
Thoughts on Sonic Adventure

I haven't played a whole lot of sonic compared to some people, only really the Rush games and Color, which I considered to be pretty good (also played Secret Ring but frick that game).

I do however have a little hobby of playing older games on real hardware, and I got a copy of adventure bundled with my dreamcast, so I've played a bit of it, and here are my thoughts.

So far I have completed Sonic and Tails campaign, and the levels are pretty fun, they feel good to move about in, and the camera is okayish for the most part, even if having a camera stick would be nice, but the dreamcast only has one joystick unfortunately.

The casino level was definitely a highlight for me, very creative and the Nights into Dreams cameos were very cool :marseyautism:

The graphics are simple but have their charm, the models are surprisingly fluid for early 3d and you only really notice stiffness when it's two models interacting with eachother in cutscenes (like when any character holds a chaos emerald).

Although keep in mind that while I did play on real hardware, I used an custom dreamcast hdmi cable that upscaled and smoothed things out, and not standard composite cables, so I looked better to me then people back in the day lol.

The UI was fine, did it's job but could be better, like how when you went into the start menu you had to press start instead of A to select something, which really fricked with my mind.

What may be a hot take I have though is the audio and sound design, which I was disappointed in. The music was fine (even if it did overuse the few songs with lyrics it had), but the audio balancing was so bad that it was hard to appreciate it in the first place.

My biggest complaint is the overworld, it's a confusing pain the butt to navigate and adds nothing to the overall game besides showing off the dreamcast capabilities back in the day. It would be tolerable of there was a minimap or a map your could pull up in the start menu, but nope. There is a funny orb that tells you where your supposed to go, which ranges in usefulness from "here is exactly where you should go" to "idk just walk around the city more"

Finally, unfortunately I couldn't try out Chao garden because my memory card has a dead battery and only works plugged into the controller, which is a bummer.

Overall, going off Sonic and Tails campaigns alone I would rate the game a 7/10, flawed but still dumb fun that was worth checking out. I plan to do the other campaigns in the future so maybe my opinion on it will change after I do those.

Also I'm writing this pretty late so I'll probably pin it tomorrow when everyone is more awake.

@Elias_Acorn Discuss

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You'll like 2 better. Also play the Gamecube version of Battle for the true Chao Garden experience

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I could be wrong but don't people like the port of SA2 (Battle) but dislike the port of SA1 (DX)

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I know people dislike the PC ports of both. I've never interacted enough with sonic fans to know what they think of the gamecube ports, though. I do know Battle (the gamecube port) added a fair bit of stuff to the garden, including fights and I think heaven and heck gardens, but I might be wrong on that second part.

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The GameCube port of sa1 is awful. Skip skip skip skip. Its buggier and has massive graphical ddowngrades. Only play a non Dreamcast version of sonic adventure if you are modding the pc version. @AltAccountOkapi the GameCube version also features lighting and graphical down grades in sa2. Play the pc version for the best of both versions l.

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I think heaven and heck were in the original release, but it's been 20 years since I last fired up my Dreamcast so I could be wrong.

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to most people SA2B is THE original version of the game. there's bits of it that are downgrades but the amount of content it adds and the similarity it has to the dreamcast version means it's not really as divisive as the gamecube onwards ports of SA1. the one benefit you get from playing SA1DX tho is on Gamecube you can transfer your chao over to SA2B which lets you get the Gold, Silver and Onyx Chao in SA2B

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Chao Garden experience

I don't know how many hours of my life I invested in it, but every one was worth it.

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I genuinely don't like two because it introduced rail grinding aka the worst mechanic in the entire series :marseycastlevania:

In SA2 it's good when you're on the rail but getting on and off them or is a pain in the butt.

In Heros it sometimes throws you off 100 feet away when switching rails.

In shadow... I don't remember using rails in that game.

In unleashed they just gave up and made them boring :marseysleep: filler parts of stages and stuck with that ever since.

Frick rails

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The only problem with rails in SA2B is with Sonic you have to press B to chase ring trails and land on a rail

B is also the button you press when you want him to hurtle himself downwards into a bottomless pit

Shadow doesn't get the suicide ability so rails aren't so bad from him, the ring trails work much better in his missions

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That's a pretty :marseyroan: big issue

Total rail death :marseypyramidhead:

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the chao's actually fight on the gamecube version? I guess its good to have something extra bc you cant have rhe neogoe pocket pet aspect of the chao


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Yeah, it's pretty fun. Instead of VMU, you can pair it with a GBA game and do chao stuff on that


I found this which details the Gamecube additions

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If you didn't beat the Big the Cat campaign you didn't beat the game sorry

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I 100% the game and the fishing was the worst part

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Second one is better

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If only it didn't cost the price of a kidney to get an authentic dreamcast version of SA2 :marseyitsover:

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Don't you have two kidneys though?

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There's a PC port no?

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Yeah which I will probably play but I prefer the orginal if it isn't horribly overpriced

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Just burn the iso on to a disc that's the authentic Dreamcast experience anyway

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theyre worth a lot? Ive got like three copies with one being the collectors edition unopened

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Like $90 for the loose disc, and probably like $160 for the box, idk if the collectors edition changes that

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Darn I gotta break into my parents' house and get that shit to sell.

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again, i would play the gamecube version. most people played the Gamecube version and it was basically a Breath of the Wild case where they developed it originally for the prior console sure but at some point in dev it pivoted from "this is a dreamcast/wii u game we're going to port" to "this is a gamecube/switch game, but since we've already done the work we can't just scrap the other version". it's just that the DC version came out months earlier

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I've owned a Dreamcast and known that you can play burned games for 20+ years and I've never played SA. The second one was pretty good though.


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People hate the game cube version of SA1 but it has a option :marseytrolleyproblemdrift: for manual camera :marseyjourno: control :marseyshadow: so it's the best version imo. No amount of better :marseysaulgoodman: graphics or less bugs compensate for that camera.

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You can mod the pc version for the best of both worlds. I still play with manual cam. One of the greatest psy ops ever was convincing g*mers baby sitting the right analog stick for camera control is fun !g*mers. Fixed cameras allow you to just play the game and the sa1 one works like 90% of the time

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The DC controller is pretty flawed overall but not including a second stick was a major mistake, so many games were hamstrung by poor camera controls. This is also the biggest problem with the PSP, and Sony should have known better.

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Oddly enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: the GameCube :marseyzeldamidna: version of SA2 doesnt have the option :marseytrolleyproblemdrift: for manual camera :marseyneat: control :marseyshadow: once again proving that adventure :marseyzeldalinktoonblue: 1 is the better :marseygenetakovic: game.

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Sexual assault 1? So there is sequals for sexual assault.

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Absolute kino. It's a rough around the edges game but that gives it so much more charm. I don't get why it has this retroactive hate towards it being "overrated". I think it's mostly just a really solid game that hasn't aged as well, but neither has countless others that people still claim are amazing cough Mario 64 cough

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it's an incredibly unpolished game but it's way more fun to play than most 2D->3D games because it actually controls decent and somewhat like the originals. games like Earthworm Jim 3D, Dragons Lair 3D, that PS1 Prince of Persia game and Oddworld Munch's Oddysee are way worse because they utterly butcher the controls of decent 2D games. It's just that zoomer r-slurs can't stand anything with jank in it because "Mario doesnt have jank" and like Mario isnt a niche speed-focused platformer with linear levels and a AA budget

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I liked gliding around as Knuckles.

Like most 3D gsames from that era the biggest flaw was the camera.

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The fighting freak knuckles

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Sonic Adventure 2 is better

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Its peak. I just sit and play random levels and run around the overworld because sonic and co feel so good to control. Mods allow fir the game to look as beaut as it did on the Dreamcast and there are also lots of new content mods.

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The only parts of SA1 I enjoy are Tails' levels and a few of the robot ones

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chao garden :marseyplant: in sonic :marseyshadow: adventure :marseyzeldalinkbotw: 2 battle :marseypunching: is the ultimate vidya :marseyalucard: kino

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you guys are really neurodivergent :marseyill:

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None at all

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I loved it and played the shit out of it. I got the golden chao and you could play with them like neogeo pocket pets on the dreamcast's memory cards that had a screen on them. I also got the collectors edition Soinc Adventures 2 with the gold coin.


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Sonic had a rough transition to 3D.

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Dreamcast and Gamecube versions are fine, any ports past that tend to have issues (i.e. on the Xbox360 version, Sonic will sometimes fall through the dock when running from the whale on Emerald Coast)

If you hate the open world then SA2 will be better, because it gets rid of that. However, that game only builds on the Sonic, Knuckles, and E-102 gameplay + the Chao Garden. Knuckles and Big stages are probably the most divisive.

I got all emblems on both games, and while there are definitely weaker parts they weren't torture.

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I loved it and SA 2 when I was a little kiddy. I was in those Chao gardens for 40+ hours feeding them random animals and weird colored test tube things. :crackpipe: :chao: :sonicdance:

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My favourite GameCube game

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good game. feels great to control. peaks at Sonic-Tails tho. Knuckles and Gamma are fun but kinda undercooked. Amy had potential but you probably wont find her fun to play as at all and big is like a 1hr filler arc

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Awesome :marseyagree:

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