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EFFORTPOST :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: Kojimbo has done it again! Creates next gen graphics game that appears to be better than MGS 5. In depth review of new death stranding 2 pre-order trailer.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy Christmas came early. Check the vid and it is pure kino. Kojimbo has done it again. Made a game that might finally surpass MGS 5 as his crowning achievement.

Let us take a deep dive:

1) 00:08 - 00:30 - the graphics look like pure kino next gen. Remember that Death stranding 2 is an open world game so this is really extremely amazing graphics for an open world game. The middle eastern guy looks so good graphically. The white guy looks less real and less detailed. One thing I noted was that the graphics look better than the previous death standing 2 trailer where the skin of the characters looked slightly more video gamey which shows that Hideo Kojima actually improve the graphics in the time between the two trailers.

2) 00:31 - 01:18 - New foid character. Haven't seen her ever before. The conversation about brain dead pregnant women being smuggled suggests some very serious dark themes as part of the story, something that Kojima excels at. The acting is also pretty good so far and the tension between the characters feels real. Has Kojima finally overcome the curse of Japanese video game characters talking like not real people? Crazy progress if yes.

3) 01:19 - 01:42 - Main character looks alright. The mountains look beautiful. Environment design is 10/10 here.

4) 01:44 - 01:49 - The rings of floating bodies over the beach look kino. I love it. The beached whales are the weakest graphics I am seeing in the trailer so far. Their skin looks a bit fake to my amateur eye. Wonder if that is just accepted graphics hardware limitation or he will fix that too before launch.

5) 01:51 - 01:54 - pretty nifty trick of mixing stop motion styled animation with fluid normal animation cutscenes. Interesting addition to the game.

6) 01:57 - 02:01 - some pillars stacked together with what looks like pilgrims walking towards it. Not that interesting but okay.

7) 02:04 - 02:07 - ship rising up. Nothing interesting.

8) 02:10 - 02:12 - okay so these are just a bunch of gifs stacked together since 01:51. got it.

9) 02:15 - 02:18 - random something. Art slop.

10) 02:21 - 02:24 - giant wall of black goo.

11) 02:27 -02:30 - random stu- wait holy frick is that underwater? Really cool if that is the guy standing underwater. Hard to tell.

12) 02:31 - 02:34 - baby.

13) 02:37 - 04:32 - Music starts playing reminiscent of his use of music for his MGS 5 trailers. We get a look at different environments in game. Rocky terrain looks really good. Character walking by the water, water ( or is that Oil? ) looks average? I have seen better in other games. Snowy environment looks nice but not 10/10. The suit in snowy environment looks kino with the blue glow orbs over the leg. Grass Terrain reminds me of the forest in in Forza Horizon 5. Rainy mud terrain looks good. Floating box tech looks cool. Environmental effects appear such as what looks to be flooding, fire, dust storm, and the black goo explosions. The bike looks kino. 10/10 bike. Driving vehicle variant 2 also looks good. Snow storm looks good. THEY GOT AVALANCHE WOOOOOOO! Cutscene looks kino. Asian guy hologram looks kino. Short hair foid looks good graphics. She had a bike crash but saved baby in her arms. Can teleport apparently but cannot take the baby because she can only teleport equipment with her and cannot think of baby as equipment? She manages to teleport baby by only teleporting baby and looks like letting herself get shot by guy with gun who was chasing her. Baby transported to crib and red suit guys uh...walk into another dimension?

14) 04:32 - 06:50 - Now back to main character. Montage of monsters in the game. They all look great. More detailed than death stranding 1 oil monsters which is impressive for putting more details on humanoid blobs of oil. The monster that tears out of some skin cacoon thing was a cool monster reveal. GIANT MONSTERS PUNCHING EACH OTHER JUST LIKE MY HECKIN GODZILLERINO!!! :soyjakwow: Masked man enemy. Floating robot enemy. WE GET A GUN THIS TIME TO SHOOT THINGS!!! :soyjakwow: OUR BIKE HAS GUNS TOO!!! :soyjakwow: Long highways to drive on. Split face monster looks cool. ABOVE THE CLOUDS MOUNTAIN PEAK STANDING VIEW KINO!!! :soyjakwow: Meh nebula picture in the sky. GIANT MOON!!! :soyjakwow: Fighting and transport gameplay mix. WE CAN HANG RIDE ON A RAIL!!! :soyjakwow: A lot of shit that I am not even sure how to describe. Gold face. Cargo lane hanging on. Vehicle variant 3? Winged oil cat. Oooohhhh the winged oil cat graphics are so good. Video games generally suck a whole lot at rendering animal fur and textures realistically. We have almost crossed the threshold to realistic looking highly detailed animals. Characters montage. The eyes on fragile look so so good. There is a guy literally called TARMAN. :marseylaughpoundfist: Tomorrow ( Elle Fanning ) character looks Amazing. There is a doll named dollman and oh god the lighting on him is so fricking good. LMAO Charlie. I cannot explain this one you just gotta look at Charlie you will understand. LOL. ROBOT SAMURAI!!! :soyjakwow: They got that black woman who is in all video games now. Holy frick that on the top of the ship guy standing scene looks so fricking real. Shits crazy. ROBOT SAMURAI TRANSPORT VARIANT! Looks cozy and kino. Lots more random mood setting quick cuts between scenes.

15) 06:51 - 07:10 - Main character making out with the dead teleportation foid? Romance slop.

16) 07:14 - 07:26 - Man with tentacles inside is trying to exterminate humanity.

17) 07:26 - 08-16 - cute puppet raise hands to get help putting seatbelt on. Spaceship? launches into the sky. Crabs on black pillars. Holy frick all the oil monsters we saw earlier in the video fuse into one giant oil monster. The head monster was the head, the spider monster was an arm, and the giant monsters that fused from all the other monsters also have giant wings! Flying ship faces the giant monsters. There are multiple of those giants.

18) 08:21 - 09:50 - Time is wonky? Or just watch is wonky? THE MIDDLE EASTERN GUY PUT ON A SOLID SNAKE BANDANA AND HAS A SQUAD OF SKELETON SOLDIERS!!! :#marseysoypoint: :#marseysoypoint: :#marseysoypoint: KOJIMBO HAS DONE IT AGAIN HE SPIRITUALLY BROUGHT THE CHARACTER LOOK ALIKE OF METAL GEAR INTO HIS NEW FRANCHISE!! main character uses VR. Another character takes over a ships controls and fuses as the head with a giant oil monster to fight other giant oil monsters. Video ends with sound of baby.

My takeaway:

Game looks kino. Best open world graphics I have seen till date. Cutscenes look like high quality movie CGI. Some of the scenes have lighting so good it could make a visual effects enthusiast cry. Animal skin graphics have never looked so good before. Human eyes and skin looks amazing. Environments look amazing. The monsters are more detailed and look awesome. They got a guy who looks like Solid Snake from the Metal Gear Series leading a skeleton soldier squad. The game is filled with weirdness but the acting and script appears to be top notch. Holy shit I think this might actually be Kojima's Magnum opus. There is so much good stuff in there even based on the trailers alone. Who knows what more is there in the actual game itself.

I love it.


10/10 would trust Kojima again.

Would recommend the game, and I didn't really care for the first death stranding. Kojima cooked and I have never seen something so unique and story focused look so good and worth the time at the same time.

Also remember to check the trailer out yourself as well because I am sure I missed a bunch of stuff in there. The trailer is very heavy in terms of details and very light in comparison to what the entire games released plot is probably going to look like.

!effortposters remember to help me get this post marked as an effortpost.

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video game trailer

wow, graphics! :soyjakwow:

G*mercels have been falling for the same trick for like 30 years

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You may not know this but Kojima trailer graphics and in game release day graphics look the same if not better during release.

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Tbf India is always behind so they're culturally like how noughties g*mers were

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Your mom's naughties


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also why does she have two right hands? :marseythonk:

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:marseyboomer: better than having two left feet!

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She's like that in real life.

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she's right handed but not that right handed

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Yes I mentioned it in post they got the black foid that is the black foid in a few modern video game these days.

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She was from MadTV back in the day and I guess managed to fall upward

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MadTV back in the day and I guess managed to fall upward

MadTV had a stable of young talent that went on to do better and greater things. Early 90s fox was :marseychefkiss:

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Will Sasso and his Jesse Ventura impersonations for example.

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Kenny Rogers' Jackass was so good

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I have no idea what mad Tv is but how old are you to know that reference?

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I'm not even really sure anymore

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cool. Idk if she failed upwards but I thought she was fine in the wolfenstein game.

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Like 30 and with bad taste

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Thanks for educating me. Have a nice day.

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I know you noticed because youre a brainless chud. They keep putting her in games because she knows how to over-emote for mocap, just like Andy Serkis, famous for playing every cgi creature ever.

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I don't hate her though? I mentioned in another comment that I find her character in Wolfenstein to be alright.

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I really enjoyed the first game but I still have no fricking idea what it was really about. The script writing was also really bad, clearly originally written in nip and then badly translated to English.

Is that French chick who does hot real lesbo s*x scenes in it again?

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I never really cared for the first death stranding so I have no idea.

If you are talking about the character named Fragile then yes she is in the second Death Stranding game as well.

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this trailer spoiled the first game plot

apparently you save UCA

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Why cant Japan make animes like this anymore? This is so much better than current year p*do-slop.

Im glad someone in Japan can still dream.

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aydyn degeneracy arc continues

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You want to nootice degeneracy? Go check out the Gantz Manga. ( if you are 18+ which you should be if you are using this website otherwise GET OFF MY LAWN! ).

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That conclusion bit was so stupid.

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I agree with you.

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I mean this isn't good either but I get what you mean.

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China, unironically.

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darn they made elle fanning look hot :itendsnow:

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"I think he's very bad at character, and I think he's extremely conventional, as in non-creative, when it comes to plotting. I know that I'll probably get an incredible amount of hate karma - can you say hate karma? - about this. So I'll just say that I did grow up reading, I told you I grew up without TV, so I read instead. And I like Cormac McCarthy, and the science-fiction writers; I love Frank Herbert, I love Alfred Bester, right now I really like Greg Egan, so I am extremely picky, and I do have a high standard when it comes to writing."

"I think that if you're ripping off Tom Clancy, it's...Tom Clancy is Tom Clancy, he deserves all the money and fame. The guy has worked hard. Writing is hard work. So to shoot out a bunch of these kinds of things, that we've been talking about, and then claim yourself as a writer when...And you know, there's good work being done in games. I think Portal is really well written, very beautifully written, but Kojima's stuff is...Fine, be a game creator, and know what you're not very good at, and learn to work with people who are. Stanley Kubrick, famously, the one thing he could not do was write. He could do everything else, but he didn't know how to write, so he worked with good writers, and worked with them in a very sort of relentless partnership. He knew his limits. I don't think Kojima's a writer. The fact that he would even be considered one shows how low the standards are in the game industry. Nothing in MGS2 is above a fanfic level. He wouldn't last a morning in a network TV writers' room, and those aren't exactly turning out the Dark Tower series or The Wire."

"One thing I remember is I played it with someone so I could take notes - so my boyfriend was playing it - and I just sat next to him, and he loved the original game. He's a total kind of g*mer generation, he knows way too much about [retro] things. But even he was like 'God! They just talk on, and on, and on, and there's a Colonel that'll go on and on, in this kind of political intrigue babble that wasn't particularly well written, droning.' The sheer amount of talking, I think makes it rather difficult to get through, but then if you just go ahead and skip it, maybe there was something in there?"

"It's like a molasses it's been caught in all this time. I think in the early days the medium was quite limited, so the language you used, whether it was graphics or game control, or just the actual text, was in line with that. All was kind of good. But very quickly the medium outstripped the language, and in the meantime it's just continued to gabble in this stuff grabbed from poor movies. Or just arbitrarily stuck-in comic book pieces. I don't know when it's going to get out of this. I'm sure some people have experimented, but as long as everyone sits around... A polite way to say it is a mutual congratulations society. As long as this keeps going on it's not going to get better guys, it's really not."

-the woman who did the english translation of MGS2, who at first was considered a disappointing followup and which is now considered genius - she was blamed when it was considered bad, Kojima was credited when it became considered good

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japanese games feel notorious for bad writing but good lord Kojima's stuff sucks butt

idk how people are excited about this, every single time i watch something about Death Stranding it's just very clearly a walking simulator

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it's just very clearly a walking simulator

It's post-apocalypse uber eats simulator, that's the appeal. Good podcast game. :marseywhirlyhat:

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It's a man with a dedicated vision, I'm willing :marseywould: to accept :marseyokay: some oddity to play something :marseysmugface: unique,

  • At least it's not more slop
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like Mario is a jumping simulator

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:marseytruthnuke: but at the same time the writing is fun which is a different kind of good

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Kojima has been called out for his characters droning on and on?


I would agree with you that Kojima's games have too many long cutscenes all the way to Death Stranding 1 but would argue that the quality of story in those cutscenes has improved over time with it being the best in MGS5. What little I saw of MGS4 and Death Stranding 1 made them both feel a little too tedious to be worth the time in too many places, and in my opinion some of the best MGS experience out there after MGS 5 is in playing the MGS games on the PSP where the technological limitations and being a PSP title actually benefit the MGS games on those platforms as they make tedious unskippable cutscenes no longer a part of the game experience.

On the other hand I would say that in Death Stranding 2 it appears to be the case that Kojima has finally improved his writing skills and combined it with the onscreen talent and game graphics to produce a quality good enough that even the cutscenes and plodding through the story becomes an enjoyable experience.

He has either reached or neared the final evolution of his specialization, sci-fi stealth Soap Opera games.

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Wow I actually agree with a foid's opinion on vidya, and a translator at that :marseyshook:

Kojimbo has always sucked butt at writing, he's just so creative and good at everything else that I guess no one wants to call him out on that within his creative circle and enough g*mers are too dumb to give a shit

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MGS predicted current Internet and information/disinformation control, the first Death Stranding predicted the coof, I have a bad feeling about a death stranding 2 :marseyscared:

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The second death stranding predicts Alpha generation once more learning to love having kids raising fertility rate to 2.0.

:#marseypraying: :#carppraying:

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>that last pic

Why does he look like Joe from Impractical Jokers?


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Because Joe is actually a good looking guy made to look ugly by the makeup department for the show?

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He's Mussolini, not a middle eastern guy. Frickin amazing actor

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Dark brown hair

Caucasian facial structure

Light skin

Green Eyes

Slight accent


Is this a BIPOC?

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He is a person of Pasta?

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He is, probably the most in vogue Italian actor right now (mostly because of the Mussolini amazing interpretation)

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Whoa. Thank you for telling me something I didn't know today.

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If you ever got the time, check out M, Son of the century. Amazing tv show about Mussolini, it's pretty good with amazing music's by one of the chemical brothers

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Thank you for the recommendation but it does not fall within my interests as I care to watch dictators that at least partially succeed.

Like Hitler or Stalin.

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Do i get to walk in it?

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Kojima is the single most overrated hack in the entire industry.

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The second strand type game!


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They even got a Metal Gear Solid Snake lookalike.

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Metal Gear Solid : The Twink Snake

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The death stranding Subreddit is thinking of calling him Stranded Snake.

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Shits gay (bad)

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I am going to play it day 1 on my Paperweight 5 :marseydance: :marseyfsjal:

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:#soyjakwow: :#soywarhammer:

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If I want to walk, I'll go outside not play a videogame. kthx.

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That's why I am excited about this game because the vid shows this one is not just a walking simulator! They even mention in game that deliveries are now automated! So I am guessing the delivering cargo via walking is either going to be optional side missions or a small subset of all the available types of gameplay. They even give you a gun now!

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>death stranding 2 is actually deliver-based factorio

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:marseyagreesuperspeed: You now make the infrastructure for delivery automation instead of doing them yourself :marseyagreesuperspeed:

Like Railgrade :marseyagreesuperspeed: (a Factoriolike) :marseysmug2:

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I didn't watch the trailer so maybe they change it, but in the 1st game you already had automated deliveries, the cargo would be smaller and more damaged than if you delivered it normally. The first game also had combat, but I think this one will have more focus on that part of gameplay.

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I didn't know all that so thanks for educating me.

I believe Kojima knows to improve on what works and let go of what does not, so I expect it to still in part be a walking simulator game but with far more fight options than the previous game and more action than before

I suppose that means we are both in agreement as to the final expectation.

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I really enjoyed the deliveries of the first game. It was fun to try and optimize my routes and trying to keep Norm from eating shit was more engaging than I expected it to be.

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Repair the roads and collect rent like a real landchad.

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DS1 is in my top 10 games DS2 is a day one buy when it comes out on PC.

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This looks like shit compared to the other characters lmao

I never finished death stranding 1, maybe Ill give it a try again. I didnt hate it but as far as I played it (12 hours or something?) it just never really managed to impress me. Seemed very overhyped tbh.

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I too never really cared for death stranding 1 although 2 actually looks good like Kojima actually got his footing within his game's world after the experience of playing and going through the first one.

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Tbh I love this series

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I love MGS so much and really :marseythinkorino2: loved Death :marseygoose2: Stranding as well. I am trepidatiously excited :marseychudgravedance: for this game but am prepared :marseysad: to be completely screwed by the modern :marseyartbasel: AAA experience.


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I am optimistic Kojima wouldn't allow you to be screwed by the modern AAA experience.

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:soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow:

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2025 game looks better than 2020 game and yes that is a good thing because it shows that video games and technology are still upgrading within ones lifetime.

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Initially was annoyed at the inclusion of the caillou BIPOCette that appears in every game now but tbh unlike every other game where Debra is outright imported into the game for no reason, Kojima is explicitly in favor of mocapping people in as they are so eh :marseyshrug:

New totally-not-solid-snake guy looks very r*peable cool. I wonder if Konami will complain.

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Konami complaint post soon if they do.

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>graphics graphics graphics kino graphics graphics kojima

Yeah okay cool whatever, how's the gameplay? :marseywait:

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Tbh I stopped caring about graphics after Crysis

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Well crysis 1 jungle still kinda holds up at night so understandable.

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Based and savingmoneypilled :marseyboomer:

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The Doctor with two right hands is so fricking funny lmao

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I don't get it but as long as it gets you interested in the game.

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Two left hands = common way to say clumsy

Two right hands = ???

It's just Kojima humor being stupidly on the nose while everything else is serious

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lol. I sorta get it now. Thanks for the explanation.

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what was the first one about even? i played thru about half of it and got bored after getting caught up in too much muh road building.

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I have no idea what the first one was about. It looked too meh for me to care.

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yeah this aint running on my steam deck

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Time to tweet at Valve to release steam deck 2 so you can play Death Stranding 2.

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I would post in vidya hole but the mods are insufferable there.

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The Inventor of Video Games and GrandFather of the Pay Station Entertainment (Male) Unit has Filled G*mers hungry bellies with a second load so virile and thick that the player will deficate fully grown Japanese MEN! Hideous Iwojima has a FULL and unobstructed view of Normalman Sneedus that he wants to roll up and thrust deep into the wanting and moaning holes of all Faithful PlayStation Receivers. Open wide, you must consume the leavings of the Rising Sun to become: Def Standing II: In My Breach.

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