a particularly cool article I recommend reading :marseyreading:



The dipshit Ethiopians continue to be difficult, despite everything we've done for them. :marseysigh: Repeated Catholic missions to them have been failures and even the Catholic presence in Aksum eventually disappears. :marseylucegenocide: They will not bend from Orthodoxy. Even more insulting is that they've now sworn fealty to Persia. :marseydisagree: It's like they think we're a threat to them. All we've done is help them out and attempt to bring them peacefully into the Catholic faith.


They are officially a lost cause. No salvation for them.


Fine, because I have a new black best friend, the pagan Mande in West Africa :marseybipocmerchant:


After researching Compass I'm able to pass ships through Cape Verde Peninsula and send a mission to Djoboro

I can't wait to spread the word of Christ and have a new Catholic brother!!! :marseydance:







Barbarians start to swarm about 400AD. The Roman Roads are a godsend as I can get my dudes quickly from one place to another as different areas get pounded. Byzantion as an espionage stronghold allows me to send spies out use the Citizenship bribery mechanic, this felt like a gimmick but it's actually super useful here. Just like irl I'm able to pay off the huns to spare Constantinople :marseyquadmagyar: + I get free Hunnic Horse Archers to fight back with :marseyhorsemanconquest:



By 450 it's a full on barbarian invasion :marseybarbarian:


Did you know a !foidmoment almost caused the fall of Rome? In the 400s Valentinian III had a complete :marseyfoidretard: for a sister named Honoria. She was notorious for fricking and sucking around the Imperial palace and Valentinian graciously attempted to set her up with a nice senator while he was attempting to fend off the pillaging of hunnic warlord Attila. Honoria was pissed off by this and wrote a gushy love letter to Attila the Hun out of spite.


The Meeting of Leo the Great and Attila by Raphael

Attila interpreted this letter as a marriage proposal and invaded Italy directly aiming to claim the seat of Rome, which he felt he gained a rightful claim to. Pope Leo I the Great met with Attila personally and somehow persuaded him to back off.


Our stability is okay, but definitely starting to dip. Okay is not good enough for what's coming. As always, military and foreign trickle down with the rest of the world being buttholes and barbarians up in our shit. Economy and expansion are not booming anymore.

Our treasury is doing alright but could be improved (right now we're running 40% research funding). Domestic could be improved easily with some civic changes.


We've researched Feudalism and now have another Legitimacy civic available to us. We don't have much reason to run Citizenship at this point, other than bribing barbarians, but our military is now spread out enough to deal with them. Vassalage is lower upkeep with compatibility with Thalassocracy. This + the unit upkeep will get us about 30 more GP per turn. We also change to Caste System like we should have ages ago, since Slavery is outdated.


Last time I won by researching "Civil Service" first, completing the final historic victory condition. I undid this so that I could attempt a Space victory instead. We're getting to a point where I'm running out of shit to research OTHER than Civil Service and the Sassanids, our only near-equal won't research it either :marseyannoyed:

This is kinda funny and forcing me to do things differently. I'm going to discover Gunpowder much earlier than I thought and get stronger artillery. "Civil Service" obsoletes our Legion so I have 100s more of those running around (which is good, they're based). But these slackers really need to research it soon so I can fail :marseywait:

I'll have to help these idiots out a little and sell them another tech at an absurdly generous price.



~472-480AD Ostrogoths pop up right outside Rome. I think this is meant to represent Odacer or Theodoric, right on schedule. The precision put into this mod is :marseychefkiss:

I wasn't expecting this but I have knights (Lancers) in Roma at this point :marseychessknight:



The game does not appreciate that I survived Theodoric. Charlemagne and France spawn as an independent kingdom, taking Paris away from us.


Bourdeoux and Clermont secede too, and we must fight to get them back.



Remember how when Rome spawned we were given a great military advantage? Well now France gets it :marseysweating: and I have to pull assault forces from everywhere in the empire to recapture it.



How's that for a Stack of Doom motherlovers :viking:

:marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman: :marseymarmotroman:


France's doomstack is defeated by my gigadoomstack and I recapture Clermont. France cannot capitulate for some reason :hmm: Probably a DoC thing for new civilizations. I don't remember all the rules. I think once "Rise of the French" ends they can become a vassal. I don't want to annihilate them, my goal is to have them become a vassal and take advantage of their colonization. For now, I've taken back a city, taken out their army and shown them who's boss.


I'm fine with just holding Clermont as it gives me foot access to Iberia. I just need to get Roman culture flowing fast.

This will be the first of many as new civs start to spawn.


The Vikings/Norse have arrived for example and introduced themselves in England. They may start to raid, but no threat of secession here.

However, around 600AD a certain guy who cannot be depicted visually is born in the Arabian Peninusla :marseymuhammad:





:soyjihadi: :parrotsaudiarabia: :marseyjihad:

Egypt and the Levant is lost :marseyitsover: Most of my army is kicked out and expelled to Knossos in Crete. I don't have enough boats to pick them up in, so they're stranded on Crete for a while :marseybeachtowel:


Conquering Nubia turns out to have been a good idea because it's outside of the flip zone, and gives us a southern vector for attack.

Next time: crusades :marseycrusader2: :capysaladin:



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Did you win? :marseyexcited:

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Yes last thread :marseywinner:, now I'm trying to win again :marseywinner::marseywinner:

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@PeepeeButtKiss wanna get back into turn based strategy. Should @PeepeeButtKiss download the newest Civ game or what?

Trans lives matter

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literally, Alpha Centauri

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Civ 6 is fun. It's much simpler than 4, but :marseyshrug:.

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You got Inebu-Hedj, Surru and all sorts of other barbarian garbage

Didn't RFC rename cities to their civ-appropriate names?

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Inebu-Hedj and Surru were necessary for the historic goal but are actually great, those are the ancient Egyptian and Phoenician capitals and have wonders and Great People within. Most of the cities I control are worthwhile, in DoC it's not as bad if they're cramped together. The biggest piece of crap I have is the city in northern Ireland which I only conquered to finish the celts off, and I would have preferred Alicante not exist but razing it would have caused an awful stability hit.

Didn't RFC rename cities to their civ-appropriate names?

It should, but on the new enlarged world map there's several gaps. The lead dev has said that cosmetic changes like names are lower priority for now as it's still in active development. I might manually rename some of them, "Qart-Hadasht" really really should be Carthago

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The biggest piece of crap I have is the city in northern Ireland which I only conquered to finish the celts off,

Starve them to death. Drop it to 1 or 2 pop and forget about it.

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Will do just 4 u bb :marseyhiberniangenocide: :marseyhiberniangenocide: :marseyhiberniangenocide:

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I've heard you can besiege cities until they starve down to one pop. Then you can raze them for only a minor stability hit.

I really don't agree that razing cities should harm stability. Like, imagine the Romans rioting back home because their soldiers were too mean to the Carthaginians :marseyfoidretard: Maybe it could be a modern era thing but it doesn't make sense for most of history.

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I've heard you can besiege cities until they starve down to one pop. Then you can raze them for only a minor stability hit.

Oh that's clever, I'm gonna try that next round :marseyevil: Thx!!!!

I really don't agree that razing cities should harm stability. Like, imagine the Romans rioting back home because their soldiers were too mean to the Carthaginians :marseyfoidretard: Maybe it could be a modern era thing but it doesn't make sense for most of history.

Yeah, the penalty is absurd too. I guess it's more of a gameplay decision to discourage the player from raze junk cities. I guess it's also fair to say that historically going out of the way to raze a city to ruin was less common than just sacking them b-words too

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I guess it's also fair to say that historically going out of the way to raze a city to ruin was less common than just sacking them b-words too

Yes you would absolutely expect there to be lots of detailed historical records about cities that got completely wiped off the face of the planet if that had been the case

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You're aware what "less common" means, right? "X occurred, but Y was more common" does not mean "X did not occur"

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Yes that's understood

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Thanks for the new tag :marseycomfy:

Of course it won't show up when I'm posting as RWBY again (Sneedman is after my main)

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Of course users are informed when they're tagged here :marseyfacepalm:

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Razing city is especially bad cause you lose all the infrastructure already here, put the local against you and you also lose a potential stronghold you could use yourself later on.

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It didn't work :marseysad: Tried razing Alicante at 1 pop


Maybe it needs to be 0 culture too

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At least it's not like RFC where your units defect to the new civs

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I would've taken Bordeaux. :marseybottom:

What's their colonization thing all about? Does the mod simply give them free shit later on?

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Does the mod simply give them free shit later on?

Not exactly, they just have territorial expansion in their colonial provinces and are encouraged to settle the new world. :marseypilgrim: :carppilgrim: Unless they really get trashed they'll definitely start colonizing. France should colonize Quebec, Louisiana etc. but will need a port city to do so, so they can have Bordeaux

There are some events, when the European powers build a Trading Company they'll get a chance to invade or annex somewhere, ie Portugal gets a chance to attack Angola, England may take India. Also the first person to discover the Aztec and Inca get a conquistador event and an army to conquer them, but I wanna do that myself :marseyconquistador: :!marseyjaguarwarrior:

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The AI gets the trading company expansion bonus just for researching certain techs

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Very calmly I explain that we did not like it when they laughed at us. I asked them how they would react if they hurt themselves and we would laugh at them. The acknowledged that they would get mad at us. I asked them if they would want us to help them if they had a problem. The acknowledged this. I said what they would think if we asked for money before we would help them. They called us racists and immediately demanded money from us.


Dawn of Civilization mod:

Odoacer deposed Romulus Augustus:



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