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[R/PLACE] rdrama.net advertising operation [UPDATE: POLL INSIDE]

BE AWARE unless otherwise specified all dates in this post are given in UTC time.

Hello comrades! Good morning east burgers! Good night west burgers! And good evening eurochads, africanx, italianx, asianx and chinxs!

What we know

On 2022-04-01T13:00:00Z Reddit will re-open /r/place for a few day until 2021-04-05T01:00:00Z [1]. I think this is a perfect opportunity to advertise the platform and to generate some reaction both in the chadmins :marseyjanny: and in our dear anti-hate colleagues :marseytrans2: :bardfinn:


We know that Pajeets :marseytunaktunak: have worked to make /r/place more resilient to «automation [ :marseyfuckoffcarp: ] and will be able to quickly identify bad actors and block them from the experience»[2], so almost certainly the old APIs [3] no longer work and we'll have to do the job by hand without the use of the old bots, at least for the first few hours; also it is advisable to avoid use multiple accounts, at least from the same IP and/or browser identity, to avoid triggering those anti-bad-actors mechanisms imho.

We don't know if they changed any other technical detail of the platform (well, I don't want to read 3k+ sarcastic comments from the average redditor :marseysnoo: to find out). We can assume the following [3]:

  • the canvas will be 1000x1000 in size

  • an user can place a new pixel every 5 minutes

  • the palette use a special 4 bit encode, so only 16 colours (or colors :!marseypatriot:) are available. You can find the palette mapped to a normal RGB space here [4]

EDIT: If you've any other intelligence infos regarding the new state of place, report in the comments! I'll add it to this section. :marseyglow: :marseyglow:

The plan


Considering that /r/place will be filled with actors constantly competing to get some canvas' space and considering that it would be improbable to have more than 50 rdrama's übersoldaten at a given time working to conquer the canvas; we should limit the target area as much as possible and also the target area should be far away from the hotspots, that are the borders of the canvas and its centre (or center :!marseypatriot:)

:#marseypixel: :#marseyschrodinger:

So here's my idea: a 32x46 art featuring Marsey the cat :marseythumbsup:, rdrama url :marseylaptop: and the trans flag :trans:!

Assuming no attacks from other factions, 50 rdrama's übersoldaten should be able to complete the 1472 pixels composing the image in around 2.5 hours.

I'll suggest to place the upper left corner of the artwork at coordinates 800 horizontal, 800 400 vertical of the canvas. If y'all are happy with the proposal I'll make a map/table featuring the coordinates of each pixel.

In the unlikely case that our honourable mujāhidīn will be able to hold position for a prolonged period of time, we could start expanding the flag horizontally increasing the artwork's visibility.


You can download the Krita file from [5], remember to use the colors from the r/place palette (open the palette docker first), it should be incorporated in the document itself otherwise download it from [4]

[:marseyjourno: NEW! :!marseyjourno:] HELPER TOOLS

:#marseytaliban: :#marseytaliban: :#marseyhacker2: :#!marseytaliban: :#!marseytaliban:

In this section I'll add tools to aid the honourable mujāhidīn in their struggle on the canvas

Map navigator

I've wrote this simple js script to aid the honourable mujāhidīn on the battlefield: https://drtransmisia.github.io/pixelmap/

You can load a pixel art, insert the target coordinates of the canvas and it will generate a map of the pixels. Hover the cursor on a cell of the table to get a tooltip containing the coordinates of that pixel. Use the button COMPUTE OPTION A to load the proposal A otherwise you can upload a custom file.


You art sucks!

Yes. I know, I drawn it during a boring lecture surgery. Feel free to propose a better artwork, remember to use the limited palette and to keep the area lower, no more than 2k pixels I'll say.

Not your personal army!

Yes. I just wanted to propose something funny to do together.


Shouldn't this be under CC? :marseycountryclub:

idk. I don't see why, after all we are not bad actors, aren't we?

[1] https://old.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/tqbf9w/bringing_back_rplace/

[2] https://old.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/tqbf9w/bringing_back_rplace/i2g3zw5/

[3] https://www.redditinc.com/blog/how-we-built-rplace/

[4] https://lospec.com/palette-list/r-place

[5] https://files.catbox.moe/qvo3jj.kra :marseyhacker: :marseytaliban: :marseytaliban:

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Select what you think would be the better target artwork

If you want to submit some artwork, do it. I'll add it to the poll on the fly, although after 2022-03-31T20:30:00Z I will go to sleep :marseysleep:
If you export your artwork at an higher resolution please remember to choose the dumbest scaling algorithm.


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  • graffiti advertising on other flags is more dramatic
  • doesn't matter if it gets jannied, just switch targets
  • less pixels
  • this is all :marseycope: for when we fail to hold our spot because every other flag has 100k members and/or bots


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@Aevann if I add another option it will keep the results right???. Well we'll know in a few minutes anyway :marscientist:

I can't :marseytrollcrazy:

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this is all :marseycope: for when we fail to hold our spot because every other flag has 100k members and/or bots

Could try to get some level of help from drama adjacent communities like /r/ahc and /r/stupidpol (now that they're successfully denazified).

Despite how sanitised reddit is becoming there's surely still a few thousand degenerates around who'd appreciate what we do

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start with no text. add text at the end.

can also be added everywhere else, "rdrama dot net" is only 136 pixels.

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If I were you, I would do this part. The trans flag with drama.net and then try to complete the Marsey if you can.


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i'm ready to place one pixel and call it a day :marseysalutearmy:

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I estimate at least 50% of all pixels will be LGBT related, there will probably be something anti-desantis, and we'll all get banned for contributing to a banned url

Were new accounts able to contribute last time? I think they were if I remember correctly, I bet they might put a restriction on new accounts this time around

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I would but I don’t even know how? :marseyconfused:


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I think this could be major impediment to the "50 Dramatard trolls" average, I don't know how either. Better post a tutorial.

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Lmao this is why Reddit's just banned all the dramanauts isn't it? To protect their precious April Fool's event.

I will help out with this if I can, but might be at work and stuck on mobile.

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They just did what?

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MasterLawlz had has account banned and a bunch of other long-timers. Speculation is Reddit are going after them for their presence on this site rather than anything naughty done in Reddit. They're very sad about the whole thing really. Lawlz was inconsolable.

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bruh what the frick.

I'm probably fricked then

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This is what happens when you can’t give up your power user persona and insist on keeping it between sites just to chase clout 💁‍♂️

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Nah, I'm just lazy

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Country club r-slur

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At what point do we need to make country club the default? Reddit clearly has a couple of interns watching us.

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how does country club work, I don't really remember what I did to confirm I am r-slurred enough to be allowed to see the threads

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I think you just get approved by some j-slur at random; I’m not a paypig but I am a frequent commenter so I think that’s what gets you in

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I thought it was based on truescore

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i think you get it automatically after enough comments or truescore

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You need to post enough anti-wrongthink or you need to post bussy. Those are your two options.

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Reporting for duty.

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o7 or o/?

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Ill try to hold it down in the off-peak hours but thats also when the :marseytunaktunak: forces are in full swing

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We have sexy Indians here. If we could crowd find $20 USD I’m sure we could hire them and their extended families for a week to hold our position.


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This is actually a good idea, we could hire a legion of fiverr r-slurs to either distract the trains by blacking out their center flags, or maintain the borders

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That's actually a pretty good idea. I'd definitely chuck a few of your American Dollars at this.

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drama link is guaranteed to get it jannied, Marsey on trans flag is a safer bet IMO

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Yeah, you're right but I think it will be fun to try anyway


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or you can use one of the many other rdrama URLs. read the comments for more https://rdrama.net/post/46941/-

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I'll have nothing better to do so sure.

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most busy dramanaut

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  • grizzly : what? maybe fingerprint.js same as rdrama :marseycapywalking:

@grizzly what's the name of that fingerprinting thing that Reddit uses? I forgor 💀

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The Marsey cat is the most recognizable and important symbol that represents this community and it's innocuous so it's likely to go under the radar yet still piss off certain people. I wold ditch the site name and as someone mentioned earlier, there will be trans flags on everything else so we may get help from other people once they see a heckin valid flag is being created. I also wouldn't place it in a specific corner because those will be heavily contested areas of the map. Find a specific xy point on the map and have everyone start there.

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Find a specific xy point on the map and have everyone start there.

I suggested (800, 800) in the post :marseybrainlet:

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The top of your post seems like you just want the top left corner

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That was specifying the anchor point used to indicate the coordinates

edited to make it clearer

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But what do you think of my other ideas?

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To remove rdrama dot net has been proposed also by other dramanauts. It is a good observation, later I'll make a version without the text. Even though my r-slured site wants to try to go BANZAI and openly taunt the chadmins


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I made a clean new account this week for this very purpose. Hopefully the trans flag gets us some support from clueless normies lol

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:marseykingcrown: :marseyagreefast:

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I love it :marseyexcited:

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Keep the text for last, as thats what will get jannied. Start with just the car and trans flag, add thr text later

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There's a difference between talking about the effects of somebody's actions and talking about their character and motives. Obviously, Trump's actions have (thus far) had less bad effects than Hitler's. But what the original poster was saying, and what I think is hard to dispute, is that Hitler was a better man than Trump.








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If it goes well can we expand the flag and add "keep yourself safe" under?


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The link makes it a bit too frightening to the admins, either obfuscate it or do it last


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Only accounts created before 31-03-2017 may place tiles

well... frick

poor "people" shouldn't be allowed to own things

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You're looking at the rules from the original /r/ place you mong

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LoL Reddit administration would never be so idiotic to exclude like 60% of its userbase in that way

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Sounds fun. Ill probably help for a bit then get bored and do something else

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Your art does not suck.


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:platysalute: GAY R-SLUR REPORTING FOR DUTY SIR YES SIR:platysalute:

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Good plan, only suggestion I'd make is not to do [800,800], too obvious, the diagonal lines are also hotspots. Something like [8000,400] is probably more achievable.


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Good observation! But 8000 will be most likely out of the canvas, surely did you meant (800, 400)?

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oh, I thought it was 10k pixels, yeah, something like that, maybe offset a little more in either direction.


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:#marseysalutearmy: :#marseysalutenavy: :#marseysalutecop:

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Someone should infiltrate the bigger groomer train related subreddit groomercords for info. If a bot comes out they’ll probably be one of the first to know too

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what if their "protection" is just a janny? who'll delete or reset our shit asap.

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Extremely surprised we’re not going for the obvious sneedification, but honestly the tamer option like you suggested would probably make more people mad overall.

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🚨Bard bot alert!🚨

Reset the counter. Current counter was: 0 days, 2 hours, 36 minutes

Record is 0 days, 21 hours

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@geese_suck Why did you delete my thread, you could have just un-pinned it ya know...


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I'll only help if you unfollow me from the constant, blue alerts I get when you post. I don't use social media at all, not even for BPD euro moids

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Where do I raid? Links?

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