:marseysoyswitch: SUMMER GAMES FEST (AKA NOT E3) 2024 LIVE DISUCSSION THREAD :marseysoyswit!ch:

Itsssss heeeeeereeee!

Well, in about a half hour, at least

In our first ever summer (since like 1994 I think) without any sort of E3 being a thing at all (after a previous few years where there was no E3 by it was still theoretically existing), we have yet another edition of its essential replacement! :egenocide::3genocide:

What does that fat frick Geoff have in store for us? Probably more slop than not, but who knows? Perhaps there is more than one Le hidden gem out here..and we will find out together! :marseyminer:


Kino alert :marseygem:


evolution of different video game (ongoing) franchises graphics



GTA VI appears too be a leap over GTA V graphics and RDR 2 graphics.

Call of Duty:


Games start too look too dated too enjoy from 2013 and before.

Final Fantasy:


Games look fine from final fantasy VII remake and after

Resident Evil:


Noticeable change 2021 onward.

Mortal Kombat:

MK One ( newest release ) is a noticeable graphical leap over the game right before it. In all the other franchises listed so far that does not appear too be the case.

Hideo Kojima games:


2019 Death stranding stands out as having far better character graphics but Phantom Pain feels like it can still stand on its own without looking too dated.

Final observation:

Most of these game franchises have a cut off where things feel changed either around the 2013-15 mark or 2019-21 mark.

In theory any game franchise that only releases a game every five years would have a game that looks like a complete graphical upgrade over the previous game.

We can take the average time span for noticeable graphical improvements in games too be 5 years.

The best looking games of 2018:

Best looking games of 2023:

We can see a noticeable difference


We will never see a gaming leap as big as the one between ps2 and ps3, but we will keep seeing noticeable differences in the quality of games every 5 years if you pay attention, and every 10 years if you are just passing by and taking a quick glance over.

This post rests on native land.

Does Kojima suffer from the autism curse? Why are Japanese games better this generation?

Erratic genius in his field who makes cutting edge cinematography and upgraded one of the best game engines out there, then went on to make the weirdest game with it whose story makes no sense but it does look good though and has good mechanics and the character animations are great.

This clearly looks better than horizon forbidden west, which already looked amazing for its time.

And the landscapes look amazing as well.

It's like Kojima realized that the failure of the current game industry was that the environments had become too samey in a game to save on efforts after working on detailing everything, so he decided to instead place multiple amazing looking environments in his game.

The differences between the ps4 and the ps5 generation are finally becoming noticeable on a scale similar to the differences between the ps3 and ps4 generation.

The main upgrades appear to be in character reactivity, environments, and lighting improvements. The still appear to be limits on number of npc on screen at a time which has been the disappointing limiting factor of the previous generation of games.

It would be impressive if GTA VI releases with large crowds with the level of graphics it has.

I believe one of the things that Japanese game makers have figured out that western game makers appear to be missing is that they realize that their medium is video games, they can create whatever scenarios they want with it, no matter how weird, and it would work better than a weird book or a weird movie or a weird tv show. Western game developers appear to be far more limited with their imaginations in current gen of gaming.

The point is, western games forgot to add in the set pieces this generation. Which is especially visible in the case of the Call of Duty modern warfare recreations. The most original new IP's appear to be coming out of Japan, where they don't just try to make a new game, but improve upon every single lesson learned from the previous games they have made. The west appears to recycle ideas, while the Eastern gaming industry appears to upgrade them.

I bet the graphics when the game comes out will look as good as they do in the trailer, which shows nothing, yet everybody trusts that Kojima will make something interesting out of it.

One of the key aspects that might make Japanese game developers better at their jobs might be the fact that they don't move up to management positions or investment positions when they get older, rather, they stick to the actual blood and sweat part of the process well into their 50's and 60's stacking up that experience.

The gaming industry appears to be one of the few places where bug culture is superior to western work culture practices.

Will Kojima keep revolutionizing the game industry?

If we were to look at his track record almost every single game that he has released has been an upgrade in some way over his previous work and has had noticeable sales in the game industry.

If nothing else, we can be guaranteed that every single release will be an improvement over the previous formula in some noticeable manner.

While Assassins creed lost direction in their gameplay and Call of Duty has come close to doing the same, Japanese game developers appear to keep finding better ways to keep improving on what they already have.

We can also see this in the case of the semiconductor industry with the East taking the lead.

Hideo Kojima has also stated that he has no plans to ever retire. So we can expect him to make games for another 20 years. That gives him 5-6 opportunities to upgrade the quality of the games he makes.

In conclusion:

Hideo Kojima will one day make something that will make Death stranding look like a trash heap.

The video game industry lives on though weird Japanese creations and the creation of a fantasy west from the lens of a Japanese perspective.

This post rests on native land


Got blindsided by some spoilers bros, goal of going in blind is shattered :marseycry:

Not looking for links because I dont want to spoil myself more but this is too funny not to share whole fandom has been immolating for days as far as I can tell form a brief glance around

tl;dr big name guy boss from main game gets mind controlled by a femboy and is forced to marry him and the femboy is riding on his back as the final boss plus animation quality did not look up to snuff either. This leaked a few days ago and there were a lot of arguments about whether the fight was a fan mod or not.

All speculation about why Malenia went to fight Radahn turned out to be wrong, she was just doordashing a Bear for Miquella and dragging him the femboy's lair

Souls related subs have been bickering for days about whether leaks were real (they are), lots of doom tourists stirring up drama

How she was seen previously:

How she actually is

Why no one like mario and luigi 6?

Sheeeet looks kino af. Not on switch 2 so I can still pirate it. Stylish my neighbor


Banana is a clicker Game, in which you click a Banana!

Get a random banana every 3 hours and grow your collection!



So le big Sony 2024 game is coming on switch where it will outsell ps5 numbers :marseyclappingglasses:

How did Sony counter ?


A great day for soy tho

Funky pop game :soyjakwow:

But Nintendo had good show they announced a new “2d” Zelda Zelda game

Showed 4th Metroid prime

Donkey Kong HD

Saga 2 in 3D remake

Fantasia finally leaving iPhone (exclusivity but won't be surprise if it fully will leave Apple Store)

Game is good but is ultra grind feast and you have to be careful how you build your character since every boss battle has very few numbers of strategies available so if you miss skill X you'll need to grind it and what this game also makes is the higher lvl you are the less exp you'll get from same mob. So glad it comes to ps4 so I'll just cheat this time.

Anyway brutal that switch an dying system has better games coming than ps5


new zelda where you play as zelda

:marseysoyswitch: METROID PRIME 34 IS REAL :!marseysoyswitch:

!g*mers are you HYPED? :marseysoyhype:


@RemembertoclickFollowonmy is willing enter the concention as any game charactee that wears a suit, is popular, and will have most luck with banging karlak. Right now @RemembertoclickFollowonmy is thinking it is corporate V from cyberpunk.

So I thought the red bodypaint chick was from an anime, turns out its from a video game :marseyconfused2:. Same questions as last thread only additional comments to add is

3. Either raw or nothing, no in between. This isn't a problem with white collar chicks but no clue what dumb shit is near these types of people :marseyimpossibru:

4. i dont want to play the video game :marseydisagree:

5. i dont want to know anything about d&d :marseydisagreefast:

6. no fats :marseydisagreesuperspeed:

too lazy to add good marseys :marseyshrug:

!pings !g*mers !straggots

>inb4 someone says this is hetero nonsense

I've been hit on by traps/femboys and they have sent @RemembertoclickFollowonmy unsolicited videos of them getting fricked within a couple of anonymous messages, that's a level of thirst above chicks.


I'm mainly talking about multiplayer strategy or casual games.

Shooters like hunt: showdown rock because they're deliberately slow but still arcadey enough to be fun and not a sim.

Among Us was simple but it actually got shit moving. If you died you still had stuff to do or you could watch your friends for entertainment. The whole thing was done in like ten minutes.

My thesis is weak I'm pivoting to card games.

Marvel Snap is appealing because most games are like five minutes long. Even that has a ton of wasted time though. But compared to other card games it's not even close. In a mid-long game of hearthstone you'd be spending at least ten minutes waiting for your opponent to make a move over the course of a game. Why the frick is a turn 75 seconds. What calculations could you possibly be doing on turns 1-3 that take more than 15 seconds of deliberation. Lets not forget all the bonus time that gets added to watch the stimmy animations and sounds.

Oh but MTGA has a time bank system! Okay, the turns are still too long to begin with. And all of the benefit of the timebank is lost five-fold because you're given an extra 10 seconds to deliberate fricking everything. "The opponent is casting a spell, do you do anything? The spell triggered an effect, do you do anything? The effect triggered your own effect, what are you doing? Your effect was reacted to by their ability, do you react? Their ability triggered another ability, do you react? Okay... they played their Pelican. Uh oh, the opponent is casting another Pelican spell, do you do anything? The spell triggered an effect, do you do any-" Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up. Holy frick I don't care. They have an auto-pass turn button that from what I can tell does literally nothing as I am still asked to manually click resolve 20 times in a row. I alt-f4'd specifically because of that.

Blood Bowl was one of my favorite games ever. The ranked mode cut the turn timers in half. People whined, then got told to shut the frick up because nobody wants to sit and watch another player move pieces around a board for 3 minutes with no opportunity for interactivity.

Have you played multiplayer civ as an adult? Woo hoo so fun even on the fastest mode nothing happens after 2 hours then someone starts logging off every 15 minutes because the game fricking sucks in a multiplayer environment. Dune: Spice Wars was interesting but that game is like 2.5 hours long on average and it could easily be 1.5.

CS2 is like simultaneously too fast and a total drag. Search and Destroy in CoD was fun because you got to make "people" mad for a few rounds by doing belligerent plays then everyone went home. You did not spend 80 out of 90 minutes spectating or staring at the walls waiting for something to happen.

I legitimately spend more time watching clouds than playing multiplayer slop these days but maybe I'm just :marseycrayoneater:

Miiverse memories

I used to troll on Miiverse even got perma banned after enough shit !zoomers


In this roguelike platformer (:marseybruh2:) you have to bing-bing-wahoo your way through cyberpunk dystopia (:marseybruh2:x2) while fighting against globohomo goons to save EVROPA, personified as a somewhat-ugly looking woman.

Steam rating sits at 98% positive with several hundred reviews, and I found it through a Youtube sponsorship shill so I think it's safe to say that whatever subset of chuds this was marketed to swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

Oh also it's apparently banned in Germany but this doesn't really mean much since it's probably easier to list things that aren't yet banned in Germany than the other way around.

My one idea to make this game even better is to introduce youtuber cameos as paid DLCs. I'd looooove :marseygunshotsuicide: to have an Armoured Skeptic skin whilst saving EVROPA which was voiced over by Lauren Southern.

Anyways make sure to buy the game goy :marseymerchant:, maybe this will finally save the white race for good :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

:toddhowardgrin: TOTAL TODD VICTORY :toddhowardgrin:

>but muh gamepass!!! :soymad: it was supposed to flop, mr. sawyer save meeeee

!g*mers how long did you play starfield before getting bored?

Rockstar :marseymerchant: will never make anything as kino as GTA IV ever again

>muh heckin piss filter!!!


Okay, enjoy your soulless GTA V "aesthetics"

And of course, the sixth game seems to be going for the same mediocrity at a higher fidelity

Piss filters were never bad, just overused.

!g*mers thots?

Reported by:


City sim bros... we have to go back :marseyitsover:

Why is it so hard to get a modern city sim that actually puts some effort into simulating growth over time instead of letting you paint whatever wholesome 100 city you want or having stupid level-up gimmicks? Total Cities: Skylines death.

Outrageous claim about the PS5 gets factchecked


Deadlock isnt good

Anyone else in the beta for this crap? No way this game goes anywhere

MissMikkaa playing Elden Ring DLC early access!

She's my fave streamer and I can't wait to see this dlc!

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