Smartest burger :marseyburger: gets pulled over, immediately incriminates himself :marseygrouns:, gaslights the police :marseygaslighter:, detonates a pipebomb in the cop's face :marseypipebomb:, then offers him a bottle of water :marseychocolatemilk: :gigachad2:

He had a gun chilling in the passenger seat too--get a load of this shit :marseyxd:

This guy is king of the fudds, I and all real weekendgunnit stan :marseykneel:

!burgers: How not to talk to the police

@HailVictory1776: You will never be as based as this man :marseysneed:

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>pipebomb detonates in cops face

>driver: "what was that?!

>cop: How the frick would I know?!?!?!


Incredible how nice the cop was even after that, letting the guy get to the driver side even though theres a gun in the car and a bomb just went off in the cops face

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Because he knew he wasn't in any (intentional) danger lol. Dude was nice, basically your average rural bumpkin.

!chuds notice how this cop was less on edge after a pipe bomb than most Urbanite cops are near a black person? :marseynooticeglow:

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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A lot of cops died exactly because of that. Pleasant encounters that turn into a deadly ambush from one second to the next when the cop stumbles upon the wrong shit. This cop was really careless, and just got lucky. He already knew the guy was lying to him constantly and with a perfect pokerface, the cop shouldnt have trusted him in the slightest at that point

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Worst video I've seen online was like that, the Nam vet in the pickup who gunned a cop down, then drove off. The audio was so fricked.

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Yeah, thats one of the ones i was thinking of. Where you hear the cop crying and pleading for his life before being executed

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This is such a funny fricking video the cop is so nice and patient but is constantly getting more and more annoyed before the fricking BOMB goes off in his face and even then theres still a hint of positivity in his voice as he yells "WHAT THE FRICK!"

Edit: I'm still watching holy shit

Offers him a water bottle :marseychocolatemilk:

"No, frick you!"


"What the heck was that?"



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Buddy's Bomb: Goes off in cop's face


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:#marseyxd: :#marseykino:

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What a helpful :marseyeskimo: guy. Assured the officer :marcuscop: he wouldn't lie to him and was quick :marseyagreewarpspeed: to offer :marseyholdingcoin: aid when that darn airbag went off mysteriously. Standup :marseysting: guy.

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In his 83iq boomer meth-brain, he thought this would be like a Skyrim encounter and the offer of water would de-agro the cop

Skyrim fight music plays

"You never should have come here!"

Offer WATER (1)

Calm music plays

"Keep and eye out for bandits- I've seen some in these parts"

Cop does walking animation into wall and phases put of existence

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Where exactly in the constitution does it say you can't blow up a homemade explosive in a cop's face? Federal overreach!!!!

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Looks like Bubba's straight up smoking a joint at the beginning too

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This is so good I can't believe it. "I ain't gonna lie to you."

Constantly lies.

Lies steadily escalate until the fricking bomb goes off and as the cop is choking and spitting/ screaming you hear the guy in the background say "must have been the air bag" in a blatant 'I'm lying' voice.

The cop finally losing it saying "how the frick could I know. How the frick could I have known what that was."

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Was he nice? He kept lying about seeing a white substance in the cigarette box to get him to admit to something more than weed.

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That's just classic cop shit. They don't want to use force, they just want you to admit guilt, get a fat ticket or arrest and come along quietly

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musta been the airbag or sumn!

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Dude easily could have booked it the cop was so stunned

Lifehack carry a pipebomb in your car so when it blows up :marseyakbar: you have a chance to drive away :marseysteer:

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That man can't even jog, much less run.


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He can roll :marsey#dizzy:

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He also could have also as easily grabbed the hand gun and shot the cop to death, wtf was the cop thinking

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He was probably thinking "oh frick a bomb just exploded in my face"


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The cop was thinking white = safe.

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And he was right, bubba didnt shoot him :#marseysipping: :marseynoooticer:

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Honestly some cops are just r-slurred.

Like that one traffic stop where the cop sees a rifle in the passenger seat and the guy he stopped is a felon running on a massive drug trafficking charge and hes just like "yeah move the rifle over and step out no big deal" right before the guy gets out with the rifle and shoots him like 8 times.

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How should the cop have handled it instead?

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Okay to shoot?

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This is pretty good but he didn't blow his own fingers off like the "Clandestine Chemist" of Portland.

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I know a guy who lost a pinky finger when he was a kid, when his match-head bomb exploded. The idiots had made it out of a metal pipe, and he was banging on one end to close it, with a metal hammer. Sparks flew, so to speak, and he was lucky to have not gotten off worse.

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>Ruger MKIV .22lr

>Shitty red dot

>Huge grab handle on the charging handle

>Barrel appears to be basically entirely removed along with barrel shroud

>Some shitty string tied to it as a sort of sling?

Heck yeah brother this is some meth shit

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Handcrafted by the artisans of /r/weekendgunnit

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Absent the meth rope, Ruger sells multicolor short barrel murder variety MKIVs stock.

Nevermind, they definitely don't retail the 1" barrel hacksaw version that Bubba here had.

Useful for absolutely nothing but shooting people in the head from point blank :mjlol:

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This looks like a pipebomb I wonder what it is :marseydetective:

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This whole video was pure kino.

Where can I find more shit like this? Usually these body cam videos are a bunch of clickbait like β€œofficers ventilate CONVICTED P-DOPHILE during routine traffic stop” or whatever.

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LMAO props to the cop and bubba is the greatest actor ever!

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I miss gunnit. I'll point :marseysocratesyourself: my carry piece at my peepee when I get home in solidarity.

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Typical yt

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>something blows up in drug fiends car

>i inhale it

>just chill around and curse

Why are they so stupid.

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This is why cops should be able to shoot on sight if they get a bad vibe.

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cops drivers

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was the ied why he was on his phone all the time?

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Saw this video a few days ago and was puzzled :marseyconfused2: as to why the cop didn't have him cuffed :marseycop: 2 minutes into the stop.

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because wh*te bois

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@Aevann thanks for the pin kind stranger :soysnoo:

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@HailVictory1776 Who is in the wrong here?

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I don't remember the ful video from the first time I posted this but both the drug dealer guy and the pig are wrong. The search was justified but the pig should have known better

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You don't want us to see the TRUTH of what cops have to go through everyday. You want to paint a narrative that they are oppressors when really it's people like you that pull shit like this every day.

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Suck that boot cute twink

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How many pipe bombs have you build in your life?

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None as I'm not a drug dealing criminal

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Factcheck: You really believe that shit? Lmao dumbass neighbor 🀣

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I'll fricking kill you b-word

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>claims to not be a criminal

>instantly starts threatening violence

Curious :marseyshapiro:

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I'm coming for you

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>Smartest burger

Still dumb

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Was it a pipe bomb or shake and bake meth?

Read what I wrote above. Now picture in your head that I put a /s at the end. Good job sweaty! :marseygigaretard:

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