We're playing the turboneurodivergent Dawn of Civilization mod for Civilization IV that replicates world history. !g*mers
Everything is going cool, the Roman Empire is at its near peak historic borders.
I just settled my first Roman American colony in Columbia, South Carolina.
My Spanish vassals can now travel the ocean and have settled their first colony in Puerto Rico.
I've landed an explorer in Australia, the intrepid Down Under Dan, ready to traverse the outback.
I just hope all these mongols on my border aren't up to anything
Ethiopia is vassal to the Mongols so they attack Nubia/Egypt. I really dislike these cute twinks
Kilwa (Swahili) are vassals to the Mongols as well, I was sending a boat to Africa to try to capture slaves for New World plantations, they can attack them instead.
And with 90%+ odds to survive the boat goes down Guess they're stuck there
I briefly forget how cavalry works and almost lose Khalpe
We successfully repel the main invasion force and get a new general in Rome, Traianus
Him and Scipio Africanus I send to the city Padua. @Ubie Promise I'll attach the next general and have him fight in the field
I'm focused on getting Wonders built in Rome and Padua has strong production, I want to turn into a new military center, building a Military Academy as well.
Fun fact that blue southern tile I JUST NOW noticed is a "Lagoon" land tile and can be developed, not a coastal tile I really am bad at video games
The Mongols tank our stability basically just by existing. We have -10 Foreign due to Bad Relations and it's mostly their fault.
The Khan is ready to talk peace, then I screw it up and get greedy and unsuccessfully try to kill another one of his Keshik units
Next turn thoughever with a little more harassment towards him and his vassals he's open to talk again
No way he's pawning that piece of shit city off on me I counteroffer
And we are at peace
We can even go for a Defensive Pact now
Ultimately pointless because they collapse soon after
Then this region becomes independent Iran under the Safavid Shahdom
And the fall of the Mongols allows China to reform as the Tang Dynasty
We've researched Representation which advances us to the Industrial era (in 1424AD!) and gets us a new Great Statesman, Quintus Hortensius
These guys are new to DoC and I haven't really shown them off before but there's a few things we can do with them. They can "Resolve Crisis" and stop all city unrest empirewide, reform a government without revolution/anarchy, build an administrative center to reduce maintenance, or be settled for espionage and commerce. We're just gonna hang onto this guy for now.
We then research Scientific Method, obsoleting our religious monasteries and enabling the possibility for Secularism
Secularism even has its own religious victory if we wanted an Atheist World Order
As we are first to research we get a Great Scientist. We have enough different Great People now for another Golden Age if we want. We'll hold onto these people for now.
Clermont constantly revolts. France (Province of Gaul) is kinda unstable too and it's affecting my stability. Fortunately it's nowhere near as bad as it was when the Mongols were around.
I decide to liberate Clermont and help France out.
Down Under Dan has finished mapping out all of Australia. Beginning to settle our first colony.
Australia is rich with rare strategic resources, and since we destroyed England on accident, it's ours to colonize. We're starting with Adelaide.
It's of course outside our historic expansion zone but we can take the penalty. Australia is not a civilization yet ingame as well so it will never become independent nation. Tbh, Australia and South Africa as civilizations are currently the biggest gaps in the game imo, but it's still in development
We gain our first slave when Muscogee attempt to raid mines outside Columbia, and can put them to work at a Slave Plantation
It's hard to tell, but that sumovab-word is returning TWO full bags of commerce (10 )
Our stranded African raiding party is successful in tracking down some natives to enslave as well
(pls ignore that they are European heavy swordsman units, I think this is a cosmetic oversight)
History is so fun
Slaves are pretty valuable if a civilization wants them, Turkemenistan for example keeps coming buy asking to buy these guys I captured
Sometimes this can be used as a great metagame strategy, for example trading technologies to the Mande and Congolese for slaves, which you then sell to Europeans for money or other technologies. But we're making ~150 gold per turn so we don't need that shit
When one of the Swahili cities gets captured by natives we can use our little raiding party to free it, repairing our relations and foreign stability a little.
Plus we get more slaves
We can send these slaves to our new Australian colony to work in the coal mines
The Dutch spawn in 1580AD, sadly another Protestant power
As expected, since the English are kill and I'm only colonizing the south they colonize New York.
Also notice that I've expanded to Nashville
I've mentioned this, but this is a new map and unfortunately the dynamic city name mapping isn't complete. In DoC on the old map I'm pretty sure this would have been named Nieuw Amsterdam since the Dutch founded it
It breaks my heart that this isn't New Amsterdam I would literally cheat and rename it but it just seems to get renamed back to its default.
Although they're Protestant, after sending some missionaries we're able to pay them to convert.
and then immediately steal back the money we gave them
Now the only major European Protestant power is Sweden, who refuses to budge. Since the Netherlands have renounced their heresy we're willing to sign a Defensive Pact as well.
We're full on in the Industrial Era now.
Now is a good time to burn some Great People for a Golden Age as we're getting factories, power plants and railroads up across the empire
Padua as our military center is complete, with a Military Academy and Ironworks. We're pumping out promoted riflemen with leadership every turn
Marrakesh is our naval center, having built the wonder Trafalgar Square in it.
Corporations are starting to spread. Unlike the weird gimmicky implementation in base game corporations spread naturally in civilizations that allow them. Corporations piss citizens off and will start to get a LOT of angry faces in modern times. Lead developer Leoreth is kind of a Marxist I think. He's also pretty abrasive. This mod is an impressive achievement so he's earned the right to be as eccentric as he wants but I should find some of his rants at other developers in a future installment, they're hilarious.
Free Enterprise at this point is definitely more profitable than Regulated Trade, even as beastly as the city of Rome is. We have an extra Statesman left over from discovering Representation so we may as well use him to reform the whole government.
With Democracy and a Constitution we now are the Roman Republic once again. The Great People boost from Democracy will be great during our Golden Age.
Excess resources benefit corporations and all this industry spreads unhappiness and disease, so now's a good time for my vassals to start pulling their weight.
By now we've recovered our horrific Foreign Stability with strong vassals and the elusive Good Relations
Spain is booming, having colonized Texas and the incredibly helpful Panama Canal. France is not so much
They've only built Speightstown. I'm going to give them some old galleons and maybe a settler to help them out.
Finally, with some assistance they settle New Orleans
We're getting warnings that we're close to the domination limit on population. It's feasible we could go for a Domination win. But I still want Space
Coming soon: America
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This is so radically different from the base game that I have little to comment on. I'm just here for the ride.
Things happen sometimes.
We were always there!
Remember in Civ 1 how if there was an isthmus 1-tile wide you could build a city there and ships could enter and leave effectively making it a canal? Those were the days.
Keep edging us bb. I don't want this end yet.
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I started with civ 2, and it was so cool learning that I could do that when I built a city there.
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So it's still possible to stoke a spark of lucidity in grandpa's heart
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Honestly I'm pretty surprised myself. Examining my brain the last couple days it's like you go into some old house in the woods that you've been away from years and flip on the light switch and see what's there.
It's possible that my plan worked and I'm getting anterograde amnesia.
Notice that I have extremely sharp (99th percentile at least) memory of stuff I read 20 years ago but not last week.
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It's supposed to represent the 80 years war, if I were close enough it would have given a dynamic civ spawn message explaining where they came from
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