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frick japs and frick whites
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i fricking hate japs and whites they are disgusting
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they all deserve to be fricking killed
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i hate japs and i hate whites
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they need to be exterminated like vermin
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they all deserve to die
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Context in comments of this post
Basically this guy invented his own speedrunning category that he tried to finish for like a year, and a month ago some random dude came outta nowhere and beat him to it. Now the speedrunner can't stop seething.
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i am consistently against p-dophilia but then ruqqus decides to support p-dophilia - fact. ruqqus supports s by way of attacking me - i was never against
s until saidit but now the/my gloves are off and i will attack the saidit
because they attacked me for no reason
ur all r-ght w-ng and P-DOPHILIA IS BY DEFINITION R-GHT W-NG
: Why would you say that?
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I'm personally okay with losing all the songbirds and lizards if feral cats can kill all pigeons
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Thоsе соmраníеs аřе STАTЕ соmраníеs sо tо gеt роsítíоn thеřе уоu nееd tо bе еnļístеd bу gоv híghеř uрs
Sоmе mоřе řесеnt nеws аbоut thеm
Аnd thаt соmраnу hаs nо mоnеу tо рау suсh sаļаříеs sínсе thеу dереnd оn Řussíа sо nоw thеу bеíng fuļļу sроnsоřеd bу wеstеřd buxx аnd аřе ín řеd sínсе thеу dоnt gеt Řussíаn сhеареř řеsоuřсеs
Thеу аřе buуíng nоn еxístеn gаs thеn sауíng оh nо Řussíаn dеstřоуеd ít
Í wоnt bе suřрřísеd íf thеу рау Řussíаn tо bļоw uр sоmе gаs řеfínеřу tо соvеř thе еvídеnсе
Thаts whу zеļеnskуу dеsрítе Třumр аskеd tо fосus оn реасе tаļk, zеļеnskуу dоеs еvеřуthíng tо břеаk ít
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I am gypsy
Someone recently wrote me, that nobody likes gipsys
I didn't wrote them back
I decided to show that they are wrong
Friends if you love and respect gipsys
Give like to this post
Edit: no love for gypsies