
Thought Noita would be enough a couple months ago but I'm getting a little burned out after around 30 hours (no wiki use).

Considered picking up Dota 2 but developing a cocaine habit might be healthier than that.


I have played and beaten every 3d Zelda game (minus SS but I plan to get to it at some point) except for Tear of the Kingdom.

I have even done randomizer of most of them, so I'm very familiar with what make a Zelda game good.

I don't like Botw and Totk, and not for the reasons most people list. I think the weapon system and them breaking was really fun, the new artstyle is good, and while the controls are not great, they aren't a deal dealbreaker for me.

The reason I don't like modern Zelda is simply because they are too long. Sure, I can just do the main story and have a okayish 30-40 hour experience, but that is not what I play Zelda games for.

Other 3d Zelda games are perfect because they give you a satisfying 20-40 hour adventure, where the side stuff is fun distractions to do when you get bored of the main story, and not 95% of the fricking game.

Botw was a fun and innovative experiment with the Zelda formula, and while I'm not a huge fan of it, I can respect it for how ambitious, and how it made the world seem massive, even if in turn it felt less handcraft and interesting.

Then Totk tries to give you twice the amount of content to explore, but the same amount of NPCs and towns, and suddenly the once fun, detailed and lived in worlds of 3d Zelda games turns into mostly barren environments with the occasional bokoblin you can beat up for a slightly ok spear.

That my :marseyretard2: on why I don't like modern 3d Zelda, feel free to agrue with me in the comments.

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ape together stroommmmnggee :#monke: ape gothergether is is stongronger :#donkeykongattack: aepe songether is STORNG STORNG STORONGER :#kongsuprise: !besties !coolpeople !r-slurs !ifrickinglovescience ape pis game is ss siis is now bon is on now on sale for buy :#donkeykonghearteyes: buy ape fideoi game :#donkeykonghi:

Would anyone be down for a Stellaris tournament?

Lightly modded, only virtuality and total war civs banned, winner decided by last man standing.

Top three players get a prize, either steam bux or MB/DC?


I am a G*mer

I've been stuck at home this week, mostly in bed or on the couch recuperating from physical injuries. Been bored af so I decided to do a New Vegas playthrough and followed this guide for installing stability and appearance mods. The game has not crashed even once; no more spamming f5 and having to relaunch every 5 minutes. It's pretty sweet.


We wuz samuraiz and shieeet :marseysamurai:

!chuds yasuke was already in the gaymes long ago





The debut of Concord at Sony's PlayStation State of Play hasn't been as well received as Sony and developer Firewalk would've hoped. In the hours since Concord's first trailer and gameplay were revealed, the game has been hit with an overly negative response from g*mers.

As of publishing, Concord's cinematic reveal trailer has a 76.99% negative rating while its gameplay trailer has an 82.39% dislike rate. And the comments from fans haven't been any better, with Concord being panned for numerous things ranging from appearing like another Overwatch clone to having β€œno soul”.

β€œThe cutscene sold me on an adventure,” said one commenter. β€œThe very next words out [of] the developer's mouth is 5v5 FPS.”

Said another, β€œIt's like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Suicide Squad meets Overwatch.”

Concord is a 5v5 hero shooter set in the new Concord galaxy. The game sees players take control of one of a number of β€œFreegunners”, each having different abilities.

β€œThe Freegunners roam the stars taking high-stakes jobs on worlds across Wild space, where they face other fiercely competitive Freegunner crews,” game director Ryan Ellis said. β€œFrom match-to-match, you'll form your team of Freegunners with other players and battle it out with rival crews to take home the reward across a variety of maps and modes.”

He added: β€œWhile our core gunplay will feel familiar to shooter fans, the versatility and variety of each Freegunner and their abilities makes it so aim and thumbskill alone aren't always enough to come out on top.”

The game launches on August 23, 2024, for PlayStation 5 and PC. !g*mers

Should I play Rogue Trader?

:marseysipping: people say it's as good as BG3


My main issue is Chudjak. He seems to get in even when you have the door shut. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm misinterpreting something? I think you're supposed to turn off the light so he'll leave you alone, but when I tried that he never seemed to go away. I just heard him pacing around for like 20 seconds, and then the impish ears one came out and ate me.

Replaying the first night is also very frustrating because you can't skip the phone call, even though nothing happens for the first hour.



Game takes place in space has green dude, blue dude, robot, no white guys .. like 5 different black woman characters including fatties.


!g*mers discuss


All the astrobots games feel like a tech demo/commercial like Pepsi man and now they ask 70 buxx for it

The Sims 4 is adding daily quests

hope this means a battle pass is coming soon


Apparently PS5 users could play the DLC in its entirety because the cloud :marseyrain: streaming had it preloaded lol. Least incompetent $100B tech company. Bungie had to kill the server.

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Random cat meme I found #1

One game, I don't know why :marseygamer:

Would you spend five hundred bucks to play sony's new kino?

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