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  • TheDunceonMistress : 😴😴😴
  • Coom : Saved just to remember who's who of the metaCute twinks. I will COOM inside each of them.

REAL drammies :marseyking: The OFFICIAL Drammy Awards 2024 - Nominations Thread ($170,000 Marseybux and 7 exclusive badges up for grabs!) :!marseyking:

Nominations will stay up until 10th January, where the finalists of each category will be decided!





Attention, drama queens, kings, and all the regal genderqueers in between:

It's that time of year again when we celebrate the chaotic dumpster fire that is both the world and this little corner of the interwebs. Normally, I would craft my usual masterpiece of an announcement post—something that would leave you gagged, gooped, and maybe even a little bit humbled by my signature sheer wit. However, full disclosure: I, your humble yearly host of this event, have been barely online this past year and had no idea that this site is somehow even still alive to be honest. Blame burnout, existential dread, or just the fact that constantly checking in on you incel nerds simply gets exhausting. I'll leave that up to you to psychoanalyze.

So instead of half-assing this post, I decided to fully outsource it. Yes, I've summoned the digital queer-coded energy of ChatGPT to write this entire announcement. If you think this is lazy, you're absolutely correct! But in the spirit of rDrama, let's call it "delegation with flair". Without further ado, let's dive into this year's categories for the annual Drammy awards. Dust off your wigs, fetch your Marseys, and prepare to cast your votes in the only contest that matters! :marseyexcited:

This year also comes with a new and improved prestigious pink-platinum badge design for the winners, so it's definitely a year where you'll want to win! Happy voting, my beautiful disasters :star:


This will be split into two parts, a nominations thread (this one!) and a later final vote thread. In the comments of this post, there'll be a stickied root comment for each category where you can nominate a relevant user, post, event etc. for an award (only one nomination per comment or else it won't count!). After 4 days, the top 4 updooted nominations in each category will qualify for the finals, where the ultimate winners will be decided via a poll.

Make sure you don't nominate someone/something that's been nominated already for that award like an r-slur.

:marseypopcorn: Best Dramatic IRL Happening :!marseypopcorn:

Nominate here: https://rdrama.net/comment/7587734

What was the most iconic IRL drama that had you saying "Hold my poppers" this year? This is the category for those deliciously messy real-life dramatic moments that really stood out this year and made you question how humanity has made it this far. Whether it was a celebrity meltdown, a public feud, or if you just want to nominate Orange Daddy nearly getting his head blown off on live TV, nominate the drama that lived for you.

:marseypopcorn: Best Dramatic Online Happening :!marseypopcorn:

Nominate here: https://rdrama.net/comment/7587736

The internet remains undefeated as the ultimate arena for drama, and this category is proof. What virtual spat, digital downfall, Twitter (sorry, X) shitshow or Redditor meltdown had you clearing your calendar to watch it unfold? If it happened exclusively online and involved maximum levels of cringe, cattiness, or chaos, it belongs here.

:marseyking: Dramatard of the Year :!marseyking:

$50,000 mbux + Profile Badge


Nominate here: https://rdrama.net/comment/7587741

The crème de la crème, the drama MVP, the person who somehow managed to stay in the spotlight without getting banned (yet). You know them, you love them, and it's time to crown them the ultimate dramatic force of 2024.

:marseycarpfisherman: Best rDrama Bait :!marseycarpfisherman:

$30,000 mbux + Profile Badge


Nominate here: https://rdrama.net/comment/7587745

Who executed the most flawless gayop this year? We're looking for artful deception, unhinged commitment, and the kind of drama-stirring genius that makes you say, "Wow, they need therapy." To the dramatards who went the extra mile this year, it's your time to shine.

For bait operations where multiple users were involved in their planning and execution, the marseybux reward will be split amongst the most prominent ringleaders and contributors.

:marseyletsgo: Best rDrama Activism :!marseyletsgo:

$25,000 mbux + Profile Badge


Nominate here: https://rdrama.net/comment/7587749

Believe it or not, some of you allegedly leave your basements and engage with the real world every now and then. This award goes to the brave souls who repped rDrama IRL—whether by attending dramatic events, covering live tea, or just waving a Marsey flag in public. Activism? Yes. Cringe? Also yes. But in a good way.

:marseystars: Best rDrama Post :!marseystars:

$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge


Nominate here: https://rdrama.net/comment/7587754

It's simple: which post this year was the most iconic? Maybe it was a perfectly curated callout, a deep dive into obscure internet lore, or just a thread so messy it felt like performance art. Nominate the post that had you smashing that heckin upmarsey button with unhinged glee.

If you're struggling and/or lazy, here's the top posts from the past year.

:!marseypainter: Best rDrama OC :marseypainter:

$15,000 mbux + Profile Badge


Nominate here: https://rdrama.net/comment/7587759

Who used their creativity to add brand new dimensions to the rDrama lore? Whether it was an iconic meme, original artwork, spicy fanfiction, or some other cursed-but-brilliant creation, this is for the best Original Content™ of the year. (Do not steal!)

NO emojis, NO AI slop.

:marseylove::marseylove::marseylove: Marsey of the Year :!marseylove::!marseylove::!marseylove:

$10,000 mbux + Profile Badge


Nominate here: https://rdrama.net/comment/7587761

Our queen, our muse, our icon: Marsey. This award honors the best Marsey emoji created in 2024. Was it cursed? Blessed? So absurdly specific you still don't understand it but use it anyway? Nominate the Marsey that encapsulates the spirit of rDrama. Any Marsey emote from this list is eligible as long as it's been tagged as having been uploaded in 2024.

:marseylolcow: Lolcow of the Year (rDrama) :!marseylolcow:

Nominate here: https://rdrama.net/comment/7587763

The lifeblood of this community that keeps rDrama warm on cold nights: the lolcow. This award goes to the user who managed to turn themselves into a one-person circus act. Who flailed the hardest, got milked the most, and still somehow kept coming back for more? We love to hate them, but mostly, we just love to watch.

:marseycow: Lolcow of the Year (off-site) :!marseycow:

Nominate here: https://rdrama.net/comment/7587768

While our home-grown lolcows are delightful, sometimes the outside world provides us with an even bigger clown show. From celebrities airing their dirty laundry to internet personalities imploding in real time, who was 2024's most embarrassing off-site disaster?

:marseyjanny2: Jannie of the Year :!marseyjanny2:

$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge


Nominate here: https://rdrama.net/comment/7587771

Last but not least... even though the choice is brazenly obvious, who is the most beloved, clever, funny and handsome janny of them all? This award is open to any current rdrama janitor or prominent Reddit janitor.

Also this category has its own badge and mbux prize now for some reason. Blame Carp.

Nominations will stay up until 10th January, where the finalists of each category will be decided!

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:marseyking: Dramatard of the Year :!marseyking:

$50,000 mbux + Profile Badge

One nomination per comment.

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@pizzavann drop an "! everyone" tag pls king

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Keep yourself safe.

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!linuxchads !fosstards Vote Debian! Make this the year of the Linux desktop!

EDIT: upmarsey @SN's comment Microtards

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@WeihnachtenSalvador for both creating and receiving a disproportional amount of seethe and living rent-free in the heads of so many dramatards despite how many try to deny it.

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I disagree. He encourages me to extremely neurodivergent stuff from Jane's Fighting Ships and then I realize like 3 people actually care and then I feel bad.

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No he doesn't :marseyannoyed:

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@FormerLurKONG Because he's a cool guy


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@Holly_Jolly_Kong because he said it will take 50kmb for us to become besties again !friendsofkong


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Have some self respect :marseyyikes:

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Don't reward him :marseydisagree:

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:#marseyhmmhips: :#marseyxesright:

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Why? :marseysad:

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@Count_Sprpr for creating /h/Drama and gathering its talented janny team, hosting rDramas first (and so far only) user created badge event, tricking people into thinking he is a gigajanny, creating an add-on on firef*x that automatically formats your comments and posts to drama alphabet, making hole jannies aware of the power of fairly recently added CSS selectors like :has leading eventually to (the very skilled) @Z creating the R*pevote and other cool feats of CSS, being one of the richest users on rDrama and then one of the poorest all in about one week, stealing and then returning /h/mmn, reporting obscure bugs, creating /h/art and hosting the weekly drawing prompt thread.

...And probably a bunch of other shit that didn't happen in December and is therefor not remembered by anyone.

Edit: Just remembered that I am the first to get rDrama married too I am pretty sure


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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What's the r*pe vote? :marseyshook:

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It's what happened to your people


!friendsofsphereserf cry everytime :marseycry:

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Why would you say that? :marseyannoyed:

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Because it's true, b-word?


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No it's not :marseyannoyed: it didn't happen to them :!marseyindignant:

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Wdym, b-word? :marseysad:

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You know what I mean :marseyannoyed:

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It was a creation made by @Z to the benefit of !upmarseyrs. It forced every user to upmarsey the thread when they entered it. All in CSS, which is actually rather impressive. It caused /h/Drama to host the most upmarseyd post on rDrama of all time, and lead to a lot of other holes stealing it before @Aevann patched it.

:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Did aevann patch it or just forbid them from doing it?

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Patch it.

He actually did it JUST before we were going to pull a prank on the entire website too.

:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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I think I should win because I'm a BIPOC that posts bussy.

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And who else should we nominate?

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A user that doesnt post bussy.

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Who could that be? I can't think of any examples.

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I think you just nominated yourself lmao

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How would i dunk on myself I'm not an Olympic gold medel winner

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@starryeyedboymoder for looking fabulous and regularly milking our in-house transphobic :marseylolcow: :marseylolcow: :marseylolcow: with the simplest of bait

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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@McCoxmaul made amazing :marseypomni2: Marsey's and very dramatic music :marseyvibing: that I really :marseythinkorino2: enjoyed


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I love my fans

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:#@mccoxmaullove::#@mccoxmaullove::#@mccoxmaullove: you are ascending to levels not seen before. That game looks awesome :marseygoodshit:


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i was top poster like ten times this year and had the highest blackjack, roulette, slots and lottershe wins all on the same day


i also exposed that the top poster award is rigged :marseyitsrigged:



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@Dramamine for his weekly jinxthinxer rundown

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:#marseyagree: One of my fav posts :marseyembrace:

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Can we vote for marsey

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  • binturong : i deleted it myself u stupid sand BIPOC, i hate you so much


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:#marseyfireeyes: :#marseygunshotsuicide:

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All upmarseyrs will be granted a permanent spot on my upmarsey list upon my victory.

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!downmarseyrs kill the traitor

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carp @kaamrev love u

trans lives matter

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@Patsy first of all @Aevann let you back? And secondly you downdooted my nomination you fricking libertarian? This means war neighbor

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nothing personell kid i downmarseyd everyone :marseynorm: who wasnt :marseyavril3: me

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Oh ok that makes sense. Welcome back homie!

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@Lappland for being one of the realest neighbors on here

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@Z for breaking the site CSS but only if he lets me back into !vips

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Me for


And also losing all my money in the divorce :marseydepressed:

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Vote this nomination up for the below redditors safety


Y'all stay warm with this coming weather :marseyneet: :marseytoasty: :marseycomfy: :marseyburrito:




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What even was the comment


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Not to brag, but who else can say they've been retweeted by Alex Jones, had a 5-minute tweet breakdown in a ContraPoints video, been cited in multiple news articles, built a massive following of chuds, and somehow become a key voice in the political scene of a major city?

That's why I deserve it 😌 !followers

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:#marseyseethe: :#marseyupvote2: :#!marseyseethe:

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thas true

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had a 5 min words words words tweet analysis video in a contrapoints video

Link :marseyconfused:

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Ah sorry I mixed it with the other neofoid philosophytube

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I don't care about which specific transgender 5 hour youtube maker it was cute twink just link

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This is fricking like the fricking difference between college soccer and Arsenal

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49:12 min mark

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She's just as dumb as contradoinks. It's even better that they hate each other. :taylaugh:

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>she's just as dumb

Sorry that someone pressed in the fricking soft spot when you were a fricking baby.

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Please don't make abortion jokes on my timeline.

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Lmao wtf they are doing the exact same shtick, down to the stupid fancy costumes

Which one is copying the other?

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It's pretty much open knowledge that PT has been emulating Contra from the very moment he started :marseytrain2:ing out. I'm surprised you haven't seen the discourse around it, it's mentioned anytime Breadtube gets brought up.

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I think Philosophy Tube started later. I don't follow them because they're too r-slurred. Contradoinks used to be ok.

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@FirebombsNFiretrucks you are very unlikely to win but i like you :marseyshy2:

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@BWC For his PhD level knowledge of miscegenation.

!bwc !autism

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!engineering he knows every structural !builtfor code imaginable

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Please ping ! r-slurs and ! dramatards

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@ULTRA-NIGMATIC-MEGA-HOMO Why didn't you do it? :marseysad:

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I forgot but also it will attract spherebullies



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Why? :marseysad:

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I think you already know the answer to that question. :marseyraging:

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No? :marseytears:

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@CHRISTMAS-LOVER-25 for setting up the better drammy thread.

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:marseydownvote: sup buddy !followers

trans lives matter

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