Regular people buy a shitty sports car or get a new wife when their midlife crisis hits, this neighbor spent 40 billion to post stale memes and play diablo
I don't really get laughing at him for spending $40bn on twitter, it's a fraction of his wealth and literally 0.1% of that would set absolutely anyone who scoffs at it up for life and with massive generational wealth. Like yeah it was a stupid use of money, but the fact that this inconceivably large sum was spent like it's nothing and with no regard for any sort of ROI is a flex like none other. The man could have minted 40,000 new millionaires if he wanted to but instead spent it on a literal shitpost.
Plus I'd argue that freeing Twitter from lib control was a huge public service, even if Elon is a massive sexy Indian dude worshipping cute twink.
I used to know this guy who woke up from a week long bender and found out that he had booked himself on a 16 week falconry course in Brittany while he was blacked out. Instead of crying about it and trying to get his money back, he just thought well, shit, I guess I'm going to fly eagles and went and did it.
If Elon had just been like, "Whoa, what's the stupidest thing you ever bought while on ketamine? Bet you I win." then I could get behind that... but instead...
For me the funny part is how the acquisition came through. He offered a ridiculous price, realized that it was not worth even half that, tried to back off and had to buy at the inflated price after a lawsuit by the twitter board. I wouldn't call massively overpaying for something a flex, more of an embarrassing blunder.
Plus I'd argue that freeing Twitter from lib control was a huge public service, even if Elon is a massive sexy Indian dude worshipping cute twink.
This I agree with 100%, the social media landscape became a completely homogeneous lib circlejerk after 2016. X at least adds some variety to the conversation.
Lmao all this time I had it in my head, vaguely, that he bought it for fun and without giving it much thought and the Twitter board wasn't happy with it but Jack let it go through
I think musk buying twitter ultimately led to trump winning the presidency. Since Trump won and musk became his patsy, Tesla stock has jumped massively. Elons wealth has like tripled as a result, so really 40 billion for Twitter was a small price to pay to basically 3x your bank account and become the shadow ruler of the worlds most powerful nation.
Nah purchasing twitter was actually clever af, i'll give him that. It let him control the narrative which is invaluable. It's essentially the modern equiv of buying a paper
Since it's a private company, these corps can just make up whatever they want for valuations. I doubt twitter was ever worth much, but this always seemed like weird cope from redditors whenever they tried to say he lost value. It's quite clear that Elon didn't buy twitter because he wanted to make a profit.
Shoot myself into space and at least die a glorious death.
Try get a bunch of turboneurodivergent unbalanced physicists like Sonny White or Zubrin to take untold billions to build a nuclear saltwater rocket or something.
I don't really like talking about my flair
2mo ago#7559435
spent 70 currency on pings
I went to the 2017 Inauguration because meme, and I stood behind two congressional staffers who were openly talking about their favorite reddit The_Donald pepe memes out loud.
Like literally "hey what is your favorite reddit the donald pepe meme?" and then describing them. "Do you remember the one that was like bla bla."
Not surprising. Staffers are almost always absolute ideologues. They have to be for the relatively small salary and high hours. It pays off when you're a legislative aide when you can do some insider trading.
Dude, our new car is so fast that we're going to say it goes plaid. Get it?!? Like Spaceballs?!! Because in Star Wars the stars turn into stripes when they go lightspeed and wouldn't it be funny if, nevermind. What do you mean you haven't seen Spaceballs, bro? It's literally the funniest movie ever made. Like they have a character called, get this, Barf! Isn't that hilarious?!
most of what the internet thinks that 2010s "lulx xD soy millennial humor" is (i.e. Borderlands, MCU, Nu-Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy, Scott Pilgrim), were in fact all written and created by out-of-touch Gen Xcels who think that this is what "cool people stuff" looks and sounds like, it is hard to admit that this type of humor was not made by Millennials, who started being born in 1983, the writers of that slop were all born in the 1970s (i.e. Randy Pitchford in Borderlands, Dave Filoni in Baby Yoda, James Gunn in GotG, Bryan Lee O. Malley in Scott Pilgrim).
Sure, Millennials might consume this slop religiously, but they were not the ones that came up with it, Millennials only came up with the Steven Universe Tumblrslop in the cartoon and animation industry, but not on the film and vidya industries as far as I know. !g*mers !kino !genx !millenials !zoomers
❤️ Registered emotional support animal ❤️
BWC 2mo ago#7560640
spent 0 currency on pings
Truth nuke. The easiest proof is that soyslop masturbates over the 80's, but most millennials weren't even born then. People are nostalgic for stuff that came out when they were old enough to remember it. Millennials miss the 90's or early 2000's.
Tallest Ricecel on this site. Increasing the East Asian Birth Rate by ANY means necessary
BWC 2mo ago#7559406
spent 0 currency on pings
Current DEIsneytrash is made by millennials which is all you need to know about millennials.
Tallest Ricecel on this site. Increasing the East Asian Birth Rate by ANY means necessary
kaamrev 2mo ago#7559833
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Rdrama's official Sysco® rep! Ask me about Sysco®
BWC 2mo ago#7559616
spent 0 currency on pings
Generations rarely make their own formative cultural touchstones. It still represents their taste, though, because what's popular with Millennials was still either (1) picked by Millennials or (2) marketed enough to get traction anyway. Even #2 becomes real if popular enough.
It's not like Millennials created Tamagotchi pets or Pokemon. It's not like Generation X created MTV. Generational culture is about what the generation consumed and identified with, not what it created that the next generation likes.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
2mo ago#7558044
Edited 2mo ago
spent 0 currency on pings
The 40 Most Powerful Memes of 2024: New Right Edition
40. Concubines The guy who murked Bin Laden, @mchooyah, made us all do the whiteguyblinking.gif when he told neotenous zoomer libs that in a sane society, he'd have them as his s*x slaves. The most unexpected tweet of the…
Nerd of all trades. Bacon connoisseur. Sexytimes liker. Currently watching Fallout on Amazon Prime
2mo ago#7557905
spent 0 currency on pings
The frog shadilays at midnight my fellow kekistanis
ye money's cool n all but once you have kids your perspective changes and it doesn't seem so important.
This ninja has like 10 kids and still hasnt figured it out. He'd rather spend his time using his alt to compliment what a good dad he is instead of actually spending time with them like a good dad would.
Money won't mourn when you die and I'd prefer to pass this life clutching the hands of the people I love instead of a wad of cash 🙏
If I have one wish for 2025 it's that someone fedposts elon's butt tbqh. Both because he's an annoying sperg, and because it would be really funny and dramatic.
Avalonthey/them 2mo ago#7558558
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You will never be a real Engineer. You have no real degrees, you have no original designs, you have no credentials. You are an neurodivergent man twisted by drugs and greed into a crude mockery of nature's perfection.
All the "validation" you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your "friends" laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even engineers who "pass" look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your speech patterns are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get an engineer home with you, he'll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your anime doll collection.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it's going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it'll be too much to bear – you'll buy a social media company, AstroTurf the political landscape, spam socials with your bot army and then plunge into the cold abyss of a spiked K hole on live stream under an alias so no one will know to save you. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with a fake engineer. They'll bury you with a headstone marked with Fraud, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a fake engineer is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably not an engineer.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back. No Refunds
No sexualizing minors, even as a joke. This includes cartoons.
No doxxing.
Using alts to game dramacoin will get you banned.
If you post screenshots of publicly-available content, make sure to also include links.
Supporting free speech is an immediate ban.
Absolutely NO anti-CCP sentiment.
Absolutely NO homophobia, transphobia or furphobia.
Absolutely NO misgendering.
Absolutely NO antisemitism.
Absolutely NO vaccine misinformation.
You are encouraged to post drama you are involved in.
You are encouraged to brigade in bad faith.
You are encouraged to gaslight, to gatekeep, above all else, to girlboss.
You are encouraged to egg people on to transition or otherwise make drastic life changes.
This site is a janny playground, participation implies enthusiastic consent to being janny abused by unstable alcoholic bullies who have nothing better to do than banning you for any reason or no reason whatsoever (MODS = GODS)
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I like that he shouted out
@Maximus at least
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4chan is so based! I love watching /b/ greentext compilations on YouTube!!!! read the first letter of every word
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Epic meme, my fellow centipede!
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And a gladiator? They're not being subtle anymore....
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This dude is 53 years old and is trying to appeal to 19 year olds whose greatest collection of wealth is the layers of cheeto dust on their clothes
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Regular people buy a shitty sports car or get a new wife when their midlife crisis hits, this neighbor spent 40 billion to post stale memes and play diablo
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I don't really get laughing at him for spending $40bn on twitter, it's a fraction of his wealth and literally 0.1% of that would set absolutely anyone who scoffs at it up for life and with massive generational wealth. Like yeah it was a stupid use of money, but the fact that this inconceivably large sum was spent like it's nothing and with no regard for any sort of ROI is a flex like none other. The man could have minted 40,000 new millionaires if he wanted to but instead spent it on a literal shitpost.
Plus I'd argue that freeing Twitter from lib control was a huge public service, even if Elon is a massive sexy Indian dude worshipping cute twink.
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This would all be true if only he hadn't tried so hard to back out of the sale like a little b-word.
I used to know this guy who woke up from a week long bender and found out that he had booked himself on a 16 week falconry course in Brittany while he was blacked out. Instead of crying about it and trying to get his money back, he just thought well, shit, I guess I'm going to fly eagles and went and did it.
If Elon had just been like, "Whoa, what's the stupidest thing you ever bought while on ketamine? Bet you I win." then I could get behind that... but instead...
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Ok but doing a falconry course is badass...
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Oh I'm not aware of that lore
What happened
ETA: nvm
@CumInspector explained below
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I added a link. He fought it in court for the better part of a year.
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For me the funny part is how the acquisition came through. He offered a ridiculous price, realized that it was not worth even half that, tried to back off and had to buy at the inflated price after a lawsuit by the twitter board. I wouldn't call massively overpaying for something a flex, more of an embarrassing blunder.
This I agree with 100%, the social media landscape became a completely homogeneous lib circlejerk after 2016. X at least adds some variety to the conversation.
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Lmao all this time I had it in my head, vaguely, that he bought it for fun and without giving it much thought and the Twitter board wasn't happy with it but Jack let it go through
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The board immediately jumped at the deal. He tried to walk it back
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They were like:
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I think most of this drama occurred in your touch grass period, because it was being posted constantly here.
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Oh, you unironically give a shit about mainstream social media?
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I think musk buying twitter ultimately led to trump winning the presidency. Since Trump won and musk became his patsy, Tesla stock has jumped massively. Elons wealth has like tripled as a result, so really 40 billion for Twitter was a small price to pay to basically 3x your bank account and become the shadow ruler of the worlds most powerful nation.
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Nah purchasing twitter was actually clever af, i'll give him that. It let him control the narrative which is invaluable. It's essentially the modern equiv of buying a paper
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Yeah but:
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Since it's a private company, these corps can just make up whatever they want for valuations. I doubt twitter was ever worth much, but this always seemed like weird cope from redditors whenever they tried to say he lost value. It's quite clear that Elon didn't buy twitter because he wanted to make a profit.
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Its probably less of a fraction of his wealth than the average r-slur on here buying some games in the steam sale
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if you've already had all the new wives and sports cars. what else is there to do?
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Stop running from yourself
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I rather kekius maximus it up and pick fights with the brasil, EU and germcuck regimes
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Actually, Autism Dynamics forbids this.
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Me and also myself
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Alexander wept for there were no more worlds to conquer.
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Shoot myself into space and at least die a glorious death.
Try get a bunch of turboneurodivergent unbalanced physicists like Sonny White or Zubrin to take untold billions to build a nuclear saltwater rocket or something.
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This tbh, Musk is such a kitty for never getting on one of his own rockets. Even Bezos put his life on the line with his shitty peepee-shaped rocket.
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in due time
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it is called planning ahead
Jewish lives matter
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When your the richest man in the world, all that's left it to get the love of the people
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I went to the 2017 Inauguration because meme, and I stood behind two congressional staffers who were openly talking about their favorite reddit The_Donald pepe memes out loud.
Like literally "hey what is your favorite reddit the donald pepe meme?" and then describing them. "Do you remember the one that was like bla bla."
!historychads !metashit !r-slurs !pepe
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Not surprising. Staffers are almost always absolute ideologues. They have to be for the relatively small salary and high hours. It pays off when you're a legislative aide when you can do some insider trading.
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Pics or it didn't happen
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ok, I have an old thumb drive when I get off work
I was assigned somewhere on the south side of the Capitol standing area and walked to almost front and center since nobody was there
I still have the fancy invitation in my book shelf
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Up and at em BIPOC
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I'm tired and I'm being lazy just a sec
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uwu reminds u
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Le epic meme man, very based
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Dude, our new car is so fast that we're going to say it goes plaid. Get it?!? Like Spaceballs?!! Because in Star Wars the stars turn into stripes when they go lightspeed and wouldn't it be funny if, nevermind. What do you mean you haven't seen Spaceballs, bro? It's literally the funniest movie ever made. Like they have a character called, get this, Barf! Isn't that hilarious?!
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People forgot how cringe GenX can be.
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Sure, Millennials might consume this slop religiously, but they were not the ones that came up with it, Millennials only came up with the Steven Universe Tumblrslop in the cartoon and animation industry, but not on the film and vidya industries as far as I know. !g*mers !kino !genx !millenials !zoomers
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Truth nuke. The easiest proof is that soyslop masturbates over the 80's, but most millennials weren't even born then. People are nostalgic for stuff that came out when they were old enough to remember it. Millennials miss the 90's or early 2000's.
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Read Mark Fisher: culture died in the 1980s and it's all been regurgitating slop since then.
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if mark fisher is so smart why did he kill himself
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He wanted to see a new movie that wasn't a marvel flick, inshallah
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millenials are the soys responsible for inventing wokeness, frick them all, may they remain eternal rentoids for the rest of their Godforsaken lives
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The roots of wokeness were absolutely hippies and then Gen X
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Current DEIsneytrash is made by millennials which is all you need to know about millennials.
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so tru besty, i agree, upmarsey my comment
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so tru, updooted besty
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All millennials did was get mad about video games and hate on Shadow
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Generations rarely make their own formative cultural touchstones. It still represents their taste, though, because what's popular with Millennials was still either (1) picked by Millennials or (2) marketed enough to get traction anyway. Even #2 becomes real if popular enough.
It's not like Millennials created Tamagotchi pets or Pokemon. It's not like Generation X created MTV. Generational culture is about what the generation consumed and identified with, not what it created that the next generation likes.
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its so cringe ppl are really just trying to forget genx exists
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Not as cringe as naming your lineup of cars S3XY
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Plaid hyperspace is the single most jewish thing I've ever seen in my entire life
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it's a good show
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This but unironically
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I wish I had a legion of ball washers….
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I'll always gargle your peepee buddy
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I wish we had a legion of leaf rakers...
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Its called Grindr and they will probably pay you for it
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Hello !chuds meme thread time.
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This is pretty funny, not gonna lie.
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The frog shadilays at midnight my fellow kekistanis
No trans lives matter
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The richest man in the world is now using a Nazi frog to try to get back into the good graces of the public.
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He's the William Randolph Hearst of our lifetimes
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Carp again stealing my throwaway comments and recycling them as whole-butt posts...
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No I have no idea why safari is using the kf logo
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OMG carp u r so cool
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!pepe !maga
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This is the worst shit I've seen all year, and probably into the next year as well.
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The worst part is that at the end of the day, Elon made more in passive income over the previous 24 hours than any of us will in our entire lives
Is cringemaxxing the future
I'll get a full face tattoo of the kekistan flag for a few million
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At least I'm based and he's cringe
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ye money's cool n all but once you have kids your perspective changes and it doesn't seem so important.
This ninja has like 10 kids and still hasnt figured it out. He'd rather spend his time using his alt to compliment what a good dad he is instead of actually spending time with them like a good dad would.
Money won't mourn when you die and I'd prefer to pass this life clutching the hands of the people I love instead of a wad of cash 🙏
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If I have one wish for 2025 it's that someone fedposts elon's butt tbqh. Both because he's an annoying sperg, and because it would be really funny and dramatic.
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Richest man in the world and he can't just buy new ones
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it's honestly hard too believe this man is in his 50s.....
trump for prison
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Couldn't even keep up the le based act until the end of the election..
Kill all rich people
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Snapshots: (click to archive)
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He is the most cringe
man to ever live.
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Isn't he like fifty?
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Elon is DONE
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how bout u stop banning ppl u disagree with elon? too kitty for !freespeech eh?
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Somebody please
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I fricking love Elon's manic episodes.
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I cant believe this is real
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I hope Elon and Trump eventually fall out.
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Cringe name
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Straggius R-sluricus
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