Google is unironically gonna make weapons now :marseyexcitedgif:
Mexico just rugged leafs? :marseyemojilaugh:

Blackface trusted the bean yenta to team up on Donald and he got fricked

She's kinda based for it tbh

[GOOMBLE :marseyladybugitsover:] That helicopter pilot. You know the one. !friendsofredactor0, this bet is for you.

Definitely a transwoman. I feel it in my bones. - 28 bets

Terrible driving? 100% biofoid. - 288 bets

Only a moid could be that stupid. - 29 bets

We'll never know :marseyladybugshrug: (wins if we don't find out who the pilot was before 2026) - 8 bets

Send me the article when we find out, and don't yap at me if we already know who the pilot is because:

A. That just means the bet is literally free money.

B. I don't watch the news.

C. It's almost midnight. Go to bed.

D. :marseysassy:

!remindme 24 hours "close the helipcotper"



Reported by:
  • Impassionata : Allende in a real post-ironic mood all expression is genuine mood lmao
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED What one, tiny, stupid thing are you doing to fight fascism today?

Here's what I did. I called my congressional representative (R) hoping to leave a message but instead his staff picked up. I awkwardly stumbled my way through why I think Elon Musk is insanity. Could tell the sweet little republican staffer hated her life so much as she said, "I'll pass that along." :) I also called my senators and complained again.

Finally, and my personal fave thing I did today, I rolled down my car windows on the way back from school drop off and BLARED the FDT rap by YG & Nippsey Hussle. I made one VT girl's day when she smiled at me because of the song and then I literally yelled "frick Donald Trump" at the top of my lungs. She started laughing in her car. I also made quite an impression on a car full of frat bros who probably voted for him.

Viva la revolución, Dramatards.

Burgers why are you like this?

Community Note by @Impassionata

These are the times which try men's souls.

Helpful [87] Not Helpful [8]

Because who knows better than actual doctors and academics than two washed up youtuber s*x pests?

You wouldn't download a car



Drama political platform

The r here stands for r-slurred btw

LEAST degenerate Christian (drinking and trespassing)


I feel like I can't explain to libs that Kamala lost because she sucked.

The past two nights I've been stuck around liberals that have stared into the abyss for too long. They claim that scared idiots like conservatives like simple answers. Yet the simple answer they cling to for their election lose is that America is racist and sexist.

Never mind the fact that compared to Biden, Kamala got 6 million less votes. Trump only went up by 3 million votes compared to his last presidential rub. The fact of the matter is no one liked her. She has a history of being unpopular.

They say that Trump is holding onto power so he doesn't go to prison. That makes zero sense because he could give himself a blanket pardon just like Biden gave his family.

I really wish these people weren't in so many of my social circles. I need to find ways to meet more regular people

Redditors are going to jail

:#letsfuckinggofast: :#marseyemojilaugh:

"If you want to know where the real milk is, figure out who you're not allowed to milk" - John 子. Cenady :marseyschizowave: :khazarmilkers: :marseygigatitty:

This is 100% home grown photoshop no AI which is why it kinda sucks

there is nothing else implied though

:marseyflagukrainegenocide#: :marseysaluteusa#: :!marseysaluteisrael#:

!illuminati !schizomaxxxers


Fedora tipping AI vs ChristCHAD AI
Apparently, Bibi :marseymerchant: has Trump :marseytrump: wash his dirty, shitstained underwear every time he visits the White House :marseyemojirofl: :marseyjanny: :marseyitsover: :fellforitagainaward:
what the frick is going on in the main sub

worst i've ever seen it is it just edgier /r/politics now or something

:marseylaptopsad2:"I can't lose weight on 800-1000 calories a day" :marseychonkernoticeme: :fatguy:


Lmao, she must just either guess-timate her calories or not include drinks lol

Everyne in the thread talks about how they are totally the 0.01% of the population that doesn't follow thermodynamics

Life or death for berry boy?

I am desperate for sleep, honey

!animalposters !cats


This is going to have hilariously predictable consequences.

Prices will fall for things we produce & prices will climb for things we don't. When Trump had a much smaller trade war in 2018 the price of corn fell by 20% over 2 months because countervailing tarrifs and it wasn't until Rona that they recovered.

Futures started pricing this in on Friday (all grains were down, meat was up) but Monday is going to be fun. Anyone who owns a farm in the US and isn't a corp who can hedge this is fricked.

First consumer price to see movement is going to be onions as they don't have a futures market. Anything that's harvest to supermarket in days-weeks will be next, anything that gets sprayed with water/is refrigerated.

We are also going to see next week if congress are going to hide in the corner while their authority is being usurped or not. POTUS doesn't have authority to do tarrifs like this absent a declaration of war.

Edit: Canada have already announced countervailing tarrifs. waiting for the schedule and hoping they are troll enough to stick 100% on Teslas for the lulz.


I'll find :soysnooseethe: as it shows up.

:marseyflagromania: Is it possible that Biden cancelled our elections? :marseyhmm: The mystery deepens :marseyhmmm:

Will we ever get our elections back? Or at least hold new ones? Nobody knows :marseyflagromaniagenocide: Bur EU is determined to follow our steps for some reason :marseyflageugenocide:




:marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: it begins anew!

:marseycwc: Official Sonichu Plushie Incoming? :marseysonichu:

Something new is coming to the shops. ⚡️💙⚡️

CPU Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime ( 2025-02-04T17:18:03.180Z


Chris' handlers still haven't figured out how to use the bluesky block features yet like they do on :marseybluecheck:. Probably because nobody actually uses bluesky. Weens barely even try even though chris officially switched there to fight drumpv and elmo or whatever.

Today is Fork in the Road Day. The DOGE team should really meet Jed.

I had a small role in recruiting this man. He'd spent the last ten years leading engineering teams on a consumer product you've probably used, and he's just arrived in DC to work with the federal government. He started on Monday, and it's now Thursday night. I run into him at an event. He arrives late, and looks shellshocked.

How's it going? He's struggling to put words together. I'm worried. "I just left the office. I think everything's going to be okay." What is he talking about? "For the first day and a half, nothing. Then it was 'go to this agency and help them with this thing. It needs to go live on Thursday and there's a problem.' Yes, there was a problem. The data the service relied on….I've never seen a database like that. Ever." What do you mean? "1993. The guy couldn't find any other way to make it work. The vendors would have taken too long even if someone could justify the budget. So he just hacked it at nights and over weekends. Used whatever he could find and taught himself how to use it. The machine is ancient. The software has just been running since then. I'm amazed he managed to keep it running this long. It's a miracle. Either no one knew, or no one cared — my guess is that they were just happy to have something that worked at all. The guy's been keeping this going like this…I mean…I had no idea…I've never seen…." He's shaking his head and looking past me.

What happened? "First we just had to make sure we could get the data out somehow, make sure we had a copy. I mean, these records…they're the only copy. The whole system relies on this. People rely on this. To help real people. People who need help. If it had failed…" He really is in shock.

"I'd just never seen anything like this. I was afraid if I even touched it, it would all go poof. We got it out. It's okay…. It's okay now…But this guy…He's been keeping this together for 23 years…"

For a minute, I worry that he's angry. And that he might be angry at me for encouraging him to take this job. But I look in his eyes and it's not anger, it's awe. Respect. Admiration and gratitude for a public servant who has achieved the impossible. Made things work in spite of the rules, not because of them. "He made it work. He's the only guy who can run it. He knows it wouldn't work without him so he's deferred his retirement. I mean…he's extraordinary."

Extraordinary. A Silicon Valley technologist, the kind of person we champion as a savior of government, thinks that a career civil servant beyond retirement age with sorely outdated technical skills is extraordinary.

That career civil servant's name is Jed. The system he started building in the 1980s and maintained for decades before my friend came along was called VACOLS, the Veterans Appeals Control and Locator System. It started out serving just 400 users, and expanded to 17,000 across multiple parts of the VA system. Logic Magazine later interviewed him, and the backstory is well worth a read.

Now playing: Candy's Love Song (DKC).mp3

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