The latest ERB video is 3:17 long. Minus intro, credits, and Civ 6th Ad it's only 1:40 long.
Snippets of /r/ERB's latest discussion thread about the episode
What's your honest opinion on Napoleon vs. Charlemagne?
What the frick was that Harlem Shake reference?
I was fine with the Harambe line in Zilla vs Kong but...
fr, theyre lagging 10+ years behind in references
I will say, "People still place my name next to God, Charlemagne" was pretty fire. Other than that..... idk it just felt so bland. It was short and nothing hit hard.
Sometimes they said stuff so plainly that it confused me. Like okay Charlemagne did create a "font" but him just saying that bewilders you. The same thing happens with Napoleon saying that years have four numbers but that line is a bit better
i can't even remember a single line from the battle
I can pretty much recite Napoleon vs Napoleon line by line (or at the very least some of the best zingers) and that was literally years and years ago.
Saw this one last week… genuinely cannot even remember the closing lines. It wasn't that I hated it while I watched it, but it just didn't evoke a single reaction from me.
(Kong vs Godzilla I know by heart now tho)
when the history rap show uses actual historical figures:
when they use japan slop affirming hyperfixation:
A little underwhelming for me personally but I also don't know the combatants that well
It's fine ig? People are right that there's too much "verbosely explain the context of the diss before saying the diss", and the flow is weird ("Holyromanempire? established it") but some lines were funny and I like Charlemagne's first verse
I think someone in the FRB Groomercord elucidated it well; ERB is still primarily about comedy, and if you want a battle that's very technical and takes itself seriously you'll usually turn to fanmade battles. So when they do a serious military pomp-and-circumstance battle (and the first joke is a reference that's, what, 10 years out of date?), it feels sort of toothless
This next one is my favorite post of the thread. Pure unbridled autism folx.
ERB used to be fearless. They used to tear into the biggest names in history and pop culture with no mercy. They weren't afraid to take shots, to push boundaries, to make battles that actually had bite. They went after corporate machines, they went after politicians, they went after icons—and they did it with bars that actually burned. Now? They're nothing but sellouts.
Napoleon vs. Charlemagne was clean, safe, and soulless—engineered not for impact, but for sponsorship money. No real edge, no real fire, just a dull, sanitized product meant to keep advertisers happy. This wasn't made for the fans, it was made for the brand deals. The writing was soft, the beat was rushed garbage, and the performances were lifeless. It didn't feel like a rap battle—it felt like watching two actors read lines from a script they didn't believe in.
This isn't the same ERB that went toe-to-toe with corporations and spit bars that left people speechless. This is ERB: The Business, a company that prioritizes ad revenue over creativity. They don't make battles anymore—they make content. Forgettable, disposable, corporate-approved content. And the worst part? People still defend this, acting like ERB is untouchable when it's clear they stopped caring a long time ago.
Nobody will remember this battle in a week. Heck, nobody remembers their last five. And if this is all they've got left, they should just admit they're done instead of stringing us along with these weak, sponsor-friendly excuses for battles.
This video failed pretty hard, barely broke 1 million then it flatlined. They need to either quit beating this dead horse or show us they still have that grit and determination they used to have. I'm done with the games, come on ERB, STEP UP!!!
When was ERB ever this daring counter culture critique of the establishment like this guy has deluded himself into believing it is. Toe to toe with corporations? They were funded by Disney for YEARS. How anti-establishment was Lady Gaga vs. Sarah Palin or TMNT vs Artists? Was "both of these political candidates are bad (until it's against drumpf than hillary joe kamal MUST WIN!)" really that daring of a position? They're stupid rap comedy videos for nerds and geeks and if they actually are guiding you politically you're an r-slur. Simple as.
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Jesus, that shit's still going on? It wasnt funny even a decade ago, can't imagine what it's like now.
I know its "comedy" slop, but thats not even correct in the slightest, either. Charlemagne was emperor of francia, the HRE was formed like 200 years after his death
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He was crowned Roman Emperor and already held the title of King of the Franks besides. The Ottonian HRE that begins the continuous empire we know of 200 years later also called itself the Roman Empire. (Though the HRE regarded itself merely as a continuation of Charlemagne's Roman Empire you can see this in reignal numbers).
The Holy was added around 500 years later with Frederick Barbarossa and his attempts to assert power in Italy and equality/supremacy over the Papacy in temporal affairs.
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Wow thanks for making me look stupid
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Isn't he that guy who invaded Russia in ww2?
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he was the first holy roman emporer innit?
trans lives matter
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You wanna break the glass ceiling, Hillary, I sense it. But the only crack you'll find is my butt pressed against it.
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The numbers are in and I'm right on your tail
You don't have the stamina, baby, you're frail
This will be just like '08 when you fail
But Trump will appoint you to jail
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I saw the trump one recently I forget why (I think some r-slur on here maybe linked it). But I remember being shocked that the trump verse was actually pretty fire and dunked on Hillary while making him look pretty cool in comparison (aside from almost having him say BIPOC at the end). And then Lincoln comes in and "both sides" the argument which was completely gay and cringe but I wonder how that episode made /r/erb react cause it wasn't totally demeaning and dismissing trump.
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the Lincoln thing was a callback from the first battle. what sucks is the next two election battles: trump vs biden and trump vs kamala go REALLY into the "we need to get rid of drumpf NOW" angle and become entirely biased, removing lincoln in vs biden and trump vs kamala had teddy roosevelt show up and kind of insult both but not really. But Trump still has the best lines in all three battles
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Roosevelt's clap back to Kamala was pretty good though, "Don't let getting hired be the best thing you ever do"
That was the long and short of the entire Harris campaign lol
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Them glazing biden for being some sort of epic centrist racial hero and then for the next four years tweaking on the couch is the ultimate reason why they should stop doing election shit
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The Kamala battle fricking sucked, Biden was okay but Trump is just really well written no matter what
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They didn't even bother to make Trump look like a clown in that one because they were so sure Hillary was going to win. You can tell when Lincoln says to Trump "and when she DOES win...". I wouldn't be surprised if that one was memory holed
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I used to like them in high school
but when they ragequit for at least a year after trump
won I lost interest
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You mean it would have been cooler if he didn't kitty out and actually said BIPOC, right?
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Do not come
I will come.
All over your place.
I will come with my Bible, my Church, Putin, and my Evangelical fighters.
I will come and destroy your army of little libcuck gays.

You think your stuff is so hot?
But the only hot thing about you, is that escaping BRAP
building up an impenetrable fog.
You think you are the champion of the people? The one who is really brave?
Well B&$#H, newsflash. Your suffering is made up hysterics and menopausal angst,
I am the one who has survived bullets to the face.
So come off your high horse, and try out some Mcdonald's.
The clown
theres a pal, and I promised him a looksmatched partner.
WHO WON!? Trump doing robo dance in the background while Hillary is making the disappointing s*x eye-roll face.
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NO FRICKING WAY they're still doing this shit
Jesus I stopped hearing anything about these guys after middle school and just assumed they gave it up years ago
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tbf they only make a video every 6 months-a year and with the millions of views they rake in who'd want to give up that paycheck
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I wont blame them for cashing in, but I blame whoever still watches them for never growing up
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Okay I might be a little jealous at how little they need to work lol
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I think I saw 1 or 2 in high school and they got old really fast
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Keep yourself safe zoomer
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People in middle school when these were popular are 30 years old now
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Burger middle school ages: 11-13,teachers%20in%20one%20school%20day.
ERB began 2010, didn't get popular until 2013
Current year 2025
Will take the year they started and max age of burger middle schoolers to be generous.
Keep yourself safe zoomer
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shoutout to the neurodivergent guy who got stabbed on the LA Metro for loudly Epic Rap Battling to himself while wearing a harry potter cape. love that video
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Stabbed several times. Bleeding to death. Wondering what happened, how did everything go so wrong.
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Black people pretend go like these but go to any hip hop forum and they call it corny
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Go to me and it'll call it fricking corny
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i didn't know that show was still a thing
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And it's still the same two guys, they haven't had any real major shake ups cast wise like other shows that have lasted this long
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So should I give them props for being youtubers who lasted this long without some kind of s*x pest bullshit going on?
My standards are that low TBH
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I love you please stay here
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Which is worse, ERB or Hamilton? I consider them to be similar genres of white rap
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Nobody has ever talked to me irl about ERB. Wish I could say the same for Hamilton.
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Hamilton is so bad. I have no idea how that became a hit
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Lin Manuel Miranda somehow keeps getting hired to write utter garbage like all the Disney songs he's done lately. Who the heck decides to give Akwafina a song? (Although 'Who decided to give Akwafina a career?' is another question worth asking.)
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Every so often youtube tries to sneak one of these into my recommendations and I can't believe that people still watch these.
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Beat up Epic Rap Battles of History nerds on public transport.
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Kill Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Behead Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Roundhouse kick a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd into the concrete. Slam dunk a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Defecate in a Epic Rap Battles of History nerds food. Launch Epic Rap Battles of History nerds into the sun. Stir fry Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in a wok. Toss Epic Rap Battles of History nerds into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Epic Rap Battles of History nerds gas tank. Judo throw Epic Rap Battles of History nerds into a wood chipper. Twist Epic Rap Battles of History nerds heads off. Report Epic Rap Battles of History nerds to the IRS. Karate chop Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in half. Curb stomp pregnant Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Trap Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in quicksand. Crush Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in the trash compactor. Liquefy Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in a vat of acid. Eat Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Dissect Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Exterminate Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in the gas chamber. Stomp Epic Rap Battles of History nerd skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in the oven. Lobotomize Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Mandatory abortions for Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Grind Epic Rap Battles of History nerd fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with a ray gun. Kick old Epic Rap Battles of History nerds down the stairs. Feed Epic Rap Battles of History nerds to alligators. Slice Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with a katana. Put a bomb in a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd's mouth. Throw knives at Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Inflate Epic Rap Battles of History nerds until they pop. Send Epic Rap Battles of History nerds into a blackhole. Castrate Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Feed Epic Rap Battles of History nerds poisoned food. Force Epic Rap Battles of History nerds to walk the plank. Push Epic Rap Battles of History nerds into a pit. Kneel on a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd's neck. Curse Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with a spell. Stuff Epic Rap Battles of History nerd babies into the washing machine and turn it on. Flatten Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with a tank. Pop a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd's car tire. Strike Epic Rap Battles of History nerd children with a ruler. Make Epic Rap Battles of History nerds swim in the Mariana Trench. Cut off a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd's limbs. Airdrop Epic Rap Battles of History nerds into Antarctica. Throw Epic Rap Battles of History nerds off the boat. Pressurize Epic Rap Battles of History nerds into fine crystals. Light fireworks in a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd's butt. Falcon-punch a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd in the face. Make Epic Rap Battles of History nerds into fiction. Blow Epic Rap Battles of History nerds heads off with grenade launchers. Blow Epic Rap Battles of History nerds brains open with a sniper rifle. Lock Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in a cage and drown them underwater. Nail Epic Rap Battles of History nerds to a cross and stab them. Run over Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with a tank feet-first. Crush Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with a press. Attack Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with acid. Boil Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in a pan. Lock Epic Rap Battles of History nerds inside a brazen bull. Burn Epic Rap Battles of History nerds alive. Drag Epic Rap Battles of History nerds across a wall of spikes. Pour molten lava on Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Quarter Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Impale Epic Rap Battles of History nerds on a pike. Tenderize Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with a mallet. Ionise Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in a mass spectrometer. Irradiate Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in a nuclear reactor. Spaghettify Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in a black hole. Curse Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with the necronomicon. Trap Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in purgatory. Bang a Epic Rap Battles of History nerds testicles with a spiked bat. Throw Epic Rap Battles of History nerds off a twelve story building. Freeze dry Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in the vacuum of space. Fry Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with power lines. Feed Epic Rap Battles of History nerds ricin. Kneecap a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd with a twelve gauge. Re enslave Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Sell Epic Rap Battles of History nerds organs on the black market. Run Epic Rap Battles of History nerds over with an eighteen wheeler. Throw Epic Rap Battles of History nerds into the grand canyon. Burn Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with jet engine exhaust. Beat Epic Rap Battles of History nerds to death with a tire iron. Cauterise a Epic Rap Battles of History nerds butthole with a blowtorch. Sacrifice Epic Rap Battles of History nerds to the sun god. Drop Epic Rap Battles of History nerds out of a plane at fourty thousand feet. Feed Epic Rap Battles of History nerds to sharks. Load a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd into a cannon and shoot the Epic Rap Battles of History nerd at a concrete wall. Keel Haul Epic Rap Battles of History nerds under a galleon. Disembowel Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with a bayonet. Strap a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd to a cruise missile and launch it at a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd neighbourhood. Drop Epic Rap Battles of History nerds into chernobyl reactor building number 4. Hang, draw, and quarter Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Lure Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in with fried chicken and trap them with bear traps. Force a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd to learn calculus, then kill the Epic Rap Battles of History nerd anyway. Atomize Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with a powerfist. Throw Epic Rap Battles of History nerds into vats full of FEV virus. Choke Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with barbed wire. Throw pianos at Epic Rap Battles of History nerds from 40-story buildings. Throw Epic Rap Battles of History nerds at pianos from 40-story buildings. Deep-freeze Epic Rap Battles of History nerds in liquid nitrogen then shatter them with a hammer. Tie Epic Rap Battles of History nerds to ICBMs then fire them at Israel. Shoot Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with syringe guns. Defecate on Epic Rap Battles of History nerd food stamps. Make Epic Rap Battles of History nerds pay child support in blood. Build a newton cannon and fire Epic Rap Battles of History nerds into the orbit. Put advertisement posters on Epic Rap Battles of History nerds then nail them to their bodies with a hammer. Irradiate Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with depleted uranium. Launch a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd with a trebuchet. Send a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd exploring titanic in a cheap submarine. Use a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd as a crash test dummy. Tie Epic Rap Battles of History nerds onto growing bamboo shoots. Film an entire jackass movie on a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd. Trample Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Bury Epic Rap Battles of History nerds alive. Play bowling with Epic Rap Battles of History nerds heads as pins. Grate Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with a cheese grater. Get Epic Rap Battles of History nerds stuck in an elevator. Spray a Epic Rap Battles of History nerds potty paper with poison ivy. Shoot a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd directly with the Gustav gun. Sabotage a Epic Rap Battles of History nerds parachute. Sabotage a Epic Rap Battles of History nerds bungee. Trap a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd under ice. Force a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd to work and support a family of 5. Force Epic Rap Battles of History nerds into gladiatorial combat. Send Epic Rap Battles of History nerds back to warring African tribes. Hide a snake in a Epic Rap Battles of History nerds room. Put Epic Rap Battles of History nerds on a hot air balloon with low gas. Harvest a Epic Rap Battles of History nerds organs. Waterboard Epic Rap Battles of History nerds with gasoline, then set them on fire. Flay Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Tie Epic Rap Battles of History nerds to train tracks. Put laxatives in their koolaid. Recreate mortal kombat fatalities on Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Gibbet Epic Rap Battles of History nerds. Tie a lightning rod to a Epic Rap Battles of History nerds head during a storm. Lure Epic Rap Battles of History nerds into suicide pods. Bury Epic Rap Battles of History nerds neck deep and surround them with scorpions. Clear a mine field by sending Epic Rap Battles of History nerds to it. Stir Epic Rap Battles of History nerds into cement. Squeeze Epic Rap Battles of History nerds through a chain link fence. Hack Epic Rap Battles of History nerds socials and make them say they have irrefutable evidence that would lead to Hillary's arrest. Perform adorcism on a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd. Microwave a Epic Rap Battles of History nerds head. Suck a Epic Rap Battles of History nerd into pool drainage butt first. Pour nitroglycerin inside a Epic Rap Battles of History nerds basketball. Inject ebola in its food. Put a chubby Epic Rap Battles of History nerd in a tribe of cannibals. Pressure wash Epic Rap Battles of History nerds white skin.
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Are you referencing that video of the stabbing lol
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I have not been able to watch one of these since like 2012 when I was still in high school lmao
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That last bit is definitely ChatGPT
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What's funny is i just listened to some of these new ones because of this post and the Charlamagne one is the least bad out of all the new ones
Kamala vs Trump? Bad
Indy vs Croft? Horrendeous
Kong vs Zilla is literallly the worst one and is put up like it's amazing
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ERB is my guilty pleasure
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What battles are your favorites?
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Tbh I kind of like them all. Thanos vs Oppenheimer is pretty funny and I like Freud vs Mother Teresa too
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Freud vs Mother Theresa is a underrated gem.
"An exception to my theory, I can't believe this
Here we have a mother that no one wants to sleep with!"
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Umineko gif
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Freud vs. Saint Theresa is so fricking funny, the matchup came out of nowhere and worked shockingly well.
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Yeah and it had some of the most clever lines too imo
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Snapshots: (click to archive) (click to archive)
/r/ERB: (click to archive)
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