Shocking keffals news

I am a novice creator and I hope it might be possible to interest you in prototype of my game. The game is text-based, but has some illustrations in 2D, so theoretically there is something to show in the video ;)

"Dominion of Darkness” is a strategy text game in which the player takes on the role of a Sauron-style Lord of Darkness with the goal of conquering the world. He will carry out his plans by making various decisions. He will build his army and send it into battles, weave intrigues and deceptions, create secret spy networks and sectarian cults, recruit agents and commanders, corrupt representatives of Free Peoples and sow groomercord among them, collect magical artifacts and perform sinister plots. Note – one game takes about 1 hour, but the premise is that the game can be approached several times, each time making different decisions, getting different results and discovering something new.

Game is definitely not-woke. In fact, althought it is not humorous game overall (but there is some dark jokes), I tried to parody some woke issues in it. E.g. there is a tale about ancient sorcerer-king who was so crazy that he demanded his subjects to pretend he is a woman. Also I used some woke tacticts as an evil, civilization-destroying methods you can use as as a Dark Lord, like sending "peaceful" orc immigrants or supporting quasi-communist revolution. There are also some "offensive" themes like slavery.

Game is free. It is work of passion and my main concern is gaining feedback, so I could improve it and make more fun.

Link to the game:

If you are hesitant to play the game, I invite you to watch/listen to the reviews:

  • Indie Sampler (video):

  • [BOKC] BlancoKix (video):


Reddit true believers try to blame it on anything except the fact that most sane Americans don't want anything to do with these r-slurred impractical pieces of shit.

Worth a read

#3: Virality

Social media allows any user to express any idea with the potential for instantaneous global reach. A great public speaker standing on a soapbox can spread ideas to maybe a few hundred people on a good night. A kid with the right amount of snark on Facebook can reach a few hundred million people within a few minutes.

A decade ago, technologists hoped this sort of virality would bring people together and guarantee access to suppressed truths. But as a structural matter, it is in a social network's interest to show you the things you are most likely to click on and share, and the things that will keep you on the platform.

As it happens, this often means outrageous, lurid, and triggering content. Researchers haveΒ foundΒ that content expressing maximal animosity toward political opponents gets the most engagement on Facebook and Twitter. And this incentive for outrageΒ drivesΒ and rewards misinformation.

As Jonathan Swift onceΒ wrote, β€œFalsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it.” Academics seem to haveΒ provedΒ this in the case of social media; people are more likely to share false informationβ€”perhaps because it seems more novel and surprising. And unfortunately, this kind of viral misinformation has beenΒ pervasive.

AI has the potential to supercharge the problem because it makes content production and propagation easier, faster, and more automatic. Generative AI tools can fabricate unending numbers of falsehoods about any individual or theme, some of which go viral. And those lies could be propelled by social accounts controlled by AI bots, which can share and launder the original misinformation at anyΒ scale.

Remarkably powerful AI text generators and autonomous agents are already starting to make theirΒ presenceΒ felt in social media. In July, researchers at Indiana UniversityΒ revealedΒ a botnet of more than 1,100 Twitter accounts that appeared to be operated using ChatGPT.

AI will help reinforce viral content that emerges from social media. It will be able to create websites and web content, user reviews, and smartphone apps. It will be able to simulate thousands, or even millions, of fake personas to give the mistaken impression that an idea, or a political position, or use of a product, is more common than it really is. What we might perceive to be vibrant political debate could be bots talking to bots. And these capabilities won't be available just to those with money and power; the AI tools necessary for all of this will be easily available to us all.



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God I fricking hate being told what to do

I can literally do all of my work from anywhere and they're telling me to be in the office. Fricking wish I retired and did this favor during covid because then I could've just done it while taking a shit given it takes just reading stuff. Now they want me to be present when my only plans for the week involve being a disgusting fatty degenerate.


Pretty sweet ceremonial gig.

And you even get your own royal heraldry crest!


Internet :marseysurftheweb: 2.0 is wild

Wat Do Me Wanna Be ? Parasite :marseychestburster: or Capable Self-Reliant Being !?!

Dunno :marseyshrug: why but lately me is feeling veri vexed and has done nuthin' all these years and the rest of moi' past history :marseysouthernbelle2: kept stigmatising me to the point :marseyroses: tat me reallie started to feel regrets. However as soon as me said me wanted to study, me will then start feeling tired, use it as a pretext to rest and then eventually go to sleep :marseyhatman: till the next day.

From 2003 till 2009 you can see how this guy gets more severely mental :marseycommittedwoman:

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