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The next character to added to SF6 is that stupid snow bunny, Mai , but after that, we're getting our beautiful queen .
Anyways, in our current times, there's always drama about how her features are just a European woman painted brown, in a game that has themes ostensibly about the wide world of martial arts.
The funniest part is that those most angry about the idea of her looking more Kenyan are black guys who were also mad they made Kimberly "ugly" by giving her African features
- BushWasRight : h/femboy
- Wronghole_McDonghole : New salvador alt detected
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Donald Trump is a 78 year old morbidly obese man that lives of McDonalds and diet soda. He just got done with the physically demanding job of campaigning for the most stressful job on the planet, where he was nearly killed twice.
He's not serving a full second term; the question is when will he die?
1. 2025
2. 2026
3. 2027
4. 2028
5. 2029
6. He won't
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