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Why are western video games failing so hard?

The last exciting western video game was cyberpunk 2077 and technically it's Polish not American. Even that was a shitshow.

Elden Ring meanwhile is game of the year. The year before that Death stranding was the big game everyone talked about.

The Last of US 2 went down the shitter too. Horizon zero dawn was crap too.

Last time a western game didn't disappoint and was really good was either God Of War or Spiderman 2018.

Since then there has been no worthwhile game that I can think of that's coming out of the western world except for GoW2.

Why have western games become so shit?

Are Americans not worries that they have lost the culture war? That all of video game culture that is successful seems to be coming from Japan and South Korea? Or does the current day US consider them equivalent to Italy and Spain?? That is the only way this state of affairs makes sense to me.

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All mainstream entertainment product is shit: movies, music, video games, all of it. You should know this by now. Find weird indie games in a niche subgenre you like, play those instead.

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Rimworld, Oxygen Not Included, Factorio

All three are phenomenal games that you could easily sink thousands of hours into and still come back for more. I guess you just have to be neurodivergent enough to enjoy management games first, but there are some real bangers coming out in that genre

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I used to follow horror games but nothing has come out in recent times that sends actual chills down the spine sadly. I think the last good horror game was outlast 1.

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Have you tried VR?

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no. That's a good idea.

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Pretty sure even horror movie fans find them scarier than film. Watch some Youtubers playing VR, it's great watching someone shit their pants while playing. Cons: VR games are usually short 3-4 experiences except the well-known zombie titles. Pros: the well-known zombie games are great. And even the shorter games deliver a lot fwiw.

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Thanks. I will remember to try them out!

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The Resident Evil 2 remake is the only horror game I’ve ever played that I had to turn off because I was too stressed to keep playing.

Outlast 1 sucked. That whole sub genre of hide-and-seek horror games blew and I’m glad it died with the walking simulator.

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neat. Resident Evil two looked cool. I look forward to an even more realistic looking resident evil in the future.

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Yeah, it was fantastic. I’d go so far as to say it was my favorite game this decade.

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I definitely should replay it. I've heard 2 was ok too but I can't be arsed with that price tag and I :marseypirate: only that often

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2 was alright but not that big of an upgrade and less tension. I would wait for 3.

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No Man’s Sky

Thread debunked.


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Alright you got me there, but still one game released like a decade ago or something.

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Brought up to current gen graphical and performance standards in 2021 and still getting several massive content updates every year that would warrant a sequel in any other IP 😎


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That's true. And the update cycle is 1 update per 3 months?

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Roughly; they put out new stuff as it’s done but it equates to that, about.

HG is a team of around 20 people and they’re openly just adding stuff to the game that the community wants and that they want to see themselves because NMS is literally the game they’ve always wanted to have themselves. It’s been working out really well. One of the devs really likes making music so he went off and made the ByteBeat system - some absurdly in-depth music creation tool in NMS where you can build stereos and make music and it can play on your stereos or be added to playlists to take with you - just for fun and they dropped an update with it in it because why not? Other times they’ll do stuff like create a giant mech exocraft because it seems fun so now there’s a giant mech and add a completely arbitrary cooking and animal husbandry system it so you can make hundreds of weird food dishes and milk fauna and grow crops and shit and this gets included with a regular large update just as a side thing.

It’s a really weird development cycle, is what I’m saying. They just do whatever seems fun to them and whatever the community asks for.


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That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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That sounds cool. What more features do you figure they could add to the game now? I honestly can't think of anything. Maybe allow you to buy entire planets off the galactic market or join multiple frigates to collect enough resources to build an artificial planet?

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Yes Woman's Land is truly a story of hopium.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Just play Civ V.


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With Vox Populi

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Civ 2 was peak Civ. :marseyboomer: Everything after that has been bloated with features that aren't worth having.

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All the tards (kids who shouldn't even be allowed to make financial decisions, mostly) drooling over graphics ruined everything. Cyberpunk could have been done normally in like 4 years if it weren't a requirement that one billion man hours be invested into making a perfectly photorealistic Peepee 2. It's all just a creatively bankrupt circus dressed up in shiny glitter.

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Hyperfocus on graphics does ruin things. Like Halo 3 looked good for its time but what made it fun was the abundance of physics and reactivity everything in the environment had. Outside of Bread of the Wild we haven't seen fun physics or breakable/reactive stuff in AAA games for a while and the lack of :horny: gamefeel :!horny: is noticeable as a result.

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Nah, I think they should have just let it bake for 2 more years and it would have been solid.

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That's kinda what I'm saying. The scope of these games has been getting so out of hand that it takes the better part of a decade and a few hundred million dollars to make them. This then leads to decisions that appeal to the greatest common denominator and the investors, of course.

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Yeah true, so basically you are saying that game scopes should only extend as far as 5 years of development time?

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No he's saying go for less time intensive graphical styles

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Like Elden Ring?

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If they'd made it less realistic it wouldn't have the performance issues it has on PC and would have been out sooner, so I'd say so yeah. The pretty graphics are cool but not why I like the game personally.

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Less realistic? It already looks like a well polished game from 2016.

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Not. Shitty looking. Enough.

Give me Cruelty Squad or give me death

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That’s just a darn cope for the fact that the only people whoring about graphics nowadays are the CRPG grognards like you.

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The last exciting western video game was cyberpunk 2077

You're an idiot.

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the hype I meant

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I think as money came in more corporate people are involved and there's no longer "passion projects" at the top. It's all re releases and out of no where blow ups that big companies jump on and monetize. We many be seeing the last of actual g*mers involved in the executive decisions right now with people like Todd Howard (yes I know he barely qualifies but still) and the guys at microsoft/blizzard (though they seem to have given up or changed into suites themselves). It's only going to get worse as the woke crowd infests the industry and the upper management continues to push the p2w envelope. Diablo immortal will look like a reasonable game in 5 years

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It's only going to get worse as the woke crowd infests the industry

They're already there neighbor. Didn't you notice Rockstar of all developers removing heckin transphobia from GTA V? Now consider that it's worse in 90% of all other major studios.

It should come as no surprise, as game devs are neurodivergents so you get a lot of soys and :!marseytrain:s. Add the fact that they're trying to ensure everything appeals to everyone, which inevitably means stupid hires (not just DEI consultants and shit, but also more HR nonsense as companies are trying to get rid of "bro culture" or whatever"). And :soyjackwow: MY HECKIN INDIES :soyjackwow: aren't any better in this aspect.

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They're already there neighbor

Oh I know, WoW just got rid of gender and changed to body type lmao. Unfortunately people are so afraid to say anything about social stuff nowadays so I think it's only gonna get worse as the rallying cry of the woke crowd seems to be "why do you care el oh el, you must be a bigot/secretly gay" and the neckbeard vanguard have no good response without sounding like incels tryhards

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that makes sense sadly.

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Jews have infested our country with identity politics. Let this be a warning to Eastern Europe to never succumb to Jewry. They are the last bastion of Aryan civilization.

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Eastern Europe

Last bastion of Aryan civilization

Neighbor I...

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Hungarians and Ossetians are the real Aryans.

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Slav(e)s are BIPOC

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Do not bully Slavic people. They are POC though, you're right.

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It turns out that people don't actually know what they want, and the modern 3D format is more limiting that 2D.

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Human Resources.

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Monopolization for starters. Creative talent, like writers and developers, look to other industries which lets in low value wokeness. Entertainment in general is hypersaturated and competes with social media. Creativity is also difficult to rush and expensive to supply; it doesn't like to obey deadlines and amazing ideas don't always make money.

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I agree with a lot of this except for monopolization, it's easier than ever for an indie game to be released and get major attention.

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The best games are made by a medium-sized team of around 5-30 people. That way you've got all the skills you need but the project is still focused and easy to coordinate. Unfortunately we've ended up where we've got massive AAA games made by 1000+ people scattered around the world and we've got lone indie developers who just don't have the wherewithal to accomplish anything significant.

It's no coincidence that most of the classics of the last 20 years (Kerbal Space Program, Factorio, Prison Architect) are made by the few medium-sized developers.

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Good point.


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  1. capitalism - general safety and focus on numbers. Means taking fewer risks, trying to sell more guns/bigger map/etc. as innovation, aggressive monetization, dumbing down to appeal to as wide an audience as possible, rushing releases, jumping on trends, big focus on personalization and individual identity with heroes, cosmetics, loadouts etc. instead of fixed identity characters that can be more fleshed out.

  2. balooning costs (kinda ties in with the first one)

  3. market saturation of sorts, the market hasn't really expanded as much as many have perhaps hoped over the last 15 years or so, except mobile. You either shit out something that attracts wide audience which usually means certain compromises, or try to carve out a niche and target mostly neurodivergents and tryhards if it's a MP game

  4. general decline in ingenuity of developers - it's mostly soys, wannabe artstrags, people who can't find jobs in better paying industries

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go woke go broke

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They have prioritised player identification over gameplay loop.

Or, if you have a silent protagonist then you have to good actual gameplay to get people to want to keep playing.

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Haven’t the good video games been coming from Japan since the 80s. I dunno if this is new. :marseyexcited::marseyinabox:

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I don’t know, but after playing a few hours of Elden Ring I can confidently say that it’s probably the best RPG ever made. No hyperbole or exaggeration. I went into it blind and it just absolutely blows away games like Witcher, Oblivion, whatever other trash has come out. It literally makes them look like high school programming class projects in comparison, in every single aspect and mechanic.

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That certainly hasn't been true for the games that actually matter (RTS, FPS and RPGs).

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Im hoping bethesda does good with starfield

Indie games have been good from the US

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Idk I saw the vid and in some spots it looks good but in others it looks shit. It's like an upgraded fallout in space but they actually needed a leapfrog not a direct iterative upgrade. Feels like other RPG games already did this level of progression in terms of quality of game.

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Yeah it was defintely questionable but still hoping

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It’s going to be terrible.

The game will be absolute garbage built on an ancient engine that wasn’t even good when it was new.

It have a terrible and forgettable story about a bipoc trans queen alien coming out to xir parents or something.

It will be filled with game breaking bugs, memory leaks and crashes.

It will be rated 9.9/10 on metacritic with a 1.3 for user reviews.

Everyone who points out its many glaring flaws will be labeled a bigot.

I can see the future and this is it.

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It'll be bad, don't be naive.

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lately I've been enjoying that hot wheels game

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Dont know dont care, i just play csgo and but virtually skins

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Make Hearthstone Great Again

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Most American games try to be boring movies with gameplay sometimes without even trying to be absurd like Metal Gear.

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You play boring fantasy/sci-if novels with even worse gameplay

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imagine blowing 900 on a scalped ps5

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Last of Us 2 was pretty awesome I thought

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Storyline was shit though

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It was better and more memorable than 95% of video game storylines. Most of the gaymer rage about it just came from scrotes not wanting to play as a chick and thinking that Abby was trans because they misunderstood a leak. Most of the people who shit on it never even played it

Story wasn't as good as in the first Last of Us but at least they actually tried to tell a story that wasn't the most generic thing possible, which is more than can be said for the vast majority of games.

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Your opinion is wrong and you should feel bad.

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Did you play it?

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No of course not

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eat the shit before determining it tastes like shit. How would you know by just looking at it

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You're just a weeb

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Okay yeah, this hole was a mistake

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Wokes. Women. Simple as

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I feel like I'm reading another language when I look at that link in removeddit. Based? nu-male? And why do they hate the nintendo switch so much? I googled "soyboy meme" and now I'm even more mystified.

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