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This is pathetic

>:marseyakshually:He conspired to falsify a federal gun background check. His friends father stated, when he bought the gun with kyles money, that the gun was NOT going to be bought for someone else. This is a federal crime. Kyle belongs in jail for that if nothing else.

>:soymad:I hate Kyle; he's ruined a perfectly good rye for me.

>:ragejak:He literally ruined my legal name. Fu k him. Bonus round: I'm also a mass shooting survivor.

>:chudglassesglow:He'll actually receive more punishment than Rittenhouse I'd guess. Especially since Kyle was not found guilty.

>:chudseethe:As he shouldn't have...100% self defense on a convicted domestic abuser, a man who beat up his grandmother and a s*x offender. What a hero

>:soyjaktantrumfast:Oh cool, so it's ok to go out and shoot people because some of them might be bad even though I had no way of knowing that. Glad to know you're ok with indiscriminate murder.

>:soyjackwow:I hate to say it, but I think the only way for Republicans to get on board with gun control is for liberals to start buying guns. Lots of guns. I want to see all drag queens rolling around with Berettas.

Yes arm the :!marseytrain:s what could go wrong

>:soyjakyell:Kyle Rittenhouse killed more people than Antifa, BLM, and Ted Kennedy combined.

>:marseylongpost:ok ill get downvoted for this but rittenhouse was le good wordswordswords

>:npc:Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer. Cope.

>:marseyjanny:#We're locking this because any mention of Kyle "I wish I had my AR" Rittenhouse brings out the absolute worst in some people. We may or may not unlock it later. Clean up your comments before we do.

Also this is the autojanny for the word r-slur

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Do not edit it, the bot cant tell if you edited, you will just have to make a new comment replying to the same thing.

Yes, this comment itself does use the word. Any reasonable person should be able to understand that we are not insulting anyone with this comment. We wanted to use quotes, but that fricks up the automod and we are too lazy to google escape characters. Notice how none of our automod replies have contractions in them either.

But seriously, calling someone r-slurred is only socially acceptable because the people affected are less able to understand that they are being insulted, and less likely to be able to respond appropriately. It is a conversational wimpy little shit move, because everyone who uses it knows that it is offensive, but there will be no repercussions. At least the people throwing around other slurs know that they are going to get fired and get their asses beat when they use those words.

Also, it is not creative. It pretty much outs you as a thirteen year old when you use it. Instead of calling Biden r-slurred, you should call him a cartoon-butt-lookin trust fund goon who smiles like rich father just gifted him a new Buick in 1956. Instead of calling Mitch McConnell r-slurred, you should call him a Dilbert-butt goon who has been left in the sun a little too long.

Sorry for the long message spamming comment sections, but this was by far the feature of this sub making people modmail and b-word at us the most, and literally all of the actions we take are to make it so we have to do less work in the future. We will not reply to modmails about this automod, and ignore the part directly below this saying to modmail us if you have any questions, we cannot turn that off. This reply is just a collation of the last year of modmail replies to people asking about this. We are not turning this bot off, no matter how much people ask. Nobody else has convinced us before, you will not be able to either. ~

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Jannies lmao

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Oh now he crossed TWO state lines wow that's like double plus bad

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>a second state line has been crossed

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>the tendies are in the oven, I repeat, the trendies are in the oven.

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I'm figuratively screaming rn


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You heard it right, He now crossed 3 state lines.

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Why're you trying to downplay the 4 he crossed you fricking chud? Want to protect a mass murderer that crossed 5 state lines do you?

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I dont understand why rightoids think that borders arent important. Your not supposed to just cross them and if you do then you are an illegal.

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There is no law about any of this

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There is no law


Found the anarchist :marseylibleft:


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Wait a minute I was all for Kyle's right to defend himself from that skateboard wielder, but are you telling me he crossed state lines to do so? Why am I only hearing about this now? Someone should have mentioned this in his trial because it changes everything.

He should have just taken the beating because he crossed state lines.

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Stop bringing up irrelevant information!!!

Reminding people one of the instigators being a violent paedophile is just a way to make it sound justified!

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Nobody is saying that he was free to shoot because they're criminals, just that it was no big loss after the fact.

If he shot nuns

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If he shot nuns

tbf, that might get reddit to support him

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It does also explain what sort of person Kyle was dealing with. In the trial there was footage of him threatening to kill Kyle multiple times earlier in the evening. Of course none of that made it onto Reddit, but they've always had a thing for pedos.

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A better case is more that it proves that they were highly probable to act dangerously without provocation based on their past history rather than evaluating how great a loss it is

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This is commonly known as the "home turf law" where one person being on the others turf enjoys less rights, like freedom from bodily harm. This is backed by indigenous and other ways of knowledge. The fact the court didn't recognize this aspect shows you how white supremacist that whole court and the trial was!

Sadly, even a retrial focusing on this issue wouldn't change anything, because the whole court system is set up to favor equal rights for everyone, everywhere. Despite people like Rittenhouse clearly going out of their way to harm! :!marseypoint:

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The fact they still think it was a random act of violence, or that she premeditated a plan to provoke a mob of protesters to have an excuse to mow them down, blows my mind. Curious as to why they never assume the worst about other criminals.

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Kylie was just trying to afford a meal for her family :( she's illiterate and doesn't know what statelines are

Don't forget to turn off signatures in settings!

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This is what happens you allow a bunch of smug r-slurs devoid of critical thinking skills a shared space.

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say the line


he crossed state lines


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I want to see all drag queens rolling around with Berettas.


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Why? I mean the m9 was ok as a service weapon but it's too big and the controls suck for civilian use

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drag queens can hide the larger weapon in their dress. Also the larger frame makes it more accurate and it has good ammo capacity incase your dealing with a gang of chuds/terfs that are misgendering you.

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Is that an m9 in your dress or are you just euphoric to be in the girls room with me?

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what's one gun every household should have?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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EDC weaponry

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M134 General Electric Minigun

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Remington 870 for the house

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I've got a Remington Steele in the bedroom. ;)

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True. Women and manlets always had trouble qualifying with the M9. It's not terrible but there's so many better choices.

Like why not an American-made pistol?

Beretta has some beautiful shotguns though, like the A300.

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It looks cool

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That person just outed themself as a no-gunz. Every single LGBT person I know IRL rocks a CZ, they wouldn't be caught dead with a basic-b-word brand like Beretta.

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FFS the morons that got blasted by Kyle clearly deserved it, move and pick a battle that doesn't make you look like r-slurs

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Also it was ruled self defense cuz it was obviously.self defense. The NYT said "yeaaaaah really looks like self defense" like 2 days afterwards lmfao

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"what does it matter if he has a criminal history???"

Idk if we can make assumptions about how all magats behave, we can assume an excon is more likely to be aggressive

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Honestly crazy to me that ppl are still malding about the Rittenhouse W lmao. Which is a good thing since every time he does come up the wingcucks start self telling hardcore.

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i think :marseygigathonk: you should :marseynorm: check :marseycheckem: your priorities if you aren't bothered by rottenhouse killing :marseymegalodon: an innocent :marseybeanadorable: family :marseystewie: man. google :marseygetgle: โ€œjoseph rosenbaum 5 childrenโ€ to learn :marseyreading: more

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Honestly crazy to me that ppl are still malding about the Rittenhouse W lmao.

These tards will be seething about Drumpf, Kyle, and Elon til their last breath, seething at chuds and fighting for le right side of history is what gives them meaning in life.

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never forget :soyreddit:

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Never forget what? :#troll:

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TWO states

TWO scoops

TWO genders

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They still don't get it. The fact that Kyle gunned down two violent rioters is specifically what makes him cool. If he had just crossed state lines and not killed any criminals, nobody would know his name.

That's why I leave a breadcrumb trail that leads back to my IRL persona: I'm hoping to eventually get my glow-up by shooting some idiot who is dumb enough to stalk and attack me because they dislike my political views

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Shut up Jared.

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The dumbest part about the state lines thing is even if he was in possession of the gun illegally that does not negate the self-defense. Possessing a weapon illegally doesn't forfeit your right to defend yourself. Rittenhouse was not the aggressor so it was still self-defense.

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/r/PoliticalHumor is too easy

Braindead shills and bots, no matter what, it's dems good republicans bad and it's never even slightly funny, just seethe

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It says "Republicans bad" so it's top quality comedy


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yea yea but never forget the best part: when the girlfriend cucked her dead boyfriend for kylie

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Factcheck: None of this is real.

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that part was just a meme

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How is that a Real post with 4K updoots, is reddit fully astroturfed now or what

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It's been that way since 2015. There's multiple layers of sediment and turf built up over the years at this point.

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this meme is barely coherent , i get that all โ€žpolitical humorโ€ subs are psyops but this is low xd

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I hate to say it, but I think the only way for Republicans to get on board with gun control is for liberals to start buying guns. Lots of guns. I want to see all drag queens rolling around with Berettas.

It was funny when they said this about black people and how it backfired when rightoids didnt give a shit.

Yes, arm the :!marseytrain:s, give them a gun with their psyche meds. Acceleration now!

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Kyle threads are easy to make for ignore lists. You can tell who has never touched a 4473

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i forgive hunter biden as long as he didn't cross state lines

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/r/PoliticalHumor where's the Humor?

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It's four panels and only two panels have dialogue and it's still exhausting to read.

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It's surprising these redditors don't love when people take the law into their own hands like their capeshit movies.

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>Kyle Rittenhouse killed more people than Antifa, BLM, and Ted Kennedy combined.

...What's the ted kennedy thing?

*OH LMAO they're talking about when he drowned Mary Jo Kopechne, I get it, nvm.

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I have to agree with redditors here that the gun law is stupid and worthless. I know they will forget it next mass shooting holiday

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>Bonus round: I'm also a mass shooting survivor.

By the common definition or the Twitter definition of mass shooting survivor

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How do you get such a shitty Jay peg in current year

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Gather black hedgehogs strength ๆ”ถ้›†้ป‘ๅˆบ็Œฌ็š„ๅŠ›้‡ invade floating death fortress ไพต็•ฅๆตฎๅŠจๆญปไบก่ฆๅกž run fast for lumberjack website ไธบไผๆœจๅทฅไบบ็ฝ‘็ซ™ๅฟซ้€Ÿ่ฟ่กŒ die to poor mistake ๆญปไบŽๅฏๆ€œ็š„้”™่ฏฏ return next circus ่ฟ”ๅ›žไธ‹ไธ€ไธช้ฉฌๆˆๅ›ข


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Joe Biden

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Hunter is based,

Libs are gay.

If the libs want sperg about Diabeetus Spiccenhouse, let em go.

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lol, you guys have that cute twink text change shit

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