Thread of neurodivergents throwing fits over a screenshot for a burger food truck advising they no longer sell kids meals.
Yay, late stage capitalism...
Late stage capitalism is when no tendies.
Kids meals!? Really!? Lmao! Noooo. The nugget platters with fries are extremly cheep. This is just "im bad at buisness" and "i also poorly regulate my emotions please dont eat here".
What an odd hill to stand and lose business on. Families with children will probably stop ordering there so they don't have to get adult portions for their children or try and split single adult meals between kids. Like. This is just such a weird take
Even militantly childfree people will think twice, because you know someone capable of that level of passive aggression won't have the customer's best interests at heart. This could be annoying all the way up to dangerous if they don't take food safety seriously.
if you are petty on the menu, you will be petty with my food. if kid meal costs are breaking your business, then your coolers and ovens arent being fixed/maintained. if your costs are out of wack, you are holding and serving expired product. it is that black and white and ive found that is rarely inaccurate to hold these standards to every restaurant. staff will be overworked and underpaid. i dont trust many restaurants anymore. dino nuggies stay stocked in my freezer🫶
This is like a restaurant having a buffet with a plainly visible "all you can eat" sign, and then later they get mad at you because you did exactly what their sign said to do.
Also "we sell our kid's meals at below price, so if you get one and you're NOT a kid, you are stealing from us" oh cry me a river. Go have a chat with McDonalds, Mickey Dees lets adults purchase Kid's Meals all the friggin' time... sometimes to give to their kid who isn't immediately present, sometimes for themselves because they're trying to collect a set of limited edition toys.
It should not be "unusual" or "weird" for an adult to purchase a kid's meal.
If you sell it, you have to let everyone BUY it.
Actually, in the first paragraph of what you said about "all you can eat" buffet and the employees or the manager getting mad at you for doing just that, is actually illegal to do that because if it says "all you can eat", the business can't just out of the blue get mad or kick you out. Obviously you can't stay in a buffet all day, HOWEVER, they can't kick you out because you eat too much, that's on the restaurant's responsibility to take care of that, especially, if you or your friends/family/strangers are paying for the food.
Not only is this super passive-aggressive and weird, I work for a very small kitchen (my boss is the owner, I work with him and one other dude) and this is just... not correct. There's a certain loss you have to absorb as a restaurant, and if your food costs and margins are so out of whack that you're bleeding money from kid's meals, you should really reconsider your whole operation. What's the difference between adults "abusing the system" by ordering kid's meals and having a lot of children come into your restaurant, anyways?
What's the difference between adults "abusing the system" by ordering kid's meals and having a lot of children come into your restaurant, anyways?
a frick ton? like are you just trying to play stupid?
- sell 10 kids meals: $70
- sell 10 kids meals, 10 beers, and a couple of apps: $150
- force 1 kid meal per 1 adult meal: $200
- get rid of the kids meals: $300
Why are you being so rude to them?
because they are purposefully playing stupid, or they are lying about their restaurant experience and making asinine statements. pick whichever you prefer
also hot take - I might be harsh but this is far from rude. especially in a kitchen between cooks, this would come off as friendly...
What's rude between cooks and what's rude between a stranger online are completely different things.
Also why are you so convinced that they are being deliberately obtuse? Nothing they said seemed unreasonable to me.
pretending to not understand the difference in 10 children coming into your restaurant for food and 10 adults getting food is just... like come on really? that is just an asinine statement which is so dumb it needs to be called out.
i get it, people want smaller portions or cheaper options. just don't make stupid statements to try and support your stance (like OP did)
it's also interesting to see how simple curse words make things rude to some people. if I said "a ton, are you just trying to be disingenuous?" is that any less rude of a statement since I say the exact same thing? at what point does adding a curse word make it rude? if OP worked in a kitchen, they wouldn't consider the use of "frick" rude. it's just natural vocabulary
I don't really care about the food, i just want to get my hands on those Sweet Suculent Free Toys
If restaurants offered smaller portions for items on the adult menu and blander meal options for those with food sensitivities/ARFID or whatever, then i wouldnt have to order off the kids menu!!! I would also appreciate kids meal foods in adult portions because sometimes I want to eat like 12 chicken tenders or a large bowl of mac and cheese.
The problem is that they see tenders and such as "kids food" and don't offer it to adults in the first place. But that probably means demand is too low. Another neurodivergent thing not recognised or accommodated widely enough.
What does that have anything to do with autism? I get this is the neurodivergent sub Reddit, but all kinds of people like chicken tenders. Not just children and neurodivergent people.
A tendency to order and enjoy plain, comfort "kiddy" type foods - nuggets and tenders in particular - is one of those things very commonly reported by neurodivergents. My point is, the restaurant in question is assuming adults don't want such things for any reason other than because they're cheaper, which is overlooking and failing to accomodate that need. I'd argue it's so common, it would be nice if restaurants were more aware of it.
If a restaurant did this , I would go full on Karen mode
I would simply say, "Cancel my order" in a loud voice and walk out.
is buying cheaper food now considered inconsiderate? like why didn't they just charge more for the kids meal why did they feel the need to price things in a way that they'd lose money on it
What next? Is eating meals at home going to be made a criminal offense? Am I going to face civil action because my grocery buying will deprive some sad restaurateur of my business? Are they going to drag me out of my home and force me to eat at some snooty restaurant where presentation is infinitely more important than preparation?
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Neurodivergents going to a restaurant to pay triple for oven reheated frozen tendies they could buy from the store
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They're not reheated, which is a common misunderstanding. They're parcooked, a process that brings the thrill of freshness to an economical and low-labor menu option -- a combination sure to bring customers back to your restaurant again and again.
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Can confirm as someone who worked in the restaurant industry. Parcooked is way better than frozen. Restaurant Depot has a good selection, Chefs' Warehouse has some, but not as many. Sysco has a great selection, but they don't sell to residential.
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Honestly, half the places that do fried stuff from scratch in-house would do their customers and balance sheets a favor to switch to good-quality parcooked options. Like, great fries need to be fried twice; just buy them frozen and pre-fried once unless you are actually going to fry them twice yourself.
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I have an even better option:
Get a real menu that doesnt consist slop
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Yo hook me up with some of that square pizza
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Not actually in the current Sysco offerings (except a breakfast one)! The product you want is Schwann's/Tony's "commodity pizza" by the case. For the authentic not-fully-real-cheese and pork byproduct "pepperoni" experience, you want Schwann's/Tony's UPC 78674.
It's 51% whole grain, just like some law probably requires:
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You are absolutely my favorite of the Sysco characters.
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The Chef Francisco soups!
Do you guys have them??
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The best I have seen is what's clearly Kraft box mac & cheese for $10. Neighbor, at least add some actual cheese.
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Honestly kraft tastes better
than 95% of homemade
or restaurant mac and cheese. IDK if it's just because I ate it when I was a kid but that fake cheese
just hits different 
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It's because you still have the tastebuds of a child. Even that shit is made 10 times better if you add real cheese
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The problem
is that they almost always use cheeses that are too sharp. Mac and cheese
isn't supposed to taste
like you're biting into a wedge of gorgonzola
That said, I've never
tried adding real cheese
to kraft. I'll have to gift it a shot
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Cheese, water, pasta and evaporated milk is all you need to make great mac and cheese
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Here you go
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thanks for spoonfeeding me but THAT'S STILL 5 DIFFERENT

plus they suggest cheddar and gruyere, and I've made about 10 batches of various ratios of cheddars and gruyere and it's never
come out as good as kraft. Maybe
I need to try mozzarella or something 
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I've done it before for baked mac and cheese. Tastes great if you choose the right cheeses.
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Which are?
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Your favorites homie. Do some creamier cheeses or some with herbs.
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My favorite
cheeses would
be awful
in mac and cheese
and they'd never
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You have bad tastebuds then
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Kraft powder is fine, it just gets btfo/improved by real cheese
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Terrible take
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You are gay
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No u
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Costco sells 5 pound bags of them frozen for probably around the same price the restaurants are buying them for.
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You don't understand. The air fryer makes loud beeps and it scares me
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