redditors make up a new disorder to cope with being r-slurred

Probably loves science but can't understand it


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Trust the science, even if you don't know what it is.

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Trust the science especially when it doesn't make any sense :marseywise:

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Have FAITH in the science

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What’s that word for something when you just believe that something regarding the very nature of existence is right because you’ve been socialized to believe so and you kinda just take its veracity on faith?

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I think this new disease is just called being a redditor

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Same experience as enjoying magic tricks for r-slurs.

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And this the maskophile was born

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ok but seriously reading the wiki article of dyscalculia really makes it seem like these people are actually mentally r-slurred?

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They often struggle with key concepts like bigger vs. smaller

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Oh ffs this is just called being regarded.

It’s the same thing as calling a garbage man a sanitation engineer.


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Sanitation engineers make more than your average engineer though

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They have to handle my shit so they deserve it

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reddit’s sanitation engineers work more than the regular engineers for less pay

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I've met people of dyscalcula before

25% are r-slurred, but the rest have personal problems like daydreaming in class, going home and playing video games instead of catching up, and then getting in a cycle of horrible anxiety.

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Nothing euthanasia can't fix. :marseytroublemaker:

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My teachers told me I was SOOOO smart in grade school. I just didn't apply myself :soyjakanimeglasses: It turns out the only reason I've been an entry-level barista for the past seven years is that I have dyslexia, dyscalcula, autism, and mental r-slurdation.

You see, I truly am smart (my second grade teacher said so), but the reason I got bad grades and had a failure to launch is because I struggle with all of these diagnoses.

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Here's some lumber for your resource deprivation. Hope it helps

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My butt went to a ghetto butt school, slept through every class and I still managed to become a surgeon. Smart is smart

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Whereeeeeeever you are


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I knew a guy who had legit dyscalculia a while back and I can confirm that dude was actually fully fricking r-slurred. Like people would hang out with him and then ask him if he had a developmental disorder tier r-slurred. He would always get mad and go "just dyscalculia!"

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Idk the only person I’ve met with dyscalculia was a light sperg who ended up doing cs after brute forcing all his math classes. Really struggled with math but just used all his neurodivergent focus on it. God bless that man.

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I guarantee you that the overwhelming majority of people posting in that thread about how bad they are at maths didn't apply themselves in maths class and never studied, just assuming that one day they would magically understand it.

I notice that a lot of kids who are "gifted" in English class don't find maths intuitive the way they do reading and writing, so they give up on it. Then later in life when they struggle with basic numeracy skills they just complain that they were taught wrong or have a mental illness. Of course, there are genuinely shit maths teachers out there, lots of them, but if kids who don't understand the material never ask for help and refuse to study then they aren't going to get anywhere even with the best teachers in the world.

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I had no goddarn clue what I was doing in Partial Diff Eqs and got a B-

I couldn't reproduce anything from that class with a gun to my head

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Diff Eqs was the first time in my entire lifetime I ever zoned out during a lecture and snapped back into it and was like "holy shit what" at what was on the board.

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"Holy shit I actually need to pay attention in class now?!"

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You vomit a bunch of Fourier series on the page and hope it gives you something reasonable eventually.

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Yeah partial diff eqs are r-slurred and no engineers will deal with them unless they are fully forced to

Just make some assumptions, turn it into an ODE, then slap some error bars on it

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Yeah I'm not that good

I haven't even had to do a derivative at work ever

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Yeah I’m a software engineer now so I don’t even see equations anymore but I used to be a chemical engineer

Speaking from experience from the latter. But no one solves equations by hand anyways so most PDEs just get put into MatLab anyways. But back of the hand calcs yeah PDEs are a no go

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Oh sweet I'm a chemist, I had to take it for quantum mechanics

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Yeah thankfully in chemistry there’s not many PDEs, like kinetics stuff is what I’m thinking of. I assume you don’t use quantum chem in your actual job right

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Nerds :marseynerd:

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You should encounter PDEs as a software dev if you are doing any computational engineering.

But I agree, most PDEs that you encounter during your job are not solvable analytical, but numerical. So all the shit "learn to solve them" goes out the window.

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if f(x,t) = X(x)T(t), :partial:f/:partial:x = :partial:f/:partial: t must be equal to some constant :lambda:. Then you just solve the two differential equations on their own, and solve for the value of :lambda:. Ez pz.

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Yeah, back in HS I was r-slured at maths I scored like 2/20 in tests and stuff and I just thought I was too stupid to do HS maths.

But then I still needed math to finish HS so I legit studied on a regular basis for 1 month and that is all it took for me to pass with an 11/20 in the national exams

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school tests out of 20


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Interesting :marseyreading:

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I'm not sure that's better

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wordcels seethe over shape rotators

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Studying is for strags, you fricking nerd.

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It's purely socio-economic factors.

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Everyone is bad at math its just autists would rather sit there and face punishing problems then deal with regular society

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The bell curve is two sided

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Look at the list of symptoms. lmao

Dyscalculia is characterized by difficulties with common arithmetic tasks. These difficulties may include:

Difficulty reading analog clocks[17]

Difficulty stating which of two numbers is larger Sequencing issues[dubious – discuss]

Inability to comprehend financial planning or budgeting, sometimes even at a basic level; for example, estimating the cost of the items in a shopping basket or balancing a checkbook

Visualizing numbers as meaningless or nonsensical symbols, rather than perceiving them as characters indicating a numerical value (hence the misnomer, "math dyslexia")

Difficulty with multiplication, subtraction, addition, and division tables, mental arithmetic, etc.

Inconsistent results in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

When writing, reading and recalling numbers, mistakes may occur in the areas such as: number additions, substitutions, transpositions, omissions, and reversals

Poor memory (retention and retrieval) of math concepts; may be able to perform math operations one day, but draw a blank the next; may be able to do book work but then fails tests

Ability to grasp math on a conceptual level, but an inability to put those concepts into practice

Difficulty recalling the names of numbers, or thinking that certain different numbers "feel" the same (e.g. frequently interchanging the same two numbers for each other when reading or recalling them)

Problems with differentiating between left and right

A "warped" sense of spatial awareness, or an understanding of shapes, distance, or volume that seems more like guesswork than actual comprehension

Difficulty with time, directions, recalling schedules, sequences of events, keeping track of time, frequently late or early

Difficulty reading maps[18]

Difficulty working backwards in time (e.g. What time to leave if needing to be somewhere at 'X' time)

Difficulty reading musical notation

Difficulty with choreographed dance steps

Having particular difficulty mentally estimating the measurement of an object or distance (e.g., whether something is 3 or 6 meters (10 or 20 feet) away)

Inability to grasp and remember mathematical concepts, rules, formulae, and sequences

Inability to concentrate on mentally intensive tasks

Mistaken recollection of names, poor name/face retrieval, may substitute names beginning with same letter.[19]

Some people with dyscalculia also have aphantasia that affects how they can "see" in their mind's eye. However, people without dyscalculia also report having this – but it is more prevalent in those with dyslexia and other learning disabilities.[citation needed]

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Thats a lot of words to say "this niqqa dumb"


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This is one of the worst posts I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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Inability to concentrate on mentally :marseymeds: intensive tasks

So they're just :marseyblops2chadcel2: stupid :marseybrainletclapping: and this is a nice :marseyclapping: word :marseyclippy: for it?

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Actually :marseyakshually: just :marseyblops2chadcel: an alternate name :marseypinkname: for being r-slurred.:marseylaughpoundfist:

This has gotta be one where :marseydrama: they just :marseyblops2chadcel: slapped on as much shit :marseypickle: as possible to explain away :marseybackingintobush: their dumbassery.

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Not reading that, but just because you didnt do your algebra I homework doesn't mean your special

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You should read it. My favorites are the inability to grasp maps or remember names being considered a math issue

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Ability to grasp math on a conceptual level, but an inability to put those concepts into practice

So redditors disqualified?

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Some of these apply to me even though I'm fine with (non-burger) college maths, but I know full well that it's because I didn't give a single shit about class until the end of high school, it's not a disorder or anything if you're not simply r-slurred

>Some people with dyscalculia also have aphantasia

Yeah it's definitely an excuse for r-sluration :marseylaugh:

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@BeauBiden this is cirno disorder

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i have trouble with simple math like 5 + 3

Their profile where they post to /r/plural /r/egg_irl and /r/witchcraft /r/otherkin . Dumb people doing dumb things.

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I thought i was shit at math and then I came to America.

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Why do so many Americans struggle to make it but poor immigrants come here and can thrive? It's because their competition are Americans

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One of the reasons i can't stop looking at social media is because the people there make me feel a lot better about myself. However, I would hardly call what i do 'thriving'.

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I'm failing my math class so hard right now. It's like my brain just won't let me remember the formulas and how to basically do anything.

So you’re just dumb? Got it :marseythumbsup:

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Most math classes give you the formulas to avoid mindless memorization lol

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>doodles in math class

>does poorly on tests

Is this a disability? :!marseysoypoint:🦋

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I'm pretty certain i have this. I've legitimately cried full on snot and everything after a exam in college at the age of 26.

waterboarding could not get me to embarrass myself like this in a public space online who normalized going to strangers and telling them everything about your pathetic life :marseylaugh:

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To be fair that's normal expected Asian student behavior.

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Have to agree with redditors on this one, being dumb is a disease.

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It’s apparently contagious too.

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This site is a festering sore of stupidity and we're all licking the open wound like a straggot eating out a whore's hole after a three year dry spell.

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Every problem is another mental illness. Like collecting badges lmao. Heaven forbid people take some responsibility or face the fact that they may need to work a tiny bit harder than others to be good at something.

Let me get this straight. In your tiny worldview - people acknowledging, accepting, and understanding their mental illness is a bad thing? It's not always solved by "working a tiny bit harder". Sometimes it's a disability/illness that requires learning how to approach something completely differently. People like you that assume that mental illness/disability is the evasion of responsibility and work is pure idiocy.

Having a mental disability isn't fun. Not being able to see things in the same way or approach problems in a way normative society dictates is acceptable isn't convenient. People like you that stigmatize mental issues are a huge contributor to this ridiculous perception.

At least educate yourself before making absurdly stupid statements like this.

educate yourself sweaty

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not disagreeing with u but the post- its not even a mental illness. its neurological. they have it all wrong

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:marseynotes: what's the difference? I thought all mental illnesses were neurological.

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nope. theres psychological (most mental illnesses), and neurological. for example schizophrenia and adhd are listed as both psychological and neurological because the symptoms fall into both categories, and are partly caused by structural issues in the brain

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:marseynotes: you would be the expert in this!

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yep. but i do find it fascinating either way

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The psychological precedes the neurological. Neurological changes are a result of altered behavior/thinking aka psychology.

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Ambiguous, not well defined structural issues in the brain.

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idk, all I know is that apparently it's in the DSM-5 so it's a real thing.

Of course that's not going to stop me from making fun of people who can't tell if 69420 or 42069 is bigger lol

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educate yourself

What an ableist demand! Who knows how many learning disabilities the person reading this has!

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