Mildly spicy book drama

Not a book banning in this instance but a teacher fired for ignoring new policies/laws and using the book in her class anyways. Probably some shit about right side of history reasoning idk.

Anyways the comment section is of course full of :marseytranspearlclutch::marseypearlclutch: as per usual.

Thankfully the book in question was named so one quick google search later shows you what it is and even a 10 page preview.

not included in the discussion amongst the :soycry: predditors is how this book ostensibly for children is really just straight up propaganda about :marseytrain2:ing out before you even know what sexual identity even is.

a few brave souls attempt to point out the book is trash, not appropriate for children at all or maybe we shouldn't demonize anyone not ideologically pure (deep in the kool-aid barrel liberal) and are called out for being the bigots they obviously are.

Never change reddit, please keep killing yourself just like the community you so you desperately want to be considered an ally of.


>Tell your child to get a job to learn work skills

>Their boss is hitting them up on Snapchat

>He's a male feminist


Brother calls himself an alpha - count how many times therapy suggestions come up :soycry: :marseylaugh:

just beat the shit out of him for being cringe, all of these redditors need bullying

warning very reddit comment:

hops on the top comment because i can only upmarsey this once this kid is absolutely in the 'toxic masculinity to violence' pipeline. He's 15 and he's already defaulting to responding to >>his brother's teasing by calling op's girlfriend - who it sounds like was not involved at all - a s*x worker* in an obviously derogatory manner. Yikes Yikes yikes.

*s*x work is WORK and should be treated as any other kind of physical labor but that doesn't change the massive stigma around it

also OP, its important to talk to your brother about not just the toxic dudes he's apparently emulating, but the toxic mindset of the girl in the original tiktok. she is ALSO contributing to >>toxic masculinity (which is NOT saying little bro's perspective is 'her fault' but it doesn't change the fact that her perspective is gross and harmful)

eta to add NTA yet, but you will be if you only continue to mock your brother and not take this seriously


I remember listening to Blood Mountain and not liking it years ago. Gave it a second try couple days ago and can't stop listening now. What are some other iconic albums/songs by them I should know?


DeSantis, however, initially refused to overtly state if he would personally support Trump. Rather, he first criticized Trump’s line of attack, particularly on DeSantis’s handling of the coronavirus, only later adding that the process β€” people’s final decision β€” should be respected.

Choice Comments:

God has already chosen Trump. Republicans scammed their base for 40 years about being anti-abortion. Trump and no one else made Roe vs Wade go away. Republicans murder babies for campaign donations, did it for 40 years, but Trump ended the scam and saved millions of lives.

I don't know who your god is, but you really should be careful putting words in my God's mouth. It doesn't surprise me however, your idiotic statement that Trump saved millions of lives, when he told millions of Americans to get the shot (Still Doing It) knowing MILLIONS OF AMERICANS ARE DEAD OR DISABLED from that poison, proves you are mentally deranged.

No...DeSantis IS NOT AND NEVER WILL support Trump. He's RINO AND SUPPORTED BY THE BUSH FAMILY. That is only a LITTLE of what's coming out about him. The man should have kept his mouth shut and ran Florida. He's the typical neo-con. Pulling the wool over people's eyes TALKING A GOOD GAME and then QUIETLY following cabal orders

Haha works both ways right , would Trump say he would support desantis if he wins the primary?

TRUMP WILL WIN IT ALL. He will never be forced to 'support' anybody.

Fellas' I know I say this every post, but I really, really love how boomers and rightoids use cap locks :marseylaughwith:

Trump would not support the Lord Jesus of he were nominated .

Let us see whether your Bushite can hold the Bible as Trump did on the international media. GWB did not even show up on Pro-life parade. Trump was the first sitting president to be there in-person and gave a resounding speech on life. So do not spew this nonsense. :!marseyindignant:

This is an idiotic question to ask a candidate of any ilk: "Will you support your opponent?" This is absolute garbage, gotcha pseudo-journ*lism. Desantis will fall in line and support Trump when he becomes the nominee. All sins will be forgiven.

No he will not. The Florida Meatball is just like Paul Ryan, Beijing Mitch, the Bush Family and General Milley. Meatball Ronnie is from the Pentagon, Harvard and Yale. He hates us and only Trump is for us.

Wow, quite the anti-Italian slur. Makes sense you are a Trumper. Trump is for himself and complete power. That's why he praised Cuomo's lockdown approach to COVID vs DeSantis' freedom approach.

But you find a guy who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and bayngs pornstars behind his wife's back credible?

Absolutely. I love Trump.

The more he campaigns, the less I like him. No loyalty to the party selection, no loyalty to trump, no respect for the trump supporterss.... just another selfish politician with a hard on for higher office. No class.

You have to be kidding right? Loyalty to Trump? Trump and his cult are on record - Trump or no one. DeSantis has not said one negative thing about Trump supporters. Your are just lying like Trump is.

Lying like Trump? Typical DeSantis zombie. It wasn't Trump that promised to serve out his governorship and not enter the race then turn around and enter the race. Ron solidified himself as a proven liar the second he entered the race. He killed any future runs for president because people KNOW he is a liar and can't be trusted.

β€œHe made a speech and everybody fell asleep.” Donald J. Trump on Ron DeSantis

"Trump made a speech and everyone, other than MAGA PINO's, knew he was lying"- Jim Dandy to the rescue on Donald Trump

β€œTrump has shown himself to be the most devastating debater probably since Abraham Lincoln.” RFK Jr.

I'm behind on my Q lore, why do MAGAtards love RFK Jr. now? :marseyconfused:

DeSantis thinks Trump will be taken down so he can cruise to the nomination and is giddy at the prospect. This shows that he is not someone who true conservatives should support.

They all know trump is going to crash and burn.

Wishful thinking on the part of Dems and RINOs. No matter how much mud is slung at him, Trump will persevere. The traitors should be careful because if Trump goes down, he is taking massive numbers of his enemies with him.

I liked DeSantis until he opened his mouth. He's a complete fool who knows nothing about strategy, won by a small margin with Trumps help, and supported the TPP.

Actually, he won with 59% of the vote in reelection, a record margin in Florida. He doesn't need Trump's help.

Spoken like a true democrat. Trevor's comment was about Ron needing Trump's endorsement to get elected and you can't handle it so you talk about his reelection. People aren't as stupid as you, most on this site won't get fooled by your deflection. :marseyseethe:

Awesome! I like DeSantis even more after reading this. Standing up to the school yard bully is admirable.

Another l0ser RINO. Too stup1d to realize you and the Dims are no different.

I like how he censored "loser" and "stupid" :marseylaughwith:

DeSantis is just a deep state tool being used to try to drive a wedge between Republicans.

Trump gave money to all those people for years - Schumer, Hillary and so on. You guys are so easily fooled.

You've obviously never run a business. You're such a neocon traitor.

I mean, Trump has only been publicly smearing, misrepresenting, and lying about DeSantis for six whole months. Why would DeSantis not jump at the opportunity to support Trump?!

Oh really? And you think another RINO like Ron is going to fix DC? Or withstand the 24/7 attacks from the real crimin&ls? Dream on little boy.

No one is going to change DC, son. Sober up.

The only sane comment here.

Explain why Trump threw loyal Kaley McEnaney under the bus.

How do you know she was loyal? Most of those that served under him turned out to be traitors.

If Trump is not the nominee I will be sitting the next presidential election out. I hope the limp republicans know that many other will do the same

Okay Joe Biden supporter go groom some children

exactly. No one voted for Donald Trump, they voted against Hillary Clinton. I heard it all over America during that campaign. Lifelong Democrats who said they would vote Trump because it would block Hillary, and because Trump wasn't really a Republican anyway. In 2020, no one voted for Joe Biden, they voted against Donald Trump.

You people are insane. Fine, try to drag that dead horse across the finish line without us because I can assure you, without us, Ron loses disastrously. Even Ronbot idiots have to see that! We WILL NOT VOTE FOR RON DESANTIS! EVER!

Trump can't shake off giving Fauci a MEDAL! He'll never live it down.

β€œWe are number one in the country in doses per capita.” ~ Ron DeSantis bragging about vaccines

DeSantis fanboys act like snowflakes. β€˜Drumpf’ β€˜Indictment’ β€˜cult’ β€” They must be No Labels or Lincoln Project rejects with TDS.

your rds is pathetic, cultist. no one cares about your lying orange god

Spewing TheHill troll propaganda is really helping your case that DeSoros isn't globalist trash.


Trump will be the nom. But Dominon will change the totals as everyone saw on national TV and ballots will be trucked in at midnight, again as everyone saw on national TV, to match the new domino totals. Still gotta vote to make them cheat harder, but dont expect for a min. that Trump will be allowed to win. Viva Banana republic.

You should send your evidence to Fox and they can get their money back.

Plenty of evidence :marseycope:

So every Republican has to pledge their support to Trump, but he's not under obligation to support the nominee if it ain't him?

Trump never said anything of the kind. STOP WATCHING THE CARTOON CHANNEL.

Well, he has not said he would support the nominee so you are wrong. He has declined to say so - says it all.

When Trump isn't telling you a straight answer that means he's saying 'no'. Why should he? He WILL BE THE NONIMEE AND GET ANOTHER TERM.

Wrong answer Gov. I thought you wanted to get elected in 2028

Explain why Trump threw loyal Kaley McEnaney under the bus.

Explain why you're a RINO no different than a leftist? BOTH want to take down Trump, the BEST POTUS in many decades.

If he were the best, he'd have won reelection. Loser.

It was stolen, l1ar. Want proof, illiter1te? Lets talk about the SIX STATES who have investigated the fraud they found on their dimes, m0r0n. I have proof, want to argue against it, stup1d?

He really struck a nerve with that reelection comment. :marseylaugh:

You clearly don't believe the elections are rigged if you are voting in them

I vote, to further prove their illegitimacy you buffoon. :marseysmoothbrain:

Don't you sycophants get tired of defending Trump on EVERYTHING he says?

No, not in the slightest. TRUMP OR BUST


Im an r-slur but is he a r-slur ??? even khohols who are masters at hyped predictions wouldn’t say something like this when we are almost at end of 1st month of the summer

Investigate in a girl child

Trans Lives Matter

Guess what? Today is Friday!


The Pointer Sisters- Number 12 from Sesame Street

like how this offensive suppose to work out if ??? to get rid of those mines you need special technicians and to place those mines you need a simple vehicle that can like just scatter them around but go off


ok so basically time and cost wise mines win over anti mine tech

Then we have AD that get destroyed by 2,5k buks drone when a single stinger missile cost 25k in 1991 and now they sell it for 400k ( He says that a shoulder-fired stinger missile cost $25,000 in 1991. With Raytheon now the sole supplier, it costs more than $400,000 to replace each missile sent to Ukraine) yes Raytheon has butt s*x with tax payers.

the next game changer f16 will also bring nothing to the table if its best missile is already used on mig29 like harm, jdam and supposedly aim-120

ok so russian killing khohols jets with mig31 using some big missiles with 2 times range of aim-120, and those f16 will like just give some free kills to strangest jet ever made (mig31) they also have no answer to russian ad

also like but now they are promising next counteroffensive


Ukraine can get the promised American Abrams tanks for the next counteroffensive. :marseythumbsup:

yes things will be different when ukraine get the abrams1a2s s for shit model

edit: seems like ukraine getting abrams1a1s but go off


So now bros wait for epic winter counteroffensive :marseykneel:

will be cancelled for warm temperature PERIODT


If the universe really is just a holographic simulation I want to go back.


So a lot of western switch games look extra shit because instead of getting a 32gb they cheap out and get a 16gb one and compress everything. So a 60gb ps4 game will be compressed to 16gb instead of getting 64gb or 32gb card. I hope next Nintendo console will have similar cartridge. There already coming out games on ps5 that require 2 disks like Star Wars surviver but they cheated out and sell 1 disk with mandatory download but knowing Nintendo, the new console will have like 64gb storage :marseythumbsup:

omg! switch 32gb storage also makes for dev very hard to sell 50gb digital only games because not everyone buys sd cards for switch

let’s hope nintendo never change, karen

William Afton-chan

You can see the r*pe

The Reddit Admins are essentially playing out the abusive dynamic in real time. In fact you can just run down the DENNIS system to see the standard Silicon Valley exploition cycle at work.

Demonstrate Value - Reddit became a place where people wanted to spend time online by offering up moderator positions to anyone who wanted to run a subreddit.

Engage Physically - Reddit became a porn hub

Nurture Dependence - Other social media sites became more and more corporate and ad-infested.

Neglect Emotionally - Perpetual announcements in which it's clear that the users are a regrettable component of Reddit's business model.

Inspire Hope - Make a promise to provide better moderator cowtools. Maybe this time Reddit has changed.

Separate Entirely - That's on the Reddit userbase, isn't it?

Point is I call R*PE


they're RAPING their USERS


:#marseybong: :#marseymanlet: :#marseydicklet: :#!marseyflagnetherlands:

Reddit discusses, Dutchchads stay winning

Who is your favorite waifuist/fictosexual lolcow? Mine is the woman who married a one-off Spyro character and then left him for a Pokemon.


tiktok drama about lobotomies and white feminism

If you haven't heard the news, after many many weeks of speculation and leaking (real or otherwise), we finally have confirmation of a new Nintendo Direct coming tomorrow!

Birdsite Announcement :marseybluecheck:

Being the first real Direct in a solid few months (and surprisingly, a Direct that's happening before September, as was the norm!), there is much hype among the :marseynintendo: fans - and as always, there is plenty of unrealistic hoping and coping about what'll be revealed from the many :marsoy:s that inhabit this very internet...


Now, be it a legitimate approach on predicting for tomorrow, or just pure wish fulfillment :marseyhope:...what do you think will be shown?

$$Misc/Other - elaborate in the comments, if you please :marseywait:

Anyway, that's all for now...see you tomorrow! :bananamario:

Things I learned Today: there's a new Aliens RTS
James O'Keefe put out a video with Pariah

Pariah is an unrelenting font of drama. This is going to be good.

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