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  • HailVictory1776 : Kill youtself eurocute twink. No euros allowed on this website

For those other non-yank non-chuds, confused :marseyinsane: about why chuds are freaking out about the the MSNBC article on the front :marseyviewerstare: page, cuz fricking :marseytom: yanks are too busy :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseychainsmoker: :marseychainsmoker: :marseychainsmoker: to be coherent


So basically:


Girl is murdered :marseydead: by a Venezuelan illegal :marseymexicaninvasion: immigrant :marseytunaktunakinvasion: that is a member of a Venezuelan gang. Not only was he arrested :marseywrongthonk: at the border :marseymexicaninvasion: and released into the US, but he was arrested :marseymugshot: multiple times for other crimes in the US and always released. New York released him after an arrest :marseyhandsup: while they new ICE was on the way to take him and deport him. He ended up working :marseylifting: at and around University :marseycomet: of Georgia. He was arrested :marseywrongthonk: for theft :marseymanystolencases: and released there :marseycheerup: as well. Finally, he decided to r*pe and kill a nursing student.


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All the other posts are

:marseyrage: :!pepereeeeee: a murderer went to jail :trollinsane: :!marseytrollcrazy:

And nobody would tell me why

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Burger :marseyliberty2: chuds here are really :marseythinkorino2: fricking :marseytom: r-slurred :marseyautismchonker:

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I don't get it :marseysad:

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wheres the reddit seethe

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there is no seethe on reddit, the "outrage" is entirely manufactured by online chuds. I dare you to show me a single instance of chuddiness about this non-issue on reddit.


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Fr no cap, what is this African referencing @kaamrev discuss

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  • GOLEM : Can you mutts be a bit less schizophrenic when you post in public

Fricking tacoBIPOC causing the only murder in the US

Oh shit guys I think this murder thing may be more common than we thought, did u know that the fricking hard-working Americans have made our proud aryans murder girls, too?

Look at these goddarn mud people:

Mestizo (because saying mixed sounds too normal): 51.6% (according to a 1981 estimate, with 40% having mostly white features, 20% having mostly black features, and 10% having mostly indigenous features)

White: 42.5% (according to the "Ethnic Groups In Venezuela - WorldAtlas" table)

I don't think Fox wants to be a bad influence because these proud aryan's photos aren't posted until the very bottom of the fricking articles. Best to not let impressionable aryans know that they too can murder defenceless women and it is not at all an attempt to rile 85 IQ BIPOCs scared of Venezuelan commies up.

I'd be really sad if this was just the first page of search results!

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17323034767124739.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1732303477170872.webp

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1732303477719908.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17323034781697452.webp


(Bonus, a cop shooting an r-slur who was trying to defend his home against a robber. Back the blue!)


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1732303480004701.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17323034805985813.webp

I, for one, am glad that immigration is not a manufactured crisis or anything to scare grandma out in Michigan.

I wonder who hires the most illegals. Probably fricking leftists that own farms and construction companies. I wonder why the industries that need these workers don't hire workers with a temporary visa? Why is the temp visa process nearly fricking impossible for a poor strawberry picking wagie to navigate? Could it be a desire to reduce the bargaining power of labor in the industry? Could it be a politically valuable wedge issue between r-slurred democrats and r-slurred republicans? Could it just be that everyone is r-slurred and only marginally self-aware?



U.S. agriculture has turned increasingly to short-term guest workers to relieve a labor shortage in recent years. Farm groups and farm state lawmakers want to expand the program. The Republican platform does not mention agricultural workers while pledging strong immigration laws. Project 2025, which describes itself as a blueprint for a new Trump administration, says the H-2A agricultural visa should be phased out over the next 10 to 20 years

I honestly hope Trump is able to deport all these illegals so I can watch both these industries collapse in real time. Like the aftermath of the Bracero Program. When the program ended due to complaints that illegal immigrants were taking jobs Americans could do, what did the companies affected by Operation Wetback do? Did they hire Americans? No, absolutely not. They didn't hire anyone. Instead, they either mechanised their operations or shut them down entirely.

Contracting won't collapse. It will just get expensive and you'll have a 4 year wait to get a new roof at twice the previous cost now that they have to hire felons instead of illegals. At least they're our felons!

There was never a scenario where agriculture would pay Americans a competitive "American salary" because, in the face of global competition, these operations simply aren't profitable. You might suggest, like a fricking r-slur, that tariffs could solve this issue by making domestic production viable again. But this is how you end up with the infamous "$15 tomatoes." and Soviet grocery stores.

Not because Americans can't grow tomatoes, but because the labor costs required to produce them would be so high that the choices boil down to either automating the process or facing a limited supply of tomatoes to meet fixed demand. When 1000 BIPOCs all want a tomato and the previous supply of 1000 is now 250, what happens to the price of a tomato? Maybe Elon can solve this! He turned X into a profitable business.



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>cmon guys we NEED an underclass of below minimum wage slaves

>just simply destroy wages for the lower classes bro its a great idea

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I like how 2 of the replies are incapable of actually addressing any of the arguments here so they just post soyjaks lmao

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I like how 2 of the replies are incapable of actually addressing any of the arguments here so they just post soyjaks lmao


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I'm 8 of the accounts here so it's mostly me arguing with myself

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ur a cute twink

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Mestizos are white :marseysmug2:

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I don't get it :marseysad:

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yeah ok cuckold

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DOGE should add a part to sentencing where the judge says how much of the taxpayers money and the courts time the trial has wasted on this guilty frick and then adds "therefore, in order to encourage future efficiency, your sentence is r*ped to death by piranhas"

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>i will decrease government buerocracy by requiring every expense related to a criminal case be tallied up before sentencing :#marseyclueless:

That kind of shit is literally the buerocratic bullshit that is wasting billions of tax payer monies.

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"Honey, hiring a financial advisor is useless, i already spent the $2k on beanie babies and you want me to spend MORE money just so someone can give me 'investing advice', how will spending more help us out financially at all?!"

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Nvm i forgot dramatards are still as r-slurred as redditors, my mistake

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Why would you say that? :marseysad:

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Because its true :marseytears:

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No it's not :marseylaptopangry2:

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Hiring a financial advisor is a great analogy to draw here because that's also something r-slurs do to light money on fire :marseyagree:

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Why would I hire a jew that's going to steal my money as soon as he smells it anyway?

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>Doesn't see any potential positive effect that raping someone who wastes government money to death with piranhas would have on people in the future (who don't want to r*ped to death by piranhas) who would otherwise waste government money, if not for threat of being r*ped to death by piranhas

NO it's YOU :directlypointingsoyjak: who are :marseyclueless:

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>take people who don't think about consequences before doing thing

>what they need is MORE consequences

>surely this will lower government expenses :marseyclueless:

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"Muh managerial system must be perfectly accurate down to the dollar" shut up libtard, you literally just spend 10 minutes spitballing it.

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Rule number one of doge should be no new ideas on how the gov can make the world a better place

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Rule number one of DOGE :soyjakwow: is to be a job program for immigrants

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Yeah except it's the Athens County Superior Court and the federal government has peepee to do with it.

But I guess I understand how it's all just a nebulous blob of government from the Country Clerk's Office to the NSA, to some people. I'm under no illusions that people understand the system they live under !nonchuds !lawyers

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Hanania's Gribbles voter makes more sense every day


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Bring back literacy tests :marseyinshallah:

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No this was in America not Greece you fricking r-slur!

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Fricking Greeks are gay Turks now so that explains it

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>it's all just a nebulous blob of government from the Country Clerk's Office to the NSA, to some people.

Where's the lie? When interests converge, formal conspiracies are superflous.

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The interests of local, state, and federal government do not converge or did you miss all the sneed about sanctuary cities, Miami, Austin, Atlanta, etc. constantly suing their states and Texas and Florida constantly suing the federal government?

Do you think your city councilman is a illuminati insider?

Edit: i will upmarsey u for responding though. Have a blessed Sunday

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R*ped by piranhas :#marseyno:

R*ped by !male feminists :#marseyyes:

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R*ped by a pack of naggers

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Here's the bodycam footage :marseybigfoot: of the family :marseypoonerdeathpose: finding out :pepedevil:

Formerly Chuck's.

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umm... so what bigot? Immigrant rights are human rights

Immigrant rights are human rights

Immigrant rights are human rights

Immigrant rights are human rights

Immigrant rights are human rights

Immigrant rights are human rights

Immigrant rights are human rights

Btw ur hate speech rminds me of this nazitoss cartoon:


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Absolutely keyed idea.


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People murdered by illegal immigrants when trump was in office: 0 chud concern.


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This one?

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The headline writer did their job, the rather benign article got far more attention this way.

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!eurochads I'm glad the American police handled it

I'm sure such a thing would never happen with armed-to-the-teeth stand-your-ground americans.

He would never make it past the border in Trump's America


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There's room to think that his previous crimes would incur a punishment that prevented this from happening, but no consequences have been faced by the system until, potentially, now. And even then the consequences won't be for their leniency leading to a multitude of other crimes, especially the murders.


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*!the American police

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Daily reminder that this is what females are asking for.

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Kill all men :sni#psnip:

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Are you a sexy Indian dude

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@i_only_downmarsey_bad_posts triggered foid detected. Got your period, sis?

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They downmarsey me randomly, too. Not sure what their problem is with great posts

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If I was this girls father, I would shoot this dirty hard-working American in the head, and do my time in prison like a fricking man

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You're not going to father children because you prefer LARPing about being a badass on rdrama.net :marseysmug2:

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What the frick did you just fricking say about me, you little b-word? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the frick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fricking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fricker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fricking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fricking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddarn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fricking dead, kiddo.

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Have you owned the libs yet?

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Idk why they never go for the people who give lenient sentences or let them walk free a dozen times. Killing Jorgè won't stop the thousands who are let off with a slap on the wrist.

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That would be based, possibly too based, I would prefer not to wind up on any more lists.

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IP Location: York County, Virginia

Server: Normal Business Server Company, Inc.

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Why talk about it? Show that man what a real man is and fly to Georgia and shoot that dirty mezzteezo, in minecraft of course

Also try the fried chicken there I heard it's good

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Wasn't my daughter, I won't steal his valor

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Now I want Bojangles

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Bojangles is fricking fire boy

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!the_donald America is a White Nation made by and for White !humans of European descent but not actual Europeans

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Lol the sharks image

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How much do chud Safricans freak out about immigrants doing this? :marseyreading:

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I wish he would r*pe me

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and deport him

No they were not. Venezuela doesn't accept deportations from the US.

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Who cares.

I literally never heard of these people

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