Top 10 reasons to hate drinkers

1. They're stinky

2. They can't walk straight

3. They talk shit

4. They're broke from buying booze :marseyjackmormon: all the time

5. They can't handle responsibilities

6. They're loud

7. They're male feminists

8. They're a burden on our healthcare :marseydoctor: system

9. They drive :marseysteer: drunk :marseyharrierdubois: and kill people

10. They act stupid :marseyclueless: and reckless

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r/neoliberal argues about what they saw

The problem was that he was over prepared. He should've had three days of prep and only had notes with the bullet points.

He did not need to be talking about the stats. Nobody cares about those. Hammer the broader points. And he looked pretty good at the debate watch party, if that Biden had shown up he would've won it

It shouldn't be possible for a presidential candidate to be over prepared my guy. You should be able to fire hose him information and he should be able to catalogue all of it and determine exactly when best to use it.

You're talking about him like he's a special needs kid.


Doesn't... that apply both ways?

I legitimately saw a guy with a soft voice and occasionally weak responses.

The entire internet's telling me I saw someone else.

Bro. I'm a huge Biden Stan. My guy lost track of what he was saying so many times. The bar was so low and he didn't come close to it. He genuinely was unable to name the pieces of policy he passed as a response to questions. Yeah he had a few good retorts and lines here and there, but overall it was so disappointing. Still voting Joe of course but I mean cmon.

I've reiterated what I literally saw with my eyes. If you think you can convince me I saw something else, I refer you to the OP.

Dude this isn't healthy. Like you've got to take break from whatever circles you are in because it's frankly a bit embarrassing to think he was coherent.

You're getting swept up in a cult like defense of a politician.

You're currently trying to convince someone that what he literally saw isn't what he saw. I'm glad you think I'm not healthy, but I think you've got bigger problems to worry about.

You're going to frick over this country. Enjoy Trump part 2 because you can't open your eyes and think objectively.

I guess our education system has let you down. I'm sorry. We need media literacy education.



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That's right folks, tonight, for the first time this election cycle, Former President and Current Felon DONALD J TRUMP will face off in a battle of wits against Current President and Dementia Patient JOESPH BIDEN. There will be GAFFS :marseyshy4: . There will be LAUGHS :marseylaugh: . There will be ZINGERS :marseycool:. There will be DINGERS :marseyishygddt:. And, Lord Willing, by the end of the debate we'll all know who we're voting for.

I will try my ABSOLUTE HARDEST to get a STREAM rolling, but I might be late. !jannies, if I am not able to, could one of you start it?

It starts tonight at 9:00PM Eastern Time. Eurocucks are, as always, NOT INVITED.

be there......... OR DIE!!!


At this point we're gonna need a required civics competency exam for both voters and candidates if this unapologetic stupidity doesn't stop.

That's racist :marseyblackpearlclutch:

Propaganda works, and we're drowning in it. Unfortunately the good guys don't use it, because they tend to find mass social manipulation with crude psychosocial engineering techniques kinda immoral. So the most effective propaganda is largely produced by our enemies, foreign and domestic.

What we do is not propaganda chud! We're just teaching you how to be a decent human being :soyreddit:

more than that, I feel like the sportification of politics has caused some people to just blindly select the "trump good biden bad" option in these polls, no matter what the prompt is.

He says this with zero hints of irony :soysnooseethetyping:

Not sure where you're from, partner, but in the USA, some people pronounce Fascism kinda funny like…That may help explain the headline a bit.

The party of the working class :marseyrevolution:

The irony is the one who said he'd be a dictator "only on day one" is none other than Trump, not Biden, facts. The mainstream media doesn't realize Trump will shut down the "lugenpresse" if he gets re-elected within a year of his second term, watch.

Burger dramatards you must go and vote for Trump now :marseybegging:

Some people believe that the government is ran by a deep state cabal and the only way to fix things and to restore democracy is to let Trump rule as a dictator so he can clean house and purge all of the rogue elements.

Once again, no hints of irony :marseynoyou:

β€œThink of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” -- George Carlin

Words of wisdom, weirdly… but this seems to be ignorance of a new order. Can so many really not know any better?

So close and yet so far :marseyspecial:

Nate Silver the Fivethirtyeight dude has Trump most likely to win the election at the moment based on all the poll data. He's not trying to make it a close race to increase revenue. People need to realise that Trump has a better or equal chance of winning than Biden right now.

Fivethirtyeight is an aggregate site, and they haven't gotten an election right since 2012.

Not true they gave trump a much much higher chance of winning than anyone else, they also predicted the Biden win.

What was that question about choosing to live in ignorance again? :marseysmug2:

😈Satan could show up to America and claim he's the real victim and he's the one trying to save democracy and people will vote for him over Jesus.

Odd, I don't remember chuds claiming that Satan is the real hero of the Bible :marseyquestion:

The 2012 election was the last election with decent candidates. The fact that you have to choose between a corrupt fascist billionaire and an 81 year old war monger tells you everything you need to know about the state of American democracy. Please travel a lot more. It doesn't have to be like that. Mobilize, educate yourselves. A better system is possible. Look beyond American politics and understand that you've been living in a nationalist regime with neoliberal policies disguised as a democracy.

>please travel a lot more

This is such a bougie 'advice', just take time off work and spend all your savings to travel the world until you agree with me :marseyeyeroll:

In 1950, 5 years after the end of World War II, there was a nationwide survey in Germany that asked if Adolf Hitler was good for Germany. Remember that almost every German town got blasted to smithereens, and at the end of the war, 70 year old men and 10-year-old boys were guarding most cities. An astonishing 25% of the German people said that Adolf was good for Germany. Those same people are the ones that you are referring to in these "surveys" that think that drumpf would be good for the US.

This has nothing to do with Trump but it allows me to mention him and Hitler in the same paragraph so get worried already and vote for my side :marsey57:


I don't want to pozz my computer with malware. We could have a creature design contest to see who can make the best spore creature.


Smooth talking @ 3:18

When you get at that level there are only two things left to do

Control weather and stream

Feeling powerful and pondering on the endless possibilities of what to do next

Lessons in fulfillment, responsibility and post-modernist individualism by Jinx


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  • 1 : Nice!
:bluelight: :!marseysoypoint: NEW STEVE MRE :redlight:
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  • whyareyou : thats what i get for not checking the username :marseydepressed:
  • Cusek : I'm not clicking on that
  • JohnDevereaux : UH-UHHH neighbor I ain't fallin for that shit no more
  • DickButtKiss : Ignore the username, this link is actually legit
Joe Biden has entered the meme war.

Drink ya boys ball sweat for $4.60


Knights vs Gnomes 2024

Idk if anyone else is on gnometok but after gnomewizard crawly went viral

It's spawned a bunch of lore. Crawly often captions videos with "poor knights will never get us" so knighttok has entered the fray

And it's a gnome Renaissance rn on the chinky Spyware app


:soysnooseethe: :soysnootypefast: :marseygroomer2:say we all gonna dir

Amazing how this story died a few months ago only to spark back up just a day after Biden's big master debate debacle

mmt of Wag The Dog

RIP Anne Haech :marseylibations:


!chuds !oldstrags !ranchers GTFIH

Tom-chan and Jerry-chan




!soyteens !chuds

:pepesuit: :marseyfortunetellergenocide:
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