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Government leeches upset that they have to go through layoffs like everyone else




Some of the smugger comments make me glad they're going to be unhirable after this year.


"Us government workers are the real saints, all you private sector people we force to fund us are just driven by money. Not like us who need to be spoonfed jobs."


Uh big government is actually good chud :marseyindignant:


I'm very curious what program they ran.... :marseyhmm:


This is my favorite delusion so far. Getting free donut house coffee is somehow an amazing perk.

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The tears were delicious after 2017, yes.

The ones after 2024, even more so.

But THESE tears, are even more delicious than I ever expected, mainly because these were the ones who thought they were safe.

/u/leadingbombshells No, my CEO didn't ridicule me. He did something worse. He told our company that it was in the best shape it's ever been and that new contracts worth over $150million were huge successes at launch. Then we were promptly rounded up and fired. That's far more humiliating.

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I've been :marseyoperasmug: at them so much im starting to think I might actually be a bad person

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>I might actually be a bad person

As someone who was laid off during Covid just as our teams could breathe a sigh of relief, I have no shame in reveling in this. Especially after learning so many of them were "LEARN TO CODE" :ramonajak: :blackwomanspeaking: types.

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These people are all apart of the democrats "ackkkshully the economy is good! Look at the jobs report!"

They literally mass hired leeches for unserious positions to spread USAID DEI money so they could point to a better jobs report.

Frick them all, learn to code. No, you don't get to plant trees for 45/hr and full benefits and no you don't have any real skills.

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They literally mass hired leeches for unserious positions to spread USAID DEI money so they could point to a better jobs report buy a loyal voter bloc

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That too! What happens when you give a communist with zero skills and a 7th grade reading level a 140k job with benefits? You got a lifetime Democrat right there folks.

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You will never be a bad person.


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If you're getting paid with my tax dollars and you can't list 5 things you did at your job last week, while I can list 5 things I did at my job during the first hour of the day, I don't care if you get fired.

It's your money. It's our money. Many of these people are WFH so they're literally just sitting around in their house all day stealing our money. Who cares if they whine about the gravy train ending.

They're lucky I'm laughing. I really should be incredibly angry and vengeful.

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Is CHUDism really just about reveling in the suffering of perceived enemies? I see no real coherent ideology otherwise. The point of the layoffs is to crash public services so that they can push privatization. There are no real audits, and they're only firing new hires and people ambitious enough to get promoted. Yeah its cool if all public services and national assets are sold off for pennies to Soros and Bezos, so long as the libs get owned. This is what happened to Russia back in the 90s.

No one here is actually :marseygigaretard: enough to believe that federal jobs exist purely to buy votes for the demonrats right? Do you all believe stories about hordes of fat black women taking 8 month paid vacations every year? C'mon at least fall for propaganda that's slightly believable.

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the entire chud worldview can summed up as this lol. they have nothing else, they're just resentful and poorly educated. i have tons of these people in my family - people that legit grew up on food stamps and government aid that are rabid magatards now that they're successful, talking about how "nobody helped them."

a giant rift formed in my family when one of them kept posting about "food stamp leeches" and i/my cousin posted "weren't you on food stamps until you were 25?"

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>poorly educated

Love that this tired phrase keeps getting trotted out.

"These fricking uneducated hicks are wrong, the economy's great, look at my colorful graphs!" :soymad: :marseychartdowntrend2:

"Kamala will win Virginia +10" -Actual words I heard from an "educated" podcaster on election night

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Apparently the economy was amazing if you were on gov bucks :marseyshrug:

Or had your company subsided by gov contracts etc

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>Is CHUDism really just about reveling in the suffering of perceived enemies?

Yes, obviously. Are you waking up from a coma or something?

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...Did you not see ANY of the "day in the life of a ____ manager" videos when those were popping up everywhere? They were just about spitting in the middle-class' faces boasting that they were paid upwards of 6 figures to attend 3 meetings a day sitting by the pool. Anyone who works a job like that deserves to be culled, federal or not.

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Those videos were all recent grads, from top schools, being hired by bloated tech companies. They sure as shit weren't working for the highways department or public transit. I remember the techie pool mangers had their culling a couple years ago.

If they were trying to get rid of useless jobs in the federal government they would have audited each department to look for poor performers, maybe bring in some consultants to review processes. They are just blanket firing anyone that doesnt have protections. The IRS for example was notoriously understaffed to begin with, yet they still got axed. The goal is make these departments dysfunctional to the point that these jobs do not get done at all.

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>The goal is make these departments dysfunctional to the point that these jobs do not get done at all.

Yes, this is what we voted for. To impede the federal government. We really weren't subtle about it.

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Yeah but you're using the libertarian method of actually blowing it up with no real plan, and I'm used to conservatives hating libertarians more than liberals. Oh well, I guess things change.

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>Yeah but you're using the libertarian method of actually blowing it up with no real plan

As opposed to fricking what? Dementia Biden letting his family steal millions of tax dollars while heading up Ukrainian energy companies? Yeah we were doing quite fricking swell under their "plan" to fleece us to Kingdom Come (Deliverance II, in stores now!)

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Is CHUDism really just about reveling in the suffering of perceived enemies? I see no real coherent ideology otherwise.

I mean there isn't really a politician or leader that will usher my lolberttopia so the only thing i can get out of politics is watching lefties seethe.

See what's with our politicians? 'I'll build a wall and deport them all!' >' best I can do is deport 300 a day',

Which isn't even enough to deport all the illegals the last administration brought in. So what am i voting for, to slightly slow it down?

>Do you all believe stories about hordes of fat black women taking 8 month paid vacations every year?

Is the article showing 60% of educated black women being in government jobs fake?

Either way, we saw the bullshit 'jobs' they worked, and i would pay to have them not do it

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If you're commited to the lolberttopia hellscape this is probably best case scenario. Like congratulations seriously. What Trump is doing is probably the most exciting political event of your life.

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I wish. It feels like 1 step foward 2 steps back for a lot of things he's doing

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Nothing's perfect. How do lolberts feel about tax payer money being used to give juicy contracts to private institutions? I'm assuming its a negative because they're still collecting taxes, but it also is essentially privatizing the federal government if its done enough, so that must be a win.

Well, I just gotta hope you lolberts are right. NOAA just got slashed to heck today. Hopefully the private sector can find the money in predicting/tracking deadly weather events. If he really is going off the Heritage Foundation plan, the goal is to commercialize the agency. Enjoy my seethe.

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I don't think you're my enemy unless you wished to send me to the camps during rona and want me jailed over internet memes

I'm not really that radical, at least i think

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Its kinda funny people think the government getting big is all bad. Well, smaller govt = more profit for rich, bigger govt = more tax on rich to make jobs. The easiest jobs to create are govt jobs because they improve people's lives directly.

Shockingly, this was not posted by a child

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they improve people's lives directly.


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Listen, that time the ATF sold a bunch of guns to the cartels hoping to track serial numbers and then lost them all because the serial numbers were immediately removed directly improved my life

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Think about it like this: you may have been bummed that your tax money was wasted to arm violent terrorists, but the many cartel members who got shiny new guns were happier about it than you were mad. So, the net happiness in the world increased, which also means your life was improved. Who doesnt want to live in a happier world, after all?

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Plus they were all old guns like we sent to Ukraine! So technically it's nothing at all!

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Listen when the fbi armed and trained two jihadis to shoot up a heckin draw Muhammad contest and then dressed like up like said jihadis and were stopped by police dressed like jihadis after their trainees got riddled with holes that directly benefited me and shows how great and impartial the fbi is.


The fbi are the good guys and totally not trying to overthrow America with Muslim terrorists

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!metashit !wikihaters Our boy @BooMetropolis is mentioned in this article


Plus it's Garland Texas! This really is the dramatard's terrorism :fancywithwine:

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!dramatards The wikipedia article for Joshua mentions the friggin sharty but not rDrama


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that guy was an r-slur

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Counterpoint: Maybe the FBI, who actually kill the terrorists, are the good guys and not the Iranian government. :marseyshrug:

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I love paying 37% of my income so some limp wristed redditor can cry all day on the internet about Trump for 40-60 dollars an hour and full benefits!

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love paying 37% of my income

Subtle brag

Unless you are in cucked state with income tax

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Yeah I'm bragging about keeping the welfare state afloat, I'm totally not frickn super butthurt at all. No sir.

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I'm not I'm not I swear IM NOT STOP IT NOW

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Sounds like you're whining about having a shitty accountant

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People say this like what do you do other than max out your contributions and savings accounts that amount to less than 30k?

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…gunna pass on that click

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Government jobs were easiest to create because the government was a bloated inefficient mess with no accountability, allowing anyone to treat their sector as a halfway house for all their burnout friends who needed a job but no motivation to actually work.

I've got a buddy who managed to reach his 30s without ever getting a loan or credit card. No skills, no career ambition beyond playing vidya.

If I was a feel-good government drone, I'd probably find some bullshit position to get him a steady paycheck. That's what everyone did.

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Well, smaller govt = more profit for rich, bigger govt = more tax on rich to make jobs


govt jobs because they improve people's lives directly.


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Today I will b-word and moan about things I don't understand.

/u/Cytotoxic-CD8-Tcell, get a job, r-slur.

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Apparently hes dully employed as a moderator

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The easiest jobs to create are govt jobs because they improve people's lives directly.

People here will still argue the new deal wasn't a mistake

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Oooga booooga me taka your money good you maka da money bad!

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I'm sure the private sector is queuing up to hire the real best of the best that go into gov jobs

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Feds can absolutely be fired for performance. That's the whole concept of a probationary period. Two people in my office last year were. They did suck, unfortunately and couldn't perform the job. It was right call.

Thankfully no federal employee has ever not kept up their performance after their probationary period ended. :marseyretard3:

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TWO WHOLE PEOPLE were fired! You private employees can't imagine the raw need to perform us feds (but lame) feel

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My friend worked for the state and said it was pretty much impossible to get fired unless you were doing something illegal, and even then, there was a long process. He didn't work for months because he was getting drunk all day, and not only did they not fire him, they hounded him to rehire him after he quit. Any time I work with any org that takes tax money, they are completely fricking useless and the employees seem to always be on PTO. I've worked with like 4 different black ladies who took 6+ month vacations. And it always seems like they have to put them on leave for a year to fire them for some reason.

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For a short while I worked on trying to get the government to approve STIG guidelines for a certain Linux distribution, and it was awful. Because it wasn't exactly what they were used to, I had to dumb down the guidelines more and more until an actual child could follow them and not frick up. Sometimes they got reviewed by a competent guy and it was great, sometimes they got reviewed by someone who ignored my docs and just assumed this distro worked like every other, and broke everything.

I stopped focusing on this project, it still needs to get done, but at this point we're just extending the deadline until somebody has the fortitude to pull it off.

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It's pretty much impossible to get fired from most jobs, isn't it?

I unno I spend half my time zoning out in pointless zoom meetings, but this a ruthless profit-focused organization according to our execs, so I guess me sitting in a two hour "market strategy briefing" so I can filter and relay the one piece of info relevant to my team (some data extracts probably need to go to a new server for one client) is worth $300 to them.

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/u/visaith no you don't you fricking r-slur. You got hired by Biden to make the democrats shit economy look less terrible. You are a government leech who's whole role is to create a unmovable Democrat political class that keeps outsider out in DC. Your role is to bolster Democrat ranks and vote Democrat for life after being given your stroke job paid for by me, the tax payer.

We are laughing and cheering because this whole, "serving America!" Like you're in the military is puke worthy. We've all had to deal with government workers who think they are above the average tax payer.

Enjoy crying in your echo chamber, just know everyone is enjoying watching you flail

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>be me working a government contract

>do the bid that is amazingly long and full of nonsense

>not a minority or veteran owned business

>get a call from every minority bid shark in the country

>only company that is set up to do the work turnkey, do jobs like this all the time

>lose the bid to some Indian guy cause he used my pricing but able to mark it down

>still do all the work but have to go thru some moron who doesn't know the first thing about the job scope

>spend countless hours double working just to keep the award bidder in the loop

>can't communicate directly to the jobsite

>never apply for a government contract again

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Cost-Plus is broken

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Um excuse me that bloat and useless bureaucracy kept someone from being discriminated against and stuff

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You got hired by Biden to make the democrats shit economy look less terrible.

Democrats have always been consistently measurably better for the economy than Republicans. Especially Biden.

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Okay ruddy betard

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Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me (except when they do)

Also why do you care so much about what Elon and his pack of racist chuds think?

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Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me

Please dont spread racist LGBTQ+-phobic nazi dogwhistles on here

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Fight the good fight - hold the line

doing what your paid to do to own the chuds

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Not even. They're talking about gumming up the works wrt the layoffs, not actually doing their jobs.

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They're talking about gumming up the works


Business as usual then?


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That's even funnier :turtoiserofl:

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Lmao that dude acting like he became a fed because of some higher calling or something and not because its a cushy job with good security...

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good security


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Well, not anymore :marseysmug2:

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oh yeah inject the seethe into my veins. I want to mainline civil servant tears

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Quickest reminder these people all could have gotten 8 months of deference but decided to follow Reddit advice and not do it lmao

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Is your political ideaology just sadism?

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Please respond with what you did this week (no more than five bullet points)

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  • R*PE

  • R A P E

  • R A P E

  • R*PE

  • :rape#:

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you're hired

!male feminists

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1. I fricked your mom

2. Made her squirt

3. Planned $6Million of business

4. Fricked your dad

5. Made him squirt

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:marseyshrug: :marseycapitalistmanlet:

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Feddie are you okay,

are you okay,

are you okay feddie?


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What a bunch of crybabies :marseysmoking:

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>I get kicked in the balls all the time at my private sector job, why are you complaining about getting kicked in the ballsack?


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>At least in the private sector they get free gourmet coffee, fancy water, meals at upscale restaurants and other perks

I can't wait for them to find out that they're not getting all that free shit unless they go into finance or are taking clients to lunch or work for a hippie startup. Everyone else just pays you a little more instead. :marseyxd:

I have an MBA and work for a healthcare corporation. We have Ronnoco coffee and a water cooler in our office. If I go to one of our hospitals and eat in the cafeteria, it gets deducted from my paycheck. My wife has a MAcc w/CPA, works for the gubmint, and says it's not much different for them. The biggest differences are that I frick around on the internet and can leave the office to do field work at will during the work day and she can't. She gets every ticky-tack holiday off, though. I don't.

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holy shit the sanctimonious whining is so good for drama :marseyshitstirrer: coin.

These neighbors really :marseythinkorino2: thing they were doing some great :marseynice: civic service :marseygreytide: by doing mindless office :marseywhiteshirt: work from the comfort :marseycheerup: of their home.

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Lots of people trying to explain to me that this is a joke, and look, I looked at the timeline, and it did seem to contain other racist material that may have been intended to be edgy and funny. But look, your racist "satire" is still racist, and you make lots of racist satire? Kinda makes me think you're actually a racist.

I promise whatever satirical aim you think this person has, they could TOTALLY exercise it in a way that wasn't horribly racist. They're being racist because they know that will get a rise out of people. And at that point, that's not actually satire.

Hey, notice how this tweet acknowledges that I understand what the person is trying to accomplish? That means you don't need to explain the "joke" to me. The problem with trying to be so absurdly racist that it's satire is that you're still being absurdly racist. If we've learned anything from the last four years, it's that absurd racism does not in fact highlight how absurd racism is. It just makes absurd racism more common.

I don't like it. I'm not going to start liking it. Saying the exact same things that absurdly racist people do but then saying it's satire just makes me not trust you at all.







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