
Telegroomers on suicide watch as Pavel Russianovkov or whatever says he's going to start turning userdata over to law enforcement

@DeletedAccount seething

:#marseyrave: :#marseyrave: :#marseyrave: :#marseyrave: :#marseyrave: :#marseyrave: :#marseyrave: :#marseyrave: :#marseyrave:


Reddit is like 50/50 on defending her versus "my heckin food tampering" which is pretty funny to see.



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Hello I am an NPC and I am ready to be subconsciously influenced against environmental activists by watching this film (359)

Greenpeace is out there flying drones into nuclear plants to protest nuclear energy so it's not really that hard to be against extremist groups (-17)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Is it the ex-soldier turned window cleaner part or Daisy Ridley (all 125lbs of badass) kicking butt? How could this sound moronic to you? (444)

Why does the woman's weight always come up in these conversations, when 90% of action cinema features absurd physical match ups by design? We never blinked at Arnie and his inflated physique and inability to fight or hold a gun properly.  (-17)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Ah the good old "defending the poor energy company from the evil climate activist" heroA fight we can all get behindCheering for those brave ultra rich peaceful altruistic energy companies and against those selfish evil violent climate activists will surely feel really natural and resonate really well with modern society (386)

You didn't actually read the premise, did you?The activists' plan is hijacked by actual terrorists and the main character sets out to take them and the corrupt energy moguls down. (7)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

See, the problem with this complaint is that 80% of the time, if you actually paid attention to the media, said "comically evil thing" the villain does after they state their "good point" actually completely in-character for them.Making "a good point" shouldn't change the fact that someone behaves like a villain the whole time.The whole reason they're labeled as a villain is because they went too far and potentially result in the same destructive feats they're supposedly opposing. In these scenarios, the hero usually learns from them and addresses the point in a non-destructive way.Killmonger is a hypocrite who wanted to be the oppressor instead of destroying oppression.The Riddler never cared about helping the less privileged; only getting revenge on people he blames for his misery, like a larger-scale school shooter.Thanos was ultimately just a narcissist who wanted to be validated as a savior.The Flagsmashers, though, completely deserve this criticism. (25)

But that is the complaint. They're not saying it's out of character for those villains to be evil. They're saying the problem is that the villains were written to be that extreme in the first place since it prevents the anyone from addressing the problem the villains bring up in any substantive way, and they end up dealing a lot more with the damage the villains caused. (12)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

If someone is the type of person to think that one data point constitutes a pattern, then I don't know what can be done, other than be entirely moralistic in our art. "The good guys always win and the bad guys always lose," and all that.If the message of the movie is that climate activism is bad, then I'll take issue. But I'm not going to demand that climate activists, as individual characters and people, are always portrayed in a positive light. (1)

It's not one data point. 1- the people held hostage and in need of saving are energy company corpos; 2- those holding them hostage with weapons are climate activists; 3- those climate activists are being manipulated unknowingly by violent terrorists; 4- our hero is specifically focused on saving the corpos (and yes, maybe a token good activist).It's like how Silence of the Lambs actually states the murderer isn't a transsexual (language used at the time), but all that anyone remembers is a 'man who wants to be a woman and kills women to wear their skin' (again, how it's presented in the film, not an accurate view of transpeople). AKA it comes off as a transperson who violently kills women in order to become one.Similarly, while the details of the script might present some climate activists sympathetically, and probably even throws in some shitty billionaire CEO, all anyone's going to take away from it is that the climate activists were optimistic fools who got tricked into violence ... (3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Ah another movie GROOMING people into believing that Activists are a threat and the problem. It's such a typical movie trope done by the rich. Oh you like saving the environment? Here's a movie where the villain is like you but… takes it too far!!!!Oh you want to end economic disparity? Here's a movie where the villain is like you but….. takes it too FARR!!!!Oh you want a movie where people want the military to stop fricking devastating their country? Here's a movie where the villains share your view but take it to FAARRRR!!!!!!!sit down. Shut the frick up. Enjoy this shitty movie we paid 150 million for to lose money. I am so fricking sick of Hollywood ect making real causes, issues, the bad guy in their movies. It's totally a fricking thing. (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/NotBannedAccount419

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🔘🔘

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


We are litigation counsel for WP Engine and write to address the serious and repeated misconduct Automattic has directed toward WP Engine over the past several days.

Stunningly, Automattic's CEO Matthew Mullenweg threatened that if WP Engine did not agree to pay Automattic – his for-profit entity – a very large sum of money before his September 20th keynote address at the WordCamp US Convention, he was going to embark on a self-described "scorched earth nuclear approach" toward WP Engine within the WordPress community and beyond. When his outrageous financial demands were not met, Mr. Mullenweg carried out his threats by making repeated false claims disparaging WP Engine to its employees, its customers, and the world. Mr. Mullenweg has carried out this wrongful campaign against WP Engine in multiple outlets, including via his keynote address, across several public platforms like X, YouTube, and even on the site, and through the WordPress Admin panel for all WordPress users, including directly targeting WP Engine customers in their own private WordPress instances used to run their online businesses.

Mr. Mullenweg's covert demand that WP Engine hand over tens of millions to his for-profit company Automattic, while publicly masquerading as an altruistic protector of the WordPress community, is disgraceful. WP Engine will not accede to these unconscionable demands which not only harm WP Engine and its employees, but also threaten the entire WordPress community. WP Engine has sought to do the right thing at each stage of Mr. Mullenweg's wrongful campaign and will continue to do so, with the integrity and candor that are hallmarks of its own culture and that of many other participants in the WordPress ecosystem. Mr. Mullenweg's words and conduct constitute actionable wrongdoing and must cease immediately.

He went to defend himself on Reddit:

They had the option to license the WordPress trademark for 8% of their revenue, which could be delivered either as payments, people (Five for the Future .org commitments), or any combination of the above.

I would have happily negotiated from there, but they refused to even take a call. Their entire strategy has been to obscure and delay, which they tried to do on Friday. "Can we get the right folks together early next week?" They've been stringing us along for years, I'm the dummy for believing that they actually wanted to do anything. But making it right, now.

And also went in for a fight on orange site:

WP Engine calls itself the worlds #1 wordpress hosting (with over 1.5m clients), but they aren't even in the top 10 material contributors to wordpress. Although they have pledged to support wordpress development, is is only to the tune of 40 hours a week. Their pledge is miniscule given their usage of wordpress and isn't even in the top 25 pledges made. It seems they were called out on this, and told to resolve it or it would get highlighted, and highlighted it was.

Sure, the license allows them to do whatever they want, but there's nothing wrong with publicizing that they don't give much in return. With over $400M ARR, thats something they could easily resolve.

Take note, this is how to do business negotiations:

Everyone I don't like continues to end up being a p-dophile vol. 8140




Daily Mail has the scoop

The attack took place at Chongqing Zoo in the city of the same name in south-western China just after 9am on September 19.

It first shows the keeper trying to escape the enclosure but the panda throws its weight behind the door, forcing her to run back inside.

The panda then runs after the zookeeper who tries to keep the animal at bay by putting her hands on its shoulders.

But the panda surges forward, and eventually swipes her off her feet and pounces on top of her.

It appears to be biting the terrified keeper on the arm as she tries to push it away.

She eventually managed to run for the door while the panda was distracted.

Foid tries to film anything without impotently screaming like scared monkeys challenge: Impossible

The attack shocked visitors at the zoo who could be heard screaming as it unfolded.

Chongqing Zoo has since promised to put safety measures in place to ensure a similar incident does not happen again.

The park, built in 1953, covers an area of 111 acres and has a variety of animals including giant pandas, red pandas, the South China tiger and white tigers.

A zoo spokesman said the keeper's condition was not serious but did not elaborate.

And at the time of writing the panda, named Ding Ding, was still visible to the public in its enclosure.

Ding Ding is a female panda born on August 30, 2015 at Chongqing Zoo, with pedigree number 982.

Move along, please. China zoo safety numba 1 :marseyjewoftheorient:


This is really funny I think

rdrama "too far away to have fired shots into location" check-in thread

post itt to establish an alibi via cloudflare RayIDs

i, carpathianflorist, am thousands of miles away and could not have done it

i condemn violence against politicians and political aspirants

the only weapon anyone should be using is the ballot box

furthermore i affirm trans peoples right to exist

now you go

failure/refusal to promptly check in means that you are a likely suspect and we will be forwarding your information to the appropriate authorities


!chuds !nooticers :marseygiggle: "Tyrone Muhammad"

CHICAGO --- After serving 20 years in state prison for murder, former gangbanger Tyrone Muhammad never expected to return to the city's tough South Side and find Venezuelan migrants and the criminal Tren de Aragua gang moving in. But Muhammad, 53, who's gone straight and runs a street patrol and violence prevention program called Ex-Cons for Community and Social Change says Venezuelan criminal gangs flooding shelters and taking over apartment buildings are the last straw for the struggling African-American community. He says they are furious at seeing government money going to what they call "non-citizens."

"It is impossible to release gang members and criminals into our country through the borders and broken walls and infiltrate them in our community that's already impoverished and broken," Muhammad told The Post last week on the O Block, a stretch along South King Drive that's considered the most dangerous in the city. "When the black gangs here get fed up with the illegalities and criminal activities of these migrants or non-citizens, the city of Chicago is going to go up in flames and there will be nothing the National Guard or the government can do about it when the bloodshed hits the streets. It'll be blacks against migrants."

The latest figures show Chicago has spent almost half a billion dollars over the last two years on the more than 42,000 migrants who've arrived since 2022.

Many have been given money for rent, food stamp cards and even cars --- and some landlords have pushed out local African-Americans because they can get more government money for housing migrants.

Some belong to the one-time Venezuelan prison gang turned vicious multinational crime syndicate Tren de Aragua who sources in Chicago told The Post are heavily armed, brazen and spilling into areas of the South Side. Those areas are traditionally controlled by hundreds of entrenched gangs from the Gangster Disciples and Black P Stones to the Vice Lords, Latin Kings and Satan Disciples

TDA members flashing gang signs and wearing their uniforms of choice --- Chicago Bulls T-shirts and caps --- could be seen outside the Standard Club migrant shelter downtown, where two local Chicago police officers told The Post they were trying to encroach on a local gang's drug-dealing corner near a 7-11 store. Standard Club employees told The Post there hadn't been any crime in the shelter and denied the presence of Venezuelan gang members. But Terry Newsome, a white Chicago dad-turned-activist found there were 720 police incident reports logged at the Standard Club alone over the past 12 months.

He's teamed up with Muhammad and others concerned with migrant crime to make dozens of Freedom of Information Act requests to find out what's really going on. Newsome showed The Post police reports indicating s*x trafficking, child porn, drugs, carjackings, weapons and excessive spousal violence have occurred at four downtown shelters alone.

A TDA gang member was released by a Chicago judge despite a request from Immigration and Customs Enforcement to detain him --- just a month before he was charged in a violent jewelry store heist in Denver, not far from Aurora, Colo., where members of the gang have reportedly taken over apartment buildings. Earlier this month, Chicago cops were called to a building on the South Side where 32 armed Venezuelan migrants were said to be showing their weapons. Numerous residents on the gritty, run-down South Side interviewed by The Post during the course of a week, including young hard-core gang members the elder gangsters call "the millennials," said they're angry and frustrated about being overlooked by city officials, who they say favor the migrants.

"The real issue is that America has allowed gangs to enter our country," said a young Gangster Disciples member, David, standing on a high-volume drug-dealing corner near Martin Luther King Blvd. "Gangs that they would consider ex-terrorist groups. They let terrorist groups into our country!" he yelled angrily to the Post. "There's been a lot going on with (the migrant gangs) that nobody's even hearing about," Zacc Massie, 27, a street leader who first went to prison in 2015 and just recently got out.

"They be moving in our own territory and robbing people but they don't get arrested like we do. I actually talked to one on the translator app. He told me all the things he got going on; how they helped him get a car, an apartment, (EBT) card, all this stuff. They giving them thousands, we get maybe $400 a month. And they don't even have Social Security numbers! " Black P Stone member Corey Rogers took The Post on a drive through the area and pointed out several locations where he said Venezuelan gangs have been "showing the flag," meaning brandishing their guns. He also showed a reporter a gang Whatsapp thread with texts from gang members threatening turf wars with the Venezuelans.

"What bothers me is that the Venezuelans are united," Rogers said. "The black gangs are too divided and they take each other down." Rogers' friend and boss in what they call the "organization," Charles Harris, 55, gestured to an area two blocks from where he was standing in the Woodlawn section. "It's still violent down here but it's calmed down a lot,' Harris said, gesturing to the west. "Back in the day we'd get shot if we went over there. It's calmed down a lot. The last thing we need are the Venezuelans." Muhammad --- who was once the enforcer for Larry Hoover, head of the Gangster Disciples street gang --- formed a group called Ex-Cons for Trump because he feels the Democrats have failed inner-city black people for too long.

"It's not so much Trump himself, it's that the Democrats are selling us down the river," he said. "The boujee (upwardly mobile) blacks might like Kamala Harris but she isn't going to do anything for us." The Rev. Corey Brooks, 55, who established his New Beginnings Church and his outreach group Project Hood on the O Block more than 20 years ago, said his conservatism grew out of years of what he called failed Democratic policies and even being ignored for funding by Black Lives Matter when he tried to get donations for his new community center. "Chicago is a blue city and Illinois is a blue state but people are starting to wake up," Brooks told The Post last week at his church. "It's not about the person, it's about the policies. I've seen what's happening with my own eyes when it comes to the migrant criminal gangs and it's very concerning." Brooks got a firsthand glimpse when he found out about a young Venezuelan migrant who had to flee the apartment he shared with other migrants when they turned out to be a criminal gang a few months ago.

"People will accuse me of fear-mongering because I'm a Republican and a conservative but I know what I saw," Brooks told The Post. "The Venezuelan gangs took over his apartment and were doing illegal activities. I know the crimes that were being committed and how in danger his life was." The young man, aged 27, spoke to The Post but did not want to give his name or go on camera and said he was terrified for his life. "If they found out I was talking to anyone, they'd end my family's life with one bullet," he said in Spanish. "These are bad people." It's not just the gang members upset about the migrants moving in and using up money that locals say would better serve them.

Octavia Mitchell, 52, formed the Heal Your Heart organization after she lost her son, Izael Jackson, to gun violence here in 2010. Last year she lost her nephew, 21-year-old Avante Holmes, when he was gunned down on the South Side. 412 people have been murdered in Chicago so far in 2024 but she said less, not more, is being done to curb black-on-black violence. "I can't even reach nobody at City Hall or anywhere else that cares," Mitchell said. "They care about the migrants but they don't care about people like us whose roots are here. We matter, you know?"

The Chicago mayor's office did not return an email from The Post.

Jewhaters upset Isrealis have started hitting back in earnest :marseyjetbombing: :marseyjetbombing: :marseyjetbombing: :explode:

"Make no mistake, if Hezbollah wanted to inflict serious damage, they could. I am not sure what Israel wants from this escalation." :soymad: :soymad: :soymad:


/u/ccelesticca you find him in rdrama. May I introduce you to @pizzashill


wtf is going on? they don't seem to be limping or injured, and they do not have any kind of cast/brace on.

Ngl, I'm mostly posting this so I can ping the brand new ping group !illnessfakers :bigsmilesoyjak:

They want a psychosomatic illness so so so badly

:marseyagree: Don't we all though? Please doc, I need morphine :marseybegging:

its an instant identity/marginality upgrade you can buy for $29 on amazon that elevates you from being just white

:#marseyxesright: Based tbh

Yep it's some weird thing from tiktok that brain damaged youths have latched onto

but why is it always white women?? no guys. No people of color. What makes the white female mind so susceptible to this contagion


!redscarepod discuss

Im sorry for everything i do that is negative

Im pisces into aquarius 3 day cusp


Backstory: Fidelity Investments has some account called a Cash Management Account. It's a hybrid of a brokerage account (account you buy stocks) and a checking account (can write checks, debit card, bill pay). It's been around for a while, but it became a pretty popular tool in the internet personal finance sector because the setup let you earn ~5% of your money at all times. But it's not a real checking account (important).

A few weeks ago, the Chase glitch occurred. But a glitch allowed :marseyblack: to deposit a check (stolen or just their own), and instead of putting a hold and clearing it over a few days they got access to the funds immediately. So they would deposit a check for let's say $5,000, and then instantly withdraw the money. Obviously a super r-slurred thing to do with your account, but :marseyshrug: .

This was quickly fixed, but it caused some to wonder. What if other institutions did the same? Well they do. Banks have been operating on the clear first and ask questions later premise for a while, and brokerages even more so. This has brought to the limelight a type of fraud that's been around for a while. It's apparently coordinated through Telegram, and abuses mobile deposits not ATMs.

This leads into the Fidelity boyz:

It be rainin' :marseybux:

Fidelity was a nice target too since their mobile deposit limit was $100,000. Fidelity last week caught onto this and then decided to implement some combination of these measures onto most of the accounts:

  • Reducing mobile deposit to $1,000

  • Put 15 business day holds on mobile deposits and ACHs

  • Cancel peoples billpays

  • Randomly locking accounts

As with most things like this, it's hard to get the true story because you'll see a lot of posts where someone is depositing 30 checks a week and needs to transfer all the money instantly to 5 different bank accounts and then ghost

you when you ask what could they possibly be doing to justify it.

/r/fidelityinvestments mods setup a megathread addressing this and pinned it in the sub. They then answered basically no questions, and then unpinned it :marseygigachad:

Yep. I hope people look at these post before they think about opening an account with Fidelity. In my case they are holding my funds till 9th Oct (for deposits made on 16th Sept) . I had to make alternative arrangement to take care of my expenses.

The the worst part is that reddit is allowing Fidelity's moderators to delete posts on this issues and redirect us to this "megathread" which is more like a trash bin. Sorry if I sound frustrated as I really am.....

I recently transferred about $3000 into my Fidelity Cash Management account from US Bank on 9/15, and after 4 days, the funds were still unavailable. When I called to ask why, they explained that it was because I had pulled the funds from Fidelity rather than pushed them from US Bank.

They gave me a vague excuse about "industry trends" and "protecting Fidelity accounts" supposedly justifying the excessive hold. What makes this even more frustrating is that customer support admitted they never informed me about this extended hold upfront, and after reviewing Fidelity's terms, I wasn't able to find mention of such a long hold for this type of transaction.

Now, they've told me the funds will be held until at least 10/8. Even after verifying my identity, they won't release the money. While I can still use the money for things like buying stocks and bonds within Fidelity, the lack of transparency and delay in giving me full access is infuriating.

The more I see on this subreddit the more I become convinced the MegaThead is nothing more than a Catch & Kill effort

Nah you're just mad

Hello, my entire Bill Pay was deleted a couple of weeks ago. I was notified by email with no explanation. I have called Fidelity, and they just say that they have been looking into it and they will call me. It's been a week since the my Bill Pay disappeared, and I want it to pay bills as I always have. Help!

Happened last week to me. In my case I deposited a large personal check. The funds had cleared but they still restricted my account as they thought the check was fraudulent or that I wrote it (it was from my mother) they called my mother separately to confirm she wrote the check.

All very absurd but once they lifted the restrictions bill pay returned that same day.

Doctorofcredit thread. A lot of these people were locked since what they do looks pretty similar to money laundering anyway.

With all this backlash, it does make sense that Fidelity is losing some valuable customers.

Globohomo asserts dominance over 7 yo boy

trail cam manul



!metashit im looking at you @MoonMetropolis

How it actually plays out when a g*mer girl (female) actually plays vidya
Tax dollars @ work

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