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Dr. Oaken writes out The Genealogy of rDrama. “rDrama is engaged in a criminal conspiracy to harass and intimidate good-faith moderators and LGBTQ people off of Reddit…”

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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At this point, the only thing @carpathianflorist didn't do is 9/11 :marseythinkorino:

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Bardfinn calls him a White Identity Extremist. .wincels call him a Zionist fanatic. I just call him based. :marseycarphug:

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Bardfinn is just mad that I’ve tangibly accomplished more in terms of deplatforming hate just by shitposting for laughs than he has after dedicating a decade of his life to essayposting and making spreadsheets about it.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Omg omg I’ve never got to talk to a Racially Motivated Violent Extremist before. First of all hi, my names Kyle. :marseywave2:

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🚨Bard bot alert!🚨

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I saw a documentary that made a pretty convincing case that snakes did 9/11, so it couldn't be carp.

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Don't believe the lies about my "alleged" involvement with the tragedy of September 11th, 2001.

I was preoccupied with relocating Jimmy Hoffa's corpse.

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I thought Jimmy was alive? :marseygasp:

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Anyone confirmed he didn’t have at least a hand in it?

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Bard gets like zero engagement on Twitter and it highly amuses me.

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Well well well if it isn’t the notorious stochastic terrorist and anti-LGBTQ icon, PKMB himself.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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I hate cute twinks so much which is why I make them frick me in the butt (bareback).

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this is why probably


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So he's literally just talking to himself.


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twitter is all about being an attention whore so going private is basically that

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CNN will quote her uncritically as the preeminent authority subject matter expert.

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tfw im not part of the core harrassment ecosystem of rdrama


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I had my own special 'promotes violence and zweirama core poster' bio on one of xers mass tagging threads but my account got erased by the gigajannies :marseydepressed:

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Imagine being tagged for zwei lmao

Junior varsity second string

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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I didn't even post in zwei lol, I was just an approvedcel

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He listed me as one of the rdrama leaders for hate. This was like 2 years ago so I don't even know how I got on his radar. lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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xe's been obsessed with the dramaverse for a while, they'd stalk threads for their masstagger. Kind of sad Bardy never figured out reportmaxxing

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🚨Bard bot alert!🚨

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We're all part of the criminal conspiracy tho!


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You're part of my core harassment ecosystem :marseylove:

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Hey Moosey!!!


https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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same, feels like someone is islamophobic

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you'll be a nazi HEoD member someday!

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It's over for grass touchers :marseyitsover:

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Is there a way for me to join this ecosystem? Who do I need to harass?

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Women walking alone at night. Godspeed king :marseythumbsup:

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shh bby is ok

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No Beer Hall Putsch Medal for you.

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Same man it sucks

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Be the change you want to see :marseywholesome:

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You left out the best one bro:


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Ironic coomer fantasizing is still coomer fantasizing

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No kidding, Penny needs to calm down.

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How tf does bardfinn even function lol.

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he doesn't?

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I mean he has to be living somehow.

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doesn't he live in his parent's basement not doing anything productive?

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Idk, does he?

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Do you?

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xir is undoubtedly monitoring this thread :marseyinshallah: make an account and answer our questions :marseybardfinn3: we promise to be nice

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🚨Bard bot alert!🚨

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speak for yourself

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:marseyakshually: it's his parent's sunroom

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Bard is like 50, probably a decent chance that they’re not around anymore.

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They are still there, people have tracked down there Facebook accounts, as well as his ex wife. They openly refer to him as Steven and by all appearances have zero knowledge of his "transition".

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He's on welfare :marseyantiwork2:

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She's furiously cranking her pecker while writing her dissertations, wildly whacking her weasel whenever someone believes her.

Duper's delight as a fetish.

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Reads like a ton of stimulants

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Hi :marseyxoxo:

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I'm legitimately and unironically convinced this dude is a paranoid schizophrenic. I'm not even kidding

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It's hard to tell a conspiratard of this caliber from a genuine schizo.

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And isnt it amazing to think that Bardfinn and anyone vaguely similar mentally control the entire world’s discourse and cant be criticized without risk of deplatforming?

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Neighbor you're a nazbol.

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You’re a bardfinn tier nutjob tbh.

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Lmao ok bud.

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6 years of this shit btw. Possibly more.



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I don't think his rants are schizo rants though. They're just stupid and tedious, not disjointed and chaotic.

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yeah his essayposts would come off way more chaotic if he actually was paranoid schizophrenic. In many ways he's worse than that because aside from some other mental issues he appears to be in control of his faculties. This just means he's not crazy per say but he has convinced himself he's morally righteous and thus cannot be held accountable for any questionable things he does. Basically he's a zealot which is way way worse than just a garden variety schizo.

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Yes, but it doesn't matter, because Redditors fear Bardfinn like a mortal would fear God. They’re not allowed to curse or speak ill of Bardfinn, like how you mustn’t blaspheme God or take His name in vain. This is because Bardfinn worship is the official religion of Reddit.

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Tbh the only times I've seen him mentioned somewhere on reddit people were dunking on him and most of his comments are usually downmarseyd or ignored, even on AHS

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Yeah, Bardy doesn't seem to have much organic support, but he's obsessive and has some connections with the gigajannies (see all the times he's been banned and then brought back).

For all rDrama spergs about him, he's mostly a run-of-the-mill :marseytrain: janny who posts WORDSWORDSWORDS.

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What makes him unique is how frequently he posts. There’s no one even close – he must be spending 20 hours a day on Reddit.

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Seems like a mix of high dosed vyvanse and benzos

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You know :marseyshutitdown: a truly paranoid :marseyshiftyeyes: schizophrenic :marseyantischizo: would be reading :marseyhijab: this thread eh?

Hi! :marseywave:

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No, just the result of spending 9 years on reddit as a power user in the center of the /r/bestof echo chamber

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His posts read like cluster b personality disorder coupled with a lot of stims

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Yeah 100% there's a ton of stims involved

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That's a lot of tweets… with no engagement. :marseylaugh:

Only we care about what you say. :marseycheerup:

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We know you're reading this.

:marseyxoxo: Hi barfy :marseybye:

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He needs us just as much as we need him.

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rdrama bros… we got to cocky

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Oh wow Kiwifarms was taken down based on bogus allegations and bullshit?

No way that will bite a site like rDrama in the butt...

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Hey at least rdrama.net doesn't have angry people who repeatedly make calls for violence and brutal slaughter haha

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I do that all the time

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You just need to add the star



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Yeah :marseykoolaid: I'm just :marseyblops2chadcel: joking when I say that we should invade Canada :marseybeaver: and put all leafs into gas chambers unless they sing the National :marseyauthright: anthem. Hahahaha

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We sure do have a lot of Minecraft players though

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I like to think that Bard is secretly jealous of someone like Keffals, who achieved more in a few weeks than he has his whole life.

Imagine writing almost daily pamphlet-length screeds against your own bete noire for years with nothing to show for it, and suddenly out of nowhere this "antagonist from Hatred" lookin' motherlover swoops in and destroy his own personal enemies without seemingly breaking a sweat.

Bard will never admit it but he must be saying to himself, "how did he do that??"

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