US breaks up with Europe

Get ready for the trenches you fricking peasant scum.

How we all pretty much feel

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It's Marsey coloured, therefore it's completely valid as a marsey.

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:fancywithwine: that's a marsey per definition

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Hey Hans you know vat ve should do ve should base our entire continents economy around American exceptionalism and take all the money a normal country would use to build defenses and give Muslim migrants free health care while constantly pooping on Americans talking about how stupid they are and how much better we are than Americans on American websites built for Americans.

And zen when they all vote a president in that cuts off our welfare let's pretend like ve are totally shocked and have no idea wwhy Americans don't like us anymore except on Reddit

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europeans are unironically more racist than americans, its mostly just americans funding progresiveness abroad that cause this

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They didnt even need to increase military spending that much. They had to be just smarter. EU army and pooling momey toghetor to that.

Make it clear. This army is for non EU invaders. They could have made one heck of fighting force and build up good domestic deffence industry.

Or EU nuke and ICBM.

There was lot of options other then militarism or being US b-word boy. But elite is so weak and visionless. All they know is slurping daddy US c*m.

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EU army and pooling momey toghetor to that.

Impossible with countries with separate foreign polices. Like are the Germans willing to fund French Neo-colonialism?

The fact sovereignty of the EU-members makes it impossible to separate foreign policy from military spending.

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lol yep. Hard times ahead.

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I think it will vary between members.

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As usual

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they just had to be smarter

Ye but any euro with any ambition at all comes to america. Theyre left with the dregs, imagine building a military out of that :marseyxd:

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Lazy bum platoon is gonna be amazing like bad company

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Pretty much

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We already saw it with Ukraine. Idiots driving over land mines with 50 million dollar tanks instead of clearing. Literally talking shit about Russians doing it than ran across mines with our gibs. Media blocked out images of all of our blown up tanks.

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The problem is momentum, if they stop to clear mines what's stopping a Russian drone from calling in a MLRS strike that'll wipe out the whole unit? Platforms capable of clearing drones around you in a large swath is crucial going forward in any land offensive, perhaps more than traditional SAM batteries were against ground attack aircraft even(which were always fewer in number). Mine clearing equipment mounted on vehicles being comparatively few could be taken out mid offensive and leave unit no choice but to press forward without.

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Issue is ammount of equipment.

Mine clearing equipment is nice to have. But there are so few of them. Moment you move one of them. Enemy will know something wil go down and move their equipment.

You need enough equipment to spread enemeis out then hammer them in narrow point.

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It's called strategy. Every single army in history has to face adversity on the field. Shoot the fricking drones down, counter them. Do a hesitated pincer where one side moves slowly against the gains of the other. You don't throw your hands up and drive a fifty million dollar tank into a mine because thinking is hard.

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Tbh entire offensive was r-slurred. They didn't have even close to forces necessary and it was most probably a purely political decision opposed by actual military brass. Pretty much everyone who isn't a NAFO shill had called its failure before it even began, even US high command wasn't particularly optimistic IIRC.

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No one with any ambition joins the United States military.

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the military has always been :npc:'s without good job prospects and Boy Scouts who like camping

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Armies are a meme and obsolete, just build two ballistic missile subs, maybe three and youre done

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And more Typhoons :marseyshy:

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Planes are cool as h*ck so yes we need more of those

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Actual French military doctrine since mid Cold War.

More precisely:

a) There's too many Russians, we cannot beat them (alone).

b) They have too many nukes, we cannot outnuke them

c) But we can ensure we can nuke Moscow and few other cities no matter what happens, making ourselves not worth the price.

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On some levels, it seems like France is leading Europe where it counts. France can make its own electricity without oil. France can nuke whoever they want since they make everything they need to nuke people all on their own. France has an actual aircraft carrier and a generally functioning military industrial complex. Im impressed with their forward thinking and self reliance, it's extremely uneuropean.

Can't shake the feeling that they will just give up again, which makes all their preparations hilarious.

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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UK gave top possition willingly and stepped away from Europe. Germany cripeled themselves for reasons thats not entierly clear

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for reasons thats not entierly clear


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Probably. But they didnt need to frick their energy sector so badly

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their defence industry is also highly efficient because they used to avoid cross-border defence projects jobs programs that get bogged down in planning stage and doling out gibs

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In US. They have senators making case how military stuff is only thing they are truly making. So they cant stop with big projects. Otherwise economy will shit the bed

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huge collective organizations are not efficient and will never achieve anything besides hoping for at least mediocrity

smaller sovereign states w/ free trade agreements and pluralistic political systems > centrally planned mega bureaucracies converging on a safe immovable centre left

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They dont need efficency. Just throw half of european forces against russia and you have force thats good enough.

Its about how to use them. Rather then let them march around in central europe.

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yes I think NATO might have been a bad idea in retrospect. It means they all have to operate as a single unit which makes smaller interventions almost impossible and massively increases the stakes.

It basically forces there to be a Cold War instead of cooling off in smaller direct conflicts. So anything in between the 2-3 military powers is a dangerous proxy war.

let Poland and France send ppl if they want without making Russian cruise missiles hitting them an act of war against the entire west

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There were people making case after cold war to defunct NATO. Nato was there to counter soviet union and friends. After fall of soviet union. Whats the point.

Case was made for central/eastern european defence union safeguard against russia. Without west europe or US.

Basically those whos land war will be fought will join their hands.

It was shotdown and whole dance about how nato wont expand eastward deal was made.

Then Nato expanded eastward. What worse. Russia applied to join to nato. And if was shot down compleatly.

Now russia got confirmation. Nato was there to counter them. And it was creeping toward their borders.

This was great for US and their post cold war buisness. And probably would have been even better and longer if they were smarter.

We see outcome to europe now.

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Also there was the US supporting Yeltsin in the 1996 election to stop commies from returning to power, even though Yeltsin was already widely seen as corrupt at that point.

Then there was the Kosovo War in 1999, which, whether you think it was right or wrong for NATO to do, really angered many Russians because Russians see Serbs as their little brothers.

Then there was the Iraq War in 2003 of course, which was basically the US saying "frick all of you, we do whatever we want".

Just a whole sequence of events that basically ended any chance of Russians viewing the US as a friend.,9263,7601960715,00.html

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Kosovo was mistake becouse it gave justification to ukrain.

If kosova had justification for military action. Same points stand for ukrain.

Iraq wasnt big one. Libya was. When US went crazy over libya. That was when putin made decisions to retun to presidency and policy to push back against US started.

Sad thing is. Just like everyone else after 9/11. Russia lined up and aske dto be friends with US. Iran did. Iraq did. Libya did. Syria did.

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For years leftists and liberals cried :marseycrying: about slashing military :marseysalutearmy: spending, but no not like that

They want peace, unless told otherwise.

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Just find it r-slurred. Like hating a faction in a strategy game, but still being mad/miffed when someone makes obvious misplays. You're giving away alliances (that you rule) and power for what exactly in return?

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Oh no those alliances of soft poweeeerrrr! Imagine how many rangs of that soft soft power with 90 years of European gibs just disappearing!

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The US's world dominance for the past few decades is entirely built on it, but sure, get hung up on the crumbs of gibs as the US became the richest nation in the world, clearing all other nations by tens of trillions easily.

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Yeah not the military protecting from barely functioning Russian military. it's all the gibs!

GIBS + 90 years = softtttt powaaaaaa!

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Butthurt loo

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What were we getting in return for the "alliances"?

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Because the US is the only game in town, the world police with military bases in all of these allies:

  • Incredible access/opportunity for our wealthier investors/entrepreneurs, enriching themselves first, but some other americans too as well as driving prices down for goods

  • Influence over legislation and regulation. The US Gov has thrown its weight around both publicly and privately to make sure things go well for the US or its wealthy citizens interests. US corps get to throw their own weight around with a lot more impunity with US military being the unstated backer.

Think of it this way, you've heard the "allies" b-word about this or that for "the US wants to make us do something," but that's in the context of the general state of things for the last few decades being "you say jump, I say how high" as we repeatedly tell them to jump. You only hear about the failures, not the many, many successes. Unless it's a win-win situation you can shout from the rooftops, you just want it to happen quietly and then be forgotten.

Oh, and having military bases in 75% of nations means that they're all buffer zones and launching grounds for our military power. If we pull back completely, countries won't be okay with our bases. Maybe China would be willing to fill the void?

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What does having influence over Europoors do for us?

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Yeah I'm not gonna complain when the rest of the world suffers, especially not when I was part of the group that made it happen. :marseysmug3:

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Only our allies lose lol. China is probably ecstatic.

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It's probably funny as heck to the chinese that the US is having trouble defending Taiwan. It's gonna take a few nuke strikes to sort this shit out but by then, China will have its island -

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*US was always going to have trouble defending Taiwan given it's right next to China and the Chinese military is catching up to the US over time, especially now that it's fully re-emerging as a global industrialized player.

*It was never going to come to nukes. Nukes are only good as a threat, neither side even wants to think about actually using them. Both China and the US have been bluffing at each other for years to keep home interests happy and avoid conflict.

I suppose the worry is that we won't even try which means losing TSMC, still the center of the global chip trade, as well as making our regional allies, who are all scared of China, scared/mad enough to stop following the US (worse containment of China in the long term)

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All your points are true and I am glad the US is doing this.

The West is done and China will soon inherit the old world.


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>He might demand an election

I wonder how these same people would react to the US going to war and Trump "temporarily" suspending American elections.

>The occupied territories

All's fair to the Ukrainians for not wanting to give them up, but the only way they're getting them back at this point is if the US rolls in and liberates them, which would cause more problems than it solves.

>Ukrainian Neutrality

1. People need to stop pretending like Ukraine is getting into NATO, someone was always going to veto it

2. There's no reason any of the European countries can't sign a mutual defense treaty with Ukraine outside of the framework of NATO, but they haven't and won't , because deep down they don't want to, they want the US to do it for them.

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People need to stop pretending like Ukraine is getting into NATO, someone was always going to veto it

I love explaining this in an Americentric way. Imagine if John Stewart became president of Mexico funded entirely by Rupert Murdoch, and then led a soft revolution leading to talks of Mexico joining a reformed Warsaw Pact and exiting NAFTA.

Mexico would be a parking lot in a week.

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the Ukrainian revolution and NATO talks long predated Zelensky. Same with Russia's obsession with retaking it. if anything the destabilization came from it always being stuck between two geopolitical worlds since communism, Russians in the east and the more western polish Lviv. of course Ukraine gravitated to the west where there's $$ and peace over the neighbour who only offers suicide by vodka

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Europoors acting all bold like they are on the right side of history when really they want Ukraine to keep fighting because after years of burning money they have no chance of defending their borders from Russia. Ukraine is keeping Russia busy, that's all Europe cares about.

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Biden/trump pulled amazing rug pull to europe. Its actually kinda amazing.

Biden managed to make european manufacturing too expensive. Then he depleded european capital and willpower. Defeated euro. Leading to surge of european capital/manufacturing/brains to US. And more dollar holdings.

Then orange hitler came and pulled rug under them for desireble peace with russia once europe was spend.

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I loved vance talking about eu deindustrializing like burger military isn't responsible for 90% of that since blowing up nordstream.


And none of the cuckropeans can bring themselves to say it. Just beautiful. Top tier comedy.

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the US is only 'responsible' by being more competitive and welcoming to markets/capital investment. It's not like they purposefully cucked europe.

EU has trade deals with everyone but still can't stop regulating/taxing everything to death, they scare off foreign investment, they refuse to fix their housing prices/cost of living to attract talent to match their lower wages, their only ideas for improving productivity is mass gov spending projects that mostly go to consultants and universities.

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Sanctions+freezing of forgein curency in europe+nordstream=stone age europe

Vance speech was full cuck humilation stuff

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I've been fricking with redditors by saying this, except from an American perspective.

"America is selling Ukraine out!"

Neighbor, America can't do shit. Europe has a larger population and GDP than Russia. You guys can offer Ukraine military aid. And I mean actually sending it, rather than committing to do it and then not do it (see Figure 2 - Europe has committed to sending €34 billion more in aid than the US, but the US has actually send €2 billion more than Europe). Go get the European armed forces together and repel Russia.

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Yeah it's completely r-slurred when a geopolitical block that has 500 million people and a $23 trillion GDP is moralistically demanding that a country that has a 330 million population and $27 trillion GDP must help it with its geopolitical initiatives against country that has a 150 million population and a $2 trillion GDP, lol.

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the bulk of EU aid also went to civilian stuff in Ukraine, not military while it was the opposite for America

EU also planned to make plans to increase artillery shell manufacturing, but go bogged down in debating who gets factory $$ and red tape (NIMBYs/environmentalists didnt want shells being tested near new factories) and while the US actually ramped theirs up within a year

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We're probably ending up back with Russia :marseytears:

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Least you deserve for believing the glowops :mar!seyclapping:

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You can't vote your way out of European socialism.

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I didn't realize how :based: this dude was :marseyneat:

Funny that Europe is so mad because he just stated things that they've done :marseysmug2:

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I said from the first post that it's possible it was America who did it, but I didn't had enough proof. Turns out our politicians did some shady money laundering with Biden and the judges who canceled the elections got money from USAID :marseywholesome:

I also said I'm sticking with Russia as the culprit until I have a better alternative, and I refuse to give EU credit for anything, but now I can blame America :marseyletsgo:

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If it makes you feel better I like my Romanian friends enough that I'd vote for war credits for you lot at least.

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I appreciate it bby :marseyheart:

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I doubt russia wants more ethinc groups inside their borders. They are kinda nervous of some of those muslim groups.

Only reason ukrain invasion worked for them was becouse population was really welcoming. They didnt get bogged down to gorilla war.

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I meant back into their sphere of influence instead of sticking with the West. And we're no where near as violent as the Muslims :marseyannoyed: ...usually :marseyteehee:

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russia has no sphere of influence they are piss poor, china on the other hand

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I welcome our chinese overlords :marseysalutechina:

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Depens lot of if EU can get their shit toghetor or will they just piss and shit themselves and try to win US love.

Buy frankly as things are going on right now. Isnt it better to hitch your wagon or at least do side bet to Asia. Rather then west.

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The problem with Russia is that whenever things don't go well in their country they start bullying the countries around them to distract the population from whatever crisis the politicians managed to create this time. Being in their sphere of influence means never being safe since things are always shitty in Russia. Maybe we can convince China to adopt us? :marseythinkorino:

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Fingers crossed!

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The Russo-American Axis will take on the Sino-European Alliance in WW3...

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Fingers crossed

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Huh. You mean it wasn't the smartest idea to be reliant on a regime that changes heads of state every four years? (shortest terms out of any 1st world country btw)


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Can't we to get blown up by a drone while defending some baltic shithole from russian invasion

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(Supposedly) American rightoids smug posting about the end of the US world dominance is always a treat!

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When rightoids: "The US is in a death spiral, our society is collapsing anyday now"

When the US: BOMBS 2000 PEOPLE IN THE MIDDLE EAST! :marseyjetfighter:

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Driving away the vassals to show them who is boss. Suppose I'm just getting ready for a Chinese century after the US fully recedes into its shell.

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Fr. Soft totalitarianism isn't as bad as r-slurred isolationism. At least can enjoy no crime and higher standard of living.

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The U.S. enjoyed decades of higher standard of living (for it's wealthier half) because of the soft global totalitarianism, not in spite of it. The neolibcucks are freaking out because an isolationist USA is a poorer USA as well as a more globally unsafe USA (because we aren't controlling 50+% of the countries and using them as staging grounds to tamp down on the rest)

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I am in agreement with you, I just wouldn't call US global hegemony totalitarian, was calling China that

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Reported by:

Mad mad mad mad! All them soft rangssssss! Soft rangs of powwwwwa!

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Good response :marseythumbsup:

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Oh my god, I am so angry all the things I've always wanted to happen are happening! Smiling, laughing and sharing memes with my rightoid personal friends is a giant cope for me actually being wrecked over no Sesame Street in Iraq

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personal friends


Anyways, I was making fun of how ur response to my criticism was "ur mad"

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Reject Europe, return to isolationism. :marseysaluteusa:

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That screen shot is unironically true. My dad was state department and i lived in austria from 02-06. The amount of bitching from europeans turned me ibto that "who radicalized you? You did" meme.

I say frick the europeans; focus our alliances with asia

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Gabreliazias landsbergdinoises

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Feels like Europe is breaking up with Europe. Romania, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Italy, pretty much every country is voting for anti-eu and right-wing parties. If AfD gets majority its probably over for EU. Prime minister of Finland also said in recent interview when it comes to foreign policy Trumps opinion is more important than EU.

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Prime minister of Finland also said in recent interview when it comes to foreign policy Trumps opinion is more important than EU.

When did Orpo say this?

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I meant the president or whatever you have. If you search on Youtube Finland president on Trump you will find the interview probably. He basically said that small European countries have very little to say on the big board of politics and EU is impotent geopolitically and that Finland will side with Trump over EU as long as its within their national interest, irrespective of what EU wants or thinks. You see same rhetoric from Hungary and Italy and possibly soon from Germany.

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Frick off you fricking r-slur, either link me to the actual interview or shut the frick up. I can't stand you r-slurs playing a game of broken telephone with some half-remembered factoids, trying ever so desperately to fit it all together into your r-slurred child's level understanding of geopolitics. Show me the primary source or suck my peepee.

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:marseysmughips: I stand by what I said. I will not look for source. It was real in in my mind therefore it happened.

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Well then...

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Insane, it's truly the end of American power abroad

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