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More like Pussolini
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  • Racecar_Johnny : Closed: duplicate of thread /h/slackernews/post/263099/
Let's look at the Stack Overflow new user experience in 2024

In response to constant bitching from jannies (unpaid) that new users aren't asking good questions, Stack Overflow have added a new feature called the Staging Ground:

Basically new users aren't even allowed to ask questions directly onto the site anymore and their questions are instead pushed into a separate pipeline where no one can give them answers and their questions are instead disseminated by powerusers. Only if a question passes this multi-stage process does it actually make it onto SO proper. Spoiler: nothing ever passes.

Let's look at what this new user experience looks like...

A new user asks a Python question (now deleted so no link). It's correctly formatted, it explains the question clearly and shows the error. This sounds like a good question, right? WRONG.

They're asked to edit the question (which they do), and then they're told to edit it again. The question is then closed as being "off topic" (it's a Python coding question lol) and to rub salt into the wounds a poweruser asks the Meta (aka poweruser sneed) forum how to punish them further in How should we respond in the Staging Ground when OP ignores feedback, makes a trivial edit and submits for re-evaluation?.

The response? Ask for more changes:

This is exactly what declined re-eval was added for. To elaborate more: we added this feature for this exact scenario, and it is designed to give the reviewer a frictionless way to both tell the author that they still need to address the original feedback (IIRC, banner tells them this). And if the author continues to ignore it, they will be temporarily blocked, with clear explanations why

Of course OP can't actually do this because their question has been closed as off topic.

Congrats Stack Overflow, you're going to die even faster.


What do you think of it, years later?

I couldn't finish it, it just seemed like it dragged. With some tighter editing I think I would have finished it but I have no attention span.


Sam, 26

Michael, 28

Rio Grande Valley

Personal Life/Career:

  • Recently married, April 6th this year

    • Engaged for 4 months

    • Dating for 4 years

    • Never talked about finances before getting married?

  • Assistant Manager (Her) timestamp

    • 2'100 a month roughly
  • Truck Driver (Him) timestamp

    • 2'400 a month
  • She is currently in school? timestamp

    • Studying Social Work? Doing a Masters

    • She has student loans but I did not catch what they were


  • Combined finances less than a month ago, she added him to her account

  • "Different opinions" on spending timestamp

    • She says she's more frugal, he likes spending on electronics and vehicles

    • He Upgraded to new iPhone, FOMOS into newest thing

  • How do their financial conversations go? timestamp

    • She says she wants to pay off debt quickly, "to zero as fast as possible" even if it's 0% apr

    • "He sees zero apr and he's like oh, we don't gotta pay anything at all"

  • They have zero in their savings (paid off some cards recently)

  • She paid off a few things that were at 0 instead of another 0 that was about just hit the interest period timestamp

    • "To be fair he signed up on a property without me knowing" :marseyxd:

    • 120'000 property? He told her he was going to look and he ended up buying it on sight? "Owner to Owner financing"

      • Before marriage

      • Paid 117'000 with financing?

      • Applying to refinance "soon" timestamp

        • Currently at 12% over 30 years

        • they want a lower monthly and fewer years

    • Specifics timestamp

      • 6'000

      • There's another 6'000 that went to paying the parents?

        • Paying back parents for wedding?
  • Built a 860 sq ft "frame house" on the property timestamp

    • Property is 3 acres

    • Building the house cost $37'000

  • Score timestamp

    • He says - 8

    • She say - 4

  • Credit Card 1 (Wells Fargo) ($4'120) tiemstamp

    • $42 minimum payment

    • 0% interest until October

    • 92 in new purchases

    • CC was opened because she wanted to start a business timestamp

      • Coffee cart selling expresso drinks outside markets

      • "Got busy" so she couldn't keep doing this, sold all equipment - didn't make money? timestamp

        • Awkward laugh when asked what she got from the sale? Got 2500 back?

        • Spent 10'000 on this?

        • Got a job because this wasn't working well?

  • Credit Card 2 (4'028) timestamp

    • Interest about to start accruing

    • Paid 5'000 - claims she doesn't remember where she got this

      • Balance was 9'000

      • After getting pressed, says it was from a 20'000 personal loan

    • 92 in new purchases

  • Personal Loan (21'749) timestamp

    • 21% interest

    • Gets pressed hard on why she traded 5'000 at 0% for a 21% :marseyxd:

    • more info timestamp

      • In her name

      • They didn't know it was $21'749

      • Weren't able to make any minimum payments because of his motorcycle? timestamp

        • He doesn't even use it and now it's busted - front shock went out and it would be a 2'000 repair bill
    • Paid off the bike with this timestamp

      • 227 a month

      • 7'000 balance on it

      • 7% interest rate :marseyxd:

      • Bike's used value is around $9'000

  • She remembers why she paid off his credit cards timestamp

    • She did not like the monthly minimum payments?

    • "I don't know what I'm doing"

  • Credit Card 3 (Lowe's) timestamp

    • Paid off, one of the things in that personal loan

    • Would have been interest free for another couple months?

    • Ate a late fee at some point

    • Was 2'000

    • Paid for a washer/dryer on here? timestmap

      • 0% financing at Lowe's

      • Her dad had given money for washer/dryer, he used it for the wedding and 0%'d the washer/dryer. She did not know about this and thought they were paid for in cash?

        • Her parents are divorced :marseyxd:
  • Credit Card 4 (Discover) ($10'656) timestamp

    • To build the house - he clarifies that it was finishing the interior of the house

    • "Because we didn't have the money for it" :marseyxd:

    • He has never watched the show before - she has

    • Roughly 3000 a year in interest accruing on this?

  • Credit Card 5 (City Simplicity) ($5'909) timestamp

    • His, she paid this one off as part of the personal loan

      • actually this was with the wedding gifts? 6'000 in wedding gifts? actually the wedding gifts and some savings?

      • Actually it was a different much smaller card she paid off :marseyxd:

    • 0% interest :marseyxd:

      • He thinks this ends by August

      • Actually it ended 3 weeks ago :marseyxd:

    • $59 minimum payment

    • 29%

  • Credit Card 6 (Home Depot)

    • Paid off
  • Credit Card 7 (Capital One Savior One) (Paid off) timestamp

    • A bunch of Amazon purchases on this one - for the wedding?

      • Lights, table covers, etc?
  • Credit scores -

    • His is 630

    • Her's is 695 (last she checked)

  • "How did she convince you to come on this show?" timestmap

    • He didn't want to come on :marseyxd:

    • He didn't watch the "on-boarding video" because "she didn't tell him about it" :marseyxd:

    • they try to justify their financial opinions timestmap

  • Purchased a water slide timestamp

    • He is trying to make money with this by renting it out?

    • $1'600 total

    • Hasn't been able to rent it yet? :marseyxd:

  • Bought some pc fans timestamp

    • He's been playing Helldivers 2
  • Attempts to convince them not to be r-slurred timestamp

  • He has 3 vehicles timestamp

    • 1 at his house

    • 1 at parent's garage

    • 1 his dad uses

  • Checking Account ($31) timestamp

    • Disastrous amount of eating out :marseyxd:

    • It's like they think credit cards are literally free money

    • 453 just on going out to eat :marseyxd:

    • Phone bill is $185 (they both owe on their phones)

  • An attempt to explain how interest works timestamp

  • Budget time timestamp

Sam Hyde arrested? :marseyitsover:
In this thread we share comedy lit. :marseysociety2:

!bookworms share your comedy kinos :marseyexcited:

MasterLawlz has begun writing erotica on Reddit about an imaginary girlfriend :marseylawlz:

My 28m gf 27f called me "Ben 10" during s*x. I think she might be cheating. How do I check?

So my gf and I are doing it this morning and we're doing it missionary and it's really good.

At one point she screams out "give it to me Ben" my name isn't Ben, she then pauses and says "10, give it to me Ben 10, oh yea you like fricking Gwen don't you?".

She later acted embarrassed and admitted to me that she has a huge thing for Ben 10 as he was her first crush as a kid.

But I think she might he lying and there might be some Ben out there.

Am I crazy?

Tldr gf claims to have Ben 10 fetish


42 year old :marseychud: white male shoots up waterpark in the same county as the HS shooting a few years ago where the parents got time.

new anime :marseydenji: girl


Taking bets on my most used words

Euro 2024 Live Match Thread - Italy vs Albania



Jimmy Carter is living the dream

God I wish that were me :marseysleep#:

Reported by:
Asian :marseyluckycat: male is life on hardcore in America :marseyevilagent:



I saw a study that claimed almost 55% of Australians dislike the us and only 15% support them. I was wondering if this was true and if so is there any particular reason why?

Asking redditors how they feel about the US? :marseylaying:

I'm not mad at the US, I'm just disappointed


You sound like one of the reasons we don't really like the USA. Don't take this the wrong way, it's not like we really care, but you sound like an idiot to anyone in a first world country.


The entire globe thinks the U.S. is a joke. Because it is. I live in Colorado at the moment and laugh my butt off at the stupidity of this country every day


Guns. And the total chaos that is Trump. We can't seem to understand how millions can believe the crap that he says and not see what a terrible,lying, hypocrite he is. It is like the world is watching on in disbelief at a country that was once so respected, and then to allow one clown to ruin hundreds of years of an envied global reputation.


Trump is absolutely new to American politics. Off the top of my head, he's the first criminal president. He absolutely doesn't represent conservative politics as they were understood even 20 years ago. What are you on about? You don't even understand your own country.

America has NEVER had a populist president before :soysnoo5:

Comment chains are good and you should go and read some

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