Jinxthinker sleeps with Monster cans :marseyboomer: to crush them and has a new pokemon :marseypikachu3: shirt, libertarians get constantly BTFO by time :marseywait: so you know they're r-slurred, foot fetishists :marseyfeet: are like libertarians, and something incomprehensible about Hogwarts and Breaking Bad (please help decipher, thx).

the dejenerate podcast - how to become talented 14:54

  • it's been cold in the domicile. He took off his outerware while cooking, but then he got too fricking cold. He's been getting into brushing his teeth lately. He then describes how the proteins and enzymes and shit causing him to warm back up cause feelings of melancholy and shit because there's not enough enzymes left to produce dopamine

  • 0:50 He shows off his pokemon shirt :marseysurprisedpikachu:. It came with another t-shirt that was like brain break

  • 1:30 He asked in the fam chat what their favorite pokemons were. Mum doesn't know and jinxsisters didn't respond.

  • 1:55 Actual facts, Jinxthinker played pokemon in the past but it didn't produce orgasmic feelings because they're animals. Fact is Jinxthinker is highly skilled at all video games :marseygamer:

  • 2:20 He relapsed on Elden Ring for 15 minutes :marseyitsover:. He had the revelation that people who think they're good are often playing with high latency and would get r*ped on low latency.

  • 2:45 He was watching an EU IV stream and the streamer's country was being r*ped.

  • 3:00 He found a libertarian guy (www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-48830780) with a foot fetishist who went to the cinema to touch children. He's Hitler's favorite Nazi. We examine his ghostly apparition and disfigured mouth/nose. He also has a cochlear implant because he's deaf. Dumbo might be significant.

  • 4:30 Jinxthinker has never delved into foot fetishism, it's on the same level as libertarianism.

  • 5:00 Goes into the genealogy of libertarianism/western civilization. This is somehow connected to foot fetishism and Dumbo. :realisticelephant:

  • 6:00 Explains how you can't frick a foot. Discusses breast size.

  • 7:05 More AI pictures, with goth woman licking feet as an experiment. It's okay if the woman is being humiliated and the foot isn't the essential sexual/arousing element. :carpwhip:

  • 7:55 Choses a song so he can practice being a good singer. Needs to change the song because this is too hardcore; he's also good at rapping. :marseygucci:

  • 8:40-10:50 Changes the song finally. It's the singer that sounds like he has a speech impediment and drones that he likes. :marseygigaretard:

  • 10:50 it's okay to jerk off to aliens if they're female and have a vagina, right. :alienfinger:

  • 11:00 He talks like a southerner about father time. People age in a chronological fashion. Here's the deal, children are ugly but they become better like a caterpillar -> butterfly transformation. This makes libertarians angry when father time turns children to adults. This is how you know libertarians are r-slurred, because you can love to adult women your whole life. :marseytime:

  • 13:10 One of the badass characters on Lost smokes, but Jinxmother says jinxthinker isn't allowed to smoke. Oh well. :marseycool2:

  • 13:40 Shows off his empty Monster cans. Talks about how it's cool to put the empties in your bed under the duvet when you're sleeping and crush them in your bed. (This reminded me of Jimmy on King of the Hill who wants to smash the cans)

  • 14:00 Goes back to Father Time beating libertarians without missing a beat. He heard someone talking about ??? and it's r-slurred; somehow this is related to selling coke in Hogwarts like Breaking Bad :marseywalterwhite:

!jinxthinkers If any of you can figure out what that last minute was about, that would be great.

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Pokemon shirt + brain breaks

How do you put your peepee in a foot? Think about it logically

Father time >>> Libertarian tards

r-slurred x cocaine x Hogwarts x Breaking Bad (someone please clarify if you can understand this schizobabble)

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I asked AI to transcribe the last video about Hogwarts

Well, I heard someone talk about Harry Potter. Right? I've never fricked with that because I think he's r-slurred. Right? But it would actually make more sense if they were offered in, like, different angles.

Right? But but what you could do is, like, if Harry Potter was, like, into, like, being a drug dealer. Right? It's like, I'm the one who fricking, like, fricking, like, I'm the only one who fricking, like, sells fricking, like, Coke in Hogwarts. Right?

And then, like, Ron Weasley is, like, you know, starting like a turf one shit, gets his fricking throat slit. Right? And then, like, like, how do you call this, like, the main, like, guy, right, in, you know, Hogwarts. Right? They basically, that's kinda like, it's like, Breaking Bad.

Right? That was a good TV show, but why did they make Disney all the time? Right? All you have to do is, like, cry. Right?

It should more be about the rocket.

Sounds like he's talking about a turf war between Harry and Ron if they were both rival drug dealers?

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>despises anime with every fibre of his being

>hey guys look at my pokemon shirt!


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Yeah, that kinda came out of nowhere. If you watched his last video you'll be informed that it's okay to like pokemon as long as you don't want to frick the pokemon :marseybigbrain#:

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I once saw a video of some femboy sliding a whole Monster can up his butt and busting immediately.

Shit was somehow less gay than whatever this jinxthinker shit is

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His parents should really force him into treatment jfc.

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IDK how that works in the UK. He functions a lot better than a lot of people on the interwebs who should be institutionalized and are actually a danger to themselves and/or others, but are not because institutionalization is a pretty high bar to clear in the US (and it's not like it's a very nice for the patient once they're there anyway so nobody is particularly motivated to do that). He gets his government flat, presumably some NEET bux, and he has a decent support system in his family. He's pretty content and harmless going about his daily routine of shadowboxxing online nazis, grabbing the grocery delivery, wanking, making dinner, vidya, vlogging, going to the store, and occasionally hiding from strange noises/cars around his building. :marseyshrug:

A lot of people seem to think that there's some simple don't be crazy/be a contributing member of society pill people could just take and get on with it, but "treatment" would likely be far more expensive, unpleasant for everyone involved, and likely ineffective. At least Jinxthinker makes a few people on the internet smile, which is more than I can say for most schizos.

While I'm on this tangent. I will say I do wonder if he has been put on medication at some point during his vlogging career as our beloved jinxthinker. Previously there were whole videos where he would talk seemingly faster than he could think and others were he was zonked out and talking super slowly. I assumed it was a manic-depressive thing that he just cycled through, but in retrospect he doesn't really do that anymore. Lately his vlogs tend to be pretty even tempo'ed minus a few brain farts or when he gets legitimately angry ranting at stuff, so I wonder if that was possibly him taking some medication irregularly (IDK I'm not a doctor). !jinxthinkers discuss

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As opposed to your Cobra videos


The only thing with jinxthinker is his preoccupation with libertarians and that language. It's funny, and vaguely wholesome in a libertarian extermination way, but you gotta wonder if there's something else going wrong in the background with him doing AI porn of cartoons and constantly saying "I LOVE ADULT WOMEN." It feels like one red flag away from being a really red flag. I hope he just stays normal schizo, and we never get there. And by the time he's too old for his family support system to wear out, we have robots to wrangle him.

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Cobra is only harmful to himself with the long-term slow self-destructive behavior. Jinxthinker is objectively more functional than Cobes, despite being far more mentally ill. Cobra is 100% capable of holding a menial job and socializing without paranoid delusions of people out to get him. He just prioritized being online and trolls actually frick with him IRL, leading to a self-defeating arc. Cobes is also an alcoholic who refuses to brush his teeth because "frick you dad". So :marseyshrug:

I'm talking about the people who live in their parents's houses and are constantly getting into domestics, attempting suicide/threatening to kill themselves, the people that shit themselves and abuse drugs on stream for views, people who call the cops constantly over nothing, people who admit to molesting people/dogs, ect. Those type of people don't get institutionalized, and our boy Jinxthinker is doing far better than they are.

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I wasn't talking about institutionalization necessarily. Mostly "get your shit together or get out". He's living in his parents' house and on their dime presumably, I doubt he has a job.

He gets his government flat

Oh. Well maybe not.

presumably some NEET bux

He absolutely should not be getting any NEET bux imo but if bongs like having their taxpayer money go to people like him then whatever I guess.

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He's lived on his own for the entire time he's made videos. NEET bux is purely my speculation. I'm pretty sure he has a diagnosis that would give him some sort of Brit Bux because he can't hold a job, but I really don't know that for sure. I'm not a bong, so I don't even know the criteria, just a gut feeling that he'd probably be getting some type of disability even if he were in most US states.

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treatment for what? getting too many adult women on his d1ck? :marseysmug2:

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Are you trying to tell us that you fricked jinxthinker? I'm not sure he can legally consent to s*x

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I'm not an adult woman, I am a cat :meow:

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"why like I umm I heard someone talking about Harry Potter, right? I never fricked with that because I frankly [indecipherable] but it would actually make more sense if they were all from like different Houses right but but what you could do is like umm if Harry Potter was like into like being a drug dealer right like I'm the one who fricking like fricking like I'm the one who fricking like sells fricking like coke in hogwards and like Ron Weasely is starting like a turf war and shit"


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That's pretty much what I got. I feel like there was a kernel of thought there, but sometimes I can't tell if he's just not making any sense or if I'm struggling to decipher his Bong accent.

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You should reach out and ask him to clarify. Whatever he was thinking about sounds very fascinating.


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He disables comments on his videos :marseycry:

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You're not in his dms yet? It's been years...

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I've never talked to him. I don't want to disrupt the purity of the experience.

He kicked me out of his super epic streamer groomercord on sight even though I didn't do nothing:marseycrying:. I think Kaiser sent me an invite to an alt long ago that I might have lost on a VM at some point.

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Reminds me of that time I got kicked out of jinxthinkers

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