EFFORTPOST Effortpost: Vidya consoomers :soyconsoomer:, business experts :marseystocksdown: :marseyrope:, and train wreck enjoyers :!marseylaugh: :marseyfine:, Gather around as I regail to you :wolfdramanomicon: the latest development in Bungie's impotent attempts to stay afloat and how a 30 year old legendary gayming studio has been brought to the edge of total collapse.



Before I can talk about Bungie's current bed-pooping I have to give you the context of yesteryear's bed pooping. During the thirdish quarter of 2023 the full weight of Bungie's massive screw up by releasing one of the dumbest, anti-climactic, and poorly written game expansions (even by destiny standards) had been realized. This gave Pete Parsons the CEO of Bungie, you're going to be seeing a lot of seethe surrounding this guy, the justification needed to start layoffs in the company.


On Monday, October 30, Bungie laid off a sizable chunk of its staff in departments including community, QA, audio, and more. According to a report from IGN, Bungie CEO Pete Parsons cited Destiny 2's declining performance in 2023 as a cause. A report from Bloomberg noted that Bungie's upcoming projects were internally delayed as part of the move, with The Final Shape quietly moving to June 2024.

That underline section is going to be important later.

In an internal town hall meeting addressing a Monday round of layoffs that impacted multiple departments, Bungie CEO Pete Parsons allegedly told remaining employees that the company had kept "the right people" to continue work on Destiny 2.

This tone deaf remark caught Pete a lot of flak, as if he would give a shit, and he was criticized for not taking a paycut to prevent the layoffs. He instead chose to purchase 2.4 million worth of Antique cars and offer to show his female employees his collection. :gigachad4:


Speaking to multiple current and recently laid off employees, IGN has confirmed reports that Bungie took responsibility for the layoffs, rather than laying them at the feet of parent company Sony. Parsons told employees that the layoffs were largely due to underperformance of Destiny 2 over the last year, as well as lower-than-expected preorders for upcoming expansion The Final Shape.

As it so happens Lightfall was actually Destiny 2's best performing expansion. The newest expansion The Final Shape failed to break the previous expansions poulation record on steam (although that could also be sttributed to the amount of server issues during the release of TFS. Despite this the expansion still technically "underperformed" because bungie had likely over-promised Destiny 2's performance after releasing expansions during the height of the pandemic when everyone was trapped inside playing videogames. :marseyvaxmaxx:


Employees were also told that Destiny 2 player sentiment was at an all-time low. Sources tell IGN that this issue had been flagged to leadership repeatedly for months prior to the layoffs, with employees begging for necessary changes to win players back.

One former Bungie employee recalled that they were repeatedly assured following the 2022 Sony acquisition of Bungie that there would be no layoffs, and cited an item from a Sony quarterly report that claimed $1.2 billion of the $4 billion acquisition was going explicitly toward staff retention. Multiple employees confirmed that money was distributed to employees who were fully vested, with money split into multiple payments over time and varying based on discipline and seniority.

>t-there's not going to be any layoffs r-right Pete?


>yeah yeah sure, could you pipe down I'm trying to order more ferraris.



Of course since then there have as of now been 2 rounds of layoff. womp womp! :marseygiveup:

The first round of layoffs targeted those who had stock in the company cutting a lot of senior workers including the lady that designed the flipping Halo logo and Michael Salvatori the composer of pretty much the entirety of the music of the 10 year Destiny Saga ever since they canned Marty O'donnell. Around 100 workers got axed, some very high notoriety, and this isn't even including workers who got shifted into sony positions.

Today's Crisis


As of writing this 3 days ago another hundred or so Bungie employees had found out they had just been uncerimoniously laid off in the same darn community update that any redditor can read for patch notes. This time the layoffs were centered around shuttering all projects that weren't Destiny or Marathon related. This means those projects that were delayed in the underline section before were all cancelled. This time around a lot of leadership roles had been hit as well. Mark Noseworthy and Luke Smith, two guys known for almost killing the game at least 3 times, and one of which had been with the company since before Reach, had been let go. These guys were responsible for side projects and bringing Destiny into other mediums such as T.V Shows. With them gone there's nothing left in the works besides Marathon.


Bungie shrank from 1300 to 850

Sony's Bungie is shrinking from 1,300 people to 850:

  • 220 laid off
  • 155 moving to Sony
  • ~75 to a new studio

"We were overly ambitious, our financial safety margins were subsequently exceeded, and we began running in the red," says CEO Pete Parsons


On top of the layoffs the annual plan for the release of Destiny content has been alterd, and the consensus is looking like future releases are not going to live up to the previous standards. In other words this 7 year old game might actually die this time, for real...maybe. Idk tbh. :marseygiveup:


This leaves Marathon, as the sole entity for Bungie to rest its future on. Bungie has to hope an extraction based looter shooter, a reputably anticasual gaming experience. As well as a hero shooter which have become comically despised by gaymers in the current day (see Concord) will be enough to save them from complete collapse.

This is all that exists of Marathon right now. If I'm not mistaken the studio behind these cgi trailers and cutscenes for Bungie got shutdown too. Little else is even known about this game.

Could be worse though. They could be DICE. :marseysmug2:


*Bungie got bought by sony in 2022

*Bungie released a shit expansion, and had a round of layoffs in 2023

*Bungie released a good expansion, and had another round of layoffs in 2024

*Bungie's current cash cow Destiny 2 is being put out to pasture

*Bungie has no other projects in development right now besides Marathon

*The future of this studio lies in the fate of an extraction based hero shooter

*Pete Parons like cars


I did it... I effortposted !jannies


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What really no destiny 3?

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Yep. It was confirmed that Destiny 3 never even started development. It didn't even exist.


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Whatever, I would have still preordered the Deluxe edition and played it, and rated it 5stars and hated it, but I would have voiced my opinion! Bungie cares about the opinion of people who buy and continue to buy their games!

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Unironically this.

For people who don't understand what's happening let me explain.

Live service games typically depend on hordes of brown people spending boatloads on MTX. Since Destiny has been denigrating into shitty fanfic and robot yaoi, the brown people have been spending significantly less on it and playing real gatchas. So now the franchise is collapsing because they can't get marginal amounts of Mexicans to buy emotes.

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Destiny has been denigrating into shitty fanfic and robot yaoi

It has? :marseyshook:

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The entire plot of the current season is that the self-insert wizard his robot boyfriend are somehow in a rough patch.

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Mayos need to learn their place in the video game market.

Its at the very bottom despite their purchasing power.

Vidya games must cater to the Ricecels wants and whims. These are the weirdos who will starve and whore themselves for an extra chance to roll for their waifus and husbandos.

One example is Western League of Legends player cry, b-word and moan about how Riot doesn't make any skins for them anymore. Its because the mayo playerbase is shrinking and they aren't forking over cash like the Ricecels, so the ricecels are getting the skins and skinlines they want.

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>extraction based hero shooter

Surely this project will feature grizzled operator types and not androgynous BIPOCs with bad taste in fashion, right?


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I added the trailer to the post. Destiny is filled with a lot of LGBT stuff but they haven't went full woke orc character design yet. The trailer has futuristic looking no fat operators so there's hope.

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their new shit looked like this though. lightfall's human characters were almost entirely weird metallic homoerotic androgynous dudes in a weird purple lgbt world

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Not to mention the main one was supposed to be this elite :marseydimmadome: protector of the Matrix :marseyhacker: People who behaved like a fluoride-fueled r-slur :marseymeangirls: Marvel :marseykangtheconqueror: Thor knockoff zoomer.

"Uhh, so this Veil thingy, uhh pretty :marseyroan: bad."

Yes Jarjar Binks Nimbus, the situation is looking :marseyoperasmug: grim.

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Every few weeks I get spammed with another woke namplate for halo mcc in my steam library, they've gone fully woke. They always disable comments after some mega cute twink leaves some overly-positive remark on their posts.

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doesn't look bad tbh

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Ok but all the characters seem to be androids and a fat robot would be really funny

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Ugly robot :marseyfreedomgundam: woman :marseycutattention: with blue lips: :marseywave2:

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Topselker 9 out of 10 analysts agree

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Posting early in a hotep thread for easy upmarseys


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I like dramacoin


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I'm here too hecko everyone!



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Replying to carp for the same

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Hi babe

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Hey :marseyshy3:

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Shill is my gf now. @Maximus and !biofoids stop messaging me now pls

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replying to comments to double dip in marseycoin profits

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We wuz gamedevs

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Idk it reminds me of another community of a shit spess game that keeps simping for the devs sfter eavery single shitty update

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NO MAN'S SKY :!#marseymegaphone:

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What does that have to do with posting in a hotep thread for coins


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At least be like me and have a a smarmy one-liner at least.

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Destiny 1 was one of my BIGGEST gaming disappointments


They marketed it as a WORLD-SPANNING RPG with all these different aliens and the idea of a post-apoclypse solar system sounds based asf as a setting like neo-medieval revival after the fall of Space Rome.

Now I was pissed off when I finished the campaign in 7 HOURS :soycry:

FRICK OFF BUNGIE :marseyraging:


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I had fun reading the forums. Who was that community manager everyone absolutely hated but Bungie forced him to keep posting and would get roasted

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The subreddit was a disaster with people posting nonstop "petitions" for common phrases to be named after destiny phrases.

Pro-tip became "super good advice" and new players became "kinderguardians"

It was all inorganic forced memes and if you left for 2 months you'd come back to what amounted to hieroglyphics with forced destiny-speak that made it unintelligible.

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You see that mountain :marseymountaincat: over there? You can climb it :marseytroll:

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Never heard of it.

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!chuds reminder that they hired a gay fanfic writer who turned their characters gay robotfrickers

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The entire seasonal story has been about those two being gay. According to the devs, the story is nominally about the immediate aftermath of Destiny's big bad being defeated, and that it's supposed to start lighthearted but then suddenly get dark, but so much screen time was reserved for the writers reciting their AO3 back catalogues that the story's main villain wasn't revealed until 2/3rds of the way through

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Millennial writers are somehow more dogshit than the saturday morning cartoon non-stories from 20 years ago. The endless stream of hackery is impressive

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Saint 14s voice is so bad

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He stronk Russia :marseyukrainerentfree: man who like it up his exhaust port from some old, neurodivergent, Egyptian :marseypharaohcat: pervert.

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Corporations go through the same song and dance. They tell everyone layoff rumors are untrue. Layoffs happen. They tell everyone it was necessary and they are safe. More happen. Anyone who survives either jumps ship or realizes that corporations lie, especially execs trying to make their huge bonus checks on the backs of suckers believing they are the chosen wagie and irreplaceable. Everyone is replaceable, even the CEO.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Good that Sony closed Japan studio for this

*Bungie released a good expansion, and had another round of layoffs in 2024

One strike mission

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Sony bought Bungie because they actually believed Bungie could make Sony's live service games work, and not that Destiny fans are just gluttons for punishment. :marseyxd: Fast forward and Sony releases Concord. :killherkillher:

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Is Sony r-slurred

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They moved their headquarters to California, so yes.

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This is a certified MBA moment:marseypeterson:

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You'd think they'd put more focus on Strikes, since they're probably the most heavily replayed content in the game and they're one of the few things that stays after a season/expansion ends

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I think they are focused at chilling and scrolling Reddit so many of us would been to tier devs at bungie

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One thing they have going for them is Tarkov has completely eaten shit so the demand for a extraction shooter is there. Big misplay to have it be a hero shooter though.

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What did tarkov do?

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They came out with a 250 dollar version and made DLC, that was previously said to be coming out with the cheaper version, exclusive to that one. They've also really fricked the dog when it comes to dealing with audio issues, performance, and dealing with cheaters.

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Hey, at least Grayzone Warfare is pretty :marseyroan: fun :marseysad:

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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I do need to look into that one. I like that it actually eases you into the game instead of throwing into maps with all the poopsock players like in Tarkov.

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You have to pay $20 to play PvE

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BSG opened an office in Israel

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I really hope it ends up being good. Destiny pvp would be genuinely great if the balance team wasn't full of brain dead r-slurs who listen to the even more brain dead community. They balance according to the complaints of the average player, but the average player in crucible would be bottom 10% in any other game.

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Once again the C suite kills a profitable company. How long until we consider :marseyhyperthonk: CEOs as the parasites they are?

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A sizeable portion of people think that executives know what they're doing and that complaining about them is just sour grapes

This is why we get what we deserve aka being force fed shit until the end of time

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Destiny's graphics and worlds are great, the game plays fast and silky smooth, music is great, has cool vehicles, cool weapons, the servers are great..... But despite all of the excellent performances and packaging the game is just boring. I bought them both and really tried to like them but just couldn't.


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I downloaded it went free 2 play. Did the tutorial felt:"this is okay I guess".

Went to the hub world couldn't figure out wtf I was suppose to be doing

Then I quit.

I imagine this is what is was like for most people

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Been playing for a decade and stay up to speed. If I take even a month off during a content :marseyraccoonhappy: shift, we're in the same boat.

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The replayability is pretty shit. If they did something like Mythic+ in WoW with strikes and had a rating for it, then that would help since M+ is what has carried WoW as a whole the past couple expansions.

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So I'm never going to get a halo two re release :marseyitsover:

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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A different even shittier company has made that actually. :marseynerd3:

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Halo MCC is a halo 1 and 2 rerelease with upgraded graphics. You can still use old graphics as well if you prefer

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But can I call people cute twinks in chat

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Didnt that guy buy those cars with the money from the sale of Bungie? So why the seethe? Its his money. Its not like he embezzled it.

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He spent it all in forza

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Good. Fricking die.

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I miss playing halo 3 with my xbox live homies

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It seems like these conglomerates business plans are buy game studio, then gut them regardless if the game is successful.

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There was video I listened to not too long ago wher you actually make more money selling studios, and they purposely make studios develop games they usually wouldn't to purposely create a bad product and give them the pass to scrap the studio.

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Was it the Moon Gaming one on the miller hype cycle?

If not, that's a really good one.

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good thing that they dropped their popular franchises and left them to be turned into fortnite

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Very short effortpost :marseysmug:

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It was high effort for me


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Destiny is mid... The last good thing Bungie made was ODST back in 2009...

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this is the objectively correct opinion

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snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. (final shape has actually been quite good)

Sad but i'm not too surprised tbh

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An old game that has its ups and downs got a lukewarm reception on the newest expansion and had to lay off some employees with no sequel in development.

was it really worth a big drama? This is not like that P(ai)lworld or the shooter game that force people to login to psn.

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@EliteBuckBreaker's favorite Bungie moment was when r-slurs thought Activision was forcing them too be greedy only for Bungie too get even greedier once they left Activision

Literally 0 trans lives matter

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news flash: the people who made your childhood games also age! anyone left is 40+ and not a g*mer anymore. this is a whole new studio with the same brand

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No gayzars only became better when it became public and the shareholders gave it their best to short their shares and get tax cuts!

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How do you short your own shares

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Economic shareholder stocks whacky spend savings!

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Warframe finally wins

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Never :marseyitsover: stopped winning.

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Been with the franchise since beta of D1. I hope this hurts every r-slur :marseyregistration: who told me I was stupid :marseybrainlet: and wrong :marseynoooticer: the last 10 years for criticizing Bungie's lackluster quality, constantly blundered releases, and their greed. Having invested thousands of hours and probably close :marseynoyouzoom: to $500 in expansions and the base games, I hope Bungie burns :marseyschizo: to the ground and Destiny dies a most pathetic :marseycryingclown: death.

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Close 343 and get Bungie back on Halo

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I played og destiny for a bit and am shocked that Luke Smith is only now getting fired

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Do even boomers care about Marathon? Fans of that series are like 50 now lol

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I feel like I should care but I never liked Bungie games.

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Their shits gay and r-slurred

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Back when I was in my 20s, I had a Little Mermaid backpack. Wore it everywhere. Why? Because I really like the Little Mermaid, it was a good backpack, and it let me know immediately which guys were insecure idiots.

If I was on public transport and I saw a guy smirking at my backpack, I was never bothered. I knew that if the two of us were dropped in the bush with nothing, I'd most likely be the one walking out alive. I didn't need to prove anything to them, and they'd already proved they weren't worth my time.







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WTF they're bringing back Marathon? Didn't the last game end with the literal heat death of the universe?

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