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[HOT GOSS IN PINNED COMMENTS] BelleAriel came back and left forever again and is now claiming we have doxxed her and tried to have her poor kid rescued from her

Didn’t even know she had a kid and now I’m depressed and horrified for the little tyke :(

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lmao Belle drama.

tried to have cps take my kids.

Good ol' Belle not telling the whole story. A jannie on bluelight called CPS on her because it was the middle of the night in bongland and Belle was having a mental breakdown on her internet purchased chinese research chemicals and her kid was in the next room. The janny was concerned for real.

I'm glad I never modded you on r/MarchAgainstNazis cuz you're alt-right

As opposed to Belle who was alt-right but realized being a lefty on reddit earns you 2 million karma a year

Good ol' Belle is on her fifth round of leaving and never coming back lmao

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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unsurprising to hear this, drug forum powerusers and mods are usually nuts

idk much about bluelight's particular drama, never used it beyond lurking for drug experience posts years ago. i've seen plenty enough from the psychonautwiki, erowid, shroomery, drug subreddits and imageboards and groomercord servers, etc. crowds to guess what kind of asinine stuff goes on

i still like getting high on weird shit but i stay far away from these communities and from most people who get very invested in internet drug spaces. not worth the nonsense. and i don't bring my junkie degeneracy around kids, jesus christ!

few of these people struck me as fit to handle children hope this one's kid is okay

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Imagine the guy who bred with her

Never even started for the poor child

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Well I mean look at bongs.

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Dental records confirm that is not a bong

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Way too cute to be a bong

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It fricked him up so much that he's been done for making child porn... twice.

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This is all news to me. Belle is an addict, a child abuser, a doxxer, and had a kid with a child pornographer????

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Ok, so pull up a chair...

Belle had her child with a "Stephen Gandy" who had a penchant for some pretty dark shit. In 2006 he was prosecuted for making child pornography. He had a (now deleted) YouTube channel. His FaceParty contained a video for Belle, backing up the association. She also posted on an addiction forum about having to leave her ex after finding something "terrible out".

There is also a link to his Flickr. One of the featured women has the facial features of Belle, but a far different body type. Alas, theres the beginning of her distinctive tattoos - specifically the band around her left forearm. Looks like the drugs took their toll and that was pre-weight loss.

In 2013, along with his wife, Stephen Gandy was prosecuted once again for child porn offences, as well as actual physical abuse. A few months later she let her feelings be known on Bluelight and seems to be describing Gandy.

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Reddit jannies and child porn connection. Name a more iconic duo.

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Reddit jannies and being ugly disgusting freaks

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Man, the Belle lore goes DEEP.

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Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.

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Holy shit I haven't seen these pics. That's the libertarian though! I wonder when the YouTube was taken down. It was there a few years ago.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Unironically surprised Belle is a woman. Crazy story too, not her fault her baby daddy is a piece of shit but just incredibly weird that shes crazy and hes crazy too. I guess its poetic or scientific that these kind of people tend to be in relationships with eachother more commonly than the opposite

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not her fault her baby daddy is a piece of shit

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Crazy story too, not her fault her baby daddy is a piece of shit but just incredibly weird that shes crazy and hes crazy too.

It's part of a pattern of bad decision making.

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Maybe don’t have kids with someone you don’t know well enough to be 100% certain they’re NOT a libertarian.

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The guy looks like a libertarian and Belle looks like an actual troll.

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Darn Faceparty. That was even pre-myspace I think

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Looked up a current photo of her. These are the type of people you argue with on Reddit.

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I commented last night but she came to a drug sub called r/loungers on reddit knowing that a bunch of people from some forum called bluelight she posted on were there. She was bitching about her bluelight doxxers there, but they had receipts on her.

So after that she came to Century Club, said "help I'm being doxxed" and sent us to fricking loungers where we read all the receipts from the people at bluelight showing that she doxxed people there, might have gotten one dude fired from his job...and more batshit stuff I forgot. She ended up pming me that she WAS, indeed, the Evey at bluelight and I was like, "Well, those people have pretty much proven that they have a justified problem with you. As long as they know that your account is attached to you, they aren't going to give up." So then she went to the SJW powermods to say, "Who is this person? This person refused to help me fight my doxxers!" So of course those mods went, "Oh my...that person is poor dear, here let me mod you my sub, you sound amazing!" She will drag you into her drama and then blame you for it.

And if I recall correctly, Merari was one of the ones who commented to me that, "My dear friend needed help with doxxing and you were mean to her." So seeing all of these leaks showing that Belle turned on Merari is fantastic! Merari...if you are dummy. You big dope.

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If you and/or @Lysis10 were to compile all of this with receipts, I’d keep it pinned for a day or two and hopefully get that thread as the top google result for BelleAriel.

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hits crack pipe do I have to buy another domain name

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What other domain you got? πŸ€”

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"" is available, allowing you to start a fanclub for everyone's favourite powerjanny 😍

"" is also available for everyone's favourite BelleAriel rants too!

Alternatively, "" is also available if you want to show your love and affection for all the other - often overlooked - jannies who tirelessly and thanklessly work to make the internet a better place πŸ’•

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To be honest, it isn't even worth the time. I'm not on reddit anymore. I'm just here laughing years later and saying that you dumb asshats who decided to champion her are reaping what you sowed against other people sane enough to read all the concrete evidence that she was a nasty, doxxing piece of work and say, "Yikes." I wasn't even MEAN to her. I just said, "The evidence those people present is pretty compelling and I don't think that they are going to leave you alone as long as they know you are Evey."

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I wish I had some of the stuff that they posted. A lot of it got killed when r/loungers got gigajannied.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Some of it can be retrieved:{%22subreddit%22:%22Loungers%22,%22searchFor%22:1,%22resultSize%22:100}

Links to posts, etc. Post titles and text posts, comments. Never quite complete due to the pushshift api being so unreliable but there'll be lots there.

If you guys get a compilation going, please @ me. I've got some good Evey content on my many, many, many banned Reddit accounts I can still access.

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ooh let's see if I can find the mod leaks showing her insane messages to them.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Well, I don't know if I can access her old pm's to me. To be honest, I don't know if it is worth it. The woman's life is clearly miserable. She made a comment recently that she was treating herself to codeine, so it seems like the drug addiction is still there. Yeah, it was shit of her to try to make me out as some monster based on our interaction, because I really wasn't mean... just matter of fact. I don't know if she rises to the predator level of a Bardfinn.

Actually edited to add: You know, I need to cull this side of me that feels bad for people. Put myself into the place of the other drug users on her drug forum that she doxxed and got fired.

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from some forum called bluelight

Just to add a little side piece to this, there was a time in internet history when bluelight was one of the more "prestigous" online forums for discussion of certain topics. That includes both scientific and high end discussion and also the drama that comes along with a whole bunch of drugged up people.

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It used to be a lot of fun and a lot of people met each other IRL. I met a few people IRL. Their Lounge was fun af. When the owner decided to take a break, the admins that took over were the powermod types and ran all the smart and fun people off. Admittedly, several died too. The owner came back a couple years ago trying to save the place and it's just not the same.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Bluelight could have been erowid, if the smarter people had've been in control.

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When the owner decided to take a break, the admins that took over were the powermod types and ran all the smart and fun people off.

Many such cases.

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Bluelight was a great site and a good resource for chemistry information.

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Have you owned the libs yet?

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When did this happen? I haven't been paying attention to CC for a bit but I feel like I really missed out here.

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This was probably four years ago now.

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Ahh that makes sense. Back when the hangouts were still a thing.

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That says a lot about how much reddit has changed in itself. At one point redditors were happy to meet IRL and try to have a fun time. Now a lot of the mods would say, "Not a chance in heck I'm going to meet with a bunch of redditors."

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Do you even drama, bro?

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oh my god this is amazing

here she is threatening to leave the drug forum forever in 2015 in a thread where she whines that people have jobs so they don't post as much during the day and people tell her to kick rocks

Haha Evey leave this site? this site is the total sum of your existence. I call bluff

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There is so much lore and detail to explore. I feel so excited on your behalf if you're just taking your first steps into Eveyology.

This comment here contains something profound Evey wrote about herself 20 years ago and it's all you ever need to know to explain her feuding and meltdowns:

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I think DOOM stole that first paragraph. That b-word is crazy and looks loaded as frick in most of her pictures

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There is so much lore and detail to explore. I feel so excited on your behalf if you're just taking your first steps into Eveyology.

This comment here contains something profound Evey wrote about herself 20 years ago and it's all you ever need to know to explain her feuding and meltdowns:

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<Do you even drama, bro?

I'm sorta wondering about these people too

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Explained it in a post above. There may be a few other bits, but I can't find the links anymore! It's just fricked up.

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what the frick

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He's in prison for kiddie diddling.

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Have they doxxed her fr?

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Yeah, she doxxed some people on there during one of her drug-fueled episodes. These people used to feel bad for her so they were trying to be kind, but Belle is a nasty one and add drugs to the mix and she had a meltdown on them. So after that happened, some people doxxed her and even found her libertarian baby daddy's youtube channel along with his arrest record. I wish I saved the link to it. It's nothing great. It's only a few videos and I think in one of them he goes off about autism.

The only reason she lasted as long as she did on bluelight is because people felt bad for her and her kid, but it got to be too much so they banned her. She has some serious emotional issues and becomes unhinged rather quickly. There is usually no rhyme or reason for it, so I enjoy people defending her when she makes claims that she's a victim and then she does it to them too. lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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From what I can tell the bluelight mods put up with a lot trying to help her and the IRL shit she was pulling was tearing their community apart. I recall complaints that some people were trying to quit drugs and Evey would come in and actively encourage them to relapse.

so I enjoy people defending her when she makes claims that she's a victim and then she does it to them too


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They did. She got temp banned so many times but would threaten suicide. The mods leaked some of their conversations they had in the mod section that they had there. They would post her messages that she would send to them and usually they gave in. r/badunitedkingdom banned her within a few weeks and didn't put up with it for long lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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She started r/britposting or something right? Because one of the major UK subreddits was just like, "Naw...go away..." so she started some other community and started screaming discrimination? All these communities going, "Naw GTFO" and the SJW powermods are like, "You poor dear...the alt right drug users are really, mod with us. WE love you." Absolute idiots.

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Yeah, one of their mods messaged me to ask about her because it only took her a few weeks before she was causing drama over there and having meltdowns lmao

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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The perfect SJW janny!

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What a disgusting ladygarden holy shit

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Belle was a raging doxing drug addict too unstable and just plain nasty to be around for a forum dedicated to users of hard drugs. Think it was after like the 3rd or 4th person she doxxed that someone returned the favor and found out the father of her kid is a convicted libertarian.

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And even knowing all of this, people like Merari decided to take her in, defend her, malign anyone saying, "Have you seen the receipts about the completely unstable shit she did on a drug forum NOT THAT LONG ago?" Did they think they were going to change her or did they just have rage boners against the sane people saying to her, "Those people are mad at you for doxxing and are not going to forgive you...just get a new account and stop doing the same shit."?

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Didn't she and Merari break up a year or so ago? I thought they had a big falling out during all that r/fuckthealtright jannie drama with devavrata17.

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I was out of it all by then... but Merari personally tried to shame me before that saying, "My good friend came to you for help about doxxing and you defended her doxxers, you monster!" No, idiot.. she linked us to a subreddit that had a bunch of information indicating that she was a terrible unstable and mean drug addict that doxxed others and I told her the truth. But Merari hated me so he had to come at me because he is clearly (from these groomercord links) an insufferable asshat who cannot accept any truth. So, now that you know that I was right about Belle Merari... suck on this: Aimee Challenor was groomed from childhood on reddit by Nekosune. The Challenor protest was not "political" unlike your fricking Covid protest. It was about removing a completely unsuitable person from the admin team at reddit. Mod teams all across reddit read the info about Challenor...and Merari, it's DEFENDING Aimee makes me think you are a goddarned libertarian apologist idiot...and it's gross, Merari. I expect Bardfinn to defend Aimee because Bardfinn's a rank nasty spouse abuser...but I really was shocked to see you doubling down on the Aimee defense recently. Blank Cheque did a good thing and you condemned him. Gross Merari. Gross.

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Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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