DINOPOST - Argentinosaurus

Argentinosaurus, whose name means "Argentine (Whitest) lizard", is one of the largest dinosaurs ever discovered. A member of a group of huge sauropods known as Titanosaurs, Argentinosaurus roamed !macacos land during the Late Cretaceous period.

Measuring approximately 30 to 35 meters (98 to 115 feet) in length, Argentinosaurus was among the longest dinosaurs that ever roamed the Earth. Its height at the shoulder was around 7 meters (23 feet), giving it a towering presence in its environment. Many paleontologists believed it may be the true Gigachad dinosaur

It was originally misidentified as a !burgers due to its immense weight. Estimates suggest that Argentinosaurus likely weighed between 50 and 100 metric tons (55 to 110 short tons).

The dinosaur's immense weight was supported by its four thick, pillar-like legs, which were adapted to bear the enormous mass of its body. These legs were robust and columnar – like those of an elephant – but far more massive, ensuring stability and support.

Given its enormous size, it would be surprising if Argentinosaurus could move much faster than a slowly taxiing 747 jet airplane.

According to one analysis, this dinosaur ambled along at a top speed of five miles per hour, presumably inflicting plenty of collateral damage along the way.

If Argentinosaurus congregated in herds, as seems likely, even a slow-moving stampede triggered by a hungry Giganotosaurus could have wiped the average watering hole completely off the Mesozoic map.

Argentinosaurus was a classic sauropod, characterized by its long neck and massive body. Its diet primarily consisted of various plant species, including ferns, cycads, conifers, and likely a variety of flowering plants. Their long necks and powerful jaws enabled them to reach and strip vegetation from tall trees and shrubs. These herbivorous giants would have grazed continuously to satisfy their colossal appetites, and their digestive systems would have been adapted to efficiently extract nutrients from plant material. It is even believed that it created fine wines which accompanied every meal.

The body of Argentinosaurus was characterized by a long neck and tail, with a massive, barrel-shaped torso. The elongated neck allowed it to reach high vegetation, essential for its herbivorous diet, while the long, whip-like tail helped with balance and might have served as a defensive tool.

The skin of Argentinosaurus, while not definitively known, is believed to have been rough and scaly. Previously it was believed it had possible variations in color and patterns for camouflage or thermoregulation, but now it is known it is the whitest dinosaur to exist.

This huge dinosaur was first discovered in Argentina in 1987. Its fossil remains were found in the Huincul Formation in the NeuquΓ©n Province of Patagonia. The discovery was made by a local farmer, who stumbled upon the bones, which were later studied and described by paleontologists.

The scattered remains of Argentinosaurus are associated with those of the 10-ton carnivore Giganotosaurus, meaning these two dinosaurs shared the same territory in middle Cretaceous South America. While there's no way even a desperately hungry Giganotosaurus could have taken down a full-grown Argentinosaurus all by itself, it's possible that these large theropods hunted in packs, thus leveling the odds. This is how many believe the falklands islands has no remains of the Argentinosaurus.


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:marseysalutepride: :marseylgbtflag3: ITS ALMOST PRIDE MONTH :marseysalutepride: :marseylgbtflag3:

Please type the following phrase to receive full pride month benefits β€˜GAY PRIDE WORLDWIDE' .

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@Aevann is looking :marseyoperasmug: for new blood! Someone to replace our dead fishy friend :marseychinchilla2: @FBIshill

Instead of modding people in exchange for nudes (@404notfound) or hundreds of thousands of dollars :marseycoin: (@The10thMan), The Capy has finally decided to accept :marseyokay: some western :marseycowboy: values into his heart :marseyxmr: and will be letting THE PEOPLE choose :marseyvalentine: a new moderator :marseymooserevenge: via DEMOCRACY.

For the primary, you can vote for as many or as few people as you want

Tomorrow at 10am est this vote will close :marseynoyouzoom: and the 4 people with the most votes will be entered in to the FINALS where :marseydrama: only one vote will be allowed.

ps - feel free to do write :marseychudnotes: ins in the comments by surrounding someones name with 2 dollar :marseysamhyde: signs :marseymoney: on either side

!poll_voters !r-slurs !metashit


Total !chuds victory!

Are we dating same guy facebook groups are getting shut down left and right. Once again moid is free to gaslight foids as he wished.


The Xeet:

A convicted felon has not assumed the highest office in a major world power since January 1933, in Germany.

Community notes claps back:

Nelson Mandela was elected president of South Africa in 1994 after being imprisoned for 27 years as a convicted felon.

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Zoomer sees Instagram stories from classmate with links to her onlyfans, decides to call her out in class.

Teacher spergs out, police spergs out, principal spergs out.

Chad doesnt care, sends the leaked photos to her dad.

Editing is pure cancer.

why bing images so bad

whenever I'm searching for a jaypeg of a gotdang hotdog, I start to wonder why all the results are shit. then i realize I accidentally searched on Bing

one result of the actual gif I wanted, versus dozens on daddy google

i wish i could remember which assets in the vidya i spent too long trying to find on bing, then immedaitely found on googs


Trudeau has inspired another generation to carry on the proud Canadian tradition of black face.

β€œLast summer, I disguised myself as a Black man and traveled throughout the United States to document how racism persists in American society,”

β€œI recognize that my independence bothers people, but I think it produced a tremendously important and historic book,” he added.

β€œNobody has an experiential barometer with respect to race, for that matter,” he writes. β€œNobody except for me.. My barometer is better than anyone else's.”

Just when you thought Canadian leftists couldn't get more out of touch this banger arrives. Do we have an /r/Drama book club?

I found a video about it and it's even stupider than I imagined:

Redditors trying to have an independent thought

pilgrim with another hit

Boeing Starliner CFT Launch Thread :marseyastronaut2: :sciencejak:

!spacechads !ifrickinglovescience Launch is scheduled for 12:25 pm EDT

This is the third overall flight of the Boeing Starliner capsule and the first crewed flight. Success will ensure Starliner's certification for the Commercial Crew Program by which NASA pays for private company services to shuttle astronauts to the ISS.

Crew members are:

Commander Barry E. Wilmore

Pilot Sunita Williams

She does have a large chin

I'll stream the launch at Kino Session chat

The west truly fell with this one

!germs how will Mannheim recover (it wont)


!bharatiya they legit got close to 400 :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:


How do you respond without sounding mad?

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