Of course the tool we're using is @Dramarama's amazing commission for @brzl from last night. I was looking forward to its completion for a while, and I think that it should have no problem getting to the top of reddit's art subs on merit. I have enlisted a volunteer (thanks to @r3muxd!) to help us with this.
Last time our meteoric rise was cut short by a jannoid power-tripping over a watermark (which is, apparently, forbidden), but we don't have that issue this time. Unfortunately, jannoids being jannoids, the implication of (homo)fascism might cut our reign short, but we'll have to just take our chances on this one.
1. Votes through direct links to the post from outside of reddit are not counted. rDrama doesn't send any referrer info, but that isn't helping. Reddit's anti-brigading scripts are extremely paranoid, so what you need to do in order to vote is go to /r/art, /r/animeart, /r/artporn, click on "new", and scroll to the post in question. It's like 10 seconds and three clicks, I really hope your r-slurs aren't too lazy to do that. The posts are: "The Showdown, me, digital, 2022" for /r/art. "The Showdown" for /r/animeart and same "The Showdown, me [1800x1000]" for /r/artporn.
2. Links to http://rdrama.net don't work, as we all know. Unfortunately, afaik all our evasion links were also added to the spam filter when @X (formerly chiobu)_ posted them as a list in a pinned comment to a top post, lol. Furthermore, even writing the characters "rdrama dot net" spam-filters your comment, which is truly incredible level of seethe from the gigajannies. The solution is to use our plug gifs. But don't just spam them - wait for someone to ask where the character is from and/or what's the deal with the capybara or the fish she's holding. Try to explain a bit, and add these:
They're all artsy enough to be cool in their own right, and none of them should trip up the spam filter.
I think that's it, and let's see how it goes!
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Thereβs also this old butt image lol
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Meh, not really subtle enough, plus high-res lawlz (bannable on reddit)...
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Hows high res lawlz bannable lmao
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Doxxing. Don't ask me, it's been that way since /r/drama days...
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Thatβs low res lawlz!
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Ah, shit, you're right. I was on the phone.
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Low-res version is fine, but high-res - since just about forever.
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Proof jannies can see deleted comments Thank you anyway!
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