The last exciting western video game was cyberpunk 2077 and technically it's Polish not American. Even that was a shitshow.
Elden Ring meanwhile is game of the year. The year before that Death stranding was the big game everyone talked about.
The Last of US 2 went down the shitter too. Horizon zero dawn was crap too.
Last time a western game didn't disappoint and was really good was either God Of War or Spiderman 2018.
Since then there has been no worthwhile game that I can think of that's coming out of the western world except for GoW2.
Why have western games become so shit?
Are Americans not worries that they have lost the culture war? That all of video game culture that is successful seems to be coming from Japan and South Korea? Or does the current day US consider them equivalent to Italy and Spain?? That is the only way this state of affairs makes sense to me.
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All the tards (kids who shouldn't even be allowed to make financial decisions, mostly) drooling over graphics ruined everything. Cyberpunk could have been done normally in like 4 years if it weren't a requirement that one billion man hours be invested into making a perfectly photorealistic Peepee 2. It's all just a creatively bankrupt circus dressed up in shiny glitter.
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Nah, I think they should have just let it bake for 2 more years and it would have been solid.
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That's kinda what I'm saying. The scope of these games has been getting so out of hand that it takes the better part of a decade and a few hundred million dollars to make them. This then leads to decisions that appeal to the greatest common denominator and the investors, of course.
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Yeah true, so basically you are saying that game scopes should only extend as far as 5 years of development time?
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No he's saying go for less time intensive graphical styles
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Like Elden Ring?
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If they'd made it less realistic it wouldn't have the performance issues it has on PC and would have been out sooner, so I'd say so yeah. The pretty graphics are cool but not why I like the game personally.
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Less realistic? It already looks like a well polished game from 2016.
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Not. Shitty looking. Enough.
Give me Cruelty Squad or give me death
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Hyperfocus on graphics does ruin things. Like Halo 3 looked good for its time but what made it fun was the abundance of physics and reactivity everything in the environment had. Outside of Bread of the Wild we haven't seen fun physics or breakable/reactive stuff in AAA games for a while and the lack of
is noticeable as a result.
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That’s just a darn cope for the fact that the only people whoring about graphics nowadays are the CRPG grognards like you.
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