r/GTA slapfight when someone shittalks peak
Russians confirm HATO wunderwaffe supplied to Ukraine

Accurate recreation:

Based :marseygem: troublemaker :marseyrapscallion: terrorizes leaf cops by making a bunch of prank :marseyjumpscare: calls

@pizzashill any idea how many m777 were already send to Ukraine ? Wikipedia only gives 198 systems and those numbers are from 2022 so it would be cool to know how much Ukraine got of those ancient m777a2 from 2012 and m777ER from 2016. There are around 210 videos of m777 hit by drones and 170 with ending with big explosion (100% destroyed) and despite it all it's still the most common used artillery system in Ukraine.

Also for pizzashill:

The US fields a "pure fleet" of M777A2 variants.

So Ukraine didn't received any og โ€œoldโ€ m777.

Kid still fetishising that Ukraine is receiving old stuff :marseyxd:

Reported by:
MNC's the third major player on the global stage today.

The first major player on the world stage is the US.

The second major player on the world stage today is China.

The third major player on the world stage are Multi National Corporations.

When you have three Corporations each of them with a market cap larger than 3 trillion USD, you can no longer say that they don't have influence equivalent to developed nation states.

Of the top 10 Corporations in the world by market cap, 8 are from the US.

The remaining two are TMSC and Saudi Aramco.

TMSC continues to grow, meanwhile Saudi Aramco is in continual decline.

In the very near future we can expect 10 out of the top 10 largest companies in the world to be American.

Microsoft has grown 27% in the past one year.

Apple has grown 9%

Nvidia has grown 213%

Alphabet has grown 29%

Amazon has grown 46%

Saudi Aramco has declined 13%

Meta has grown 82%

Berkshire Hathaway has grown 23%

TMSC has grown 62%

Eli Lilly has grown 88%.

The economic growth of corporations is so much more extreme in comparison to the growth of nation states that it becomes impossible to ignore the fact that mega corporations are the future of human economic growth, and the leader in mega corporations is the US.

The primary advantage that megacorporations give to the US is that the more megacorporations there are with multi trillion dollar valuation, the more easier it becomes for them together to carry the US economy, due to their ability to grow year on year in the double digits growth rate.

As of now the US has 6 companies with a market valuation above a trillion USD totaling approximately 14 trillion USD.

By next year we can expect that number to increase to 9 trillion dollar companies in the US.

The US did not reach escape velocity in comparison to the rest of the world in current year, but US mega corporations most certainly have.

These are entities that will grow at double digit rates year on year and keep furthering the gap between themselves and the rest of the world.

Elon Musk today is the only person in the world, who as a human has reached the same escape velocity potential compared to the rest of the world.

His net worth is already guaranteed to cross 300 billion USD and there is no way in heck any other billionaire will ever be able to catch up to him.


Biggest losers in the mega corp race:

1. Saudi Aramco, its value keeps going down.

2. Ali baba - it's value keeps going down.

3. Samsung - barely growing at the same rate as middle income nation states. South Korea's flagship company has peaked and cannot carry South Korea any further on its back.

4. Non American corporations - American mega corporations are just better at growing at insane growth rates compared to companies from any other part of the world.

Mega corporations were always the next stage of capitalism. China failed to realize this and tore down their own industries to mid tier companies. That was a mistake.

Out of the top 100 companies in the world by market cap, only 39 are from outside of the US. This number will only decline further in the future.

There will come a time when all the top 100 companies in the world by market cap are American. There is no way around it anymore.

The US has a pure lead in space tech and capitalism.

South Korea lost at capitalism.

There is a single Japanese company in the top 100. Toyota.

There is a single Canadian company in the top 100.

There are 10 Chinese companies in the top 100.

There are 2 German companies in the top 100.

There are 3 Indian companies in the top 100.

There are 5 UK companies in the top 100.

There are 4 French companies in the top 100.

If we treat mega corporations as the best way to determine the future of world economies then:

1. The US is in the lead with 61 companies growing at an average double digit rates per year.

2. China is the second biggest player with 10 companies in the top 10. However their average growth is far lower than that of the US corporations combined.

3. The third position is held by the European Union with 6 companies.

4. Fourth position belongs to the UK with 5 companies.

5. Fifth position belongs to India with 3 companies.

In conclusion:

The US is only going to become more powerful over time. It is going to remain the world leader and keep growing stronger compared to the rest of the world.

China is going to overtake the EU. If UK rejoins the EU then the EU will overtake China.

The major global empires remain the US (growing further ahead), China, European Union (with UK), and India.

smiling friends cringe

Also this so wholesome:

Clarification from a Muslim. : Christianity

No way so the dead frogs I seen were the dead frogs and now media will try to get my sympathy that some frogs died after for years lying that there was no frogs in Ukraine. Such a frogilema :marseyconfused2:

Oh wait frogs are the only mayo country that still controls part of Africa


:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch: :marseyrake:

I personally attended this debate.

Nenshi is easily the most competent candidate.

He mentioned that the Federal NDP are a drag for the Alberta NDP.

And even mentioned the need to get young men interested in the party!

And that rural Alberta isn't all the same, and that the 2027 election needs to be fought for all 87 seats.

I voted for him as party leader.

Kathleen for #2, she will defend the energy sector.

Jodi has a point regarding water use in Alberta, although she heavily leans into Injun issues.

Sarah Hoffman, while I can agree with public healthcare/education, (if they are run competently), she's too protective of the Federal NDP, and I suspect regarding โ€œtrainโ€ issues.

The new leader will be announced on the 23rd!

Think like a doctor #im about to get fricked but my boytoy is taking forever in the bathroom.

Patient presents with a lowered glucose level and diabetic based on blood results to PCP. Did a quick physical and only thing abnormal was slow eye draw towards my finger. Blood draw showed he had 13% blasts and had a bone marrow Bx done. Obvious cancer but what determined the patient had PV versus MDS?

Happy Hyde Month!
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