
do NOT look up what a nuclear sub is especially not a virginia class nuclear sub just accept this very real thing that very really happened and europe is back on top baby


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Ah yes the vast nuclear fuel reserves of norway

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As I imagined from the actual comment it's the backup diesel system. These ships and subs always have alternate fuel sources.

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Why don't they run on tidal energy.

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@FearOfEnergee :soycry:

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Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Europe is mad at us for scaling back military support and impeded our ability to militarily support them in protest :marseyhmmm:

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Listen, all they know is bureaucracy. They can't do anything else.

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thomas piketty's theory of 20th century broadly distributed capital being an historical abberation has a corollary: european governance and culture is also regressing to the mean of inherited pan-euro aristocracy against the peasant rabble while sleepwalking into eastern disasters due to prestige and honor

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The entire world not abiding by Euros ideas for governance has always been their downfall

They always think agreeing with themselves is all that matters

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Fascinating :#grugthink:

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if europe acts unhinged they don't really need our military support. they aren't close to china and they have nukes

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They won't

At best they will continue the muted proxy war that goes nowhere

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Europe is mad at us for scaling back military support

no, it is mad that you have a president that in a month walks back on a like 100 year old agreement or what ever

it is like "hey I know i didnt care but i think you are leeching you need to move out" and then saying you have 1 hour to do so

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>militarily support them

They just said they weren't doing that any more. So :marseyshrug:

Yankee go home.

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american logistics will be in the gutter if these countries all turn on us lol.

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the sub ran out of blinker fluid

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Found it :marseyexcited:



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Need me some elbow grease for :#marseyfrozenchosenchokespal:

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immediate twitter block

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:siren: BREAKING


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Impossible, in order for this to happen a European man would have to be in possession of testosterone, which was outlawed by Angela merkel.

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Norwegians did immediately fire on G*rmoid ships the moment they trespassed.

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I ordered them to cuck the sub.

Norway isn't even in the EU.

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Every US Nuclear sub has a diesel generator as a backup to the nuclear reactor.

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Yeah and the nuclear reactor didn't shit the bed off the coast of Norway making them rely on diesel but oh ho ho how the tables have turned the country that just cut off your refueling a few hours ago is where you ran out of diesel wow that sucks slobber ookronny


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Still a ballsy move though

Trump will surely sperg and ban them from future gibs

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We'll just leave NATO

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That's great for USA, more gibs to give to Israel

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!grillers, how does a former Marine fighter pilot see that post and not immediately realize it's bullshit? Wingcuckery, of course. :marseyleftoidschizo: :marseycrayoneater:

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>how does a former Marine fighter pilot see that post and not immediately realize it's bullshit?

Woman moment :marseylaugh:

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:pronouncorrection: Marine moment.

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They are also allowed to be marines!

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That's a woman?

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Dangers of terminal reddit brain

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Duh, they need nuclear fuel

If worst comes to worse and they really run out of it, they can shoot their torpedoes and missiles and use the reactive force to drift in the right direction. No need to thank me, Americans

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AND they can nuke Norway :#taysmart:

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Well if some screenshot posting dipshit posted it (not you lol the twitter guy) it must be true

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Norway is not obligated to help 3rd world countries

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Wait do you not think there's stuff that needs fuel on those things? Not everything is nuclear powered on a nuclear sub

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Show me the air bubbles from a submarine exhaust

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The USS Delaware is not stranded off the coast of Norway.


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This. They need batteries for their alarm clocks for example.

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The smoke alarm chirps are gonna alert the Russian sub hunters :marseyscream:

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Do you think whales in the Ocean have their own whale sounds version of the N-word and that is why black people cannot swim because the whales already have a bad opinion of them?


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No more tendies in the officers mess :marseygiveup:

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lol I read they supplied 5 million gallons last year. which is a drop in the bucket.

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How big of a bucket?

Part of America's ability to dominate global military action has come as a result of the ability to continually pour ever-greater quantities of fossil fuels into military vehicles, aircraft, and weapons manufacturing. Without fossil fuels, America's global military operations would crumble. A typical U.S. tank battalion of 348 tanks consumes 2.3 million liters of fuel per day, while an aircraft carrier battle division uses 1.6 million liters, and an F-16 fighter jet uses as much fuel in an hour as a typical vehicle would consume throughout a two-year period (Karbuz, 2007). Because of this massive amount of fuel consumption, U.S. Department of Defense data shows that the American military is a larger consumer of fossil fuels than the entire country of Nigeria, which has a population of upwards of 191 million residents https://fossilfuel.com/the-u-s-military-consumes-more-fossil-fuels-than-entire-countries/

So over the course of a year they supplied a weekend worth of fuel. America will never recover from this.

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that's a climate propaganda website

if 348 m1 abrahams tanks covered as much as 100 kilometers in a day it would still only be 0.13 million gallons

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Isn't 100kms in a day at low end for a tank tho? Unless held up I'd expect consistent speeds of 20-30km/hr at least even on rough terrain?

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depends how it's used. if you have to move tanks that fa most armies use tank transporters. in an engagement or patrolling baghdad it would probably be less, because combined arms maneuvers only move as much as their slowest part

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Why would a nuclear sub need to refuel?

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to buy ciggies and scratch offs at the gas station

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"Refuel" is a navy term for "r*pe local woman".

Norway just peepee blocking.

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US Sub driving home dejectedly after Norwegian gas station wouldn't let them air up their rear tire :marseybikecuck:

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No, u guise soft power is fake and straight and pissing off everyone who might help you is how you show you're strong.

(no i did not click your fake link)

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(no i did not click your fake link)

This is who gets into !clinklickers smdh

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I would simply use my reactor output for power

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You would be a desert rat hebrew, knew before I even clicked. I can't wait until Jesus throws you in the pit, demon.

You have no idea how much the goyim have noticed.



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God this is beautiful bait.

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Go and refuel it in Israel, mutts

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Lol frick it, import as many Muslims to Europe as possible

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