

Black, female main character with fricking Vitiligo

Loud and obnoxious dialogue

Hideous visuals and color palette

“In a world of disinformation”


Words are literally violence

Understanding the Sony leaks, why Sony might be fricked.

Many people on the various posts about the Sony leaks have been wondering what exactly all this means and why Sony is having issues. This post is designed to break some of the scattered info down to create an idea of where Sony is headed.

To understand anything about modern Sony, one needs to understand 3 key things:

  • The PlayStation 5 was released a little over 3 years ago, in that time 12 exclusives have been released.

  • The Game & Network Services (gaming) division is Sony's largest division, making about 26 billion USD of the 88 billion they made across the whole company in FY2022. It is also the primary driver of the company's growth. The Music division and the Imaging and Sensing division are also growing, but not nearly as quickly. The Electronics Products & Solutions division is a good source of revenue, but it's basically stagnant.

  • In April 2016 (April 1st lol), Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC (SIE) was created to operate PlayStation (and pretty much the entire gaming division). This ended up effectively moving the HQ of the PlayStation part of the company from Japan (the HQ of SIE's two predecessors) to San Mateo, California, the HQ of the newly formed SIE.

Sony's PlayStation brand has always been a very strong performer in the gaming market, ever since the PS1. It has had it's ups and downs, but has always been a good source of revenue and growth that's been able to capitalize on the continuously growing video game industry. This is best shown with the fact that PS5 has sold way more units than the Xbox series X and S, about twice as many.

However Sony is actually 2nd in a 3 player race, Nintendo is absolutely crushing both Sony and Microsoft in terms of console units sold. The Switch has sold 3x more than the PS5 despite only being twice as old. In fact in 2023 the Switch has been estimated to have sold an extra 10 million units over the PS5, so the Switch's advantage is not all because of it's age.

The main reason is that many Japanese developers and customers started to switch to the Switch, this will be explained later.

No big deal, right? Sony can at least keep a lock on the American AAA market and claw back over the next few years, right? Well, that was probably the plan, until Microsoft did the unexpected: they changed the entire industry.

Microsoft has always treated Xbox as a side business, never really getting the full backing of the entire company. This is because Microsoft is 24x larger than Sony in terms of market cap. Even if Xbox had an overwhelmingly dominant position in the current console business, it wouldn't really be a huge deal.

Thus, Sony always remained safe knowing that they were too small and insignificant to be crushed by Microsoft, and that they also had a very strong Japanese following (of both customers and developers) that would never go team Xbox. That is of course until two different developments occurred:

Microsoft decided that the console business isn't important... but the entire gaming industry is. They determined that if they could get a large slice of the entire gaming pie, not just console money, they would be able to make tons of money.

The Japanese turned on Sony, and started to move to Nintendo.

Both of these developments are best explained separately, so I'll be making 2 different posts that will cover each side of this 2 pronged assault on Sony's lunch.

Which should I write about first:

No Man's Sky chads finally unveil their next project

We also got a few second teaser of the next NMS update but aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh :hysterical:



TW: The racist content

The users respond reasonably by assuming the game can never be fixed of this original sin

How dare this be in my Steam Library???? Fix it Gaben

The most beloved game (Helldivers 2) of 2024 gets CUCKED by SNOY so hard that :marseygamer:s revolt :soyjihadi: big time by :marseyangrygamertyping: and have been going :marseyinsane: since yesterday

It apparently started when SNOY started mandating linking PSN accounts to steam/PC version of the game

:marseychud: /r/PCGaming: Helldivers 2 to require linking Steam account to a Playstation account starting on May 6th. It was previously optional due to technical issues at launch

:soysnoo: /r/Games : HELLDIVERS 2 Account Linking Update

The revolution begins


:marseygamer: /r/steam : Helldivers 2 went from one of the most beloved Steam games to one of the most hated pretty quickly

:marseychud: PCGaming :

ENTIRE /r/Helldivers

Devs trying to put out the fire

Apparently some countries can't create PSN accounts like Sri Lanka :marseysmug2: and they can't play the game they bought now because they can't create a PSN account :marseyderp:

!g*mers !personalarmy

Just lastweek they were :soyjakanimeglasses: dunking on Tarkov, the irony

I will now buy your game :marseyfry:

It's Pharah! :marseyparty:

Baptiste was already confirmed bi I think.

Last week's poll:

Nintendo breaks a buck :marseytariq::marseytariq2::marseynintendo::marseycopter::marseylueshi::marseymario:

The was just selling modded switches :marseylaugh: Nintendo Mafia meme becomes more real by the day :marseymobster2:

Gaymers begin to notice that Hogwartz Legacy getting snubbed by Gaymer awards :marseynoooticer: :marseynoooticer: :marseynoooticer:


:#marseyfedoratip: M'Lady

My starfield crew thinks I'm an anti-vaxx chud

Everyone wanted to develop some experimental virus to save the galaxy.

I was like " thanks, that sounds like a terrible idea"

Now they're all treating me like a shit head and a chud.

She literally SAID THE LINE.

btw, this is my Frontier





Reported by:
  • FuckfaceMcClure : g*mers
  • Borpa : ban
  • retard : So glad i dont play vudeogames anymore totally unrelated to me headbutting my tv
  • dirigismo : reminder that gaymers are the scum of the earth
Game Developers then vs Game Developers now

Fallout 4 protagonist now officially participated in the day of the rake

Such a weirdly unnecessary connection to make. Thinking that making sure he isn't the shooter is important is also very telling of Bethesda's writing

If you've never seen the into before it's at 50s in here



G*mergators won - Stellar Blade *has* butt :marseyembrace:

It's a gook ps exclusive with an attractive protagonist.

They went viral in development for firing 2 women for being feminists(?) The tweet is from 2022 and she deleted it so I don't know the deets. Too much butt?:marseyshrug:

Now the game is releasing and G*mers are doing a victory lap

Stellar Blade devs fired employees for being woke feminists? Listen you already sold me on the game guys you didn't have to now make me wanna upgrade my preorder to deluxe edition. Xboxbros... not like this...

Accusations of racism abound by G*mers :marseythumbsup: Whytie be opressing us and shit

Censoring Videogames should never be supported!

It's another case of double standards.

When it's an Asian character, they cry

When it's a Western character they rejoice.(Jap dude too. Im glad to see asians sticking up for each other)

Baldur's gate literally bragged about how you could frick a bear.

People are pooping their pants over stellar blade having a girl who is pretty in it.

Thus the pattern of "It's okay when westerners do it" continues. :#marseyxd:

I love this dude in Reddit tho

Don't sleep on the Story

I think it's going overlooked how genuinely heavy this story could be. With Eve being revered as the "Angel" and expected to be humanity's savior. The burden she may feel as well as having her whole existence revolve around this mission could provide a genuinely good narrative.

Grasping at straws to like this game for something other than the butt. :marseysnoohug: We don't know the story, but it has the possibility of being good. That has to counts for something.

I don't play oriental games so i can't really comment on how good the game looks, some of you can help there. I also wonder if this raised any buzz in Korea. Their feminists are crazy. Do tell if you have the deets :marseygossip:

Final detail: I didn't find anyone actually clutching their pearls over this besides this @HerculeSatan post

GTA VI trailer has leaked :marseyshrug:

Reported by:

Above: the liberal woke media has removed the upskirt panty shot on the big titty tentacled fighter girl.

Decade-old fighting game Skullgirls has been hit with more than 600 negative Steam reviews in just 24 hours because of a patch that mostly tweaks and removes artwork that the developers say doesn't reflect their current "values" or "broad vision" for the future of the game. The overall Steam rating for Skullgirls remains "Very Positive," but its recent review average has tumbled down to "Mostly Negative."





The devs summarize the art changes to reflect three areas:

  • "Allusions to real-world hate groups" seen in the dress and iconography of Skullgirls' Black Egret army, particularly its Nazi-like red armbands
  • Instances in which characters "are fetishized and/or have sexualization imposed upon them," with particular attention toward younger characters
  • Some content "believed to be in poor taste" with regard to race

Other changes

the combo counter phrase for 18-hit combos, which had been "Barely Legal," was replaced.

Don't worry, though, the devs are still strongly s*x-positive!

Price suggested that the core Skullgirls identity hasn't changed, noting for instance that "Skullgirls is no stranger to characters that confidently express their sexuality"

Even the underage ones!

Anyway, here's what the game looks like I guess:

I'm gonna make that one into a Marsey.


:marseylovedrama: in /r/Diablo4 as the casual dads that spent the last two weeks telling the hardcore, no-life incels to quit complaining and demanding that Blizzard change the game just to suit their playstyle have now taken up the mantle of complaining and demanding that Blizzard change the game just to suit their playstyle.

The casuals who couldn’t comprehend why anyone would try to blitz to the level cap in the first month of release have somehow just now realized that to participate in season 1 they’ll have to make brand new characters just a month after release and they are not at all happy about it. Turns out the casual dads thought they were getting a Diablo themed MMO and are completely baffled that seasonal content in an ARPG meant seasonal ladders and not an expansion every 3 months. Ironically, the people claiming the game was all about the journey and not the destination are super pissed off that the game actually is all about the journey and not the destination. You would think the people saying to slow down and just enjoy the leveling process would be excited at the idea of getting to do it all over again, but apparently not.

They don't think their characters are deleted, they just realized the fact that they're worth less.

Having to make a new character to engage in new content is silly, regardless of game genre . The entire point of spending all those hours farming the same repetitive content is to gear up for what's coming "next". Except...there's no point to because you cant use your character .

People grind to make the build that enables their power fantasy and get attached to their character . Making them restart that to play the new content defeats the purpose.

>plays a game that has a game mode that deletes your fricking character if you frick up

>thinks getting attached to these characters is a good idea


I am. I thought every season the power cap increased. So like you get to 100 now and next season you can get to 200 with the same character. Having to start all over kinda sucks the fun out of it for me but I know I’m probably in the minority here.

This r-slur really thought Blizzard was going to add 100 new levels of content every 3 months.

It's because new players had no idea what seasons were and are let down by learning what they actually are.

I heard the term in passing when a couple of friends played D3, but I never learned what it meant. I expected them to be expansions of some sort: new content to explore, higher levels to achieve, etc. Which is how most games handle dlc's, expansions, or however you wanna name them.

Learning that it's essentially just replaying the game with a new character kinda bummed me out. And I think it did the same for a lot of other new players when they found out what seasons in D4 were gonna be. And yeah, you can just not do that and play on your main, but the expectation is that you get something new in situations like this. So new players are let down that seasons are kinda empty in terms of new stuff they are getting. I don't see how that's hard to understand.

For real though, how did this many people think that Blizzard was going to release full on expansions with new level caps for free every three months? :marseyretard3:

Plenty of related drama throughout the thread and other places in the sub.


Admins force /r/Steam to reopen

Now /r/steam is that latest victim of admins flexing power on subreddits, a major subreddit like this however is sure to catch the attention of people and maybe even gaming press sites.

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