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Going from being able to get a couple grand off your kitty to not even a cigarette from your dumpster roommate must be hard.

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It's why so many of them unretire. It's pretty much gambling addiction if the winnings were also strongly correlated to your self-worth.

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My self worth :marseydepressed:

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>too shallow for an emotional bond

>thinks her butt can only be reciprocated for by money

>finds the need to share this with reddit


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it's fascinating that men turn into incels when they have too little s*x and women do when they have too much s*x

we need to find the s*x goldilocks zone

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we need to find the s*x goldilocks zone

We (and by we, almost every long lasting culture on earth) already found it. It's having s*x with one person with the rest of your life that you love so deeply the two become one and create a family. It's literally the most stable human connection we created and enforced because hypergamy is too socially disruptive.

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This guy has never done long term relationships. You willingly frick for about the first 2 years. Then it turns into a 'well I guess we should...' kind of weird chore

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that's why you marry a rich girl, that way at least you'll be miserable on a yacht

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I would rather cry on a yacht than be happy in a Honda Civic

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be happy in a Honda Civic


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....are Civics adult cars? :marseysquint:

When I was growing up Civics were for college students and waitresses.

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Civics are young people teasers. When I owned a civic, I would get cash offers from random people once a week. Between the age of 20-25, skeevy but not homeless types.

Now I drive around in my Chevy lly, which is the opposite. It's a geezer teaser. Older men from 35-60 will walk up and offer cash.

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Been with the same woman for ten years now. Even having two kids we still love each other very much and have s*x when energy and time bandwidth allows. Its never a chore for us.

Then it turns into a 'well I guess we should...' kind of weird chore

You sound like you only get s*x on your birthday its treated as a gift in itself.

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Been with the same woman for ten years now. Even having two kids we still love each other very much and have s*x when energy and time bandwidth allows. Its never a chore for us.

sounds gay af

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!Fellas, is it gay to have s*x with your wife?

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I'm such a huge cute twink that I had to get a minivan to fit all my kids.

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That's just how homosexuals reproduce

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Chat is this real

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imagine your father is a middle aged rdrama poster

god bless those poor youngins

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I am usually active during work hours. I get paid to shitpost.

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imagine being gainfully employed and posting on rdrama

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If you feel the need to roast people on rDrama over it, I honestly truly believe this is 100% true, and you have spoken with your wife at least once in the past 8 days.

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who him or me? Because he slammed me first.

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I'm sure your relationship is neato if you bring it up here.

How's your gardner Tyrone doing? How 'bout your two black children (from 2 white parents)?

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I'm sure your relationship is neato if you bring it up here.

Because it was relevant to the conversation when someone said I must have not had a very long relationship? :#marseywut2: You just rolled in from stupid town?

How's your gardner Tyrone doing? How 'bout your two black children (from 2 white parents)?

Who said we're both white? :#marseysmug:

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Darn neighbor, you're going to die alone probably.

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You suck at s*x

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You got sloppy

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No it isn't lmao, genetics don't lie. Depending on the culture, anywhere from 3-20 women reproduced for each man. Where monogamy exists in theory, it's cover for the actual default method of reproduction - cuckoldry.

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Depending on the culture

Where is that culture now?

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Bradford and Birmingham.

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Black populations are actually shrinking in most major US cities thanks to abortion and gang violence lmao.

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someone really should have told this fact to the supreme court :marseydisagree:

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Darn those hoes can't keep their legs shut and be mothering 19 kids with 23 different fathers.

How do they keep up with that?

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the difference between barbaric cultures that died out and the few that have managed enough stability to create the modern world

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You know nothing about the past you simp over. Prima nocta was only the tip of the spear, Europe never had a ratio close to 1 all through its history. A handful of men at the top knocked up everyone else.

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Only Zhongguo has ever been civilised

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Idk why foids want harems to be a thing again but you do you

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All you get with that is a massive underclass of incels who cause massive societal unrest. Unless you have some way to get them to die en masse your days are numbered.

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So why was it the norm for every civilisation throughout history? Hunter-gatherers were the closest to equality (a mere 3 women per man).

Seriously, how the frick can you be so unaware you don't realise feudalism was a hierarchy with a "massive underclass"? This was the stable state, not some recipe for social unrest.

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So why was it the norm for every civilisation throughout history?

Because they died on masse with regularity. Like I fricking said you r-slur.

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It works =/= worth envying

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that you love so deeply


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I'm sorry you never felt that, Jesus2

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This isn't a dig at you. I agree with you but I also acknowledge that it's somewhat idealistic

Successful marriages don't have to be ones where they really do love each other more than anyone.

It's a nice thought but it misleads young people from the purpose of marriage (stability and reproduction).

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I don't think its much as mislead but like think of all the external social factors that exist now that does everything it can to make long-term monogamous marriages not ideal. Pornography, onlyfans, hypergamy, hoeflation, etc.

Like I know its absolutely difficult right now to most likely get a solid long term relationship in America.

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We already know it's 1 partner

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Adam and Xteve, like the good book says.

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First woman was a valid one :marseytrain:

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/u/Barbie000000, you're a worn-out whore who can't deserve a good man. It's the consequence of your own actions. Surely, you'll learn to hold yourself accountable and become a better person. I believe in you! :marseythumbsup2:

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/u/Barbie000000, you're a experienced lover who surely deserves a good man. It's the just reward for your own actions. Surely, you'll learn to hold yourself to your understandably high standards and find a better person. I believe in you! :marseythumbsup2:

Join /h/meowr

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I read the post and you are wrong. The lesson remains the same as it always has been. To like the other gender, stop trying to understand them. The day you solve the other gender is the day you fall out of love with them permanently.

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Okay, incel. :taythumbsup2:

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foids have a habit it seems of confusing "moids who are willing to date me (a whore)"

with "all moids"

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"What are you talking about? I can date whoever I want, so my experience is of all men"

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I'm sure picking up drunk frickboys in redneck pubs gives you an idea of what all men really are like.

Disclaimer: This post is not ironic.

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>whore has high standards

who's gonna tell her?

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This is cope. She'll find some sweet nerd to settle down with despite the chuds reeeeeing online about it

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More partners :therefore: more experience :therefore: better s*x

You want better s*x don't you?

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She thinks she's "seeing through" men by knowing that they want to sleep with her as if that's not like the number one driver of all relationships on earth

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how do women just not know this? trans lives matter

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What she sees in her customers is often their lowest moments. Desperately horny and turning to paying for s*x. It's often emotionally broken dudes that don't even need s*x but someone to spend time with.

Then when she gets in a real relationship and has to shoulder real issues that come up in her man's life, she sees her customers in him.

The only way to be a stripper or a whore is to be a lesbian cause there is no way you can process male emotions in a normal way. Too much PTSD

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Mind broken escort thinks having a rowst beef kitty means she is some enlightened Aphrodite :marseymanysuchcases:

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It's insane to think I dated men and had s*x for free before I started escorting. My standards are SOOOOOO HIGH && nobody can even come close. Like im human , I get lonely . I want an emotional connection with a man , but god darn they suck!

>stupidly high standards and zero s*x drive

I've met lots of non-whores like that too

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>1000% agree with this!! Animals and children will give u so much love and affection without judgement. I have the same issue where it's so so hard for me to deal with men after seeing how much they go behind their wives/gfs backs

Why is this b-word so worried about judgement.

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Only the cognitively undeveloped creatures don't judge me.

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Children will judge you eventually, what with growing up and all.

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Cause she can only get affection when it's unconditional.

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They deny it, but deep down they still believe in God

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Hello fellow I'M GAY AND MY PEEPEE IS SMALL :marseywave2:

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Literal whore has high standards

Hoeflation is real

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There was some based 4chan comment about how he doesn't respect women who don't prostitute themselves and act like the jannies of s*x.

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Emotional connection with a man is an oxymoron lol


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reddit whores are aella posting now

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:quote: my standards are sooooooooooooo high i'll have s*x with literally anyone for a few dollars :quote:

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Revenue must've dried up if she's dropped her price to $0

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Can't even begin to wonder what's in it for the the guy.

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I'm single for the past 10 years single escorting. It's hard and it sucks.

Then stop?

I still have a lot of casual s*x, but mostly I'm so lonely I just a man to love me for who I am and not change me or hold anything against me.

Then stop whoring?

Men suck but I can't help falling for the them and getting my hopes up

'Men suck' says the whore lmao

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Emotional connection with a man is an oxymoron lol

Coming from a fricking whore :marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd:

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Foid finds out that every relationship with a female is transactional, just less obvious than she does.

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/u/Barbie000000 b-word you have s*x for money lmao, your standards are below ground level

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!bets can we get a bet on when this newest yamate alt gets :marseyban: 'd?

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Imagine not having a yearbook photo of your crush in 5th grade that you look at every 2 days what a freak



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