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>too shallow for an emotional bond

>thinks her butt can only be reciprocated for by money

>finds the need to share this with reddit


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it's fascinating that men turn into incels when they have too little s*x and women do when they have too much s*x

we need to find the s*x goldilocks zone

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we need to find the s*x goldilocks zone

We (and by we, almost every long lasting culture on earth) already found it. It's having s*x with one person with the rest of your life that you love so deeply the two become one and create a family. It's literally the most stable human connection we created and enforced because hypergamy is too socially disruptive.

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No it isn't lmao, genetics don't lie. Depending on the culture, anywhere from 3-20 women reproduced for each man. Where monogamy exists in theory, it's cover for the actual default method of reproduction - cuckoldry.

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the difference between barbaric cultures that died out and the few that have managed enough stability to create the modern world

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You know nothing about the past you simp over. Prima nocta was only the tip of the spear, Europe never had a ratio close to 1 all through its history. A handful of men at the top knocked up everyone else.

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This is literally nonsense you made up.

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Only Zhongguo has ever been civilised

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Idk why foids want harems to be a thing again but you do you

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Depending on the culture

Where is that culture now?

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Bradford and Birmingham.

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Black populations are actually shrinking in most major US cities thanks to abortion and gang violence lmao.

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someone really should have told this fact to the supreme court :marseydisagree:

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Darn those hoes can't keep their legs shut and be mothering 19 kids with 23 different fathers.

How do they keep up with that?

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All you get with that is a massive underclass of incels who cause massive societal unrest. Unless you have some way to get them to die en masse your days are numbered.

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So why was it the norm for every civilisation throughout history? Hunter-gatherers were the closest to equality (a mere 3 women per man).

Seriously, how the frick can you be so unaware you don't realise feudalism was a hierarchy with a "massive underclass"? This was the stable state, not some recipe for social unrest.

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So why was it the norm for every civilisation throughout history?

Because they died on masse with regularity. Like I fricking said you r-slur.

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Mass deaths were associated with social unrest, not the cure for it. If the harvest was good and taxes weren't crippling, peasants simply accepted that there was a hierarchy and the men at the top were sleeping around (assuming it wasn't a formal institution). Even when there was a peasant rebellion, they were more likely trying to swap in different nobility vs achieve any systemic change. These hierarchies were stable for thousands of years and only declined with urbanisation and industrialisation, i.e. societies not based on the feudal system.

It's painfully obvious you have zero knowledge of history and are trying to retroactively justify whatever halfbaked incel theories you've come across.

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Mass deaths were associated with social unrest, not the cure for it.

They were absolutely the cure. It's the same reason Muslim states nowadays export their angry, single young men to far away lands to fight jihad: a bunch of single, unemployed, and angry young men (i.e. NEETs) are nothing but a liability. Heck, the idea of a man with no prospects becoming a mercenary is so fundamental it continues to this day. I didn't say it was done intentionally - it is now of course - I said it was a natural blow-off valve.

Even when there was a peasant rebellion, they were more likely trying to swap in different nobility vs achieve any systemic change.

That has nothing to do with anything. The stability of feudalism or monarchy as a system has nothing to do with polygamy of all things. The stability of individual states and societies absolutely does - it's literally why Muslim states implode constantly. Lots of young men with nothing to live for and nothing to lose.

These hierarchies were stable for thousands of years and only declined with urbanisation and industrialisation, i.e. societies not based on the feudal system.

What you call stable is anything but. Just because an oppressive system sticks around for a long time doesn't mean the society built on the system was stable. How many civil wars have broken out in liberal democracies versus feudal states? Mind you, polygamy has never been particularly common outside of completely backward non-civilizations and Islam (but I do repeat myself), so reminder, that's what you're calling "stable societies". Cavemen and the notoriously unstable Muslim states. Every Christian state since Rome has banned polygamy, so nothing you're saying applies to anything past that.

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It works =/= worth envying

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This guy has never done long term relationships. You willingly frick for about the first 2 years. Then it turns into a 'well I guess we should...' kind of weird chore

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that's why you marry a rich girl, that way at least you'll be miserable on a yacht

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I would rather cry on a yacht than be happy in a Honda Civic

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be happy in a Honda Civic


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....are Civics adult cars? :marseysquint:

When I was growing up Civics were for college students and waitresses.

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Civics are young people teasers. When I owned a civic, I would get cash offers from random people once a week. Between the age of 20-25, skeevy but not homeless types.

Now I drive around in my Chevy lly, which is the opposite. It's a geezer teaser. Older men from 35-60 will walk up and offer cash.

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Been with the same woman for ten years now. Even having two kids we still love each other very much and have s*x when energy and time bandwidth allows. Its never a chore for us.

Then it turns into a 'well I guess we should...' kind of weird chore

You sound like you only get s*x on your birthday its treated as a gift in itself.

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Been with the same woman for ten years now. Even having two kids we still love each other very much and have s*x when energy and time bandwidth allows. Its never a chore for us.

sounds gay af

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!Fellas, is it gay to have s*x with your wife?

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I'm such a huge cute twink that I had to get a minivan to fit all my kids.

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That's just how homosexuals reproduce

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Chat is this real

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imagine your father is a middle aged rdrama poster

god bless those poor youngins

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I am usually active during work hours. I get paid to shitpost.

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imagine being gainfully employed and posting on rdrama

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If you feel the need to roast people on rDrama over it, I honestly truly believe this is 100% true, and you have spoken with your wife at least once in the past 8 days.

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who him or me? Because he slammed me first.

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I'm sure your relationship is neato if you bring it up here.

How's your gardner Tyrone doing? How 'bout your two black children (from 2 white parents)?

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I'm sure your relationship is neato if you bring it up here.

Because it was relevant to the conversation when someone said I must have not had a very long relationship? :#marseywut2: You just rolled in from stupid town?

How's your gardner Tyrone doing? How 'bout your two black children (from 2 white parents)?

Who said we're both white? :#marseysmug:

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Darn neighbor, you're going to die alone probably.

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You suck at s*x

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You got sloppy

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that you love so deeply


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I'm sorry you never felt that, Jesus2

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This isn't a dig at you. I agree with you but I also acknowledge that it's somewhat idealistic

Successful marriages don't have to be ones where they really do love each other more than anyone.

It's a nice thought but it misleads young people from the purpose of marriage (stability and reproduction).

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I don't think its much as mislead but like think of all the external social factors that exist now that does everything it can to make long-term monogamous marriages not ideal. Pornography, onlyfans, hypergamy, hoeflation, etc.

Like I know its absolutely difficult right now to most likely get a solid long term relationship in America.

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We already know it's 1 partner

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Adam and Xteve, like the good book says.

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First woman was a valid one :marseytrain:

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