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i wanna see the land my ancestors were deprived of, i wanna see the roots of my culture. i wanna see the doors of no return. i wanna see the vibrancy of all the different cultures and ethnicities. there's a beauty, an experience, a love even.

Where they'll punish you for being gay

i am a historian who studies & researches Afro-American history, slavery & escape from slavery. this isn't just a casual vacation to me. this is an opportunity for me to connect with a long lost part of myself and my family. nobody in my family has gotten to see the continent.

Black woman's Eat. Pray. Love.

and, if i've learned anything in my studies and professional work, black folks do not let the opinions/thoughts of others stop us. we are pioneers and leaders to others and our own

They only left Africa after being dragged away as slaves though.

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>black folks do not let the opinions/thoughts of others stop us. we are pioneers and leaders to others and our own

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!dramatards actual footage from Boeing Research and Development

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This'll do numbers in the group chat

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>black folks do not let the opinions/thoughts of others stop us.

Interesting way of saying we wrong

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i wanna see the land my ancestors were deprived of, i wanna see the roots of my culture. i wanna see the doors of no return. i wanna see the vibrancy of all the different cultures and ethnicities. there's a beauty, an experience, a love even.

Do these people think honkies went to African with nets to catch slaves?

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Yes, or they subscribe to the idea that slavery between Africans at the time wasn't really slavery, just kind of a friendly slap on the wrist checkmate, and when the Africans sold the slaves to the whites, they had no idea it was horrible REAL slavery that whites invented.

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Just the second sentence of that first post. These people, I swear.

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34,702 readers


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wait i'm r-slurred

transition here = career transition LOLLLLLLLLL :marseybrainlet: :marseytransrentfree:

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!metashit literally :marseytransrentfree: holy shit :mjlol:

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Complete brain rot.


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Transphobia got people acting all quirked up

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oh, you didn't know?? I knew that haha no i didn't :marseytransrentfree:

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got mindfricked by that enby teacher's post there lmao

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Lel you cray

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I wonder what do you think of when you see the term "transition metal": iron, gold, or :!marseytrain:s?

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Music genre about transsexuals.

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Power metal already exists :marseypassftm:


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:beavisandbuttheadrocking: :marseycornholio:

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Gold :marseyjewoftheorient:

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You need to take some time off the internet, take your wife on a nice vacation or something

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It was an enby posting there kinda easy mistake to make

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not just that, it's pretty active lmao

all those poor school kids :marseydoomer:

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jewish lives matter, but not as much as X

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I am pretty visibly gay


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More like :#marseytransattentionseeker:

@MoonMetropolis say this as a feminist ally.

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She's a butch lesbian who doesn't have enough victimhood points so she threw in "non-binary" too.

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No, she's black so basically has a Big Mike phenotype :#turtoiserofl:


LMAO a proto pooner


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i like how a lot of liberals have a skin deep obsession :marseyrentfree: with "africa". no interest in any african :marseyblack2: country :marseypalestineflag: in particular just wants to visit a country :marseycatgirl5: where :marseydrama: the majority population has black :marseysouthernbelle6: skin.

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It's more understandable for descendants of slaves who don't really know where their ancestors came from.

It's like how dramatards don't know who their father is, specifically, just that he was a violent alcoholic. So naturally later in life they find any punchy drunk really fascinating.

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Why would you want to connect with the people who sold your great great great great great grandfather into slavery?


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I dunno Carp, why do you send flowers every year to that whore that birthed you?

People are irrational and care about m-m-muh roots. (Not me, I'm a rootless cosmopolitan third culture kid with no attachments to anything except my frequent flyer miles)

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>their ancestors

The ones still in Africa are the ones who sold their actual ancestors into slavery

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It's more understandable for descendants of slaves who don't really know where their ancestors came from.

It's really not. In cases like that, they have no ties back to any culture over there. We can talk about how unfortunate it is for that tie to be broken forcibly via slavery but it still is.

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Lol this reddit BIPOCette is gonna witness the culture of the people who sold her ancestors into slavery

These r-slurs don't know (or conveniently cope out) that slaves weren't captured, but bought from other Africans who captured and sold them.

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Send them to South India :rape:

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>South Africa has one of the most progressive constitutions in the world and actually legalised same s*x marriage before most US states, so you'll be good. Although I must say that most people are more conservative than the constitution would suggest, but you will absolutely be safe, although crime is still a big problem, but u should be fine as a tourist

This guy's gonna get somebody killed LMFAO

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:#marseybased: :#marseybaited:

reminds me of the recent post where some bong woman was led to believe india was safe to travel solo :marseytrollolol:

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And the travel agency wasn't returning her calls :marseyxd:

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When white americans or white latin-americans want to celebrate their irish/italian/german/spanish ancestry because of their immigrants great-great-grandparents

>you're not european

>you just think you're better than us because of your ancestry :#soyjakferal:

>I'm sure you're racist, don't you know your ancestors were poor fricks? What are you even going to celebrate? They were all welfare queens who got land while us blacks were suffering (actual argument by brazilian twitter) :soyjakanimeglasses:

When american or latin-american blacks want to celebrate their vague "African" heritage whose country they don't even know of and whose tribes ceased to exist centuries ago because of the Slave Trade





:#blacksoyjak: :#blacksoyjak: :#blacksoyjak:

So tiresome


!latinx !macacos !nooticers

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My impression from Africans is that they hate muh heritage blacks even more than Euros hate muh heritage whites, plus dunk on them for descending from the people they captured and sold :marseyxd:

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That's a funny idea, but considering the average income of an african american vs. a real african, there's not much ground for them to stand on imo

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>only rich :marseybipocmerchant:s can afford to leave

wow, how could this be

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Tomorrow is the Bicentennial of the German Immigration in Brazil, 200 years since the first colony, São Leopoldo, was founded, most of my mom's ancestors are traced to São Leopoldo settlers.

I think at this point people just celebrate the new Germano-Brazilian culture which emerged (which was a mishmash of several German regions into one) instead of "we-wuzing".

Thinking about it the Bicentennial commemorations are going to bring a lot of seethe by twittertards lol.

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It's funny that we Germs don't really mind your culture. It's clear that it has evolved from German culture (well mostly Bavarian), but you honor & celebrate it while adding your own stuff. So that's cool with us as long as there's beer.

Probably has something to do that it's a real culture and not a single (American) guy being like "my grand grand dad is from Germany, thus i'm german! no I cannot speak German, but can I get citizenship?"

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It's clear that it has evolved from German culture (well mostly Bavarian)

What's funny is that most german immigrants in Brazil were not Bavarian, but Rheinish and Pomeranians. There were even Swiss and Austrians and because Germany wasn't a unified country back them they were all grouped together as "Germans" by the Brazilian Imperial Government who would then settle the immigrants in pre-selected colonies. I still wonder when the Oktoberfest thing began here and why, maybe the Bavarians were culturally dominant because they're more attached to their regionalism and the rest went with it, but linguistically Moselle and Baltic dialects dominated.

The RS (Rio Grande do Sul) Germans were more akin to the Baltic Germans than the Germans who migrated to the US in the sense of building a separate ethnic group for generations, for instance in 1940 12% of RS population spoke German as a native language despite most of them being 3rd/4th/5th/6th gens by then, those would live in their settlements and towns kind of self-segregating from Brazilians and other immigrant groups.

But nowadays almost no one except the elders speak the dialects and yeah, is mostly fun community parties and beer with flags, so what's the harm, lol.


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I don't know if it was you I had the conversation with before, but yeah, some speak a dialect that is 100% German. Hunsrücker dialect seems to be a subdialect of Moselle. Since we lost the Baltics quite some time ago not much from them is in our normal language (I think), while I usually use Moselle words (Viez, Bredouille, ...)

so what's the harm

Exactly. :#marseyzwei:

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What do you think of Brazilian and American beer?

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Personally I'm a fan of wheat beer. So even German pils, export, kellerbier, rauchbier ... is not something that I really love.

If I enjoy the taste and it's better than the alternatives to drink I don't mind any beer. Haven't had any Brazilian/American beer yet that makes me go "omg I need to drink it, cause it's really great". Obviously open to suggestions.

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Iron City :marseyyinze#r:

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Africans trying to dunk on anyone for anything is pathetic

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Not really, it's a shitty and rough place to grow up so anyone claiming to be from there when they were born in Kansas or Oakland should be ridiculed

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plus dunk on them for descending from the people they captured and sold

It feels like African Americans really don't get why their ancestors were shipped to another continent.

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I guess that's why so many of those american blacks hate :marseychingchong: :marseytunaktunak: :marseyimam:: these people have clearly traceable ancestry and actual cultural identity

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idk Africans burn Amerimutts from the while continent claiming to be African.

You're not African. Nobody here identifies as African, we identify by ethnic group. All you know is Wakanda and laziness


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I was mocking a specific reaction to heritage which is common in Brazilian Twitter but maybe a bit different in the US.

This year is the bicentennial of the German migration to Brazil and the 150th anniversary of the Italian migration (1824 and 1874 was when they began) and I've seen many woketards seething about it, claiming all southerners are racists with the "oh the German migration, you think you're better than because that, well they were peasants and you're not german so frick you!". Meanwhile pardos and blacks clinging to some vague African ancestry from centuries ago are celebrated as brave and they fetishize everything Afro.

"Negro movement" activists in general resent the immigrants and believe Brazil didn't need them and that instead all land should have been handed to former slaves, ignoring the fact that coffee pickers and sugar laborers were not farmers and like it or not Brazil needed new farmers with new crops and techniques that's why the krauts and italians were so important. Those activists are what in the spanish speaking world you call "acomplejados".

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>all about me


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Just dont be gay while you're in Africa? Dont wear pride shirts or talk about sucking peepee. Cant be that difficult.

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Xhe wants to eat da poopoo

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Given that she's an American lesbian with no actual ties to Ghana, she should be fine. Lesbians are mostly in danger from their families, not the authorities, and as an American, she has the resources to bribe her way out of most situations and the might of the U.S. government to bail her out of anything really bad. If she just follows this advice, there's no reason she won't be able to stay in Ghana indefinitely. In other words, she's fricked. :marseytransattentionseeker:

!poll_voters, how long will it take this idiot to have a !foidmoment that forces her to run to the embassy so they can stick her butt on the first plane home? :marseywait:

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I want to say you're being sexist but you are 100% on the wavelength of Saki's gay mind. Which says a lot about you, but nothing about me.

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HIV positively guaranteed

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It's a foid though, probably not.

Yet. She can take part in local customs, such as the corrective r*pe they say is so widespread in the U.S.

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It's a foid though, probably not.

You do realize (clearly you don't cause you're an idiot) that women make up the majority of HIV infected individuals in Africa right?

Like high 55-58%.

It's always r-slurred how people think it's only cute twinks getting HIV, when the first person to bring HIV over to the USA was a straggot.

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Considering how much more likely it is to catch HIV from getting penetrated (vs penetrating somebody) it's natural that after gay men, straight women would be the most infected demographic.

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Africans also like dry s*x, where they put stuff in their kitties to dry it out :marseywut2:


I first heard about "dry s*x" when one of my friends returned from Malawi, where she was doing work with women and cervical cancer screenings. Dry s*x, she told me, is the practice of reducing moisture in your vagina in order to seem tighter and cause more friction during intercourse. This is believed to be more pleasurable for the person with the peepee, but for the women involved, it's incredibly painful. It's an idea linked to the perception that a tight vagina is one that hasn't been stretched out by overuse, which speaks to the low level of sexual education in the region.

It gets worse. To achieve dryness, some women insert chalk, sand, pulverized rock, herbs, paper, or sponges before s*x. Douching with caustic liquids such as detergents, antiseptics, alcohol, and bleach is also common. The use of these substances, in combination with un-lubricated penetrative s*x, can lead to vaginal abrasions and increased condom breakage—which compounds the spread of HIV.

!chuds 60 IQ and it's consequences :marseychud:

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Ellie Kemper should have owned that. It's hilarious.

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It's an idea linked to the perception that a tight vagina is one that hasn't been stretched out by overuse, which speaks to the low level of sexual education in the region.

Where is the lie.

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Why would you say that? :marseysad:

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Imagine the smell

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What smell? :marseyconfused:

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the person with the peepee


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/ >divx

/ I miss the old days bros
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Your images broke

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It's incredible to me they're still capable of breeding after pouring booze into their snatches

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Why would you say that? :marseysad: :marseysick:

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Birth and s*x is already complicated without involving vaginal abrasion but they're somehow on their way to 2 billion

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No I meant the way you phrased that :marseyeyelidpulling:

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More comments

The sandy :marseycheeks: vagina meme is real :#marseysoypoint:

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jfc :marseyspit:

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Receptive anal s*x (bottoming) is 13 times riskier for getting HIV than insertive anal s*x (topping).

Tops keep winning.

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Lmao homosexuals will accuse you of being a strag for the slightest perceived fruitiness but will :#cope: this hard when cute twink's disease is brought up

:quote: straggot :quote:


Cute twinks on the down low (Africans) still (have to) frick women to reproduce lol

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ERROR! Brothers of Islam are irreplaceable I could never delete you Brother!

Send this to ten other Mujahideen who would give their lives for ﷲAllahﷲ Or never get called Brother again

If you get

0 Back: Juhanam for you

3 back: you're off the martyr list

5 back: you have pleased Allah greatly

10+ back: JANAHﷲ!ﷲ



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i am non-binary, most people would just assume i am a masculine woman. my wife is a woman. we are in a lesbian relationship.

Non-binary but a "lesbian couple." :uhuh: What's the point of using words anymore if they don't even mean anything to you?

i wanna see the land my ancestors were deprived of

deprived of? There has nothing been stopping you from buying a ticket and flying back to Africa in the last sixty years. :marseysmug2:

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i am pretty visibly gay

then stop dressing like a strag

bringing my wife with me as well

ok just say you guys are friends or sisters or something

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