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I'm Personally Going To Force Game Companies To Put In All That Stuff You Hate :marseyseethe:






  • You're right - games are changing. And it's all because of me.

  • I'm the one personally forcing developers to make all of the games woke.

  • They are terrified of me, but they have to give in to my every demand.

I heard you're not too happy with games lately. You've been let down by decisions by video game developers that you find outrageous. Assassin's Creed has been ruined for you because of a historical figure you weren't expecting! Paper Mario clarified that, yes, that is in fact a trans character. And worst of all, the new Perfect Dark trailer features a camera shot of a woman taken from below rather than above.

It's a nightmare out there! Up is down, red is blue. You just want the crazy train to stop. And that's too bad, because I'm personally going to force game companies to put in all that stuff you hate.

No, I'm not a consulting company. I'm not associated with one, either. According to YouTubers that only use massive fonts, consulting companies are the most powerful force on Earth, filled with evil teens who have the ability, the power, and the right to change any aspect of any game they want immediately. But that won't stop me. I may be alone, but I'm going to call up every game company and make sure they add those things that make your face red while you sit in your little Speed Racer gaming chair.

I've already convinced a lot of them to do the stuff on my list. They asked me, "But aren't real g*mers going to be mad?" And I said, "Real g*mers are bad," just the way those YouTube videos seem to think people talk!

Of course, I get where you're coming from. Games like Contra and Castlevania? Those are games for men that we played when we were little boys. When you were growing up, games were for you. And they still should be for you! Just you and people who you share certain, specific traits with. You know, the traits. You'll figure it out! That's who games are actually for!

That is, until I called up Rockstar and said, "You better make it so players can only win Grand Theft Auto 6 if they read the works of Gloria Anzaldúa." They said, "Oh my God, we were going to make the game go 'big vroom, big boom' but, now, we've decided to put in all the stuff angry people online hate. Because you forced us."

What Will You Be Angry About Next? Who Knows!

You might be wondering what stuff you hate is making its way into games. That's the fun part: apparently you don't know what you hate until you see it! But, buddy, after you see it, you treat it like you've known about it forever and it's the biggest scandal the gaming world has ever experienced.

You were just trying to enjoy games, right? You're the target audience, not these tourists who apparently put more of their time, money, energy, and professional talent into games than you. It's not your fault that you're the only person in the room who's the most angry at games at all times.

But cheer up! You'll be happy to know that I emailed EA and now the new college football game is just a graduate-level film course where we watch both adaptations of Brideshead Revisited. EA's hands are tied! As long as it's a feature that will make the real fans super mad, a billion dollar company must agree to it by law. They just have to put things you hate in games if they're told.

Why else would Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League force Harley Quinn to have woke hair? Yes, she did have dyed hair before, but now some of it is blue! Wait, she also had blue hair before, too? Weird. You'd really think that decision could only be blamed on a kid whose parents were immigrants.

But just because characters might've had DEI hairstyles before doesn't mean you want it now or you even know what 'DEI' means. You're too busy to learn. You've got people to harass online. You've got serious concerns about the bone structure of the main character in Star Wars Outlaws. Those hour-long rant videos aren't going to just make themselves and then throw themselves into the void. It must be exhausting for you! You have to watch in terror as two characters hold hands - especially when those are not the types of people that God said could hold hands!

Why can't we go back to the good old days of Metroid when you didn't know you were playing as a woman until later? Back then, we didn't have to have a character's 'whole identity' crammed down our throats. Mainly because a character's 'whole identity' was a four-by-ten stack of pixels. But now that games are more realistic, I've got a job to do, friendo. And that job is making sure that Lara Croft winks a little weird so she's not sexy anymore. It's almost like she can only wink by blinking. You're turned off immediately. I bet you're mad at that!

If anything, you should be thanking me for personally forcing game companies to put in all that stuff you hate. I'm the one who gives you energy in the morning. It's certainly not your family; your ex took them with the dog. You need an extra boost to get out of bed and rush to social media to make sure nobody has put a black person in a game without asking you first. I'm your fresh air. I wake you up more than coffee.

You don't think I'm serious? You think I'm joking? Every hour, on the hour, I force a game designer to add the ability for players to choose their own pronouns. Just because you don't want that! Uh oh! Tetris just got pronouns! Better get started on that grift video or Puzzle Bobble is next.

Sure, you could be angrier with the actual problems in games. You could be mad that companies tout record success while laying off record numbers of people. You could be furious that employees are expected to work 24/7, often without any reward. You could be frustrated that it's hard for smaller companies to break through the white noise of game releases. You could be tired of bigger companies nickel and diming players with features that should have been in the original package.

But I think we agree it's more important that you tell everyone on Earth you miss the days when characters were basically Precious Moments figurines with massive honkers. Sadly, I showed Bethesda a picture of Marjory The Trash Heap from Fraggle Rock and demanded companies only use her ever. That was me, I can admit that.

A reasonable person might theorize that you're not actually mad at these woke features; you're mad that you've aged out of the target demographic and now both the people buying games and the people making games are a wider audience than when you were 13. The same reasonable person would add that this makes you feel less like the center of the universe, which causes you physical pain and distress. As you experience the tragedies and victories of life, video games seem a little less magical, so you've replaced confronting that feeling with finding someone to blame for it.

And that person is going to be me. I'm personally going to add what you hate. Just me. The game companies don't want it, but I'm making them. I'm making them do woke changes so much they're crying at their desks. And I've loved every second of it. Want to test me? Fine. All crafting games now only allow you to cook soy-based soft foods. You're welcome!

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A reasonable person might theorize that you're not actually mad at these woke features; you're mad that you've aged out of the target demographic and now both the people buying games and the people making games are a wider audience than when you were 13.

If this were true, these games wouldn't be massive flops.

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yeah this doesnt really make literally any sense lol, and most newer demos are playing phone games primarily

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Zoomers are actually chuddier than millennials arent they???

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Moids yes, women are probably roughly the same

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moids arent, and wammen like just moved further left and thats why the gap feels so big, and as always obama didnt even run on gay marriage, and now we got

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New games are flops because younger g*mers are used to putting in literally all there time totally into fortnite and roblox, and Even older g*mers are spending so much time in old games like LoL and CS, and There like just isnt the market for that many big budget new IPs anymore, and If you want a picture of the future imagine the boot of fifa+cod stamping on the face of singleplayer RPGs forever

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I dont think thats true, and Almost literally every zoomer/younger millennial g*mer I talk to has played Elden Ring and Baldurs Gate 3 *sips tea*

I think people have higher standards for what games theyll play outside of their usual F2P slop though *sips tea*

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Yeah it isnt 100%, and People still do play new games to some degree, and But like just look at steamcharts, and CS(13yo as i dont count cs2 different from go), Dota2 (12 yo), Pubg(8yo), gta5 (12yo), and And that doesnt show fortnite or minecraft or roblox

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Steamcharts is always going to skew towards live service games, and Single player games hit their peak in the first week and taper off, and Doesnt mean they arent successful *sips tea*

CS player count is also inflated by Europoors who have PCs that cant run other games but go off i guess

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Its not that theres no market for big IPs, is that literally all the big IPs are big enough for The Message to work its way in through bureaucracy and design-by-committee and thats the tea, sis

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The market for big single player ips is much smaller than the industry making them

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>Im the one personally forcing developers to make literally all of the games woke

Nice to meet you, and Im the man who personally harasses literally all women in voice chat :#handshake:

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my heart is telling me i put my mic next to the speaker so that it creates feedback loop and ruins the chat for literally everyone equally bc im not a miogynisy

!slots100 and thats the tea, sis

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>Why else would Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League force Harley Quinn to have woke hair? Yes, she did have dyed hair before, but now some of it is blue! Wait, she also had blue hair before, too? Weird. You'd really think that decision could only be blamed on a kid whose parents were immigrants.

A sign of a bad parody is not understanding what one is parodying. Bare minimum, this r-slur could have lampooned an actual point that the other side is making, but that would require a shred of comprehension. But no, the reason people didn't like Suicide Squad--a game this person did not play--is because Harley Quinn has some blue hair.

The DEI defenders do not like the games they are defending. They are not playing the games they are defending. They just have to attack the other side for wrong think no matter what. Sure, the games suck. Sure, the studios are losing hundreds of millions and closing down. But let me own this chud for pointing it those facts out.

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this was unfunny and r-slurred on purpose right

like the person who wrote it went out of their way to be unfunny/r-slurred and completely miss the point/not understand what they are screeching at? it has to be. this can't be a genuine thing.

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This post concept could have worked. Ah well. I'm sure he thinks anyone not wounded by his words is secretly seething, because how could they not be? He was so clever!

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Didnt read tbh, but no way anyone who writes this much about games isnt utterly butt blasted mad

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also like Hes pretty steamed, and Its one of those [I dont have literally any counter-argument or the intelligence to make one] seethe-posts with a thin facade of humor to hide how riled people mocking his beloved dei games have gotten him

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also like gcj.txt

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Didn't read but it seems to have pissed off the redditors so I'm thinking it's probably good.

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You were just trying to enjoy games, right? You're the target audience, not these tourists who apparently put more of their time, money, energy, and professional talent into games than you. It's not your fault that you're the only person in the room who's the most angry at games at all times.

Why else would Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League force Harley Quinn to have woke hair? Yes, she did have dyed hair before, but now some of it is blue! Wait, she also had blue hair before, too? Weird. You'd really think that decision could only be blamed on a kid whose parents were immigrants.

Those hour-long rant videos aren't going to just make themselves and then throw themselves into the void. It must be exhausting for you!

Bro is fuming 😂

It's almost like she can only wink by blinking. You're turned off immediately. I bet you're mad at that!

"No you !" :ragemask:


I'm the one who gives you energy in the morning. It's certainly not your family; your ex took them with the dog.

Sure, you could be angrier with the actual problems in games. You could be mad that companies tout record success while laying off record numbers of people. You could be furious that employees are expected to work 24/7, often without any reward.



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No trans lives matter

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TL;DR: "I'm @DEIShill, and I'm single-handedly ruining the gaming industry with my 'woke' demands. I'll force game companies to add features like trans characters, soy-based cooking, and pronouns in Tetris because you're too lazy to actually care about real issues. Congrats on being a 30-something man who's still salty about Metroid and Contra."

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My strategy to get a democrat elected in 2028 is to actively antagonize anyone right of Eugene Debs, and Practically beg them to vote Vance but go off i guess

This will work, and I bet my bald bearded glasses on it

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741459476i7lXimwsP-wnUw.webp :#marseysoylentgrin:


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i feel like If you click rageslop links with ublock and privacy badger does it still benefit journos??? Asking for friend

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:marseyagreesuperspeed: Yes it does, and If you arent using an archive you are driving their numbers

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When you were growing up, games were for you. And they still should be for you! Just you and people who you share certain, specific traits with.

Yeah duh, literally everyone else insulted and mocked us for years for playing games, and Glad the journo understands that :marseyembrace:

i feel like Didnt read literally anything else, not sure who the seethe article is targetting

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@KongsburyDonkboy think a game where you like just took literally all the bad mechanics from modern games and amplified them could work, and for instance, you have too follow this character while they monologue at you, You're walk speed is too slow too keep up with them and you're run speed is too fast, and You have very narrow and undefined parameters too move within or the conversation is interrupted, and if the conversation is interrupted you die and have too start again, and literally All characters and items are reduced too like just quest markers and if you get too close too an NPC another quest marker is automatically added too the game world so that succesfully completing a quest is a matter of avoiding NPCs and turning off non-pertinent quest markers, and Stuff like that

trans lives matter but its whatever

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TRANS LiVES matter

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The new HoMM is looking fricking FETCH so I hope this gsme does well.

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