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Marsey in reddit's art subs, take two! Targetting /r/art, /r/animeart, and /r/artporn.


Of course the tool we're using is @Dramarama's amazing commission for @brzl from last night. I was looking forward to its completion for a while, and I think that it should have no problem getting to the top of reddit's art subs on merit. I have enlisted a volunteer (thanks to @r3muxd!) to help us with this.


Last time our meteoric rise was cut short by a jannoid power-tripping over a watermark (which is, apparently, forbidden), but we don't have that issue this time. Unfortunately, jannoids being jannoids, the implication of (homo)fascism might cut our reign short, but we'll have to just take our chances on this one.


1. Votes through direct links to the post from outside of reddit are not counted. rDrama doesn't send any referrer info, but that isn't helping. Reddit's anti-brigading scripts are extremely paranoid, so what you need to do in order to vote is go to /r/art, /r/animeart, /r/artporn, click on "new", and scroll to the post in question. It's like 10 seconds and three clicks, I really hope your r-slurs aren't too lazy to do that. The posts are: "The Showdown, me, digital, 2022" for /r/art. "The Showdown" for /r/animeart and same "The Showdown, me [1800x1000]" for /r/artporn.

2. Links to http://rdrama.net don't work, as we all know. Unfortunately, afaik all our evasion links were also added to the spam filter when @X (formerly chiobu)_ posted them as a list in a pinned comment to a top post, lol. Furthermore, even writing the characters "rdrama dot net" spam-filters your comment, which is truly incredible level of seethe from the gigajannies. The solution is to use our plug gifs. But don't just spam them - wait for someone to ask where the character is from and/or what's the deal with the capybara or the fish she's holding. Try to explain a bit, and add these:





They're all artsy enough to be cool in their own right, and none of them should trip up the spam filter.

I think that's it, and let's see how it goes!


EDIT: WE'RE AT THE TOP OF RISING AND #7 #3 #2 ON THE FRONTPAGE OF /R/ART!!! :#marseyhappytears:

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Looks like they didn't make it out. :marseycarpdead:

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Link to the deleted post?

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Thanks king

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>I think that's the point of the piece, the supposed nazi is really, very obviously, a gay character/ally being vilified as a social undesirable/pariah. My guess is it's commentary on how reddit will try to supress lgbt discourse that goes slightly against the corporate grain. Either way, very interesting piece.


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FRICK ME! Add the screen, I want to have a thread to collect them all for later.


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frick they're on to us

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@Impassionata you glorious bastard!!!


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Comments can be art too


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Hey, that's me!:marseysaluteisrael:

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Check the comment history it's clearly a dramatard.

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Lmao it's not even been an hour and the post on /r/Art has reddit gold and two other awards

EDIT: WE ARE #1 ON ALL THREE RISING PAGES :marseyparty: :marseyprisma::marseyjam::marseytwerking::marseyvibing::marseytwerkinit::marseypartyzoom::marseykeffalsdance:

EDIT: #2 ON THE FRONT PAGE OF /r/ART:marseypoggers:

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The gold and the (free) hands award are from me. I bought 1500 coins to trickle out awards.

Did another gold and 10 Take My Energy awards



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why in allah's name would you buy reddit coins

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Organic-looking gayop instead of the usual

>u/MarseyJoinRdramaCat posted DEATH TO STRAGGOTS haha this is good art it looks like that rdrama site what’s that??


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Can't wait for our ever subtle dramatards to flood /r/art.:#marseyglowawardpat:

edit: and it has began, thank you /r/GroomerWatch :marseysaluteisrael:

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my account /u/rdramaevasionalt got banned despite breaking no rules anywhere :marseyerasure:

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I mean, nazi :marseyazov: catgirl :marseycatgirl4: is by itself not very organic looking or subtle either

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The Snoo janitor is clearly the good guy juxtaposed against the evil nazi; his red eyes are an homage to the hit meme Dark Brandon. The LGBT stripes on the eagle + the anime stylization of the catgirl just symbolizes the reality that most Nazis are closeted trans folks who secretly watch Chinese cartoons.


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>“Literally nothing about the composition/lighting/color grading of this suggests its pro moderators, it's classic framing ripped straight from countless horror movies. This piece is honestly fricked up. Frick Nazis.”

One brave Redditor isn’t buying it.

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Smarter, yet somehow more dumb at the same time.

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>The Snoo janitor is clearly the good guy

I love that this actually seems to be the conclusion they're coming to lmao

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Reddit’s best and brightest


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just farm them from making r-slurred posts on /r/politics or whatever instead of giving reddit super-jannies money directly

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It was $5 and I would value about a minute of my time at $5.


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>only being worth $300 an hour

I've always suspected carp was only a mid-tier s*x worker, at best

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Unfortunately the McDonald's manager doesn't see it that way.

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Can you comment

It gets weirder. I ran a search for "orange white gay Nazi catgirl capybara" and found this:


That was the original name for the file, btw. The cat face matches the broach the catgirl is wearing in OPs art. There's definitely some strange references that we're not getting.

I can't because my account is too new


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I’m busy arguing about the validity of utilizing aesthetic neo-jungian archetypes to further the accessibility of art and a refusal to legitimize cryptofascists through deinfantilization.


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I think my new account is shodowbanned actually. Guess you can't use protonmail.


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FYI you need to clean your Reddit cache and cookies when you get banned off of Reddit because that's how they track your alts.

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I'm banned at a deeper level than cache and cookies lol.

I'll try later with my new computer because they won't have that device fingerprint.


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What I did was deleted my cache and cookies and then created a new account while using a VPN. After like two days, I turned off the VPN and my account didn't get auto-deleted.

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surprised they didn't start screaming DOGWHISTLE!!!!!!

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Thanks for the gold, kind stranger! Now I can see heckin wholesomerino 100 posts in /r/lounge!


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Your sacrifices for drama :marseydrama: will :schopenmarsey: not go unappreciated.

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And top of rising, and already #7 #2 on their front page (which is an accomplishment on busy subs, their algorithms are different from ours)!!!

WE'RE GOING TO THE MOON!!! :#marseyelonmusk:

EDIT: Jesus Christ!

No. This is presenting the Reddit mods, with their mops, as an evil unwanted intruder bursting into a charming safe bedroom to clean up content they should just leave alone.

This is fricked up and I’m surprised that more of you are seeing it in a different light.

Thank you. No rules of art/composition are objective, but this artist clearly knows the principles well and knows what they're doing. The red & darkness surrounding the snoo, the soft lighting on the Nazi with them close to the "camera" as our POV character. Perhaps they're breaking the rules on purpose/ironically, but if that's the case, they're just dumb. You don't want to leave room for misinterpretation when stuff as serious as NeoNazism is involved.


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Top of /r/ArtPorn rising as well

#2 on /r/AnimeART rising

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enjoying redditors trying to analyze the piece.

Its actually a well done piece though

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Somehow I didn't notice the german hat, that does push it a

Iittle past plausible deniability


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They're eating the bait hook and sinker tho on /r/art. Some of them think it's showing the reddit janny as the hero because they can't get their tiny coom brains past the nazi hat being the universal signifier of evil

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>1 from /u/groomerwatch

Gj rdrama

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Looks like someone forgot to use their new MarseyGoogleBardfinnWife1488 account


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🚨Bard bot alert!🚨

Reset the counter. Current counter was: 0 days, 0 hours, 20 minutes

Record is 0 days, 22 hoursvlqxpkdxhjcpfzrnsgwghwzmkclzsbwlyfsqkglcynfqccxfqwtwvcyvqchfxvplynjxqyvhknmmjhznhvjlblkjdvcbmyzhxfcd

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There's one from /u/garfields_bussy

Dramatards tiptoing like elephants.

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I think the Capybara represents life and rebirth, and rebuilding. The Carp represents prior victories (it's in a bowl, captured), probably against the figure with a mop on the left.

Praise be to @Aevann, god of life and rebirth. Praise be to @carpathianflorist, the fallen victory captured (in a bowl). Give us this day our daily drama; and forgive us our chudposting as we forgive those who biteaward us. Inshallah. :marseyorthodoxbrap:

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Literally nothing about the composition/lighting/color grading of this suggests its pro moderators, it's classic framing ripped straight from countless horror movies. This piece is honestly fricked up. Frick Nazis.

my fricking sides this has to be one of you guys

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Trans lives matter.


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>If good art is what you can't understand, then this is a masterpiece.

>Whats wrong with that fish? o.O

>Why is that fish so fricking ugly lmao

My sides :#marseyxd:

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carp in shambles

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Oh god I hope it's not a carp, they are invasive species and generally very annoying.

It's over. Judgement day has arrived, and I don't just mean in the artwork.

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I have high hopes and low expectations...

e: :marseyoctopus2:

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They're on the front pages but as far as I can tell the subscribers aren't biting

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The post on /r/Art is actually getting quite a few comments compared to other posts that are even older. Reddit has some sort of cached viewing system for users that are logged out. So it appears as if it has 3 comments but it simply hasn't updated yet. Login and you will see 15 as of now within 30 minutes

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I am logged in and can't see those comments. It's probably shadow banned dramatards

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ty fam

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Post it on PCM : title authright last stand against the jannies. The color shadings work for PCM s cute twinky quadrant flairs and the jannies give less of a shit on the weekends

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Maybe later, right now we don't want to sully it for the normie subs. There's always time for niche ones...

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Best time to post is over. Best to post it tomorrow around 7 am EST for max exposure.

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glad I'm not the only one that neurodivergentally analyzes the best time to post

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I still have a chart saved for this. I think. Somewhere.

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top of rising on /r/Art

holy shit this is amazing

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Closest we've had to another Place happening.

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top of /r/Art in general now

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that's amazing :marseyexcited:

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Looks like it's gone! :marseyohno:


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There’s also this old butt image lol



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Meh, not really subtle enough, plus high-res lawlz (bannable on reddit)...

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That’s low res lawlz!


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Ah, shit, you're right. I was on the phone.

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Hows high :marseybigbrain: res lawlz :marseyben10: bannable lmao :marseyxd:

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Doxxing. Don't ask me, it's been that way since /r/drama days...

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