Ethics:marseysoylentgrin: Strags piss and shid themselves when a sigma Stacey :gigachadqueen: cures her own cancer without a loycence :marseybongcop:

the longhouse doesn't even let women do cool shit :marseyeyeroll: and all "ethicists" should be shot into the ocean they don't ever even say a real objection just "the ethics are troubleing :soycry:" or some vague shit like that.

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I hate women, but self-testing experimental stuff is based old-school science, so I approve :marseythumbsup:

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IIRC the dude who said that stomach ulcers were caused by bacteria, nobody believed him and he was mocked relentlessly, until he purposefully infected himself with the bacteria, developed stomach ulcers then cured himself with anti-bacterials.

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:marsey#autismcap: :mars#eykneel:

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It's the ultimate ethical science, in fact.

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This is literally a movie plot lol, scientist cures themself with medical breakthrough but big bad beurocracy seethes and tries to get her in trouble over it

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A lot of old school biology was absolutely jokey as far as research ethics go. Pretty based

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Aspertaime was discovered because someone heard "taste" instead of "test" this sample


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tasting chemicals was relatively common lab procdure in the past :marseyscientist:

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theres a cool vid where this guy got lactose intolerance in college, so he changes the course of his life to become a microbiologist to cure it

and it kinda worked

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This man was that committed to not losing his white privilege he literally cured a condition so he could drink raw milk in valhalla

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how self experimentation fuels white supremacy - nyt

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good video

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it was a 2.5-year battle with different reviewers and editors from 13 different journals...

The principal reason for all these rejections was the concern on ethical issues.

I'm delighted the subject is well, but the ethical dimensions are very troubling: Ethics of self admin, her own doctors, the reagents used, the funding, the institutional oversight, the journal publishing the work. Where to begin?

I am not commenting on the ethics here - just that this will be a challenging one medical ethicists

Safetyism now says its unethical to survive

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I think we would be out of the solar system by now without these useless eaters in academia cuckholding the actual researchers.

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very likely

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they really are the worst people, and shockingly stupid.

a budy of mine works at a research hospital doing grants and biostatistics and every day he has a new story about r-slurred butt phd researchers that like aren't normal humans socially, nor can they do very basic stuff.

one of them was a breast cancer researcher writing a paper on breast cancer treatment and didn't know some basic aspect of it, he asked her several times and she just kept saying she didn't know. I told him to look up her published work and she was a fricking co author on a paper discussing the very treatment he was asking her about, it's like her brain was blank.

he went from being rabidly pro academia to thinking they're all r-slurred while working there. and these are doctors, I can't imagine how bad it is outside of the hard sciences.

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Modern research is still very new. Near all progress was made by nobility and clergy who had the assurance and confidence to just DO SOMETHING and the time and money already secured so monied interests while still present was far less so. Copyright only cane about in the 18th/19th century.

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Co-authorship is given out as a favor, it's literally a circlejerk. A friend gives you co-authorship to get your name on more papers, you give them co-authorship back, so on and so forth.

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It's shockingly easy to get co-authorship by ingratiating yourself to the right people.

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If you are willing to do your own research and not rely on the lame stream media, you will find that it's already happened. The people who went on the Titan submarine were not in fact killed in an explosion but instead teleported themselves to a new colony on Beta Century

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Academics is built on climbing the ladder, enslaving younger reseachers to do all the work, claim the reseach and then kick it down so no one else can succeed.

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Stop making academia sound so cool

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Its so much worse in the humanities where its just a small clique trying to keep their meal ticket by only allowing other grifters in.

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>The principal reason for all these rejections was the concern on ethical issues.


>Ethics of self admin, her own doctors, the reagents used, the funding, the institutional oversight, the journal publishing the work. Where to begin?


>I am not commenting on the ethics here - just that this will be a challenging one medical ethicists


see how they just vaguepost. B-word your JOB is supposed to be ethics at the very least say what your ethical objection is.

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I am not commenting on the ethics here (actually I did. I just am refusing to elaborate in any way)

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>barge into the ethics committee

>"This research is unethical and may not proceed"

>refuse to elaborate

>leave with emeritus appointment


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And after all that time I spent drawing the cowtopus on the whiteboard?

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:marseychemist2: I consent!

:marseychemist2: I also consent because I'm the same person!

:taylorlorenzcrying: :marseywomanmoment2: We don't!

Is there someone(s) you forgot to ask? :marseydisagree:

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I am not commenting on the Portuguese people here, I am just saying they will be a challenging people for Europe

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These same bedwetters want to give your 13 year old lupron.

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Shut up chud. Don't you know its illegal to save yourself without government intervention.


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>deal with the replication crisis

:#marseyno: this is not a concern

>promote ethicirinos

:#marseyagree: this is heckin unethical

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But the replication crisis is due to the fact that people are acting unethically.

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Give all these losers mega cancer, they either die or they invent their own treatment and hopefully will shut up about ethics after, win-win :soymad:

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Remember, experimenting on yourself is unethical, but administering a dangerous pharma product to millions of people while suppressing all evidence of efficacy and having the government, media, and scientific establishment repeat talking points about the urgency of taking it is Safe And Effective

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What are you talking about

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He's promoting dangerous malinformation about the vaxx because he hates old people and fat people

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Vaccine misinformation on my rdramadotnet?

It's more likely than u think

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The issue with the ethics of this is that it's easy to misrepresent and mislead when you are both administering, studying and are the subject.

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I agree with that, but if commenters had that specific issue in mind, they wouldn't have all written some variant of "wow... This is just so TOUGH guise :soycry: just wow. There's definitely an ethics in the vicinity"

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She's curing her breast cancer in bad faith!


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>saving big booba

Yeah she's a queen :#seasoningpolicequeen:, how could you tell?

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DIY cancer treatment

>NOOO THE HECKING ETHICS :soysnooseethe:

DIY gender transition

>Yasss go off queen :marseynails:

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I support trans rights. :marseytrans2: I'm only upset with the cancer part :marseyindignant:

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:#marseyagree: more :!marseytrain:s should diy hormone therapy because self experimentation is cool

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I almost all drugs should be sold without prescription to adults (yes including hormones). Let the r-slurs die I hate making appointments.

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:marseybuff: MFW I run you over on the sidewalk in a testosterone haze because I'm doing more PEDs than Neil Armstrong

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@Grue is on board with both

Black lives matter

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This is why I support all :marseytrain2:ery, because you get enough of this, somebody could have a breakthrough on puberty and hormone shit, and I could get all my hair back and a bigger peepee.

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they found some kind of sugar that cures baldness, but nobody outside registered labs is allowed to buy it, even though it's completely harmless.

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That's cool, but I need to produce new hair follicles, not just a better version of the rogain. And my insurance cover it.

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I think the main concern isn't she saved herself/did it to her self but if the journal accepts her article, it tacitly approves on self experimentation which will encourage a bunch of r-slurs and schizos to try on themselves and end up giving themselves aids.

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Researchers should be allowed to give themselves AIDS if they want. You can't put limits on science.

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It kinda skews because people already do unsavory things like abuse underlings and lie about data just to get published in top journals. You could imagine a repeat of that Korean grad student abuse case but now with self experiment.

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Bro no way I just finished this two part video twenty minutes ago.

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I turned myself into a vegetable, Morty!


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:#marseyautism: look another vegetable :#marseypoint2:

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They are but this is probably to prevent r-slurred uni freshmen on top of kruger effect from killing themselves

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We shouldn't prevent that kind of thing

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r-slurs harming themselves is always more ethical than them harming someone else, so I don't see the problem

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I think the issue is that there are a bunch of rules for doing research on other people

If we let scientists just inject themselves with whatever they might turn invisible or smth

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>I think the issue is that there are a bunch of rules for doing research on other people

which are also incredibly r-slurred. The incredibly costly worldwide covid lockdowns could've easily been prevented by human experimentation.

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Or exacerbated

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Couldn't COVID be worse if they were openly and excessively testing on humans in the Wuhan lab?

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The people here are too r-slurred to reason this many steps ahead.

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If this is an ethical minefield then ethics is a field that deserves to be mined.


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I wonder what the ethics of shooting ethicists who equivocate is?

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noooo dont treat your breast cancer just work and die

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How does ethics even come into curing your own cancer? That's fricking r-slurred.

I heard a take once that it was unethical to transplant a new arm onto an amputee because you go from having a healthy patient with one arm to a sick patient with two arms who will be on medication for the rest of their life. Like b-word frick you, I want two arms.

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Just get a robot arm r-slur

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If only every woman was this keyed.

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Professional Ethicicists are really just Capital Rights Propagandists. They only ever advocate for the political rights of businesses/capital. Ethicist is a title mainly found in corporate/NGO(corporate) settings, seldom even found in academia, with exception for universities that function like holding groups (princeton, harvard, etc). They dont call themselves ethical philosophers, or people of a particular political pursuasion, and linguistically assert themselves as arbitors of absolute morality. To clarify Im not defending moral relativism, but claiming to hold the answers to absolute morality in all things is usually an activity done by fundie american christians.

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CIA psyop to give 1 in 10 doctors a fatal disease at random to see whether it increases new medical cure discovery rates

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Hey everyone! My name is Juan-Elias Riesco, my mom and I own Nini's Deli together, and before I gave my life to Jesus Christ, I used to be a homosexual.

I still remember the day as if it was yesterday when my older brother Jose shared the Good News of Jesus with me and told me that I was on a path of destruction without Christ. I thank God that he did not sugar coat it, because it was his forthrightness that struck a cord heart. After that moment I was immediately convicted for my sins, and just a few months later I went to church and cried out for Jesus' mercy over my life!

Now, I am married to the woman of my dreams and we have two precious children together (and Lord willing many more). It is because of this that I as a business owner now have such a big heart for my #LGBTQ friends. If Christ could change me, surely He can change anyone!


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Her body her choice but literally and unironically.

You just know these "ethicists" that are hemming and hawing about this are fully pro-choice but only when it comes to pre-approved beliefs.

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This woman doesn't need an ethics review, she needs to be given a lab to develop this even more.

Experimenting on yourself is probably the most ethical thing anyway.

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A woman cannot be sigma lol

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Curing your own cancer and making ethicsstrags cry is 110% sigma and I say this as one of the biggest foid haters in this site

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This is why they want vaxed against everything

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>I don't care that you, as a woman, consented to get vaxxed by some weird stuff. It's heckin UNETHICAL and HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION


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I read two seconds of the article and gave up, I aint doing university research or readings again. :marseybrainlet:

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>It is important to emphasize that virus preparations were of research grade and of complex biological composition, considering that purification of viruses from host–cell components was not performed. These impurities could also affect the overall outcome of the described protocol. Two cell lines, MRC-5 and Vero, both regulatory acceptable and widely in use for the upstream processing of human viral vaccines [20], were used for the laboratory-grade virus production.

Ok, after reading some more, this woman put un-purified virus prep into her tumor. I can't tell if this is even more based or if it's r-slurred. If it were me, I'd probably have tried to clean it up some more.

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Barry Marshall must be spinning in his grave so fast he's gonna take off.

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God darn this is based hfs

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