:marseyhappening: Cartels are retaliating for being labeled terrorists by using an IED to kill someone


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:#marseyfsjal: I look forward to the Mexican president pissing herself about how El Donaldo is too mean to the poor in need Cartels.

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if i had to get drsfted into a war, itd be nice if i didnt have to leave the continent.


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You won't. I trust the administration is racist enough to just drone them to heck. 30% of Mexican males dead. Conquer. True conquest. The machine solves the problem. Baja is ours. !project2025 :#marseymagahat:

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People don't understand the vision of what "Gulf of America" really entails.

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butt the favelas was my favorite map in COD!


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That was Rio neighbor!

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Big booty Latinx war wife harems for everyone


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Sounds like there'll be an excess of Latinx.


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Enlist in the Marine Corps get 2 federally mandated Latinx girlies.

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>both are >200lb a piece

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>sign up for colombian girlies

>get deployed to mexico :marseynmsweater: where :marseydrama: most of them are fat

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Now that would be a fun 51st state.

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>following widely-distributed videos of cartels brutally torturing captured grunts, half of Mexico gets nuked and the other half cleared house to house


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If you torture Burger-troops you're going to have a real bad time.

All those weddings we drone-striked in the Middle East weren't actually accidents but retaliation for corpse desecration of dead US troops.

The glowies can zoom in and count the moles on your face with satellites, you think they don't realize they aren't drone-striking the correct person? Nah, they absolutely know and go "oopsies! it wasn't our target! Just his entire family" :marseyteehee:


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All those weddings we drone-striked in the Middle East

That only happened about twice. I think that's a pretty good score. Also they were both in Afghanistan and that doesn't really count. :marseysmughipskorean:

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Maybe they were marrying child brides and deserved it

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It's likely. !marseyartists this would be a great situation to have a Marsey counting on her hands so I could act like I had math backing me up.

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That kind of works but we have like 3000 marseys and I want my special one. :marseysmughipskorean:

I mean ffs @JoyceKRoolOates made a smug Joseon Korea marsey for me so I think this isn't too much to ask for.

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The glowies can zoom in and count the moles on your face with satellites, you think they don't realize they aren't drone-striking the correct person?

Nah, military intelligence is highly r-slurred. They end up labeling someone who does irregular deliveries as a member of a terrorist org, its why the first person Biden drone striked was an aid worker delivering water.

The weddings were retaliation though, and so was double tapping it.

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I'm too old for this one, enjoy it son.


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:marseyserioushatfact: This is really a big deal. Guns are for trashy low class r-slurs. Bombs are what you really want to use. Now if it's just a few people doing it, they're easy to track down. But if a huge number of criminals start blowing each other up you can't investigate all of them.

TLDR: This is how we could become Lebanon.

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>But if a huge number of criminals start blowing each other up you can't investigate all of them.

>This is how we could become Lebanon

Brother, if huge numbers of Mexicans start blowing up American citizens, Mexico will be the ones who end up like Lebanon.



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A FRICKING few more bombs and the fricking US will be fricking just as bad off.

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Yeah but then everyone loses. :marseyshrug:

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Everyone being exclusively Mexico

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I don't!


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Which lebanon?


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OMFG the one in Pennsylvania pisses me off so much. Every time a million people get killed in real Lebanon I try to look it up and just find out what the weather is there. :marseyraging:

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I am honestly really shocked we don't see instances of drone terrorism. I mean not to fed post but you could strap a rocket propelled grenade to a souped up fast fpv drone, set it down and in like 50 seconds clear the white house lawn and all defenses and fly straight into the oval office. Even if it doesn't harm anyone that is one heck of a message if you are a part of a terror cell lol

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It's going to happen soon. :marseysad:

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I was gonna say getting a working RPG warhead is probably the hard part, but in the US probaby not :marseygunnut:

I'd be shocked if the US didnt have radar and jamming equipment (and most likely kinetic defenses) installed around the white house though. You cant permanently GPS&wifi jam the center of D.C., but you can install small radars around the white house to detect drones and have the jamming equipment activate when a drone enters the WH grounds. That pretty much only leaves fibre-optic wire guided drones like we've started seeing in ukraine, but theres alao been tons of different kinetic defenses developed against sUAS and I'd be surprised if the SS :marseyreich: doesnt have a couple different ones ready at the WH.

Then again, given :marseytrumpfistpump: maybe im overestimating the glowies. Imagine if that dude had used a drone.

But WH and other high-security places aside, im also really surprised we havent seen weaponised drones used more outside of warzones. Theyre so cheap and easy to get, and sticking a few grenades worth of ANFO and nails to it is so trivial, I would expect even street gangs to use them instead of drive-by's (outside of the "street cred" element of drive-by's

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Me but the water hose is a drone with a love letter :marseyunabomber:

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The ear shooter literally flew a drone around before he climbed up on the roof

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>I would expect even street gangs to use them instead of drive-by's

The problem is that would bring in way more attention from the feds, and the very few hood BIPOC smart enough to use a drone are also smart enough to think about this

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the very few hood BIPOC smart enough to use a drone are also smart enough to think about this

Fair point.

I was thinking that drive-by's probably have a sort of "cultural significance" to hood neighbors, and doing them is at least as much about proving to your gang that youre commited enough to do one, as it is about hitting the target. That is if they're planned at not "spur of the moment" decisions brought by BIPOCs' famous self-control...

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set it down and in like 50 seconds clear the white house lawn and all defenses

This absolutely is not happening lmao

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cUAS is actually a really big industry, it would be harder than you realize

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Yeah it's a big industry in that a ton of money is being shoveled into military contracts but it doesn't look like there are any systems that are mature enough to really work.

Half of them are glorified net guns and the other half a bulky laser systems that seem basically entirely theoretical atm

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ooh, i've seen this episode. i know what comes next! :marseyjam:


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Afaik the border patrol already uses reapers for surveillance lol.

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Ive been saying the border should be constantly patrolled by a chain of 2000 reapers or whatever it would take to always a have one over hea.

Don't need a wall then.

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The US military getting sent in to annihilate the cartels would be so fricking cool :#marseyfsjal:

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It would be like Acapulco H.E.A.T. times 100!

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trump is about to initiate total cartel death and obliterate half of Mexico with drone strikes


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:#waowbased: :#marseywaowbased:

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Can't wait for a warthog to make Mexican paste.

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it's not a new tactic, i saw it on breaking :marseynicka: bad https://media.tenor.com/W0kcSGbFYn0AAAAx/tortuga-danny-trejo.webp

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Ill go and fight, think of all the tasty meals youd get occupying some abuellas house. πŸ˜‹

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This is what happens when you don't put enough latinx representation in movies. People grow resentful and turn to terrorism

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No Taliban member ever called me Latinx.

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I'm so ready to rego to the halls of Moctezuma.

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Marine detected


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>"This shocking act of violence highlights the growing threat posed by cartel activity along our southern border."


>What an odd choice of word as a way to describe a guy getting blown up by the cartel

>Also odd that highlights just so happens to be an AI buzzword. As is crucial, alarming, utmost importance, remain vigilant, and backbone, which are all mentioned in the text.


>Throw it into gptzero's AI content checker, which is fairly permissive with finding AI generated text.

>If there's just a handful of human written sentences in an otherwise AI written piece of text, it would float around 40 to 60% probability written by AI.

>Surely it's just coincidence.

>"We are highly confident this text was ai generated. 100% Probability AI generated. We've compared this text to other AI-generated documents. It's similar to the data we've compared it to."


On the one hand, AI content checkers can be off, and GPTZero is middle of the pack compared to others like Originality in getting more accurate answers. I also didn't see it mentioned in the Twitter thread. Maybe I'm just being neurodivergent and getting a bad result, someone can check me on that.

On the other, getting a 100% from GPTzero in current year means you have to be shipping that shit straight from ChatGPT, and it would be really funny if a major Texan official decided to ask ChatGPT to make his response to this incident and just shipped the first draft.

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look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the potty not in my replys 😷😷😷

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This is the future! Ain't it grand?

trans lives matter

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To make it even better, some of the advice given or lack thereof is reading like absolute nonsense when considering it's the Agriculture commissioner giving safety tips to farmers and ranchers:

  • Avoid dirt roads and remote areas: Impractical given that it's cattle ranching, and ranchers are going to be the people who will need to use these roads most often.

  • Avoid cartel controlled regions: How would ranchers identify these regions without more specific information?

  • Limit travel to daylight hours: Agricultural work typically requires work in the early morning and evening.

  • Stay on main roads: I'm going to go out on a limb and say Texas' ranches are like any other ranch in any part of the US that has a lot of ag, which is that many of them are only accessible by secondary roads.

  • Report suspicious activity to law enforcement: how? To which law enforcement agency? Just local police? The sheriff? Send a tip to the Feds? It's incredibly vague on who to report to and how when considering this is cartel activity we're talking about. And there's no mechanism provided to do so. There's actually no mention at all of any specific resources.

  • Basically says LRGV is important and then essentially advises to avoid it. Which is fricking enormous. Also it implies that their so called backbone of Texan agriculture should just be abandoned.

  • Stay vigilant: but gives no specific threat indicators to watch out for, so that's fricking meaningless.

  • Refrain from touching unfamiliar objects: Yeah, that makes sense for a military context for dealing with IEDs. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's pretty impractical for farmers and ranchers who on a daily basis need to handle a variety of objects, cowtools, and miscellaneous materials.

  • I guess Visitors to Mexico and people who operate near the border are addressed in the same statement regarding the same threat. As though those are groups with the same needs.

  • The statement describes an IED attack. Then gives advice on how to avoid random encounters. Perfect advice for an IED, which tend to be sophisticated and planned actions.

Now I'm not a Texan or a rancher. I might be making some redditor observations and talking out of my butt or out of my depth. I probably am at a few points. But some of this seems pretty suspect and strange considering it's by the guy who oversees agriculture in the entire darn state of Texas, where agriculture is a multi-billion dollar industry. The person, who above all else, should understand daily life realities of farmers and how to give practical, specific guidance.

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T... Try to keep yourself safe

H... how will you keep yourself safe

I... It is the solution to all your troubles

N... No point in staying alive

K... Keep yourself safe NOW

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[X] (formerly [?]) highlights [talking point]

Has been a journoid staple for decades :marseygigaretard: .

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Except the overuse of that as a buzzword for journos is exactly why it's an AI buzzword since it has such a high prevalence in training data. Alongside that this is a statement issued by the state of Texas with the Comissioner's name attached. The standards of writing and style are different than what's expected by a Buzzfeed employee.

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>targeting the rancher

Hogs did this :#fatdance:

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I can't wait for the mexican version of the "Hadji Girl" song

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We will bomb Mexico and make them pay for it.


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sounds like an op to me.


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If they're going to call you a whore anyway, you might as well frick. :marseynun:

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On point? "sexualizing children"? What a load of horseshit. Just admit you don't like gay people or trans people. Be honest and let's just get right to the point here.



Born too late to get deployed in a desert:

Born too early to get deployed in a desert:

Born just in time to get deployed in a desert:

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