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>have i ever told you about my own language, Big Boss? Oh it's a language few people know these days...


>i learned English at a young age and even then i understood it's proximity to power. We do not inhabit nations, Big Boss, or even cultures but languages...


>so this butthole totally translated the dialogue totally wrong and changed the meaning of a bunch of the words. They told me that a direct translation of the original Japanese was incoherent but that butthole- THAT FRICKER -changed my dialogue. What, does he think he's a better writer than me? The fricking arrogance of it...


>I'm friends with Keifer Sutherland and Lea Seydoux. There's Norman Reedus too but let's not talk about him. Point is this: I don't need any of those people I worked with in the past- frick them. I get to sit in the room with Lea and remember that I got to see her munching on another chick's butthole in that French film. I get to sit next to her, thinking about that while sipping my tea. Do you? Do any of you? No, you don't...


>So we had the carbonnara and I know they told me it takes longer than bolognaise but everyone else had finished their food by the time mine arrived...


>i don't mind flying in coach so long as the flight's less than 2 hours. But I'm not doing it just to make a point like Keanu does. I know Keanu personally, you know. It was me that put him in touch with those Polish guys...


>nice place but the drains stank like three week old piss


>i told them that I didn't have a clue what her number was. I mean, who actually still uses their phone to call people anymore?

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During my gameplay, this scene was the moment I knew he wasn't a real Snake; a real Snake wouldn't sit quietly during an exposition dump without parroting the last thing they said back as a question :marseythinkorino:

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It's legitimately hilarious how he doesn't even say anything during this car ride.

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It felt like you're watching a pouting child giving the silent treatment while getting lectured by his dad from the front seat of the car, most awkward moment I've ever felt during a game lol

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:marseysmug2: Gotta stay quiet or the neck parasites might get in

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