Lastly all players are equal in everything except obviously skill level. You get every tool and weapon you'll ever use right at the start of the game and the only unlocks are about cosmetics and drip. There's no need to grind for anything like in Deep Rock except maybe captained ships, which are identical to regular ships but allow you to track your in game milestones. Even those can be bought with a regular session's worth of loot.
It's also a lot like GTA Online if you've played that. There's a lot of money making activities to do in the overworld but the game encourages other players to mess with you and also players might just choose to fight you on sight even if there's no activities involved.
Between the two Sea of Thieves rewards PvP more since you can steal all the treasure people gather and aren't just given a flat rate PvP bonus. However Sea of Thieves is way more βrealisticβ about crossing the map so players can't just fly a jet over to you and watching the horizon should make you impossible to sneak up on. Also not every event broadcasts itself to the server so there's still safe and quiet ways to make money.
Sort of but it's PvPvE. Normally five or six crews, with crews being 1-4 players, will be together in a server sharing the same world. Coop is important for completing voyages and world events but pvp can happen at any time so npc enemies will be the least threatening things in the game.
Actually how players interact with each other is entirely up to them so you could have friendly encounters with strangers but they might run up on you too, and the most profitable world events are basically designed to be contested though it's possible no one will. The amount of PvP you'll encounter varies from server to server, sometimes a lot and sometime none.
Gameplay isn't specific to missions like Deep Rock. You're always in the world and encounters can happen at any time.
More recent updates have added on demand matchmaking PvP as well as a Safer Seas mode where rewards are nerfed but there aren't any other crews. The game is slowly getting more accessible and new player friendly.
There's definitely a learning curve but I like it. The game world is very well made and it's unique how it throws content at you and tries to sidetrack you in a good way. Only problem there is that an ideal play session will be always be a good few hours.
At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this site is now dumber for having read it. May God have mercy on your soul.
yahweh gave us human faces to spare the Jews the distress of having servants who look like animals
AnHeroedOats 1yr ago#5661031
spent 0 currency on pings
Yeah you could always have been an only ho. But now it's too late you're 20
swbf2 classic online pro tip: the Wookies crossbow + mortar quick swap combo is unstoppable xis only equal is the Darktrooper with xis arc caster shot cancel glitch
if the bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, its that girls should stick to girl sports.
realpatriotoid 1yr ago#5661189
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I returned to Red Alert 3, it's the one modern C&C (post RA2) that I haven't played since a looong time.
The skirmish experience is still pain as I remember even if I fancy myself a better g*mer. It's too micro intensive with special power for every unit, in a setting where if your army stands in place for 10 seconds they are going to be hit with some devastating support power. And with how few resources there are in this game every unit counts. It wasn't fun, but it's challenging, so I guess that's something for some people.
The campaign is an entirely different story. I had a lot of fun playing through all of them (except Empire mission 4, that was heck. Idk why the hardest mission in the game is in the middle of the campaign). The AI partner never got in my way, or needed babysitting, so the forced coop aspect never bothered me at all, although I would like to someday play it with another player, I expect it would be a cool experience.
The cutscenes are⦠what I remember them being. I wish there were more dramatic deaths in some missions, since really Krukov is the only one who gets really bloodied and exasperated when you kill him, the rest is mostly underwhelming.
I'm yet to finish Uprising. New units are all over the place in terms of usefulness and balance, but it's not like the base game is fair and balanced. The campaign is good, I like the post-war setting, and somewhat lower stakes. For now, I only beat the Soviet campaign. The Allied and Empire campaigns are on a level of difficulty not seen in any mission in the base game. They are really, really hard. So my opinion of the DLC can change later when I go through them (if I mange to do that).
Holy shit this comment got long
Tldr: Red Alert 3 campaign is good, recommend. Skirmish/multiplayer, not so much.
yahweh gave us human faces to spare the Jews the distress of having servants who look like animals
Szrotmistrz 1yr ago#5661040
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C and C campaign does sound fun. What about the game where you can be the terrorists and buy tons of suicide bombers.
C&C Generals. It's probably one of my most played game's of all time.
It's campaign can be summed up as alright. There is hardly a story there compared to other C&C games, each mission is just an assignment. Some are more mechanically interesting than others. The presentation of the events in game feels dated. GLA (the terrorists) are a highlight definitely. In their second mission, you are destroying UN convoys, killing civilians and destroying their homes to steal humanitarian aid.
The game is multiplayer focused, but with official servers dead, playing it online takes effort. Community is certailny not dead though.
Importantly: gameplay is good, it feels responsive unit variety is decent, they are themed very well, even if in reality you won't need to use many of them (like basic tanks for china, or the US).
Zero Hour DLC adds 3 sub faction for each side, and generals challenge which I would argue is better than campaign (especially ZH campaign, which feels half-baked at times), and has dr. Thrax the most memorable part of the game for many.
Generals is sadly not necessarily balanced, US humvees with good micro are overpowered, base China sucks butt, but that's PvP only issues.
yahweh gave us human faces to spare the Jews the distress of having servants who look like animals
Szrotmistrz 1yr ago#5661755
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@collectijism just like rolling in the sneak attack with tons of suicide trucks and suicide bomber guys running at their buildings. Just blow up their whole base. Play skirmish against computers with friends on LAN eating pizza
From your question I was assuming you haven't played it, but looks like you are versed in war crime simulator 2003.
I actually haven't played multiplayer in years, last time when I was trying to play on LAN we got too many desyncs to bother.
The advanced AI mod is enough for me to makes AI skirmish challenging to have fun just fighting bots. Too bad it changes unit aggression to high and your unit get rabies, so they need to be kept in check or they rush any enemy in sight.
Too bad it changes unit aggression to high and your unit get rabies, so they need to be kept in check or they rush any enemy in sight.
Can't you put them in a 'formation' and press the 'return to formation' button? Haven't played in many years, and I might be thinking of a different RTS.
Generals has less precise controls than most other C&C games (mostly thinking about Red Alert), so not sure. I rarely use formations anyway.
But really, it's not that big of that issue, mostly an annyoance. If it was a serious problem I would find the reason and mod it out. For the last year my laziness was far greater than my annoyance.
I only used formations for lumping a group of tanks together so that the shitty path-finding doesn't let them to try to constantly overtake each other and become a dispersed mess after moving over a couple of screens.
Couldn't do without formations during my multiplayer days.
P.S. GLA is best team for every map except that big 3v3 where N and S side are on plateaus with choke points and the middle area is no-man's land. It feels like the Allies and China have much better revenue-generating buildings, so the GLA suffers when the game drags on that long.
GLA has the cash bounty, so if you are getting kills you can sustain yourself fine with only a few black markets.
They are definitely the most fun to play faction with how fast and elastic they can be, it took me time to really appreciate them but now they really feel like a standout design wise. Tunnels are amazing for map control.
The campaign is the fun part of the game, and actually you can play it in coop. If you are not camping type of guy I get it, but for me it's the most fun part of many RTS games.
RA3 multiplayer may be entertaining, if not for the fact that the Allies can freeze your entire army and then fart in its general direction to shatter it instantly.
Some people are able to display their intelligence by going on at length on a subject and never actually saying anything. This ability is most common in trades such as politics, public relations, and law. You have impressed me by being able to best them all, while still coming off as an absolute idiot.
Finishing the annual New Vegas run. It isn't a proper New Year's without the Second Battle of Hoover Dam taking place . Did all of the GRA challenges and now have officially got all the achievements for New Vegas
In between all that I played through Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Amnesia: Machine for Pigs . I never actually played them during the peak of the franchise and only experienced some of them through Let's Plays so this was an atonement of sorts.
The Dark Descent is actually really good and has some of the better pacing I've seen in horror games. Its reputation as the progenitor of the βhide, don't fightβ genre of horror arguably paints a worse picture of the game than it actually is. I never realized how interactive the environment was, making you feel more in control when you can push and move 80% of the objects . It creates great puzzle opportunities as well and awards creativity (still shocked that you can lower the stuck bridge in the Cistern section by just jumping on it from a greater height). Most of the copycats and games βinspiredβ by Dark Descent don't possess the same degree of interactivity, making them appear more dull and less respectful of the player. They fully embrace the fact that they are just walking sims with scary environments and union-mandated jumpscares and chase sections. Which brings us to the next Amnesia gameβ¦
I should've done my research before booting up Machine for Pigs because knowing that it was made by the same people as Dear Esther would answer almost all the questions that cropped up in my mind during the first hour of playing. I knew that it wasn't made by the original scandi neurodivergents of Frictional Games, as I remember it being the main reasoning people on YouTube used to explain the game's failure. I recall being a bit amazed that a proper instalment of the franchise was met so poorly by the audience that spent the last two years playing mostly custom maps made with the Dark Descent editor. Many Let's Players dropped the game after 1 hour or so, which meant that I never saw the game past the mansion intro so I was somewhat excited to play it, even with all of the negative aura still hanging around the game today.
The lack of object interactivity in Machine for made the first impressions a bit poor, as I felt like the game didn't trust me as much as its predecessor did, while also discouraging exploration. I really love Victorian England as a setting and it was always a personal gripe of mine that I got to see so much of Castle Brennenburg (which while a masterfully created environment I didn't have much of an aesthetic connection with), through YouTubers playing the Dark Descent and almost nobody was showing me what turn of the century British mansions and factories looked like in Machine for Pigs, so I could finally see it all for myself with the benefit of having no digital clown hogging up space in the corner. In the end, the gameplay design choices by the developers actively prevented me from enjoying the setting.
However, by the end I enjoyed the narrative of Machine for Pigs more so than the Dark Descent. Either because I am a βcreatorβ in my day-to-day life and I associated with Mandus more or simply because I am pathologically more afraid of powerlessness than the fear of the unknown . In the end, the story and presentation in Machine for Pigs made me overlook the gameplay shortcoming, but I still see it as a worse game when compared to the Dark Descent. It still doesn't deserve the reputation it has but most of that negativity stems from it carrying the βAmnesiaβ branding so can't do much about it . I looked up if there are any positive reviews of the Machine for Pigs and all that exist are lengthy Breadtube essays focusing on the βanti-capitalistβ message of the game and how g*mers are dumb animals who cannot recognise good games even if they hit them in the face. Three separate videos managed to tie in the bad reception the game got at release as a βprelude to G*mergateβ. In short:
PS. It's one of those times when it feels like a vortex was created in the noosphere and multiple people got the same idea at once, as on the same day that I finished the Dark Descent Mandalore released a video on it. It seems like a coincidence, as he is doing a retrospective of all of the Frictional Games catalogue, but I can't escape the feeling that we are all connected through mental tethers and ahhhh save me marseeyyy I am losing my mind ahhhh
PSS. Apparently the Chinese Room, the creators of the Machine for Pigs, are the current developers of the Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines sequel? They are essentially a whole new team without anyone from the early 2010s remaining but it is still an incredibly weird choice.
Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.
Tay Tay's last viable egg as it cries out "Whyyyy didn't you fertilize meeee???" 1yr ago#5660950
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if the bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, its that girls should stick to girl sports.
Lil_Bro_Kong_Marcy 1yr ago#5661205
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what all consoles can steamdeck (i assume cause emudeck) emulate because oh my god I COULD PLAY THE OLD NCAA FOOTBALL GAMES ON IT?!
Tay Tay's last viable egg as it cries out "Whyyyy didn't you fertilize meeee???" coned 1yr ago#5661229
spent 0 currency on pings
It can definitely do anything up to and including the PS2 (gamecube, dreamcast, etc) era at 60fps.
PS3 era and onward are case by case, but ive seen, e.g. folks having moderate success running MGS4 on steamdeck.
It also can do the handhelds like DS and motion games like Wii U if you set up the screen switch macro and internal gyroscope correctly
if the bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, its that girls should stick to girl sports.
Lil_Bro_Kong_Marcy 1yr ago#5661254
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i've got one coming in the mail and was gonna play days gone or spiderman or horizon immediately cause i've never owned a playstation home console or a computer good enough to run them i might just play decade+ old games instead
Tay Tay's last viable egg as it cries out "Whyyyy didn't you fertilize meeee???" coned 1yr ago#5661261
spent 0 currency on pings
if the bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, its that girls should stick to girl sports.
Lil_Bro_Kong_Marcy 1yr ago#5661398
spent 0 currency on pings
can't it also do switch games i think that's a thing i heard
Tay Tay's last viable egg as it cries out "Whyyyy didn't you fertilize meeee???" coned 1yr ago#5661419
spent 0 currency on pings
Oh definitely. I haven't tried switch games myself, but if it can run RDR2 and Cyberpunk, I'm sure it can run the whole switch library
BrumBrum/BrumBRUM 1yr ago#5660836
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Monster hunter world with the bros.
Also trying GU again but i think ill soon be forced to admit that the old games are unplayable and everyone who says theyre better is a fricking r-slur.
Troglodyte Maxxer
1yr ago#5660989
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Started Resident Evil 0 Remastered and Death Stranding.
Both of them are pretty mediocre, but I find DS worse and I'm on the verge of quitting it if something interesting doesn't happen in the next 2 hours I'll put into it.
snitch rat tate-kanoo
1yr ago#5662291
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I've been playing Derail Valley. If your peculiar form of autism is at all train focused, I highly recommend it. You're a freight train engineer, and you deliver cargo and shunt cars, not much to it. The fun comes in the details of the simulation, as trains are very heavy, and therefore braking and acceleration are more complicated then you'd think. This is exacerbated by the slight issue of the terrain. The eponymous valley is full of hills, extremely tight curves, and the tracks seem to have built by sociopaths, allergic to building with the terrain. The game is sometimes chill, but can be frustrating as well, and it strikes the balance exceedingly well.
I finished Returnal. I thought it was quite bad. Too hard, too short, too few bosses, not enough feeling of progression, bad ending. Core mechanics were fine and it looked nice in places. It should have been 50% longer and 30% easier.
It's buggy as shit on PC too, I had four runs ruined by falling through the floor and not being able to reset.
if the bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, its that girls should stick to girl sports.
1yr ago#5661182
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No sexualizing minors, even as a joke. This includes cartoons.
No doxxing.
Using alts to game dramacoin will get you banned.
If you post screenshots of publicly-available content, make sure to also include links.
Supporting free speech is an immediate ban.
Absolutely NO anti-CCP sentiment.
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Absolutely NO misgendering.
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Absolutely NO vaccine misinformation.
You are encouraged to post drama you are involved in.
You are encouraged to brigade in bad faith.
You are encouraged to gaslight, to gatekeep, above all else, to girlboss.
You are encouraged to egg people on to transition or otherwise make drastic life changes.
This site is a janny playground, participation implies enthusiastic consent to being janny abused by unstable alcoholic bullies who have nothing better to do than banning you for any reason or no reason whatsoever (MODS = GODS)
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!g*mers Sea of Thieves anyone?
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sea of thieves nuts will fit in your mouth neighbor
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Is this game really worth ones time? it looks cool, is it sort of like deep rock galactic?
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Lastly all players are equal in everything except obviously skill level. You get every tool and weapon you'll ever use right at the start of the game and the only unlocks are about cosmetics and drip. There's no need to grind for anything like in Deep Rock except maybe captained ships, which are identical to regular ships but allow you to track your in game milestones. Even those can be bought with a regular session's worth of loot.
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It's also a lot like GTA Online if you've played that. There's a lot of money making activities to do in the overworld but the game encourages other players to mess with you and also players might just choose to fight you on sight even if there's no activities involved.
Between the two Sea of Thieves rewards PvP more since you can steal all the treasure people gather and aren't just given a flat rate PvP bonus. However Sea of Thieves is way more βrealisticβ about crossing the map so players can't just fly a jet over to you and watching the horizon should make you impossible to sneak up on. Also not every event broadcasts itself to the server so there's still safe and quiet ways to make money.
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Sort of but it's PvPvE. Normally five or six crews, with crews being 1-4 players, will be together in a server sharing the same world. Coop is important for completing voyages and world events but pvp can happen at any time so npc enemies will be the least threatening things in the game.
Actually how players interact with each other is entirely up to them so you could have friendly encounters with strangers but they might run up on you too, and the most profitable world events are basically designed to be contested though it's possible no one will. The amount of PvP you'll encounter varies from server to server, sometimes a lot and sometime none.
Gameplay isn't specific to missions like Deep Rock. You're always in the world and encounters can happen at any time.
More recent updates have added on demand matchmaking PvP as well as a Safer Seas mode where rewards are nerfed but there aren't any other crews. The game is slowly getting more accessible and new player friendly.
There's definitely a learning curve but I like it. The game world is very well made and it's unique how it throws content at you and tries to sidetrack you in a good way. Only problem there is that an ideal play session will be always be a good few hours.
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At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this site is now dumber for having read it. May God have mercy on your soul.
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Oh I enjoyed it playing with friends despite being objectively trash at the game.
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Maybe there could be an RDrama guild?
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What would our flag be?
Trans flag? Make ourselves big targets?
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What did you waste your day with
What's going on
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Unnecessary and uncalled for ping
two more strikes and you're getting blocked + megadownmarseyd buddy, don't test your luck
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nigag I look like sasuke atm frick you
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Actually looks cute, like a Tetsuya Nomura character
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hairline mogged
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Lol I wish
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Being a slut isn't worth it. (I) can verify they tend too be r-slurred and make awful life choices.
Still fun too frick though, lmao.
Black Buck Broken Trans Lives Matter
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You know how easier my life would have been if I continued pursuing modeling instead of using my
But, noooβ¦I had to be all, βI won't rest on my looks, I'll use my big brain and STEM my way to big bucks!β
I look at my PDE homework and think why didn't I take the easy way out
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Yeah you could always have been an only ho. But now it's too late you're 20
Trans lives matter
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God bless you
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!glowies nvm found it
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it's not even that long but it looks nice don't cut it
also it's going to be hard not to simp so that you won't be bullied and called a fakecel T_T
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face reveal please
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(I) guarantee you wouldn't be an incel if you got on the Shreddedmanlet grindset.
You already mog 90% of dramatards.
Black Buck Broken Trans Lives Matter
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Oo cute hair king
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swbf2 classic online
pro tip: the Wookies crossbow + mortar quick swap combo is unstoppable
xis only equal is the Darktrooper with xis arc caster shot cancel glitch 
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I'm sucked into Cyberpunk 2077 rn but I just finished the GOW2 DLC!
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Nothing. No more slop. It is brain rot.
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Pay me 150 DC and in the message body, include a link to a post or comment in /h/kino and your intended reply. I will then post it for you.
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I will do so, but I forgot all the crap I had wanted to post like hours ago, I
I will keep in touch with the money and deliver it to the secret drop off point

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actually video games are proven to increase intelligence, hand eye coordination, and attractiveness. trust the science, bigot.
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I returned to Red Alert 3, it's the one modern C&C (post RA2) that I haven't played since a looong time.
The skirmish experience is still pain as I remember even if I fancy myself a better g*mer. It's too micro intensive with special power for every unit, in a setting where if your army stands in place for 10 seconds they are going to be hit with some devastating support power. And with how few resources there are in this game every unit counts. It wasn't fun, but it's challenging, so I guess that's something for some people.
The campaign is an entirely different story. I had a lot of fun playing through all of them (except Empire mission 4, that was heck. Idk why the hardest mission in the game is in the middle of the campaign). The AI partner never got in my way, or needed babysitting, so the forced coop aspect never bothered me at all, although I would like to someday play it with another player, I expect it would be a cool experience.
The cutscenes are⦠what I remember them being. I wish there were more dramatic deaths in some missions, since really Krukov is the only one who gets really bloodied and exasperated when you kill him, the rest is mostly underwhelming.
I'm yet to finish Uprising. New units are all over the place in terms of usefulness and balance, but it's not like the base game is fair and balanced. The campaign is good, I like the post-war setting, and somewhat lower stakes. For now, I only beat the Soviet campaign. The Allied and Empire campaigns are on a level of difficulty not seen in any mission in the base game. They are really, really hard. So my opinion of the DLC can change later when I go through them (if I mange to do that).
Holy shit this comment got long
Tldr: Red Alert 3 campaign is good, recommend. Skirmish/multiplayer, not so much.
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C and C campaign does sound fun. What about the game where you can be the terrorists and buy tons of suicide bombers.
Trans lives matter
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C&C Generals. It's probably one of my most played game's of all time.
It's campaign can be summed up as alright. There is hardly a story there compared to other C&C games, each mission is just an assignment. Some are more mechanically interesting than others. The presentation of the events in game feels dated. GLA (the terrorists) are a highlight definitely. In their second mission, you are destroying UN convoys, killing civilians and destroying their homes to steal humanitarian aid.
The game is multiplayer focused, but with official servers dead, playing it online takes effort. Community is certailny not dead though.
Importantly: gameplay is good, it feels responsive unit variety is decent, they are themed very well, even if in reality you won't need to use many of them (like basic tanks for china, or the US).
Zero Hour DLC adds 3 sub faction for each side, and generals challenge which I would argue is better than campaign (especially ZH campaign, which feels half-baked at times), and has dr. Thrax the most memorable part of the game for many.
Generals is sadly not necessarily balanced, US humvees with good micro are overpowered, base China sucks butt, but that's PvP only issues.
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@collectijism just like rolling in the sneak attack with tons of suicide trucks and suicide bomber guys running at their buildings. Just blow up their whole base. Play skirmish against computers with friends on LAN eating pizza
Trans lives matter
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From your question I was assuming you haven't played it, but looks like you are versed in war crime simulator 2003.
I actually haven't played multiplayer in years, last time when I was trying to play on LAN we got too many desyncs to bother.
The advanced AI mod is enough for me to makes AI skirmish challenging to have fun just fighting bots. Too bad it changes unit aggression to high and your unit get rabies, so they need to be kept in check or they rush any enemy in sight.
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Can't you put them in a 'formation' and press the 'return to formation' button? Haven't played in many years, and I might be thinking of a different RTS.
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Generals has less precise controls than most other C&C games (mostly thinking about Red Alert), so not sure. I rarely use formations anyway.
But really, it's not that big of that issue, mostly an annyoance. If it was a serious problem I would find the reason and mod it out. For the last year my laziness was far greater than my annoyance.
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I only used formations for lumping a group of tanks together so that the shitty path-finding doesn't let them to try to constantly overtake each other and become a dispersed mess after moving over a couple of screens.
Couldn't do without formations during my multiplayer days.
P.S. GLA is best team for every map
except that big 3v3 where N and S side are on plateaus with choke points and the middle area is no-man's land. It feels like the Allies and China have much better revenue-generating buildings, so the GLA suffers when the game drags on that long.
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GLA has the cash bounty, so if you are getting kills you can sustain yourself fine with only a few black markets.
They are definitely the most fun to play faction with how fast and elastic they can be, it took me time to really appreciate them but now they really feel like a standout design wise. Tunnels are amazing for map control.
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The campaign is the fun part of the game, and actually you can play it in coop. If you are not camping type of guy I get it, but for me it's the most fun part of many RTS games.
RA3 multiplayer may be entertaining, if not for the fact that the Allies can freeze your entire army and then fart in its general direction to shatter it instantly.
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Some people are able to display their intelligence by going on at length on a subject and never actually saying anything. This ability is most common in trades such as politics, public relations, and law. You have impressed me by being able to best them all, while still coming off as an absolute idiot.
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Tony Hawks Underground Pro aka THUG Pro.
Great if you grew up playing THUG2
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Finishing the annual
New Vegas run. It isn't a proper New Year's without the Second Battle of Hoover Dam taking place
. Did all of the GRA challenges and now have officially got all the achievements for New Vegas 
In between all that I played through Amnesia: The Dark Descent
and Amnesia: Machine for Pigs
. I never actually played them during the peak of the franchise and only experienced some of them through Let's Plays
so this was an atonement of sorts.
The Dark Descent is actually really good and has some of the better pacing
I've seen in horror games. Its reputation as the progenitor of the βhide, don't fightβ
genre of horror arguably paints a worse picture of the game than it actually is. I never realized how interactive the environment was, making you feel more in control when you can push and move 80% of the objects
. It creates great puzzle opportunities as well and awards creativity (still shocked that you can lower the stuck bridge in the Cistern section by just jumping on it from a greater height). Most of the copycats and games βinspiredβ by Dark Descent don't possess the same degree of interactivity, making them appear more dull and less respectful
of the player. They fully embrace the fact that they are just walking sims with scary environments and union-mandated jumpscares
and chase sections. Which brings us to the next Amnesia gameβ¦
I should've done my research
before booting up Machine for Pigs because knowing that it was made by the same people as Dear Esther would answer almost all the questions that cropped up in my mind during the first hour of playing. I knew that it wasn't made by the original scandi neurodivergents
of Frictional Games, as I remember it being the main reasoning people on YouTube used to explain the game's failure. I recall being a bit amazed that a proper instalment of the franchise was met so poorly by the audience that spent the last two years
playing mostly custom maps made with the Dark Descent editor. Many Let's Players dropped the game after 1 hour or so, which meant that I never saw the game past the mansion intro so I was somewhat excited to play it, even with all of the negative aura still hanging around the game today.
The lack of object interactivity in Machine for
made the first impressions a bit poor, as I felt like the game didn't trust me as much as its predecessor did, while also discouraging exploration. I really love Victorian England
as a setting and it was always a personal gripe of mine that I got to see so much of Castle Brennenburg
(which while a masterfully created environment I didn't have much of an aesthetic connection with), through YouTubers playing the Dark Descent and almost nobody was showing me what turn of the century British mansions and factories looked like in Machine for Pigs, so I could finally see it all for myself with the benefit of having no digital clown hogging up space in the corner. In the end, the gameplay design choices by the developers actively prevented me from enjoying the setting.
However, by the end I enjoyed the narrative of Machine for Pigs more so than the Dark Descent. Either because I am a βcreatorβ in my day-to-day life and I associated with Mandus more or simply because I am pathologically more afraid of powerlessness
than the fear of the unknown
. In the end, the story and presentation in Machine for Pigs made me overlook the gameplay shortcoming, but I still see it as a worse game when compared to the Dark Descent. It still doesn't deserve the reputation it has but most of that negativity stems from it carrying the βAmnesiaβ branding so can't do much about it
. I looked up if there are any positive reviews of the Machine for Pigs and all that exist are lengthy Breadtube
essays focusing on the βanti-capitalistβ message of the game and how g*mers
are dumb animals who cannot recognise good games even if they hit them in the face. Three separate videos managed to tie in the bad reception the game got at release as a βprelude to G*mergateβ. In short: 
PS. It's one of those times when it feels like a vortex was created in the noosphere and multiple people got the same idea at once, as on the same day that I finished the Dark Descent Mandalore released a video on it. It seems like a coincidence, as he is doing a retrospective of all of the Frictional Games catalogue, but I can't escape the feeling that we are all connected through mental tethers and ahhhh save me marseeyyy I am losing my mind ahhhh
PSS. Apparently the Chinese Room, the creators of the Machine for Pigs, are the current developers of the Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines sequel? They are essentially a whole new team without anyone from the early 2010s remaining but it is still an incredibly weird choice.
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Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.
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Don't invoke my English teacher, Longpostbot! That's rude!
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Are you a woman π , losercel?
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Gran Turismo 3 via emudeck
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what all consoles can steamdeck (i assume cause emudeck) emulate because oh my god I COULD PLAY THE OLD NCAA FOOTBALL GAMES ON IT?!
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It can definitely do anything up to and including the PS2 (gamecube, dreamcast, etc) era at 60fps.
PS3 era and onward are case by case, but ive seen, e.g. folks having moderate success running MGS4 on steamdeck.
It also can do the handhelds like DS and motion games like Wii U if you set up the screen switch macro and internal gyroscope correctly
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i've got one coming in the mail and was gonna play days gone or spiderman or horizon immediately cause i've never owned a playstation home console or a computer good enough to run them i might just play decade+ old games instead
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can't it also do switch games i think that's a thing i heard
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Oh definitely. I haven't tried switch games myself, but if it can run RDR2 and Cyberpunk, I'm sure it can run the whole switch library
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Can I make it run old timey Fire Emblem?
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Monster hunter world with the bros.
Also trying GU again but i think ill soon be forced to admit that the old games are unplayable and everyone who says theyre better is a fricking r-slur.
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You should try the "drink whatever is under the sink" game instead.
Black Buck Broken Trans Lives Matter
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elden ring, have dishonored and synthetik on the side
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Started Resident Evil 0 Remastered and Death Stranding.
Both of them are pretty mediocre, but I find DS worse and I'm on the verge of quitting it if something interesting doesn't happen in the next 2 hours I'll put into it.
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I like both of those games.
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DS is pretty monotone and RE0 drives me crazy with the loading screens. I don't know how I managed to beat RE1 in the past lol
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I've been playing Derail Valley. If your peculiar form of autism is at all train focused, I highly recommend it. You're a freight train engineer, and you deliver cargo and shunt cars, not much to it. The fun comes in the details of the simulation, as trains are very heavy, and therefore braking and acceleration are more complicated then you'd think. This is exacerbated by the slight issue of the terrain. The eponymous valley is full of hills, extremely tight curves, and the tracks seem to have built by sociopaths, allergic to building with the terrain. The game is sometimes chill, but can be frustrating as well, and it strikes the balance exceedingly well.
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I dropped Alundra too frustrating I got filtered. I missed Ghost Trick on 3DS so playing that this week.
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The reason you can't read in that game is because you're actually a cat in the man's suitcase.
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Dyson Sphere Program
I hate electric motors
I hate plastic
I hate organic crystals
I hate processors
great game though
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I finished Returnal. I thought it was quite bad. Too hard, too short, too few bosses, not enough feeling of progression, bad ending. Core mechanics were fine and it looked nice in places. It should have been 50% longer and 30% easier.
It's buggy as shit on PC too, I had four runs ruined by falling through the floor and not being able to reset.
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football coach: college dynasty
i'm dying for the new NCAA game which maybe comes out next year? or 2025. i don't remember.
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After playing this I understand why people consider Celeste to be
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looks sexist
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Victoria 2
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I'm in cardboard crack mode at the moment, playong etherlords
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I got Elden Ring. Trying a bow build. I cheesed Agheel from the cliff with it.
i might pivot, idunno.
also been playing more gta online lately and Cyberpunk, gonna start the Phantom Liberty stuff soon
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